Normandy Isle Playground_January 1947 to June 1948N0MANT3Y TSLE PLAYGROUND Committee on playgrounds reports on sites on Normandy Isle 1/2 A7 Res. #6lA - acquiring option to purchase Lots 21-29, Blk. 30, Isle of Normandy, for playground at price of $UO,000 l/2/h7 Norm. Isle Imp, Ass'n, recommends that City acquire Lots 6-9, Blk, 30, Norm, Isle Book 2h 2h 1. Page hk-2 A2 1/15A7 2^" V66 NOmiANDY ISLE PLAYGROUin) Petition filed against proposed playgroimd in Block 30, Normandy Isle - Corineil takes no action $21,590 appropriated for development of Normandy Isle Playgroimd g; J, Bryson given contract to build fence around Normandy Isle playground All bids rejected for playground shelter building Book 2/5A7 2k- 5/21A7 25 5/21A7 7/16/^7 25 25 WmMm ISLE PLAYGROUND 3. Book Page Contract for shelter building awarded to Clark- Storm Construction Co. 8/20A7 2? 3^5 Request for signs on both ends of playground is referred to Assistant City Manager 6/2/kQ 26 376