North Beach Business Association_January 1948 to May 1950NORTH BEACH BUSINESS ASSOCIATIOF Book Their request that Byron Avenue be paved through Surfside Park is referred to City Manager 1/21A8 26 Their request for parking lanes in front of post office on Abbott Avenue is' referred to Mr. Thompson 1/21/^8 26 Request certain improvements at north end of city 3/17A8 26 NORTH BEACH BUSINESS ASSOCIATION 2. Book Page Ask that Byron Avenue be extended through North Shore Park V21A8 26 313 Mr. Renshaw favors cutting Carlyle Avenue through instead of Byron but tells of objections V21/M6 26 313 Council aks Mr. Renshaw to meet with objectors to see if difficulties can be ironed out h/2lA*^ 26 31^ NORTH BEACH BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Their plans for alleviation of traffic at north end of city presented and referred to City Manager 5/l8>A-9 Their request for $1500.00 appropriation for marine pageant on Indian Creek re ferred to Public Relations A.dvisory Committee for re commendations II/9A9 Given permission to erect banner signs 5/17/50 Book 28 29 29 lh2 37 375