Music & Entertainment in Hotels_June 1946 to May 1950MUSIC EMTERTAINMENT IN HOTELS Book Page^' Certain hotel owners request one additional hour for playing music in hotels - taken under advisement 6/5A6 2h 106 Sam Barken, representing night club operators, protests any extension of time to hotel operators for playing music 6/19A6 2h As Dorothy Evans of Patrician Hotel objects to any extension of time for playing music in hotels 7/17A6 2h MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTEL BARS 2. Book Page Alex Gordon of Hotel Owners Ass'n. gives suggestions for hours of entertainment 1/15/H-7 2^ He is asked to cooperate with Paul Bruun of the Fla, Supper Club Ass'n, in drawing up joint recommendations for hours of entertainment and kind of entertainment 1/15/^7 2^ ^59 MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTEL BARS Hotel Owners Ass'n, makes several recommendations as to entertainment in hotel bars Hotel Owners Ass'n. recom mends that Hotel Advisory Commission be set up Rajah Raboid objects to recommendations of Hotel Owners Ass'n, with regard to entertainment Book 2/5A7 2^ 2/5A7 2h 2/5A7 2h- MtJSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTEL BARS Book Coimcll takes the recom mendations of the Hotel Owners Ass'n, under advisement 2/5/^7 2^ Bernard,Frank, representing Fla. Supper Club Ass'n., urges that all violations of Ord. #391 with regard to entertainment and hours of entertainment be prose cuted 2/5A7 2^ Paul Bruun urges same 2/5/^7 2h lOTSIC & ENTERTAimiENT IN HOTEL BARS Aaron Courshon asks the Council to take under advisement the reeoininendations of the Hotel Owners Ass'n, re. music and entertainment in hotels 2/19/'+7 Paul and A1 Pollak speak on this subject 2/19A7 Alex Gordon explains the Ass'n.'s views ^ith regard to entertainment in hotels 2/19/^7 He asks that recommendations be referred to City Att'y. 2/19/^7 Book Page 2k 2k 2k 2k MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTEL BARS 6 Book Page Mickey Michaels, Paul Bruun & Edwin Mead speak re, enter tainment in hotel bars 2/19A-7 2^ *+91 Dan Casey says independent bars want same regulations as hotel bars 2/19A7 2h h92 Council says recommendations will be given further study 2/19A7 2^ ^92 Committee consisting of Messrs, Powell. Pole and Renshaw appointed to look into matter of entertainment in hotels 3/5A7 25 2 MUSIC & EIJTERTAINMENT IN HOTEL BARS Alex Gordon urges Council to pass ordinance regulating music- it is referred back to committee 5/7/^7 Report of committee on music in hotels deferred Mr. Renshaw reports for committee 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance regulating music and entertainment in hotels and restaurants Book 7/2A7 7/IIA7 25 25 25 7/IIA7 25 259 MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN H0T3L BARS 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance prohibiting outside loudspeakers (amending "Noise" ordinance) 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending #391 by defining cabarets 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending the Zoning ordinance by permitting cabarets in 100-room hotels 7/11A7 7/11A7 Book 2? 25 7/11A7 25 MUSIC & ENTERTAIiTONT IN HOTEL BARS 1st & 2nd readings of ordinance amending #39^- by providing for license fee for Cabarets Res. #63^+1, calling zoning hearing on proposed zoning change to permit Cabarets in lOO-room hotels Alex Gordon of Hotel Owners Association favors all of foregoing ordinances except one permitting Cabarets in lOO-room hotels - he asks Book 7/11A7 25 260 7/11A7 25 261 MUSIC & ENTBRTAINMENT IN HOTEL BARS Book Council to postpone action on this ordinance until he can contact members of his association 7/11A7 25 Aaron Courshon of Hotel Ass'n. of Miami Beach opposes any ordinance setting up Hotel Advisory Council 7/11A7 25 Ordinance regulating music and entertainment in hotels and restaurants is tabled 8/20A7 25 MUSIC & ENTBRTAirMBNT IN HOTELS Book Ordinance regulting music and entertainment in hotels and restaurants deferred 11/19A7 25 ^9 Ord, #828, as amended, is passed, regulating music and entertainment in hotels and restaurants 12/3/^7 25 ^90 Ben Cohen says 21 hotels desire to have time for playing music extended I/I9A9 27 392 MUSIC AND ENTBRTAIMVIENT IN HOTELS Malvin Englander asks for amendment to Ord, #828 re, radio broadcasts emanating from hotels - referred to City Mgr. M, B, Hotel Owners' Ass'n, asks for amendment to Ord, #828 P. Seltzer of Richmond Hotel objects to extension of time 7/6A9 7/20/49 8/3/49 12. Book Page 28 28 28 MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTELS 13. Book Page M. B, Hotel Owners' ask for Amendment to Ord. #828 to allow musie on weekdays up to 1:00 A. M. in soundproofed rooms - Referred to City Attorney to prepare amendments 8/22A9 28 362 M. B. Hotel Owners' ask for amendment to Ord #828 to permit use of a microphone by a vocalist - Referred to city attorney to prepare amendments 8/22A9 28 362 MUaiU & Jjjr^TERTAOMENT IN HOTELS 114-. Book pggg Danny Davis objects to any increase in music hoursin hotels 28 366 Montague Rosenberg, attorney for Fla. Supper Clubs also objects and asks deferment of action until fall 9/7A9 28 366 Rajah Raboid requests provision in Ord. #828 for mentalist demon strations 9/7/^9 28 390 MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTELS Book City Attorney instructed to prepare amendment to Ord. #828 to permit mind-reading exhi bitions in hotels 9/21/M-9 28 l+2< 1st reading given ordinance amending Ord. #828 to permit mind-reading exhibitions in hotels and restaurants 9/21A9 28 ^-32 Elena Galvan objects to provision in Ord. 828 prohibiting performerSo in hotels and permitting rumba teachers to give ^ a » » r. exhibitions 10/5A9 28 l+W MUSIP A.ND ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTELS Book 3rd reading Ord. #900, to permit mindreading exhibitions in hotels 10/5A9 28 Proposed ordinance regu lating entertainment per mitted in hotels and res taurants and hours such entertainment may be held, is read and Council defers action until next meeting 11/2A9 29 19 MIBIC & ENTERTAINMENT IK HOTELS Book Cornell coraraittee to confer with representatives from interested groups in an attempt to agree on a suitable ordinance, 11/2A9 29 19 Councilman Klein reports that committee fails to agree - Council defers action until next meeting II/9A9 29 37 Action on matter again deferred 11/16A9 29 ^-1 Councilman Roth reports -eomraittee agrees on certain requests re. extension of,, ^hodrs 11/23 A9 29 66 MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTELS l8 Book Page Councilman Roth reports for committee in re. entertain ment in hotels 11/23A9 29 66 Proposed ordinance read 11/23/^9 29 6^ passed on first : I Resolution #706?, calling zoning hearing re. defini tion of night club 11/23/^9 29 68 MUSIC & ENTERTAIMENT IN HOTELS Book Council defers action on extension of hours until April 26 If-19-50 29 315 Hearing conducted on proposal to extend hours of entertainment H-26-50 29 3l8 City Attorney instructed to prepare ordinance extending time for music in soimdproof rooms in hotels and restaurants until 1:00 A.M. with payment of |750,00 fee ^-26-50 29 319 MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT IN HOTELS 20 Book Page Ordinances given first reading relative to extending hours of entertainment in hotels, etc, 5/3/50 29 3^2 Ordinances adopted, relative to extending hours of enter- 36'4- tainment in hotels, etc. 5/17/50 29 365- 366