N Miscellaneous_December 1940 to November 1956"N" MISCELLANEOUS 20, Book Page Nautilus Hotel granted liquor rieens"e 12/24/40 19 4r92~ National Go-uncil of Jewish Women given use of Flamingo Park on night-of-Pehr- -12y -1941 1/8/41 20 14- Nolan-Peeler to be notified that commer c ial us e^ bT^park ing" lo^t mus t dls-oont inu^d l/l b/41 20 16- Nat^ l~Ghirldr en^hg-^C ar dl a^Home* to hold Tag Day__ 2/8/41 1/2 2/41 20 23 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 2( Book Page Norman Hotel granted parking lotpemnit"-^Edr^7BXkTl^rte-dman-&;-^ope- - 7 2/19/41. 20 71 _JIall et,_^LeDnard off erred $2QQ. 00 for parking employees cars during "hummer of 1941^ 4/25/41 20 193^ NOLAN-Peeler - Parking Lo-t -Periai-t— ordered revoked 8/6/41 20 575 Nolan-Peeler, revocation of their parking lot permit held in abeyance for 50 days 8/8/41 . 20^ 401 "N" MISCELLANEOUS n '" 21 _ Book Page Neon Sign & Service Go. awarded contract for new sign at 0. of C. Pishing Dock, 11/6/41 21 23 The Nut Gluh granted Night Glub license 11/6/41 21 23 Neil's Deliaatessen granted Beer and Wine license 11/6/41 21 ^23 Normandy Resident & Day School granted Private School license Normandy Plaza Tap Rooi^^r^^ed Beer and wine license, 11/10/41 21 28 V MISCELLANEOUS 22 Book Page Normandy Ocean Glut) granted permit for parking lot il/^lO/41 21 32 -onJL&ts--4^-&—6^ -3-lk^ 9-y -N , B^S. North Shore Improvement Go. =~ext-ena-iGn—of- dock 60' into Biscayne Bay 11/12/41 21 4 5 Northshore Hotel Cocktail Bar granted liquor license 11719/41 21 50 National Tours, Inc. granted Travel Bureau license 11/26/41 82 MISCELLANEOUS 23 Book Page Use of Nolan Peeler parking lot complained of by adjoining property owner. 12/5A1 21 85 Normandy Hotel granted parking lot permit.- Lots 3 & Blk. 3. 12/5A1 21 88 Normandy Resident School complained of about noise. 12/5A1 21 88 Normandy resident ordered to remove frame cabanas. 12/ 17/M 21 101 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 23A Book Page Complaints again received on Nolan Peeler parking lot. Referred to Mr. Mice. 1/7 A2 21 127 Normandy Hotel granted parking lot license - Lot 6, Blk. 1, Friedman g- Cope. 1/7/^2 21/ 129 Council took no action on parking lot permit of Nolan Peeler. 2/18/^ 21 198 Nolan Peeler Company granted parking lot permit for 60 days only. 2/20/42 21 207 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 2k Book Page Normandy School granted permit for 1942-^3. 11AA2 21 459 North Shore Hotel liquor application presented but not considered as this hotel was taken over by Army. 12/9/42 21 477 National Pkg. Store (Edw. Binder) granted liquor license. 4/7/43 22 68 North Shore Cocktail Lounge (Frank Reardon) granted liquor license. 10/6/43 22 180 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 2M Book Page Plat of Nautilus Extension 5th, approved, subject to satisfactory arrangements with city in re: installing of sanitary sewers, streets & sidewalks. 10/6A3 22 188 Normandy School given renewal permit for private school. 12/1/43 22 222 Beer &wine license granted Normandy Plaza Hotel. 2/16/44 22 275 North Shore Hotel liquor license transferred to Harold Clark. 3/1/ii4 22 282 "N" Miscellaneous Morris Nash protest work being stopped on building on lot 1, block 30, 0. 3. Add. #2 6/21/k^- Mr. Shepard advises building is violation of zoning o/21/H■^■ Matter referred to City Mgr. 6/2l/^4. Beer & wine license granted Nat'l Kosher Market (Novin) 9/20/44 Beer and wine license granted Normandy Plaza Hotel(Scherr) 19/20/44- 22 26 Book Page 22 346 22 22 346 22 4o6 "N" Miscellaneous Beer and wine license granted Normajidy Restaurant 11/15/^^ Normandie Hotel Coffee Shop granted beer and wine license 12/6/1^-^1- Liquor license granted Hotel Netherlands Cocktail Lounge (Kester) 12/6/^•l^- Normandy Homes, Inc. offers to sell Block 3, Altos del Mar #1 to city for park purposes for $39,1^73.00 1/3A5 27. Book Page 22 il-3lf 22 l|-l|-3 22 11-4-H- 22 1^-62 Res. #57^1 acquiring option on B. 3, Altos del Mar #1 1/3A5 22 "N" Miscellaneous 2^. Book Page Res. #5722 authorizing purchase of Block 3, Altos del Mar #1 from Normandy Homes, Inc. for 1/3/^5 22 ^3 Edwin Nyberg's application for liquor license rejected (see index "LIQUOR") 2/7A5 22 1^71 North Shore Cocktail Bar granted liquor license 5/1^/^5 23 91 National Package Store (Seigel) granted liquor license o/6/4-5 23 loS "N" Miscellaneous Book Normandy Inn (Marmer & Schuckman) granted beer & wine license g/l/45 23 Normandy Restaurant granted beer and wine license IO/3A5 23 New York Kosher Delicatessen & Normandie Coffee Shop grsinted beer & wine licenses 10/17/^5 23 Beer and wine license granted Normandy Food Center 12/5/45 23 "N" Miscellaneous Liquor license granted National Hotel 12/5A5 Beer and wine license granted Nautical Grill 2/20/4-6 North Shore Bank given permit to establish bank at 71st & Abbott V17A6 Normandy Plaza Hotel Coffee Shop granted beer and wine license 5/1/4-6 30 Book Page 23 319 23 409 24-12 24-4-9 »N" MISCELLANEOUS Book National Hotel (Ed Singer) given peraission to use 17th St. mess hall for purposes connected with hotel 5/15/^6 2k 87 Dr. Harry Needelman offers to purchase Municipal Hospital for $1^0,000 6/5A6 2k 106 National Package Store , , . , granted liquor license 6/5/k6 2k 109 "W" MISCELLANEOUS 32 Book Page Normandy Isles Improvement Ass'n. ask that 71st St., Everglades Cone., North Bay Causeway and 79th St. be renamed "Everglades Concourse"- Council has no objections provided it is agreeable to Miami, County and State 7/3A6 2k- 182 Dr. Harry Needelman urges that Council take some action on his offer to purchase the Municipal Hospital 7/17A6 2^ iB? "N" MISCELLANEOUS A. BookBeer and wine license grant||B|^ New York Bar & Delicatessen^3Bfc/U-6 2k Nu-Way Plumbing Co, awarded Contract ^3-H, for H-289 improvement 8/7/k6 2k Encroachment of Nemo Hotel waived, Res, #6o85 8/7/^+6 2^ Beer and wine license granted Normandy Plaza Coffee Shop 9/I8A6 2^ "N" MISCELLANEOUS 3I,. Book Page Normandie Hotel Coffee Shop granted beer license 11/6/^ 2^ 38O National Package Store is granted liquor license ll/6/k6 2k- 382 North Shore Hotel given permit to construct 3 boat slips extending ^0 feet into bay 12/l8A^ 2h if28 New York Delicatessen & Restaurant is grantedbeer and wine license 12/18A6 2h h29 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 35 Book Page Council votes to deposit $50,000 In the North Shore Bank 12/27/^ 2^ Mfl Res. #6x6^- is passed accepting deed to Normandy Waterway from Mortimer C. & Florence L. Gryzmish 1/15/^7 2h National Package Store is granted liquor license Vl6A7 25 North Shore Hotel granted permit for 7 docks 5/7A7 25 "K" MISCELLANBOTJS Chamber of Commerce urges Council to establish priority on Nautilus Hospital with view to making it available to Mt. Sinai Hospital 6/l8/'+7 Government advises that Nautilus Hospital has been declared surplus National Kosher Market granted beer license 8/20A7 Book 25 25 9/19A7 25 339 366 "N" MISCELLANEOUS National Hotel Cocktail Bar granted liquor license 11/19A7 North Beach Business Ass'n, complaint about signs at 71st and Collins referred to City Engineer 12/10A7 "Nibbles" granted beer and wine license 1/7/^^ For index re. application to buy Nautilus Hotel property see special card "NAUTILUS HOTEL PROP." 2/11A8 Book 25 26 26 26 37 Page 21 186 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 38 Book Page Nazarene Church granted per mission to use Flamingo Park bandshell facilities for one week 5/5/^ 26 32< Normandy Isle Filling Station request for sign permit is denied 7/21/U8 26 hk6 North Shore Hotel granted liquor license 8/I8A8 27 22 Normandy Beach Tavern granted beer license 9/15A8 27 93 "N" MISCBLLMEOUS 39 Book Page Res. #6683 protesting hear ing before Civil Aeronautics Board re. National Airlines 11/17/^ 27 203 North Shore Hotel given permission to extend dock and build additional slips 7/6/U-9 28 23^ No action on Joseph Nevraian's request for lunch wagon permit 1-18-50 29 138 "N" MISCELLANEDUS Book Permission given National A.uto. Dealers Assn, to erect tents in connection with their 1951 convention at the auditorium 6-21-50 29 M-l^t North Shore Jewish Center complains re. acoustis in auditorium i-7-5l 30 357 Res. #7793 authorizing Citv Mgr.to suomir plans of Normandy Shores Sewer System to Pla. State Board of Health 9-19-51 32 66 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 4l Book Page Invitation from Board of County Commlsioners received inviting Council to meeting when matters re. housing for negro population would be discussed. 10-17-51 32 123 December 8, 1951 designated as National Forensic League Calendar Day 12-5-51 32 221 Normandy Isles Improvement Ass'n invites Council to attend their meeting in connection with two-way traffic on Normandy Isle. 6-4-52 33 9° "N" MISCELLANEOUS 42. Book Page Request for $750.00 to help M.B. committee meet expenses of observing National Art Week from ll/l to 7* incl. 1952, referred to Pub. Rel. Adv. Comm. 10-15-52 33 328 National Ass'n of Real Estate Boards commend and thank Auditoriiom Mgr. Ritter and Park Supt. Poulos for their aid and cooperation during recent convention 12-3-52 33 4l2 Encroachment of apartment house canopy over city sidewalk at 5f49 Collins Ave. waived -(property of Nesbitt) 11-18-53 35 159 "n" miscellaneous 43 Book Page National Airlines invites Council to attend demonstration of the use of silencing device on their helicopters, on June 9. 6-2-5^ 36 22 National Airlines to be advised that no action will be taken on renewal of their application to use area northwest of Municipal Auditorium for helicopter landing field until all Councilmen are present 6-16-5^ 36 26 Councilman Shapiro sxiggests Alton Rd. Hospital bldg. be made available for nursery and clinic. City Mgr. refers Councilman Shapiro to Mr. Gertner of Mt. Sinai Hospital 8-17-55 37 3l8 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 44 Book Page Plans for remodeling Northshore Hotel Cocktail Lounge approved provided there is no entrance into bar from public street. City Atty requested to submit information to Council as to how these requests should be handled, 9-7-55 37 334 City Clerk to notify Harry A. Greenberg, atty., representing Dora Elliott and Elaine Randolph, owners of Lot 2, Blk 12, Normandy Beach South, if North Shore Bank files apDlicatlon to construct drive-inbanking facilities 11-2-55 37 438 "N" miscellaneous 2i5 ,, Book PageRes. #9290 permitting North Shore Bank to construct overhead walkway to connect with drive-in teller booths over existing easement, (construction to be removed if it interferes with interest of public or City) 7-18-56 38 317 National Safety Council presents Certificate of Achievement to Mayor Powell and Council in recognition of City's outstanding performance in public safety education 9 38 375 "N" MISCELLANISUS ^6 Book Page $1,250.00 appropriated from unappropriated current funds to underwrite boat trip in connection with National Assessor's Convention to be held in M.B. on November 25th to 29th, 1956 ^ , 10-3-56 38 444 National Hotel owners request Coimcil to regulate flashing signs. Mr. Renshaw to continue his studies on possible legislation to control same. 11-7-56 38 479