Million Dolar Pier_July 1940 to October 1946MILLION DOLLAR PIER ' Book Page Purchase -Res.^BO - authorizing I9 131 —Lots 7 sind g,Bik.ll2 and Pier -iiayor and Clerk instructed to sign notes on above our chase Res,#1^922" 7/3/40 19 I9cr LEASES on ^er property fired 7/3/^ 19 19_C Ronald Granat seeks permit to operate roller skating rink on Million Dollar Pier lQ-2-iW 19 30S City Mgr. authorized to-aocept-offers for leases on pier 10-2-^0 19 30^ MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Committee appointed to con^der ective leases on pier- Cleary, and Wolfson 10-9-^ 19 3^2 Roland Granat asks Councilto lease -19 MO- City Engineer Lipp recQimnenda__t]aat- necessary repairs Pe made to pier be- for any leases are made 10-23-40 19 No concession of any kind to be leased Pier until definite plan,of^operation,^ has been worked out 10-23-40 19 371 Painting of outside of pier to oblit erate burlesque figures authorized 1. MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Page Berkow Lease to run on month to month "basis 11/27/40 #500,00 appropriated for flshlnp; pier on Million Dollar Pier il/g7/4€h -±9- —Peiners -Drgan i zatLon ask f or- 1 eas e on pier for legitimate stage shows {denied) 12/11/40 Elrod, E.D. - request for~T.ease^rr 19 462 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Mr. Berkow asks regarding his Isase on the Million Dollar Pier S/19/41 20_ Eatlpiate to be _p re pared on repalrl ng_ Million Dollar Pier 3/5/41 20 Architect to be engaged to submit plans for putting Millibh Dollar Pier into spApe 5/7/^1 20 : Two propo8alfi_submitted by Capt . Peeples for leasing of upstairs portion o f Million Dollar Pier 6/5/41 20 265 Above proposal referred to City Manager 6/5/^1 MIILION DOLLAR PIER 5 Book Page Two proposals received from Capt. Peeples for use of^Millldn Dollar Pier, upstairs portion 6/18/41 20 504 Council agree to hold this matter in abeyance \mtil plans prepared by Architect Geiger can be studied 6/18/41 20 _ 505_ Terms reconmiended for leasing up- stair portion of Million Dollar Pier to^Gapt. W, H. Peoples, Jr. 7/2/41 20 318 —Above terms accepted by Council -—- 7/2/41 20 318 6 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Page Contract for roof on outer portion of pier awarded to Glffen Roofing Company for $1,319.00 10/3/41 20 458 Berkow, David,Inc. - no action taken on his letter in re lease on con cession 10/15/41 20 498 Committee appointed to m^e re commendations as to what to do with Pier, 11/24/41 21 70 Council agreed not to renew pe^it for extension of pier, 12/5/41. 21 96 MILLION DOLLAR PIER(^ee Recreation Pier Assn.) ^ Book Page Group of M.B.Women ask Council to put Pier in shape so as to be used for bath house purposes by soldiers (Mr.Renshaw to report back to Council) 2/25/i^-2 21 216 I500.OO appropriated for placing Million Dollar Pier in shape for soldiers' bath house, and $50.00 21 229 a month for maintenance Council authorizes necessary repairs and ventilation for Recreation pier,appropriate fund not exceed $1,000. '6/3A2 21 335 MILLION DOLLAR PIER g yi. _ _ n Book Page ^ Council authorizes Recreation Pier Assn. to employ architect to make sketches on improvements- Council agree to assume$6,000,repair work 21 34-5 Res. #55^2 authorizing Asst.City Mgr. to file application to P.W.A.for aid in imoroving Million Dollar Pier 7/2g/if2 21 14-15 Contract for repairs to roof on Million Dollar Pier awarded to Giffen Roofing Co. at $2710.00 10/7A2 21 425 MILLION DOLLAR PISR 9 Book Page City Manager reports F.W.A.has ap proved allotment of $26,500. for im provements to Million Dollar Pier providing City will assume $6,000 expense ll/V^2 ^ 21 1^56 for imps.to Million Dollar Pier *^ontract/with August Geiger filed with minute data a / -3K5' Res. accepting the offer of Federal Works Agency of $26,500, Res.#5613 setting up formechanics on improvement^^t^^^gier MILLION DOLLAR PIER 10 Book Page Council agree to carry expenses for 3 months operation costs of Recreation Pier Assn.;also salary of custodian l2/l6/k2 21 Appropriation made for elimination of fire hazards at pier (|50C*00) 12/16 A2 21 Council agree to put up I500.OO as de posit on furniture for Recreation Pier with understanding-it would be returned from Gov't funds or War Chest funds 1/29/11.3 22 10 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Payment of August G-elger bill for Architect on Improvements to Pier, ordered paid 2/3/4-3 22 25 Mr.Renshaw reports on bids received for imps.to Million Dollar Pier 3/26/i^3 ^2 61 E.L,Hackney of F.W.A,advises that Regional Director is recomntending an additional appropriation by Gov't and City to make total allotment $4-9,000. -3725/43 22 -62- City Mffr.advises above figure does not— include ^300. for roof repairs 3/26/4-3 22 62 MILLION DOLLAR FIER W 12. - Boo1l_ Page Discussion oji, Ltem-Lor jr'oolL. repairs 3/26/11-3 22 62 Mrs. Russell Pancoast of Recreation Pier Assn.urges Council to take early action in order that work may be startedr 3/26/43 22 62 Res.#5641 awarding contract to Wm. S.Green for improvements to Million Dollar Pier 3/26/43 22 ___62 Res.#5642 authorizing City Manager to - make application for additional grant *^10,500 for pier imps. 3/26/43 22 63 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Page Res. #5^^3 appropriating the sum of #i+,000 in addition to |g,ooo previously appropriated,subject to grant being forthcoming from F.¥.A. " 3/2dA3 22 Mr.E.L.Hackney suggests that City Manager Renshaw write to F.W,A.concern'^ ing $2300 spent on roof repairs 3/26A3 22 eK Res.j^64-6 appointed Mr.Wm.A. Geiger - as '^ity's Chief Representative on Pier Improvements ^/7/^3 22 MILLION DOLLAR PIER llj., Book Page_ Res.#56^7 awarding contract for furniture and draperies at Pier to Maxwell Co. 4/15/^3 22 f2 Res. #56^ awarding contract for electrical equipment at dier to Kirby-Tuttle Co. U-/15/43 22 72- Res.#56^9 granting Government to use Pier as Signal Station Vl5/43 22 73 Res.#5655 accepting Grant of P.W.A. of 135,500 additional funds for imps. to pier _4/2i/4-3 22 Si MILLION DOLLAR PIER I5 Book Page Res. #5652 approving of three pro posed changes In contract for pier improvements 5/5/^3 22 -g6 -- 1st estimate to Wm. S. Green for work done on pier'Improvements ordered: paid in the amaunt of Res. #5677 approving certain changes in contract for imps, to pier 6/2/i|-3 22 131 Res.567B -granting extension of time- to Wm. S,Green,Inc. for contoa<it,,on pier _ __ imps. 6/16A3 22 I37 MILLION DOLLAR PIER [ l6 __ Book Page Aopropriation of not to exceed $^-,000. made for operation of M.B. Recreation Pier and its various branches,up to November 1st,19^3> this amount to include Frank Morri son' s salary x-rho acts as custodian for City. 7/7/^3 22 I52 Res.#56^2 -as to granting of exten sion of time on Pier Impr, Contract- waiving all damages against contractor 7/7/^3 22 153 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 17 Book—Page - ~ Res.#5^90 authorizing certain changes In pier contract. 7/2l/i^-3 22 173 Res. #5691 appropriating #321.73 to complete work on pier Improve- ments 7/21/i^-3 22 17lf Res. #5692 accepting work performed by Wm.S.G-reen Co.,Klrby-Tuttle Co. and Maxwell Co. on Pier contracts Final payments to coT{tr\cTOrs to be withheld until City Mgr.and Archl. determine that all paid 22 175 17^1- MILLION DOLLAR PIER (See Hecreation Pier) Ig Book Page Various miscellaneous expense items on pier Improvement ordered paid and appro, of t2,^13«, made for this purpose 7/21/^3 22 175 Offer of Louis Beckerman to lease for fishing pier is referred to Mr. Renshaw 7/3/^o '2h 162- Council authorizes making loading test at Pier 7/3A^ 2^ 176^ MILLION DOLLAR PIER l8 Book Page Mr. Renshaw urges that con sideration be given to sell ing the Pier 7/3A-6 2h 175 Council takes under advise ment request of Everett S, Smith, Jr. to use Pier for wrestling matches 7/17/^ 2h 222 Council advises A1 Ritchie, wrestling promoter, that no commitment can be made as to use of Pier for wrestling matches 8/7A6 232 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 19 Book Page Council appropriates $2,331«25 for landscaping entrance 8/7/^6 2h 253 Request of B'nai B'rith to use Pier is refiered to Mr. Hice 10/l6/if6 2h- 3I+5 Requests of Harry Marvil, Bertha Foster, Nancy Hubsch for use of Pier are refer red to Mr. Hice 10/l6/^ 2^ 3^5 Ben Cohen asks on behalf of a client to lease Pier IO/I6A-6 2^ 375