Miami Beach Garden Club_March 1933 to May 1941MIAMI BEACH GARDEN OLUB"^ _ ' BOOK.PAGE OoxDmittee to assist on Flower Sliow 10, %6S Appropriation for Flower Show reqaested 10, appropriation for Flower Show 10, k-S"^ Olty to loan equipment and employees for Flower show 3-24-33 12> ig Petition from Garden Club urges re naming of Alton Road to Carl Fisher Drive g-2-39 Ig, ig2 M, B, Garden Club Belegation ash Council to go on record as to what can be done toprarlde an auditorium for, thglr flower Qh<^ I95 MIAMI BEACH GARDEN CLUB 2. T """ Book Page Use of New Normandy Isle Club House Building offered for above \see No. 1 card! flower shows 5/7Ai 20 195 Garden Club suggest that City employ man toplan for future landsoa^^n^^of ^Ity 20 M. B. Garden Club ask Qouncil to go on record as favoring the erection or an auditorium for flower shows and for favoring a Park Board 5/^/^1 20 22^ 196 it-t Council go on record as^fayorini the erection of an auditorium tibe used for all municipal purpp._ purposesto be built when deemed 20 2^