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N Miscellaneous_January 1930 to December 1941
"N" MISCELLANEOUS 1. BOOK. PAGE Ho action on 9"bli Floor Lighting 9» 52 Nicholle, Chas. C.j dedication rejected " 3^^ National Geograohic Magazine-Res. 2122 Nagengast, Joseph G.-Parh site pur chased 1-15-30 9» ^33 Nichols, Chas. C.-Storm Sewers sug gested 10-1-30 10, 2gl Naval Hajigar at Opa Locka-Flag Pole bought 7-1-31 11, 97 MISGSLLAHSQUS * 2/ BOOK. PAGE Haval Hangar Flag Pole: Letter of thanks for 7-^15r31 11, 10^ National League of Commission Merchants; Appropriation for convention asked " IO5 Newspapers, J.H.Wendler re: Qualifications for legal notices 2-I7-32 11, 231 "N" MISCELLANEOUS ' n 2.^ Book Pase Nagengast, Jos. requests adjustment on paving lien on his Ocean Drive property 5/15/35 13 422 ' Nagengast, Jos. allowed reduction on paving Lien -Lot 4,Elk.113,0.B.#4 6/3/35 13 435 National Liquor Stores ask interpre tation of signs in liquor stores 8/7/35 14 17 National Liquor Stores granted pkg. goods license for 744-5th St. and denied license for 655 Washington Ave. 9-18-35 l4 103 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 3. Book Page Nunnally's request permission for Service Bar In their Lincoln Road Store. 9/30/35, ^ 14 114 North Beach Store granted beer and wine license 19-17-35 ^51 Nyberg, Edwin, assigned 3 for hire permits owned by A1 Hlckland 10/25/35 14. Nat'l Liquor S^grfs.given license for ,1, National Liquor src^s "^Tdn-^^thorlty to change name to National Package Stores 10/30/35 14 16? Nautilus Hotel granted liquor license permit 11/7/35 1^ 1^0 "N" MISOELLANEOUS 4. Book Page Novak, Mr. F._ objects to purchase of ocean front park 11/7/35 14 180 NunnallyJJg. granted liquor license ii/20/35 34 198 FlcboTsbn,' H. granted contract for int e ri or -pai nting- Ci ty Hall ll/29/3§—14—21& Nyberg, Edw. Jr. given permit to assi^" .2 Taxlcab^permlts 3^/11/55 14 Neon Sign man asks that their company be permitted to put Neon lettering on marquises for Pa.ddock and Shickeh Jacks - 1/8/36 «N" MISCELLANEOUS 5. Book Page Normandy Ltinch Room granted "beer and wine permit l/S/36 2^ Netherlands Hotel granted permit , for sky sign l4^ 264- New Jersey Drug Co.-granted beer and wine permit 2/19/36 1^ 296 " ' /ILa National Package -Store granted liquor- _y license for a^l-th & Collins IO-2I-36 I3 I9I New Deal Smoke Shop granted heev __ __ and wine license 11—12—3® 15^ 21.9 "NW MISCELLANEOUS 5*h Book Page Nichols Wj L. - Re s. on Death of Res. #3^120 Ih ^5 Flowers ordered sen^fc to funeral. of Officer Nichols 1^ 295 Monthly salary check is reported being mailed to Mrs.WlL.Nichols 3/13 /36 ^l4 3^5 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 5. ^ Book Page Novak, Elmer asks pernilt to ^ have band in park 12/16/3^ 15 2B7 Normandy Spa - granted beer and wine license 1/6737 W 326 Normandy Beach Tavern- grant ed beer and wine license 1-29-37 15 371 Normandy Plaza Hotel granted beer , and wine license 2-17-37 15 39^ Numerology School of America,Inc. granted permit 3''22-37 15 VfT »N" MISCELLANEOUS Book Albert M. Newman granted permit to operate private school at l6lS Lenox Ave. 6/23/37 155 Niceley Funeral Home given permit to enclose porte-cochere, but not to extend building. 7/7/37 17^ Nicks; National Kosher Market and Normandy Pharmacy granted beer and wine licenses 16-11-37 l6 306 Numerology School of America granted 1937-33 permit 10-20-37 16 333 "N« MISCEL3LANE0US g _Book Page Napoll - granted beer and wine ricense 12-3-37 l6 ^15 Naval Affairs Oommlttee -_ approprla- tlon made for entertainment 17 100 Natlonsil Package Stores file application ^for license on ^Ist Street Appro, of $1,333. made for Fla.Nat'l ExhibiarTsN. Y, Wori^ "isTalr 5- 25-33 I7 ZBy Nlkko, Tacfit - granted permit for neonr sign 9-7-3^ ^17 26^1- "N" MISCELLANEOUS 9, Book Page Newman, Albert M, granted private sch-ool permit for 133^ Euclid Ave. 9-7-3S 17 267 Norris-Howard -request for parking lost permit referred to City Mgr. 9-7-33 17 279- Newman, Albert M,granted private school permit for I25I Euclid Ave, rather than 133^ Euclid as previously peimitted 10-19-33 I7 29o New Club Deuce Bar & Grill & New Harry's Market granted beer & wine 10-19-3^ I7 300 "N" MISGSLLANE0U3 10 Book Page "New River" boat - granted beer and wine license 10-26-32 17 313 Normandy Resident and Day School granted private school pennit 11/2/32 17 332 Numerology School of America granted permit ll/l6/3g 17 " 3~¥9 Novak,Prank- Res.#i|-^19 urging Pardon Board to deny clemency 11/16/33 17 350 NormandJeHotel granted commercial pafrklng lot permit 12/7/32 17 3^^ Normandie Plaza ask for .liquor Hr.<=.ns« iP/Itt/-???TOOC "N" MISCELLANEOUS 11 Book Page Normandie Hotel parking lot - complaints filed against same 12/l^/^S IJ 393 New Paddock granted liquor license 12/21/33 17 iH3 New Paddock granted night club license 12/21/33 17 i<.13 Norman die Hotel parking lot permit revoked 1-^39 17 ^<^20 Normandy Plaza Restaurant granted ~ beer and wine license 1-^-39 17—^33 jyiXDU^LiAlNM/LnS Book Page^ Norman Hotel granted^parking lot permit 2/1/39 I7 Nemo^ Hotel denied permit for post sign 2/15/39 17 ^72 New Paddock Club - liquor license request held up 7/5/39 TB Ij6^ NATHANSON, BEN-beer arid wine permit held .up for Im e sti gati on B/16/39 IB 217 Nathanson,Ben - granted beer and wine permit 9/6/39 16 229 Nathens on /Mary V. -appl 1 cation ^or liquor held up 9/6/39 _ IB 230 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 13. Book Page New Paddock Club granted liquor o-zn license f-6-39 18 230 Nathanson, Mary V,- petition filed in her behalf for liquor license at Mary & Mac's Bar 9-13-39 12 26l National Package Stores granted 2 liquor licenses 9-20-39 12 276 NORMANDY RESIDENT & DAY SCHOOL- granted private school pennit IO/5/39 12 315 Nathan son-Mary V.-requests liquor license 10/12/39 12 «N" MISCELLANEOUS 14 " Book Page_ New Rainbow Hotel - complain of noise from Segal Taxi stand II/I/39 Ig 351 New Paddock Club-granted night club license 11/1/39 13 352 Nathanson, Mary V.-granted liquor license for Mary* s a Mac •s 11/1/39 mLS 353 Normandy Pharmacy granted beer and wine license 11/3/39 13 36^ New Yorker granted beer and wine - liGense 11/3/39 13 364- NUT CLUB granted liquor licej^e^g . WN" MISCELLANEOUS " I5 Book Page 3otel NORMANDY granted beer and wine license I2/13/39 IB" NORMANDY TAVERN granted beer and wine 12/2g/39 Ig Normandy Resident & Day School de nied permit to have tent on property ^ 2/7/iW IB !t5I Norman Hotel granted parking lot -permit Lot 6,Blk.l, - B/g/U-O Friedman & So-ne Sub.Friedman & ^ope Sub. Netherlands Hotel granted beer and wlj©e ricense 5/29/4-0 "N" MISCELLANEOUS l6. Book Page Petition filed against operation of Normandy Residence School 7/3/^0 19 179 Neraetz, Albert - granted liquor license at 2kO~2kM-23rdL 7/3/^ ' 19 1B5 Normandy Plaza Hotel granted parking Lot at cor./lst & Harding Ave. S/7/40 19 219 No rmandy Plaza Hot el. again reque s ts Parking Lot permit at 718"^ St, and _ Harding Avenue. 9/25/^0 ^ Normandy Plaza Hotel granted permit for ~ parking lot X0-?-^0 I9 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 1? Book n Page Netherlands Hotel granted liquor license lO-21-il-O 19 363 Nolan-Peeler Motor Oo.granted park- Natiorral Tours, Inc .^granted traveL ing lot permit 10-21-^ I9 3^^ "bureau license 10-23-40 19 371 Nadelweiss ,Henry--grarLted parJcing- lat permit Lots 1 and 2,Blk.27,E,35' Lots 19 and 20, Plsher 's Ist-Suh.- 10-3a-40 19" 377" JJut- Club—grante-d nighfc- -cluh- li c enss- 10-30-40 19 378 "N" MISCELLANEOUS 18 Book Page Normandy School requests renewal of private schoor~- petl^dh^lled agains t op er at ion ^f- this- s ohool-- permit granted 11-6-40 19 386 _Nat.l.o_naL__Hotel Cocktail Lounge grantpid liquor license 11-20-40 19 416 Needleman^A, - granted heer and wine license 11/27/40 19" Nash Hotel file objection to parking "Lotr-nor th 15 f th e ir^ho t e r^1/277^0 19 433 Nut £lub, - granted„park tng" lot on Lot s" ^ Sub, 12/4/40 19 "N" MISCELIANEOtJS Book Page New_JYorkgr^JHotel granted^laeer and wine license 12/4/4® 19 448 New Paddock Club -- granted night club license 12/4/40 19 454 National Children's Convalescent Home granted permit to have tag day —on~Jan-uary-2bth 12/16/40— 19 481- — Normandy—Residence-and Day—School John J. dpdeaky complains of noise ^_ormndy Delicatessen"^ gO_ granted Beer andT wine License off the premises.