Miami Beach Sports Committee_June to October 1948MIAMI BEACH SPORTS COmiTTEE Book Jas. H. Ruby tells of its organization and asks that requests for funds for sporting events be referred to this committee 6/l6/h8 26 Council endorses principles of committee and agrees to consult it on occasion Request of Herman Parsoff to use Flamingo Park facilities for boxing is referred to committee 6/16A8 26 8/h/kQ 27 8 MIAMI BEACH SPORTS COMMITTEE Reports on application of Herman Parsoff for permit to hold boxing matches in Flamingo Pafek They recommend that use of bandshell facilities be permitted but not ball park Book 8/6A8 27 8/6/kS 27 2. Page Edw, Herr's request for $5)000 for tennis tourna ments is referred to committee for recommendations 8/6/h8 27 9 MIAMI BEACH SPORTS COMIITTEB 3. Book Page On committee's behalf Carl Gardner asks $5jOOO appropria tion for tennis tournaments and for construction of tennis administration building - Council takes under advise ment 10/7/^8 27 112 Carl Gardner urges Council to take action on their request for mderwriting of $5000 for tennis tournaments 10/20/U8 27 1^1