Miami Beach City Hospital (See Municipal Hospital)_July 1942 to October 1943MIAMI BEACH CITY HOSPITAL (See MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book Page Proposed operating budget of M.B.City Hospital presented by Board of Trustees July 3>19^2 21 ^ol Estimated |27,000 Improvement Program on M.B.City Hospital discussed July 3> 19^2 21 j6l Appropriation of $27,000.set up from Current Fund Surplus for im provements to hospital 7/3/^2 21 j6l Board recommends changing titles ofy_-^_i|,2 jSl Pres. and Vice-Pres.of Board and Supt.and nurses not be under Civil Service21, MIAMI BEACH GETY HOSPITAL (See MUNICIPAL HOSP.) _ - Book PaftS— 1st and 2nd readings Ord.amend ing Ord.#652 as to nameof Presi dent and Vice-president of Hospital Trustee Board 7/15/^2 21 386 Contract for remodelling work awarded . . 7/22/if2 21 H-ll & U-12Council authorize Mr.Hice and Mr. Frink to purchase kitchen equip. 7/22/112 21 4-12 Airdonditioning the operating room contract awarded Belcher Industries,Inc. at $4485.00 7/28/42 21 4-14- MIAMI BE4CH CITY HOSPITAL (See MUNICIPAL HOSP.) Book Pase 3rd'and final reading Ord.#662 amending Ord.#652 as to name of President and Vice-Pres. of Hospital Board S/5A2 21 ^l-iy Authority given for purchase of operating light from Surgical Selling Co. for |2i^-3.70 S/5/l|2 21 K2K Authority given for purchase of laboratory equipment from Dr. G-.M. Bohrod 2/5/1^2 21 kZk- Report made on purchase of kitchen equipment for hosp. 2/3^2 21 kzk- MIAMI BEACH CITY HOSPITAL 4 MUNICIPAL Hosp.) Book Page City Manager reports of inability to oLtain materials for improvements to . Hospital 10-12-42 21 437 Council approves recommendation of Board of Trustees that hospital be cleaned; nurse be employed,janitor be employed and Dade County gefense Council permitted to train its nursing group'at hospital and that it be made avalS)le for emergency purposes 10-12-42 21 437 Council authorizes shockproofing of XRay equipment in hospital 10/21/42 21 432 ■MIAMI BEACH CITY HOSPITAL 5 also Municipal Hospital — - BO OIL PAGE Report of Board of Trustees filed 22 IO/6A3 HENRY K. GIBSON, S. D. HAYI'^SWORTH & TrSitLs^^lo7§f55°^"^®'^ 22 US CJty^Mgr,^duthorize fl opurchase Lot 1( 26, BIR. 2, Fleetwood for 14.500,00 22 13616/6/43