Microfilming and Destruction of Certain Old City Records_November 1950 to September 1956MICROFILMIiMG AND DESTHtTCTION OP I CPMAlN OLD cm RPGOrjS Book Page Res. #73^1 adopted, authorizing destruction and microfilming 11-15-50 30 185 Certificates of cremation of _ pr-i ^ certain docments in i-'^'+-? - 50 3^5 accordance with Res. 73^^! 12-20-50 30 257 filed 3-28-51 30 ^8^- Certificates of Cremation Nos. 32 - 40 incl. representing records which have been destroyed presented and filed. 12-19-51 32 263 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OF ^ CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Book Page Building Dept. authorized to microfilm and destroy certain plans of buildings 7-2-52 33 136 City Clerk advises of cremation of certain unused receipts formerly in use at Normandy Shores Golf Course, and of retention of certain others by Accounting Dept. for auditing purposes Res. #8074 authorizing microfilming^ certain records of Tax Assessor, sub sequent destruction; and destruction of other records without microfilming 7-23-52 33 172 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OP 3 CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Book Page Cremation Certificates Nos. 4l, 42, 43, 44 and 45 filed 3-18-53 34 104 Cremation Certificates Nos, 46 thru 52 filed 4-8-53 34 163 Cremation Certificates Nos. 53 and 54 filed 5-13-53 34 235 Appropriation of $1,030.00 approved for microfilming important records of Engineering Dept. 5-20-53 34 270 MICROFILgUNG AND DESTRUCTION OP CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS f Book Page Cremation Certificates Nos. 55* 56, 57, 58 and 59 filed 1-20-54 35 300 Res. #8753 authorizing destruction of city records, some after and some without microfilming. Letter from City Auditor recommending adoption of resolution 7-9-54 36 71 MICROPimiNG AND DESTRUCTION OF CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS Cremation certificates Nos. 60 thru 65, filed 11-17-5^ 36 333 Res. #8864 authorizing microfilming of Tax Assessor's records. 3-16-55 36 477 Cremation certificates Nos. 66 and 67 filed 4-20-55 37 105 Cremation certificates Nos. 68, 69 and 70 filed 11-2-55 37 435 MICROFILMING AND DESTRUCTION OP / CERTAIN OLD CITY RECORDS ^ Book Page Res. #919^ authorizing cremation of copies of 1952 and 1953 traffic fine tickets 12-21-55 37 504 Certificates of Cremation, Nos. 71 - 75 Incl. filed 8-15-56 38 373 City Mgr. explains purpose of proposed resolution re. microfiling of Tax Assessor's records - that it differs from present resolution in that provision for microfilming personal property cards has beep .remoyed, and these records included 38 389