Miami Beach Memorial Field_December 1946 to November 1952MIAMI BEACH MBIvIORIAL FIELD 1. Book Page Flamingo Park football field is named as above 12/k/k6 2h ^-20 Elks Club asks for use of field for charity boxing show but is granted use of baseball field 12/18A6 2h ^38 Mr. Liberman is against using field for anything other than football games 12/18A6 2^- ^39 Boxing Commission recom mends permitting weekly boxing shows in the field 12/18A6 2h ^38 MIAMI BEACH MBMOaiAL FIELD Book Mr. Burbridge says he thinks people who live in the neighbor hood of the football field should be consulted concerning its use for purposes other than football 12/18/^ 2^- Coimcil votes to refer all requests for use of city property to Mr. Renshaw with power to act 12/18A6 2^+ MIAMI BgACH MEMORIAL FtSIl) 3. Book Page No action taken on request of Harry Voiler for use of field for wrestling match on Feb. 13, 1951. 12-27-50 30 28? Construction of cinder track authorized 1-17-51 30 332 Harry Voiler granted per mission to use field 1-3-51 30 315 Free use of Memorial Field together with concession rights authorized for Brandeis University-Tsimpa Univ. football game on 12-9-51 12-5-51 32 220 MIAMI BEACH MEMORIAL FIELD 4 Book Page Free use of Memorial Park football field and facilities granted Brandeis University on Dec. 6, 1952 11-26-52 33 393