Miami Beach Hotel Owners Association_March 1939 to July 1956MIAMI BEAOH HOTEL ASSOCIATION Bool:_ Page Urge CoTincll to erect Convention Audit or iiiin 3"'S-39 17 51^ M.B.Hotel ■'^ssn.aslc Pouncll to divert advertising appropriation to be used with their funds in connection with all-espense tours May 15,19^0 19 107 Appropriation of $1,000.00 made to „ _be used with hotel funds on all-expensetours May 15, 19i|-0 19 107 — for enter-Tiaining TouristsAgents , denied lO-lb-4-0 I9, 355 MIAMI BEACH HOTEL ASSOCIATION 2. Book Page #300.00 approprlated for enter- tainment of "^oiir agents 11-13-40 19 400 _Requpat .Cojiincll to..endorse proposed legislation to prohibit distribution of literature' to vehicles and occu pants of same _ .4/2/41 20 133 Miami Beach Hotel Assn,appropriated $1,000. for summer radio contest 5/7/41 20 199 Mi B, Hotel Assn. ask that pro-vision be made in Budget for operation of a Convention Bureau" 7/2/41 20 31^ "MIAMI BEACH HOTEL ASSOCIATION" 3 Book Page M.B. HOTEL ASSOC. REQUESTS amend ment to Noise Ord. #497 11/19/41 21 56 M.B.Hotel Assoc. ask ^^oxincil to establish insurance rating Bureaus, etc. 11/19/41 21 56 Mr. John Duff of M.B.Hotel Assoc. Txpges passage of "Turkey Money" Ord, with more severe penalties 1/21/42 21 152 M.B.Hotel Assoc. ask Coxancil to have 3 sub-stations locate,d^ for draft registrations on 2/16/42 1/21/42 21 15! MIAMI BEACH HOTEL ASSOCIATION Book ,00 approprlat ed to M,B.Hot el As sn. Mr. Law advised Coiincil that 10 stations south of 23rd St. have been arranged for to care for — draft registrations. 2/4/42 21 169 (February 14, 15 & 16) Protest filed by M.B,Hotel Assoc.fgainst consolidation of Miinicipalities8 iJade Coiinty. 2/4/42 21 169 to combat undesirable advertising matter 2/4/42 21 Renresentattvs" f ramrthis'~Assn. to^^be" sent" to Wash, D.. C, __ln._ re^___Arrny exodus__ 5/_15/43 22_ MIAMI BEACH HOTEL ASSOCIATION 5. Book Page Urges that city purchase the Bay Shore Golf Course 1/21/4^^- 22 253 Go on record as being opposed to change of zoning on Firestone estate and recommending its acquisition for public park 3/15/^^ 22 Meet in conference with Coxancil do discuss plans for civic center and auditorium 2/26/45 22 Delegation appears at Council meeting to discuss future policy of city with regard to parks 5/lO/'^"5 23 S6 MIAMI BEACH HOTEL OWNERS ASS'N. Book Suggests program of post war Institutional advertising 6/8/45 23 Request Council to pass resolution urging Army to expedite return of hotels - NO ACTION 9/19/^5 2J H, N. Hankoff, president, asks that ocean fronthotels be permit ted to play music one additional hour - taken under advisement 6/5/46 24 IO6 N. H. Hankoff, on behalf of M, B. Hotel Ass*n., protests any change of zoning on Belmar Hotel to per mit operation of night club 7/17A6 24 187 MIAMI BBACH HOTEL OWNERS ASS'N. 7 Book Page Favor the acquisition of ocean front street ends for public use 11/20A6 2h k07 Alex Gordon, Exec, Secy,, speaks on subject of enter tainment in hotel bars 1/15/^7 2h ^59 He is asked to work with Paul Bruun of Fla, Supper Club Ass'n, in drawing up Joint recommendations 1/15A7 2^+ ^59 MIAMI BEACH HOTEL OWNERS' ASS'N. Book Makes recommendations regard ing entertainment in hotel bars and also recommends that a Hotel Advisory Com mission be set up 2/5A7 2h Council takes these recom mendations under advisement 2/5A7 2h Aaron Courshon of Hotel Ass'n of Miami Beach oBjects to recommendation of Hotel Oroiers Association that Hotel Advisory Commission be set up 2/19A7 2k- miabd: beach hotel owners' ASS'N. Book Mr. Courshon, urges the Council not to appoint Hotel Advisory Commission and to take recom mendations as to entertainment under advisement 2/19/^7 2^ Alex Gordon of Hotel Owners' Ass'n, says commission is needed because of unethical practices of some hotel operators 2/19/^7 2h Council advises that the recommendations will be given further study 2/19A7 2h MIAMI BEACH HOTEL OWNERS' ASSOCIATION 10 Book Page Oppose ordinance permitting Cabarets in 100-room hotels 7/11A7 2? 262 Object to 19^7-^ occupational license increase for hotels 7/11A7 25 26^ Again object to increase in occupational licenses 7/16A7 25 277 Object to cabarets in 100 room hotels and urge that ordinance be voted upon 8/6A7 25 By resolution call upon City to enforce all ordinances including those re. gambling 6/15/^-9 28 MIAMI BEACH HOTEE OWm?» AgSQATATTDW Request amendments to Ordinances #828 and #4-97 - Council takes under advisement 7/20/49 Asks for additional public beaches 8/3/49 Requests for amendments to Ord. 828 and Ord ih97 referred to City Attorney to prepare proper amendments Files resolution re Use of "Miami Beach" in long distances calls emanating from City 8/22/if9 11/2 A 9 Book 28 28 n. Page 262 294 28 362 29 16 mmi BEACH HOTEL OWNERS* ASSOCIATION 12. Book Page 1st & 2nd readings given ordinance amending Noise Ordinance re. use by hotels of loudspeakers between hours of 11 A.. M. and 5 P. M, 11/2 A 9 29 20 Asks that something be done re, "no left turn" signs at- 13th and 15th Streets in Miami 12-21A9 29 107 Asks Council to condemn all ocean street ends - l8"fch St. in particular 1-11-50 29 135 MIAMI BEACH HOTEL ASgQCIATIOU 13 Book Page Commerxis sponsors of M. B. Golf Tournament, Pan American Tennis Tournament and Miami Beach Fishing Tournament 10-^-50 30 93 Asks for meeting to discuss merger of Public Relations and Publicity B\ireaus 6-20-51 31 290 Lummus Park Division recommends commiinity hall for hotel area south of 15th 9-5-51 32 11 St. and north of 5th St. Action deferred. MIAMI BEACH HOIEE ASSOCIATION : 1^. Book Page Resolution filed requesting postal station in S\anny Isles area. Request of Post Office Department to be made by Council 1-7-53 33 ^6l Suggests City designate liaison director between City and hotel industry - Mr. Rivkind designated. 5-6-53 3^ 232 South Shore Division recommends that citizen's advisory committee be appointed by City Mgr. for new Ocean Front Auditorium. Taken under advisement. 4-7-54 35 417 MIAMI BEACH HOTEL ASSOCIATION 15. Book Page Resolution presented xirging Council to establish centrally-located municipal heliport ^6 98 Bill in cimt of $1,860.00 for expenses incurred by Association in connection with collection of 5^ hotel tax approved 1-19-55 36 415 No action on request of Association for ardinances defining picketing and prohibiting-iisfe of stench bombs 12-21-55 3f 509 MIAMI BEACH HOTEL ASSOCIATION l6. Book Page Complains about use of name of 'klaml Beach" in areas outside of Miami Beach city limits 7-5-56 38 269