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Night Clubs_November 1941 to April 1950
NIGHT CLUBS 25 Book Page Night Club license granted Rib and Loin 11/19/41 21 49 Night Club lieense_sranted Bouche^ Villa Venice 1275/41 21 9^ Night Club license granted the "Rip ti de "Club 127^17/41—21 103" G o^cl 1" "gr ant eil'^iiht-'Club" lie en s e toChas. Friedman-323 23rd St. 12/17/41 21 103 Gouncilman Wolfaon moved that no -mor © ^fighb —G 1-ub^ Lc e n s e s b e-4 ssu ed Motion lost. 12/17/41 21 103 NIGHT CLUBS - 26. _ Book Page Councilman Meyer presented motion that Night Club license fe,e hereduced to $1000. 12/18/41 21 125 No second. Night Club operators object to proposed amendment to Liquor Ord, providing for later music in bar rooms 1/7/42 21 128 Night club operators again object to bars being permitted to have music until 1:00 A.M. I/21/II-2 21 I53 NIGHT CLUBS 27 Book Page Committee appointed to consider licenses for night clubs and bars (Renshaw, Shepard, Tomlinson and Councilmen Frink and Burbridge) ll/l8/k-2 21 Night Clubs defined in two ordinances amending Ord.#391 and #39^ , , see Ordinances Nos,675 ^ ^7^ l/p/^3 21 502 & 503 Lou Walters protests high license fee for night clubs 12/21/4-2 21 4-93 Night club license authorized for Palm Island Latin Quarter 11-17-4-3 22 213 NIGHT CLUBS n n Book Lioenees authorized for THE BEACHCOMBER & KITTY DAVIS AIRLINER 1/2V^^ 22 254 Licenses granted MONTE CARLO and PABK AVENUE 3A/^ 22 License granted Monte Carlf 9/20/44 22 License granted Latin Quarter 10/20/44 22 " " Kitty Davis ll/g/^l4 22 It " Casa de Baile 11/5/44 22 " " The Beachcomber 12/20/44 22 •» " The Mocamba 1/3A5 22 NI'O-HT CLtTBS ' . 29. BOOK PAGE Council authorizes refund of |750 to night clubs licensed for this fiscal"year because of hational edict requiring midnight closing 3/7/^5 23 5 Above night club licenses reinstated by order of Council upon payment of additional $250 license fee 5/16/M-5 23 99 Mocamba given ^ year's night club license 5/17/^5 23 102 NI'IHT CLUBS - 30. Book Page Licenses granted Bar of Music, Circus Bar, Delicate Frank's, Mother Kelly's, Harp Vaughan's Mexicana Bar, Terrace Restaurant and Club 22, 10/17/^5 23 250 Beachcomber, Casa de Baile, Copacabana, Delicate Frank's, Charles Friedman, Ben B. Gaines, Riptide Club, Terrace and Park Avenue NIGHT CLUBS 31 Book Page Licenses granted Giro's, Latin Quarter, Kitty Davis, 5 o'clock Club, Mocamba 11/7/^5 ^3 267 License granted Paddock Club II/9A5 23 266 License granted Winnie's Little Club II/21A5 23 290 Granted Chez Paree 12/5A5 23 3^9 Application of Fleetwood Hotel referred to City Mgr. and Git^^ 23 ^25 Axty. 3/0 NIGHT CLUBS 32 Book Page Sam Barken protests any extension of time to hotel owners for play ing music (representing night club operators) 6/19A6 2h A3 Harold R. Archer granted license for night club at Vanderbilt Hotel S/7/h6 2h 235 Paul Bruun says no one is authorized to speak for night club operators except officers of Fla. Supper Club Ass'n. 8/7/^+6 2h 2A NIGHT CLUBS 33 Book Page Shanghai Restaurant & Bar is granted night club license 8/21/^ 2h Mardi Gras granted license 9/h-/k-6 2h Blackamoor Room, Club 22, Delicate Frank's, Paddock Club and Circus Bar granted night club licenses 10/2A6 2^ Licenses granted Casa de Baile, Park Avenue, Winnie's Little Club, Shanghai Restaurant, Mother Kelly's, Bar of Music and Ki t-hv Davl a 10/l6/^^ 2U- '^1+^ NIGHT CLUBS 3^ Book Page Licenses granted Charles Friedman, Five O'clock Club, Copacabana, Beachcomber and Don Richard's Famous Door ll/6/k6 2h 379 Ciro's granted night club license 11/20 A6 2k 398 Proposed ordinance to permit women to serve liquor in night clubs fails to pass first reading 11/20A6 2^+ U08 WIGHT CLITBS Book Mocamba granted renev/al of license 12AA6 2h U-11 Florida Supper Club recom mends as to suggested hours for night clubs and it is referred to City Attorney to draw an ordinance 12/V/i+6 2h ^iJ^- Latin Quarter and The Steak House granted night club licenses 12/18A6 2h if30 NIGHT CLUBS 1st and 2nd readings of ordinance fixing hours of night clubs 12/18/1+6 Ord, #790 given 3rd reading, fixing the hours when night clubs may serve liquor 1/2/1+7 Albert L. Kahn recommends that all 100-room hotels be permitted to have night clubs 3/5/1+7 Book 2l+ 2l+ 25 hk6 NIGHT CLUBS 37 Book Page J. G. Hundley and Ben Binder urge that large hotels be permitted to operate night clubs - it is referred to committee on entertainment in hotels V2A7 25 87 Permits granted Charles Friedman, Park Avenue, Copa Cabana, Shanghai Restaurant, Club 22, Bill Jordan, Beachcomber, Blackamoor Room, Circus Bar, Delicate Frank's, Little Club, Mardi Gras & Paddock 10/15A7 25 ^19 NIGHT CLUBS Life Bar granted night club license Mother Kelly's, Copa Cabana and Famous Door granted licenses Albion Cocktail Bar, Little Roumania and Club 22 granted licenses Latin Quarter granted license Ciro's granted renewal license Book 10/1?A7 25 11/5A7 ^ 25 11/19A7 25 12AA7 12/17A7 26 26 38 Page i+19 If 5^ if78 h 26 NIGHT CLTBS Shanghai Restaurant & Bar granted renewal license In connection with Copa Cabana fire discussion held re. overcrowding of buildings for public assembly Council Conference re. fire hazards in over crowding of buildings used for public assembly Book 2/18A8 26 6/16/1+8 26 6/18/1+8 39 Page 191 U-OU- 26 ^13 NIGHT CLUBS Council denies request of E, M. Loew for reduction in night club license for Latin Quarter David Whitman's application for night club license at lU^^+6 Ocean Drive denied Petition submitted object ing to granting night club license to Circus Bar - referred to Mr. Renshaw 8AA8 9/1A8 Book 27 27 9/15A8 27 96 NIGHT CLUBS Licenses granted Club Deuce Bar & Grill, Tahiti Bar, Mother Kelly's Bar & Grill and Bar of Music Ben Cohen asks Council to approve license for Circus Bar Morris Warner, attorney, objects - property owners testify as to noise from Circus Bar Referred to City Manager 1 1 Book 10/7 A8 27 0/19/h8 27 0/19/U5 10/19-A8 27 27 ^1 Page 115 132 132 132 NIGHT CLUBS lf2 Book Page Licenses granted Delicate Frank's, Johnny Howard's Albion Lotmge, Club Beach comber, Paddock Club, Little Club and Life Bar 10/20/^+8 2? 133 Licenses granted Mardi Gras, Riptide Bar, Club 22, Charlie's Inn, 5 O'clock Club, Park Avenue, Casa de Baile aaiixSaGaBnJX 11/3/1+8 27 16^ BicTgnr Night club application of Famous Door taken under consideration 11/3/^ 27 l6^ NIGHT CLUBS Circus Bar informed that Bldg. Dept. requirements must he met before night club license can issue Circus bar application for night club denied Mr. Farrey's report on Circus Bar is read Mr, Cohen asks that night club license now be granted 11/3A8 12/1A8 12/8/kS Book 27 27 27 ^3 Page 183 217 237 12/8/if8 27 237 NIGHT CLUBS City Manager says night club license for Circus Bar was erroneously issued in the first place as location is not zoned for night clubs 12/8/^ Book 27 12/8A8 27 Circus Bar night club license application is deferred until Dec. 1? Copa City and Bouche's Villa Venice granted. licenses 12/15/^ 27 Ciro's application held up 12/15/^ 27 Page 237 NIGHT CLUBS ^ Motion to grant license to Circus Bar loses Giro's granted license K & D Amusement Corp. (formerly Kitty Davis) granted license Council is advised of suit of Circus Bar against City Embers - 2^5 22nd St. - granted license Book 12/15 A8 27 12/17/k8 27 1/5A9 27 1/12A9 2/16A9 27 27 ^5 Page 2A 258 27? 333 >+2^- NIGHT CLUBS k6 Book Page Al's Bar granted license h/20A^9 28 ^2 David Whitman granted license at lM+6 Ocean Dr. 5/18/^9 28 151 Council advised that night clubs are not permit ted at l¥f6 Ocean Dr. 5/19A9 28 loo Council calls zoning hear ing (Res. #6929)5 to change zoning to permit night club at lif?6 Ocean Dr. 5/19A-9 28 I67 NIGHT CLUBS B. J. Schwarts granted license at 222 l^■ th St. - Club Deuce Bar& Grill 9/21A9 h7 Book Page Bouche's Villa Venice and Tahiti Bar granted licenses 9/28A9 28 ^06 ^3^28 Albion Hotel Cocktail Lounge, Paddock Club, Bar of Music, Chez Paree, Embers, Casa de Baile, e'^granle^^Sicenses 10/19 A9 28 ^•87 NIGHT CLUBS k8 Book Page Licenses granted Park A.venue, Inc., Kitty Davis Restaurant, Riptide Bar & Cocktail Lounge, A.I's Bar, Five O'clock Club, Life Bar, The Beachcomber, Mardi Gras, Mother Kelly's II/2A9 29 22 Licenses granted: Grand Hotel Cocktail Bar (new), Alan Gale Celebrity Club II/I6A9 29 ^6 Action on zoning change to redefine night clubs deferred until March 1, 1950 12-lV-If9 29 87 NIGHT CLTTR.q Permits granted Chez Paree, 22 Club, Singer's Restaurant, Clro's andCopa City 12-21-h9 29 92 Charles Friedman granted renewal permit - 323 23rd 1-11-50 29 130 Delicate Frank's Cock tail Lomge granted night club permit 3-I-50 29 210 Deck Bar granted night club permit 1+-5-50 29 277