Miami Beach Railway Company_October 1927 to July 1954I; Beach Hail-way Ho. ^ Ordered, to repair tracks Has, 1398 46 (3 fd^A^ejeyf" Q-^l.-'^ n /8^-r " ^/ / ^<f-/45- ayjAuthorized to re-route y buss line Res. 17li|-^l-il~2g Bk.S,. P. 15^^- Authorized to remove , ,/ β€’ rails & ties between Res.1742'' Bk.g, P. 23th & '^Oth Sts. on Sheridan Ave. Res. 1742/repealed by Res. 2003^^Bk.9, P. 217 Petition presented Urging bus line,in lieu of stre<=t on-r* nn Alton Rd- 7-.p4_.1"^ 203 IP, 17 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 2. BOOK. PAGE Authorized to remove rails in Sheridan Avenue - Res. 2.2.J)G)/ 3-19-30 10» Sy*>o-<-1- Bond/riled covering ^ M.B.Railway Franchise 10-17-32 11, 3^3 Petition presented urging Railwav Company to replace Alton Road Street car line wi th buses 3-2^1-33 12 > IJ ^Committee appointed to con^^^^ on above matter Gounoil tentatively approves above 4-19-33 12 & MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY _ * Book* Page Res. authorizing change from ^ street cars to buses Res. #2610^ 12» U-1 Insurance pol icies on bus and Railway service filed in DociimentaryFile, "^Res. #2^7^ ordering M.B,Railway Company to repair tracks,pavement,etc. in Sheridan Avenue ^ 6/20/34 12, kH-2 Res. #i|-5lS authorizing transfer of buses for street cars V19/39 IS 51 Order of Railroad Commission presented and filed authorizing substitution of buses for street cars 11-3-39 364- ni\ /tlictmi ^a/A. Hiq/ni MIAMI. BEACH RAILWAY' CO. , ' 4 Book Page M.B.Railway Co, a^viTe^ou^cll they " were uhahle ~^t"6" satisfy hdr.th beach β€”re&i-drents as to TraK-^^rt^ti-oa- 1/15/41 20 16 Petitions .presented hy _Jos .Mechlow seeking a 5/ rate on M.B.Railway buses 7/2/41 20 Sl"6" nn Mr. "Stief of M.B.Railway Co. asked to meet wi.th_ committee-^ ±0-_diao\i3s betterment of bus service 11/19/41 21 48 ' Miami Bridge CoT file objection to -use-of- Venetian Way by Railway Co.buses l/l5/i|-3 22 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY CO. ' 5 Book Page XT City Manager advises that M.B.Rail way Co. have never asked for permis sion to run over Venetian Causeway 1/15/4-3 22 Officials of M.B.Railway Co, and Miami Bridge Co. to meet with Council on Jan. 20th 1/15/4-3 22 M.S.Railway Co, request permission to re-route S & M.bus lines across Venetian Way 1/20/4-3 22 10 Council agree to take no action on buses runningrgggpt^e'^-^ai/Mify^^-^-^ 11 MI MI BEACH RAIL¥AY 00. ' ""v' 6 ' Book_ Page City Manager,City Attorney instructed to make survey of transportation system in an effort to secure reduced fares for travel within Miami Beach 2/j/k-'} 22 _ _ 2H- '^Committee of City Atty. ,City Mgr. and Councilmen "^owell & Wolf son appointed to seek lower bus rates _ .2/17/4-3 22, Letter from M,B.Railway Co.agreeing "to pay to City of Miami Beach of its gross revenue for next 12 months 5/19/4-3 22,102 ^ Res^#5665 agreeing to accept proposalof M.B.Railway 8o. . 5/19/4-3 ,_22j,.,_103 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY CO. ' 7 BOOK PAGE Council agree they cannot cancel occ. license fee for M. B. Railway Co. upon request by Charles Steif,10/20/^3 22 202 ^City Manager directed to look into matter of City charging chauffeur's license to M. B. R.R. Co. drivers, when they are paying same license to City of Miami 10/20/M-3 22 Jos. Mechlow urges that Miami & Miami Beach cooperate in matter of bus fran chise to Railway Co. 2/2/ki\- 22 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY CO. \ Councilman Powell says agreement with Railway Co. as to 1% gross revenue tax has expired and asks for new committee to negotiate further 5/3/^^ 22 Book Pag( Committee tomprising Councilmen Powell & Pole and Mr. Renshaw appointed for that ptirpose 5/3/^^ 22 Mr. Renshaw reports for committee appointed to negotiate with M, B. Railway Co, as to gross revenue tax 10/20 All- 22 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY CO. 9. BOOK PAGE Council accepts offer of Railway Co. to pay gross revenue tax 2/2l/K^ 22 4^5 ^Council holds conference with Mr. Lewis of Railway Company to negotiate for payment of gross revenue tax 7/7/^5 23 Motion loses to accept 5^ gross revenue tax g/l/il.5 23 ""Motion loses to accept gross revenue tax Vl/^5 23 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY CO, Bools; Motion for acceptance of gross revenue tax loses for want of a second B/l7/^5 23 20ll. Council agrees to payment of 5^ gross revenue tax by railway company 23 2o6 Council reaffirms action to accept 5^ gross revenue tax 10/3/^5 23 240 V Res, #5929 passed, reducing gross revenue tax to 1/22/U-6 23 375 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY CO. Council grants permit to install 3 gasoline tanks at 350 Alton Road 3/5A7 Book 25 Tom Lewis advises that the company is operating at a loss - Council asks him to furnish City Mgr. with comparative figures 5/19A8 At request of certain petitioners Council votes to ask M.B.R.R, Co. to extend bus service to Blscayne Point and Biscajme 9/15/^27 11 Page . 12 26 3^8 96 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY CO. 12 Book Page doimcil takes matter of re- siimption of Biscayne Point Tdus service iinder advisement in order that residents may be heard 10/5A9 28 >+57 Council recommends that bus service to Biscayne Point be resumed 10/19A9 28 >+78 Petition Of 30 persons ob jecting to resumption of bus service to Biscayne Point filed - 11/2A9 29 20 MIAMI BEA.CH RAILWAY CO. 13 Book Page Council considers pro and con of bus service resumption and reaffirms previous action recom mending to Bus company that service be resumed 11/2A9 29 20 Asks for increase in bus fares from 100 to 150 cash or two tokens for 250 - hearing to be called 1/17/51 30 330 Attorney for M. B. Railway Co. Appears - Mr. Cleary to nake audit of bus co books before hearing on 2/2/51 1/2V51 30 339 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY ^6. llf β€ž , Book Page Res. #7^31 setting date of bus company hearing 1-2^β€”51 30 3^^ Hearing called for 2/2/51 cancelled - new date to be set 2-2-51 30 3I+7 Res, #7^31+ setting new date on Feb. 1^ for continuation of hearing 2-7-51 30 3^-8 Hearing conducted - Ad journed to 2/26/51 2-lif-5l 30 37^ Hearing postponed to 3-5-51 2-26-51 30 hOZ MIAMI BSACH MllMKl CQMPAjWY Book Hearing conducted 3-5-51 30 Hearing continued 3-6-51 30 ^11 Mr. Shepard advises he is ready with outcome ^ , of bus hearings 3-23-51 30 ^76 Asks for hearing re. Increase in bus fares. Coimcil to discuss this June 12, 1951 6-8-51 31 260 South Beach Men's Club oblects to bus rate Increase- council discusses bus rat^_Po_Ri increase. "31 295 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY lb Book Page City Atty instructed to prepare proper resolution and ordinance granting bus fare increase 6-20-51 31 297 Cotmcil decides to hire bus rates expert. Mr*. Renshaw to seek expert and report to Coxmcil 6-21-51 31 300 Roberts Organization of N.Y.C. retained as consultants in bus fare increase matter 7-6-51 31 3^3 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY Book Meeting re. bus rates to be held on October 4th, 9-5-51 32 40 City to ask bus company to supply school bus to transport children from certain sections of Normandy Isle to Biscayne Elementary School 9-12-51 32 46 Bus rates hearing held. To be continued on October 6, 1951. 10-4-51 32 97 Bus rates hearing continued. Matter taken under further ta q8consideration. 10-6-51 32 9o MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY Book Ass't City Mgr. Link reports on bus rates report of E. A. Roberts, consultant in connection with request of Railway Co. to increase bus fares. Council discusses requested increase. 10-11-51 32 Res. #7808 re. increasing bus rates 10-11-51 32 1st reading ordinance fixing rates to be charged for transportation by M.B. Railway Co. ' 10-11-51 32 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY '19 Book Page 3rcl reading ordinance establishing bus fares. Discussion held. Ordinance adopted #992 11-7-51 32 139 Statement of Edward A. Roberts, bus rates expert, approved - $3,036.51 11-7-51 32 148 Hearing conducted re. "R" bus route change. Following route approved: North on Ind. Cr. Wsp, to Abbott Ave., thence north to 73rd St. thence west to W-ckens Ave. thence north, to 77th St. MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY Book Page Asks permission to charge 2^ for a transfer. No action taken 2-13-52 32 358 City Atty. explains court action in suit brought by Atty. Rosenhouse asking for appointment of receiver to take over the bus company 2-13-52 32 360 Council discusses briefly proposed ordinance re. gross receipts tax paid by M. B. Railway Co. Matter deferred. 3-19-52 32 438 Action on bus gross receipts tax deferred 3-26-52 32 443 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 21 Book Page 1st and 2nd reading ordinance establishing rates of fares to be charged for transportation service and requiring the payment to the City of 6% of the gross operating revenues 4-2-52 32 464 Discussion re. above ordinance. Abe Aronovltz and W. D. Pawley Invited to appear before Council prior to third reading of this Drdlnance 4-2-52 32 465 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 22 Book Page Conference held with W. D. Pawley re. bus service, strike, etc. 4-^1-52 32 M67 3rd reading Ordinance re. Miami Beach Railway Co. gross receipts tax - Ord. #1018 4-16-52 32 494 Council declines to appoint committee re. transportation difficulties 4-16-52 32 494 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 23 Book Page Planning Board makes suggestions relative to pending bus strike. Councilman Roth suggests employing someone on permanent basis who would have responsibility of supervising all public utilities and Ironing out complaints. Taken xmder advise ment 11-19-52 33 379 1st reading ord. Increasing liability Insurance requirements on bus and Jitney operations to $10,000 and $20,000 6-2-54 36 6 MIAMI BEACH RAILWAY COMPANY 24 Book Page South Beach jitney service to be sold to M. B. Railway Company. Council gives assurance that additional permits will not be given for Jitney service in that area 7-7-54 36 50 Res. #8748 assuring M. B. Railway Co. that no fiirther or add'l permits to operate jitneys in the area served by M.B. Jitney Bus Corp., Inc. will be issued, provided M.B.Railway service is adequat® 7-7-54 36 59