Normandy Isle (North)_November 1937 to August 1938NORMANDY ISLE (NORTH)
Book Page
= ^
city Mgr. authorized to advertise
for bids for bulkhead on City
proj>drty drl->-5f 16-5 ^k6-
Bids received on above bulkhead-
ing 11-17-37 ~ 16 367
Final Estimate to J.W.Pearce
ordered paid nn"Normandy Isle Sea-
wall U- 20-3^^ ^ 12^
Final estimates to M.G.G-ryy.mish^xm
East and West Bridges ordered paid
g-iT-^g— 17 25ir
. Book Pa^e
Plans pr ted on proposed rlding
academy and bids ordered called for
on constmetlon of-same 11-20-40 19 4d.0
Bids received for construction of
rising academy arid also 1 bid for
lease to operate same - referred bo-
City Engineer for tabulation 12/4/40 19 445
R.B.Gryzmish and Ceo.P.Jacobs ob
ject bd riding academy on North
—Normandy Isle 12/4/40 19— 445
—Council agree to^efer ac t ion en
proposed riding academy 12/4/40 19 451
Book Paffe
Council instruct City Engineer Lipp
to prepare plans and. estiinate Tov
construction on yaclxt—basin on
North Normandy Isle 12/11/40 19 464
Book Page
Plat <£f North Isle of Normandy dedi
cating streets approved 7-^9^39 171 "
$2,062,06 appropriated for water
main installation on north side
of Normandy Isle 7/2/41 20— 330
Council defers action on
request of Geo. Jacobs that
name be changed to Normandy
Shores - 6/2/kQ 26 370
Name changed to Normandy
Shores 6/16/^8 26 ^11