Municipal Swimming Pool_May 1948 to November 1949MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL 1.
Book Page
Mr. Klein advocates construc
tion of municipal swimming
pool in Flamingo Park 5/19/^ 26 3^7
Council approves project
in principle and instructs
City Manager and City Engineer
to prepare plans and estimate
of cost 5/19A8 26 3^7
Council votes to send Mr,
Klein to Jacksonville to
study means of financing
their municipal pools 8/18A8 27 51
Book Page
Committee consisting of
Councilmen Frink, Klein
and Turk appointed to study-
data in regard to municipal
swimming pools 8/l8/h3 27 52
Statement of Councilmen
Klein re. Olympic size
swimming pool read - City
Engineer to prepare plans
for construction 11/23A9 29 66