Miami Beach Employees Benevolent Assn._October 1942 to March 1955MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEES BENEVOLENT ASSN. . * ' Book Page Petition presented asking for general pay increase 10/2S/H-2 21 453 Petition asking for 15^ pay raise referred to City Manager 22 210 11/3/^3 As tliat Council meet with their Pension & Retirement Committee on April 7 22 '312 •ST Ask for better ratio of pay between Labor 1st Class & Labor 2nd Class Vl9/^ 22 31^ Referred to Mr. Benshaw Vl9/44 22 31S MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEES BENEVOLENT ASS'N, Book Commend Mr. Renshaw by resolution on occasion of his 20th anniversary with City and present him with honorary life membership 9/13/^5 23 217 Thank Council for 2 l|-day holidays I/I6A6 23 353 Ask for representation on Civil Service Board - Council not favorably disposed 5/15A6 2h 97 Ask that revised pension plan be submitted to voters for approval 3/17A-8 26 2^7 MIAMI BEACH EMPLOYEES BENEVOLENT ASS'N ^ Book Page Letter from Employees* Ass'n re. Personnel Rule regarding acceptance of gratuities put over to June 2nd meeting. 5-19-5^ 35 ^82 City Clerk advises that each Councilman was f\irnished with a copy of letter from M.B. Employees* Benevolent Ass*n relative to Personnel Rule prohibiting acceptance of gratuities. 6-2-5^ 36 20 M.B. Employees* Benevolent Ass*n asks for consideration of four changes in the Employees Pension and Retirement System. Taken under consideration. 3-16-55 36 471