New York Giants_October 1933 to June 1935EEW YORK GIANTS / ^ Book Page Mayor Katzentine reports re; N.Y.Giants training at M.B,lO/lS/33 12» 15^ Endorsements on above 10/lB/3!5 12> 15^ Referred to Publ.& Adv.Comm. 10/18/33 12» 158 Council discusses on above 10/2^33 12 > 16^1- Citizens further endorse above 10/25/33 12» 1^5 Mgr.Bill Terry addresses Council " 12ji l65_ Ways & means of meeting expenses ^ disQussed; also pledges made » 12 loRCouncil to put Flamingo park in shape n is6 City guarantees |10»000 fund> etc. " i2j166 NEW YORK GIANTS 2, Book Page Infernally agreed to form corp. llfOOO. appropriated for Fitting field in shape 11/9/33 12» 131 Unexpended portion of above |1»000» to be used for additional grandstand seats. 12/15/33 12, 213 #300.00 appropriated for additional grandstand seats 2.2/ 20/33 12, 21^1- Discussion on guarantee fund 12/20/33 12, 216 M YORK GIANTS - 3. ^ Book Page Installation of gas heater for locker-room at $120.00 2/7/3^ 12, 256 Additional requirements discussed and left to discretion of City Manager 2/7/3^ 12, 256 Insurance during baseball games left to City Mgr. 2/7/34- 12, 257 Discussion on guarantee fund 3/21/3^1- 12, 326 Further " " » >« 4/V3^ 12, 3^6 Council agree to pay $750.00 of lOM Guarantee Fund, Underwriters Assn, to pay all bills incurred by them,5/2/3^ 12 3S6 NEW YORK GIANTS Book Page , Mayor Katzentine advises IT.Y.G-iants willing to return to Tlamingo Park in 1935 without guarantee 7/5/3^ ^2, 4^7^ Res. #2921 offering facilities of Flamingo Park to N.Y.Giants for spring 1935 training quarters 7/1^/3^ 13» ^ City Manager to negotiate with Mgr. Bill Terry reJ above resolution 7/1^/3^ 13» ^ N.Y,Giants accept terms of Res, #2921 g/15/3^ 13, 55 NEW YORK GIANTS 5. : Book' Page Flamingo Baseball field made available to G-iants for spring 1936 training June 3i''3-» 1935 13, 434