Municipal Hospital_March 1942 to July 1950itUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 25 Book Page Committee reports on having met with owners of M.B.Hospital 3/1^/^2 21 24^ Dr.Weil rejects offer of $94,000 but agrees to accept $100,000 for M.B. Hospital 3/1B/42 21 242 Council authorize purchase of M.B. Hospital at $100,000. 3/12/42 21 242 City Manager and City Attorney to prepare ordinance providing for operation of Municipal Hospital 3/1^/^2 21 249 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 26 Book Page Res.#5^96 authorizing purchase of fc,B.Hospital at the price of $100,000 Vl/^2 21 25iJ- ^0 day period in connection vrith above purchase to date from this date Vl/^2 21 256 Offer from Atwill & Go, and Leedy- Wheeler Co.to purchase $100,000 Mort gage notes in connection with financ ing purchase of M.B. Hospital Vl/^2 21 256 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 27 Book Page Motion made "by Councilman Wolf son to accept offer of Leedy-Wheeler & Co. and Atwill & Co. for financing purchase of M.B.Hospital 4-/l/^2 21, 257 Above motion to accept offer carried Vl/^2 21 257 Res.#5506 formally accepting offer of Leedy-Wheeler & Co. & Atwill & Go. as to financing purchase of Miami Beach Hospital 4-/1/^2 21 Bill of Atwill & Co.& Leedy-Wheeler ""h^jropQggd MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 23 Book Page Council discuss proposed operation of Municipal Hospital with reference to Civil Service 5/^/^2 21 302 Councilman Wolfson offers suggestions for proposed ordinance with reference to operation of Municipal Hospital 5/6/i|-2 21 302 3 readings Ord. No.652 creating Board of Trustees of Miami Beach CITY Hospital, prescribing powers,duties,appointment and budget, etc. 21 302 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL ^9 Book Page Bill of Local Architects and bill from Chas.Neergaard presented for drawing plans of hospital 5/7/^2 21 3^7 ~ Councilmen Levi and WoIfson and City Manager Renshaw to confer on hospital architects' bills 5/7/^2 21 317 Board of Trustees for operation of City Hospital appointed for 1,2 & 3 year terms as follows;Albert Kahn(l) Henry K.Gibson(l) Shirly Haynsworthvl) J.L.Owbh (2) Morris Goodman (2) Leonard Abess (3) Chas.Clements (3) 5/7/42 21 JlS MUNICIFAL HOSPITALS M.B.CITY HOSPITAL) 30 Book Page Res. #55^9 authorizing payment of $4-0,000 to M.B.Hospital,Inc. and exe cution of |60,000 mortgage 5/20/4-2 21 333 Ray Sterling offers 2 propositions to City with reference to financing purchase of M.B,Hospital 5/20/4-2 21 334- Neither of above proposals considered by Council 5/20/4-2 21 334- August Geiger presents bills for local architects on proposed hospital - Council aithorize payment of |l0,000 6/3/4-2 21 336 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 31 Book Page Res. #5565 providing for taking over of ins\irance on M.B.City Hospital 7/1/4-2 21 356 Balance of Local Architects hills for drawing plans for proposed municipal hospital ordered paid 7/9/4-2 21 City Manager reports inability to obtain materials for improvement to City Hospital 10-12-4-2 21 4-37 Council approves recommendation of Board of Trustees for City Hospital to be used by Dade County Defense Counbil, MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL • n 3^ Book Page Council authorizes shock proofing of X-Ray Equipment in M.B.City Hospital 10/2l/i^2 21 L.A.Gates request for City to pay him $10.00 per mo.for use of his lot adjoining hospital referred to Board of Trustees 6/l6/i|-3 22 137 Report of Board of Trusteesrek 10/6/il.3 22 186 HENRY K. GIBSON, S. D, HAYNSWORTH & ALBERT KAHN appointed to Board lO/S/kj 22 186 dty Mgr. authorized to purchase Lot 26, Blk. 2. FleetwiPd for hospital if MUNICIPAL-HOSPITAL , 33 - BOOK ^AGS owner assumes broker's comm. 10/6/4-3 22 lg6 City Manager reports Shirley Haynsworth unable to accept appoint ment as Trustee and recommends John A. Haynsworth in his place 12/1/4-3 22 233 Council appoints John A. Haynsworth 22 233 1st reading of Ord. authorizing purchase of Lot 26, Block 2, Fleetwood for hospital purposes 12/15/4-3 22 23S 3rd & final reading Ord. #704- authorizing purchase of Lot 26, Block ^ Fleetwood 1/5/^^ 2h'2 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL- EOOK Dr. Alfred A. Rlchman & group of 12 local doctors offers to buy hospital thru Att'y. Shepard Broad j/15/^^ 22 294- Council asks that recommendation of Hospital Board of Trustees be obtained before they take action 3/15/^ 22 29^ Board of Trustees pass resolution endorsing sale of hospital under certain conditions 3/20/4^ 22 301 U. S, Navy advises acquisition of Municipal Hospital is being considered 3/20/4-4- 22 301 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL BOOK Dr. F. H. Fisher, who made offer for hospital on 3/l6, withdraws it 3/20Ai4- 22 Mr. Broad asks permission to confer further with his clients before action is taken 3/20/4^ 22 Dr. K. Kaplan objects to city' s selling hospital 3/20^1^- 22 Attorney Broad advises Council that Dr. Richman & group of doctors are agreed to buy hospital even in event Navy leases it H-/3/H 22 305 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL- 36. BOOK PAGE Navy willing to recommend lease on hospital at $l4-,000 per year 6/2l/i)4 22 346 Council agrees upon request of Shepard Broad to defer action on renting hospital until next meeting 6/21/44 22 346 Council asks for recommendations from Board of Birectors as to selling or leasing hospital 6/26/44 22 357 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book Board of Directors' recommend lease of hospital to Navy 7/5/^ 22 Dr. Bichman's good-faith check in amount of |10,000 returned to Shepard Broad 7/5/^ 22 Council authorizes lease of hospital to Navy 7/5/^ 22 Dr. Morris Goodman & J. L. Owen reappointed on Board of Trustees fi/lS/UM- 22 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book P.es. #5775 euthorlzlng execution of lease of hospital to U. 3. Govt. ' ll/gA4- 22 4-32 Res. #5235 authorizing lease to U. 3. Govt. 6/gA5 23 118 Mrs. Josephine Ralston offers to purchase for |107,000. 6/20A5 23 122 Harold Ipaet, attorney, says 28 doctors wish to purchase hospital for |100,000- referred to Board of Trustees c; tl:,. lQ/17/'i5 2? MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL 39 Book Page Lionel Cassel advises of client who wishes to purchase hospital- referred to Board of Trustees 11/7/4-5 23 283 Dr. Leonard Weil's offer to purchase hospital taken under advisement 3/20/4-6 23 481 Dr. Weil's offer again taken under advisement 4-/3/4-6 . 23 4-94- Dr. Harry Needelman offers to purchase hospital for $14-0,000 6/5/46 24- 106 MUNICIPAL HOvSPITAL ifO Book Page Dr. Harry Needelraan makes offer in writing to purchase hospital for $lw,000 6/19A6 2h 1^+5 Dr. Harry Needelman urges that some action be taken on his offer to purchase hospital 7/17/^ 187 Mayor appoints committee consist ing of Coxmcilmen Liberman and Powell and Mr. Renshaw to study various offers to purchase hospital and make recommendations 7/17A6 2h l87 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Hospital committee makes report on various offers to purchase or lease hospital 8/7A6 The committee recommends acceptance of proposal of Mt. Sinai Hospital to purchase Hospital The proposal of Mt, Sinai Hospital to purchase is read to Council and ordered filed 8/7/^6 Book 2h 8/7A6 2h 2h MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Book Council accepts offer of Mt. Sinai Hospital to purchase hospital for $100,000 8/7A6 2h 232 Junior Chamber of Commerce urge that City sell hospital to non-profit group 8/7/^6 2h 232 Formal proposal of the Mt. Sinai Hospital for purchase of Municipal Hospital is read to the Council 8/21/V6 2h 262 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL h3 Book Page Res. #61^0 is passed, accepting offer of U, S. Government in settlement of lease on hospital IO/16A6 2h 373 Res. #6280 is passed, authorizing execution of supplemental agreement with U, S. Govt, on hospital V16A7 25 123 Goimcil indicates it is not interested in buying Alton Road Hospital and does not object to its sale oA 238 to others 7/6/49 28 MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL ^ Book Page Res. #6089, accepting offer of Mt, Sinai Hospital to purchase the Municipal Hospital 8/21/^ 2h- 263 Res. #7231 reducing term of insurance policy on Alton Road Hospital 7/19/50 29 k82