Million Dolar Pier_November 1946 to April 1954MILLION DOLLAR PIER 20 Book Page Dave White's request to hold boxing matches at the Pier is referred to the Boxing Commis sion and the City Manager 11/6A6 2h 378 Knights of Pythias are given permission to use Pier on night of Nov. 25 11/6A6 2h 378 Council discusses various offers to lease the Pier for boxing and take them under consideration 11/20A6 2h 397 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Mr, Renshaw urges Council to determine its policy with regard to the Pier 11/20A6 2k- Mr. Rice reports on various offers to lease the Pier 11/20/^ 2k Harry Simberg offers to purchase Pier 11/2QA^ 2k Dave White given permission to use Pier for boxing show on night of Dec. k ll/20/k6 2k MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book Coimcil denies request of Greater Miami Junior Hadassah to use pier for carnival 12/k/k6 2k 1+10 A1 Ritchie's request to use Pier for wrestling matches is referred to City Mgr. 12/18A6 2^+ 1+28 Sam Weinstein' request to use Pier for boxing matches and J,B. Allen's request to use Pier for dance contest are referred to City Mgr. 12/18/1+6 2k 1+28 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 23 Book Page Council votes to instruct Mr. Renshaw to call for bids for purchase of the Pier 12/18/1+6 2^ 1+39 Arthur Einstein's request to use Pier for weekly boxing matches is referred to the City Manager 2/19/1+7 521 Duke Jordan's request to hold boxing matches at Pier is referred to City Manager 3/5'A7 25 2 MILLION DOLLAR PIER Book 2 offers to purchase the Pier are referred to Assistant City Manager 6/11A7 25 217 BiriL, Berliner Company's desire to purchase Pier is taken under consideration 6/18A7 25 226 John Klinger's offer to lease or purchase Pier is referred to City Manager 1/7/^ 26 ^ John Klinger's offer to lease Pier is submitted 1/21/^ 26 l5l MILLION DOLLAR PIER Mr. Snedigar suggests that Pier might be converted into housing quarters for city employees Mr. Snedigar's suggestion is referred to Housing Committee Council instructs Mr. Renshaw to recommend best method of disposing of Pier 1 1 l/21/if8 Book 26 /21A8 26 25 Page /21A8 26 MILLION DOLLAR PIER ' 26 Book Page Council votes to keep Pier until auditorium is built- Mayor Liberman opposes 3/3/^+8 26 2U-5 Louis W. Scott offers to lease Pier - no action 3/17/^+8 26 268 Request of Richard Stevers to lease Pier for production of plays is referred to City Manager with power to act 12/30/^ 27 271 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 27 Book Page Request of U. of Miami Drama Dept. to use Pier during summer months for production of plays is referred to City Manager with power to act 1/5/^9 27 27^ Ray Yunes offers on behalf of client to purchase Pier for $115)000 - Council turns down 2/2A9 27 ^OC American Veterans Committee permitted to use Pier to hear tenants' complaints h/6/h9 28 1 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 28 Book Page Bert Goldberg asks for use of Pier for production of - Jewish stage shows h/6/h9 28 27 American Veterans Committee granted use of Pier 2-19-50 l-V-50 29 126 Council to inspect pier— Request Mr. Renshaw to as certain probable cost of making a fishing pier in order to get revenue from it 12-13-50 30 2h9 MILLION D6LLAR PIER 29 Book Page Mr. Benshaw advises estimated cost of repairing and ex tending pier for fishing purposes - City Manager to publicize fact that City is interested in receiving proposals for leas ing of pier - proposals to contemplate removal of outer pier 1-3-51 30 31lf Bids to be received for removal of superstructure of Municipal Pier 9-19-51 32 66 MILLION DOLLAR PIER 30 /-I ^ ^. Book PaceConstruction of concrete piling authorlzedon south side of M.B. Municipal Pier as emergency measure. Contract awarded. Geo. Bunnell $650.00 10-6-51 32 98 Tabulation of bids submitted for removal of Municipal Pier. City Engineer reports on bids. Action postponed on awarding of contract. MILLION DOLLAR PIER 31 Book Page Council discusses pier demolition. Contracts awarded-r- Austin & Co. for removal of both bldgs. with struc tural steel to be left, $38,960.00; Ludman Steel Co. for removal of structural steel from both bldgs., the contractor to own steel and pay- City, $1,500.00. 11-9-51 32 163 Schematic sketch to be prepared for conversion of Pier into a pavilion and fishing pier. 11-9-51 32 164 MILLION DOLLAR PIER City Engineer's request for appropriation of $40,000.00 to cover cost of demolishirxg Pier and incidental expense approved and appropriation authorized from Current Funds. Book 32 Page 11-9-51 32 164 MUNICIPAL PIER 33 Book Page Suggestions regarding children on Municipal Pier and bait concession referred to Recreation Director Woody 9-16-53 35 39 Bid for operation of amusement concession on pier opened - City Mgr to report on amount of space to be used by concession aire (bid submitted by 11-4-53 35 146 Jacobson and Rablnowltz) Discussion held re. pier concessions. Bid of Jacobson and Rablnowltz rejected. 11-10-53 35 14? MUNICIPAL PIER Book Page Council goes on record as favoring having no concessions on Pier as presently constituted. 11-18-53 35 162 Letter from Harry Plissner re. operation of concession on Pier 11-18-53 35 162 $425.00 appropriated for fish cleaning sinks at Municipal Pier 11-18-53 35 171 $600.00 allocated from South Beach Community Park Bond Fund to cover purchase of 20 additional concrete park benches for Municipal Pier 12-2-53 RB 218 MUNICIPAL PIER 3~r Book Page Rail erection at outer end of Municipal Pier authorized, $475,00 1-20-54 35 303 Mr. Lipp to look into suggestion that area at Municipal Pier where benches are located should be covered 1-20-54 35 303 Changing location of tide gauge building at Municipal Pier authorized. $1,000 from unappropriated ctirrent funds 2-17-54 35 34l Construction of comfort facility on Municipal Pier approved 4-7-54 35 4l6 MUNICIPAL PIER Book Page Bids rejected and readvertlsement authorized for construction of comfort station and tide gauge bldg. at Municipal Pier 36 II3 1st reading ordinance prohibiting diving or swimming within 100 feet of pier; prohibiting loitering under pier 9-1-54 36 147 3rd reading ordinance amending Code, prohibiting diving or swimming within 100 ffeet of pier - Ord. #1126. 9-15-54 36 164