Normandy Beach Properties_January 1928 to November 1936NORiaUDY BEACH PROPER^ISS.-^ . c£z2Z. ^ ., /4 ^ jt/S'O. I /! f (/nO^(ZuyC^Z:^fV(^ ley^ _ . ^-—a f -2-^/ MAIIDY'BEACH 2. 5 Book, Page. ^ V. Offer to dedicate Normandy llle Bridge not accepted at present 6-3-23 3 yi6 Request resurfacing of Streets • <- > i on Normandy Isle leading to Causeway S 434 Resurfacing authorized 3 4/7 Whiteway authorized on So.Everglades Con. 4/7 Normandy Isle Bridge refused ^7^ City to pay half of lights 1-16-29 9, 51 City Mgr's recommendation on Cfplf 9» 126, CcJouree X23 MQRMAKDY BEACH PROPERTIES - Book« Page Sale of Normandy Isle Tax Certificates to Normandy Beach. Properties 7-1°-30 10, 201 Payment of Cost of Installation of Water system authorized 7-1^-30 10, 201 Objections to moving frame buildings to Normandy Beach South by P. L. Watson 10, 337 Permit to unload houses 11-20-30 10, 365 Streets on east end of Normandy Isle^ to be resurfaced ll^Jb 15 20k-