Miami Beach Railway Company_July 1954 to December 1957MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 25 Book Page Meeting to be held with bus company officials relative to bus franchise renewal 7-21-5^ 36 99 A report of the Miami Beach bus franchise, prepared by a special sub-committee of representatives of civic organizations filed 8-4-5^ 36 109 Conference to be held re. Miami Beach Railway Company franchise when all Councilmen are present 8-11-54 36 ll6 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 26 Book Page Report of City Engr. re. proposed changes in bus routes:- To serve west end Biscayne Pt. and Normandy Shores; to serve Mt. Sinai so that pedestrians will not have to cross Alton Rd.; to remove service on Prairie Ave. north of Mist St., Myth St. west of N. Meridian, and 51st St. Hearing to be held on 9/1/5M. 8-I8-5M 36 133 Request to remove service from Prairie Ave. north of Mist, Myth and 51st Streets denied. Plans for bus service to take care of Biscayne Pt. and Normandy Shores area Uhder consideration 9-1-54 36 I39 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 2? Book Page New plan of revised bus routes submitted giving service to Normandy Shores and westerly end of Blscayne Point without depriving any area of service which it now has. Also buses will travel around Mt. Sinai so that people will not have to cross Alton Rd. Approved. 9-15-54 36 153 Mayor Shapiro advises that provision will be made for discussion of M.B. Railway Co. franchise before ordinance is given first reading . ^ 9-22-5^ 36 199 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY Hearing set on Oct. 27, 195^ to consider renewal of company's bus franchise 10-6-5^ 1st reading ordinance granting franchise to M.B. Railway Company 10-27-54 28 Book Page 36 203 36 279 Discussion held regarding franchise. Resolutions and telegram filed. Time between 1st and final readings of franchise discussed. Cost of election to be borne by Railway Company 10-27-54 36 283/286 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 29 Book Page Final reading of bus franchise ordinance deferred until Nov. 5* 195^. 11-3-5^ 36 308 Dade County Central Labor Union endorses granting 20-yr franchise to M.B. Railway Co. 11-3-5^ 36 31^ Proposed amendment to franchise ordinance considered, re. right of City to pvirchase. Amendment adopted. 3rd and final reading Ordinance granting . bus franchise - Ord. #ll40 ^ 11-5-54 36 320 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 30 Book Page Res. #8818 calling franchise election on 12/IH/5M 11-5-54 36 321 Meeting to be arranged between bus company, Blscayne Point Home Owners Assn and Asst. City Mgr. to discuss petition from Blscayne Point residents seeking improved bus service 12-8-5^ 36 360 Files written acceptance of Ordinance #ll40, granting them 20-year franchise to operate bus system In city, (attachedto original of Ord. llilO) 36 386 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 31 Book Page Public hearing to be conducted re. Railway Co.'s proposed change In "C" bus route 1_5_55 35 399 Hearing re. routing of "K" bus on 77th St. set for Feb. 2, I955 1-19-55 36 405 Hearing conducted on request of Railway Co. to reroute "C" bus so It would turn from Wash. Ave. onto Fotirth St. and then across MacArthur Causeway. Request to . take buses off 4th St. entirely taken under advisement. Hearing continued to Feb. 2, 1955 1-19-55 36 405 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 32 Book Page Hearing re. removal of "K" Bus from 77th Street. Petitions in Clerk's files opposing and favoring continuation of route on 77th St. Matter taken under consideration. 2-2-55 36 Hearing re. change in "C" bus route. Matter taken under consider ation. 2-2-55 36 ^3^ Councilman Frank favors removing buses from 4th St. and routing them across 5th St. Suggests 771;h 2-16-55 36 438 St. not be used for K bus MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 33 Book Page All bus routes removed from Fourth Street; Fifth Street to be used hereafter. 2-16-55 36 438 Matter of rerouting "K" bus to be taken up at next meeting - Feb. 23rd. 2-16-55 36 441 M.B. Railway Company requests Council to approve their acting as self-insurer up to $5Q,000, and carrying insurance from $50,000 up to $1,000,000 for any one accident. Matter deferred until next meeting. 2-16-55 36 446 Albove request approved. 2-23-55 36 448 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY _ , _ 3^ Book Page Hearing continued on rerouting "K" bus. Mr. Lipp advises results of survey. Motion to return to old route falls. Motion that present route remain fails. Present route to remain after second vote. Traffic and origin and destination survey to be made. 2-23-55 36 450 Petition filed objecting to rerouting "K" buses from 4th to 5'th St., and urging installation of traffic light at corner of 4th St. & Washington Ave. No motion to reconsider action of Council in re routing buses on 5th St. therefore matter dropped. Survey to be made re. traffic MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 35 Book Page Asks Cotincil to take action on their request for permission to re-route "C" bus line so that It would turn onto 4th St. from Wash. Ave. and then proceed across MacArthur Causeway to Miami. Council advises that studies are still being made and took no action. 3-30-55 37 48 Approval given to re-route "C" bus on 5th Street 7-20-55 37 275 Owner of apt. house at N.W. cor. .WardingAve. and 73r<i St. requests that-"R^ ^Bus be re-routed so that It will not pass hfs house. Public hearing to be heldon Oct. 19. ^ 37 358 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 36 Book Page Hearing conducted on proposed change in "R" bus route north of 71st Street. Action deferred. 10-19-55 37 39^ Res. #9163 authorizing M.B. First Nat'l Bank to act as collection agent for $10,000 U. S. Treasury bonds which M.B. Railway Co. put up to cover claims, as provided in their franchises (Ord. #ll4o) 11-2-55 37 425 Shuttle bus route proposed at northerly end of the City to serve Biscayne Ft. and Biscayne Beach areas. Mr. Lipp's report read. Hearing called on 12/7/55 re. proposed bus route change.yj 444 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 37 Book Page Hearing conducted on proposed change in bus route at northerly end of City. Mr, Lipp sets forth proposed changes agreed to at meeting held with organizations' representative and bus company. Change in certain bus routes including proposed shuttle service denied. New hearing to be held on Dec. 21, 1955. (((NOTE; on Dec. 9» Mr. Lipp advised Clerk's bfflce that contemplated hearing will not be held))) 12-7-55 37 ^72 Bus hearing scheduled on Dec. 21st cancelled 12-14-55 37 ^90 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 38 Book Page Communication from City Clerk re. M.B. Railway Company report as to their gross annual receipts for year 1955- Report accepted. 3-7-58 38 98 Froper^y'^o^ner* on N.W. cor 73rd St. & Harding Ave. asks that buses traveling on 73rd St. be routed on 72nd St. because of noise. Mr. Lipp to contact property owners in 3 blocks between Harding and Dickens Aves. and enlist their support of s proposal to route east bound buses on rd St. and west bound buses on 72nd St. 6-6-56 38 220 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 39 Book Page Request for change in "R" bus route in north end of city requested. (72nd and 73rd Street ) Petition filed. Hearing called on Sept. 5.New siirvey to be prepared, 38 350 Hearing conducted re. change in "R" bus route. Changed to provide that westbound buses will travel on 72nd St. and only eastbound buses will travel on 73rd St. between Harding and Dickens Avenue. (Railway Co. 9-5-56 38 383 advised rhey had no objections to change) MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY ^0 Book Page Statement of Bernard B. Davidson, City Auditor, In amt $350.00, approved and appropriation from u.c.f. authorized In connection with audit of M.B. Railway Co. liability for period 2/17/53 to 2/17/54. 10-17-56 38 467 M. B. Railway Co. offers no objections to permission being granted Venetian Sedan Service and Twin City Jitney Co. for replacement of jitney equipment with new Plymouth stretch-outs, seating 8 passengers and the driver, subject to stipulation that at no time In future are the new automobiles to be converted to carry any add'l passengers. Permission granted. 12-18-57 40 I66