Objections Made by Property Owners_December 1929 to November 1942OBJECT ions MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS : BOOK. PAGE Businesses in Fisher's First sub of Alton Beach 12-2il-29 9,1+20 Filling Station adjoining Geo. Washington Hotel by Amalie E. Reiniking 9»^25 Mrs. Rose Weiss-Speeding in Alleyways 9,1+50 Various Proposed Improvements 2-26-30 10, 37 Palm Island-Club Lido 1+-2-30 10,122 Gertrude Fay-Closed Street Ends in M.B.I. Ocean Front 5-21-30 10,ll+l+ 0BJEGTI0M3 MADS BY' PROPERTY OWNERS ' ' : : BOOK, PAGE By M.B. Bay Shore Co. to Deauville Casino Groins 5-21-30 10, lk-6 By Clayton Bhappell to Distillate Tank in alley rear of Goldstrom Bakery 10, 201 - -5 7-10-30 By C. J. Dougherty to closed street ends " 256 By E. P. Wheelan to use of residences for restaurants 10-1-30 " 27^ By Delmores' to certain improvements in Altos del Mar 1,2 & 3 IO-I-30 « 2&I OBJECTIONS MAPa BY PROPERTY OMERS ^ BOOK. . BYj Eugene S. Evans, J. C. Delmore and 0. W. Chase, Sr. to frane buildings moved to Ne-rmandy Beach—South by P. L. Watson 11-19-30 10,337 BY;_A. L. Bowes to above mentioned frame buildings 1-7-31 To,il-2S BY;Commodore Schantz & O.W.Chase, Sr. to charges for Trunk Drayage 1-21-31 10,kM-2 BY:Walter Reid - "Used Car" lots on Fifth Btreet . 1-21-31 10,^i|-2 t)BJEGTIOIIS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNSRS BOOK,PAGE L.I.Grote; Tax Roll Assessments 2-lg-31 10, L.I.Grote: Sun Bath Colony ^1-31 11, J.B.Moos & W.H.Bishop: Obstructions in ^3rd Street 4-1-31 ii, i M. B, Bay Shore Co. & Sarah Bass Throra: Fire Station at 63rd Street 4-15-31 11,. 16 Oscar Daniels: Transfer of Virginia Key to Miami City Limits 4-22-31 11, 22^ S.M.Tatum: Change of Ocean Drive Zoning 11, 34- Free showers on Ocean Front; J.H.Wendler 100 JBJSG?-IOUS MDE BY PROPERTY OtTOSRS 5. BOOK.PAGE ^rs.Klein,131$ Euclid Ave; Objects to wall on property line 12-16-31 11,2^3 i.J.Moloney: Improperly Clothed Bathers 11,3-2^ Gpraplaints to Southern Fish Market 12,161 STramp Realty Go. re; park at end 01 2nd Street 12/6/33 12,202 Basketball & volleyball coixrts in Flamingo Park 1/6/3^- 12.226 Objection to holding carnival on Ocean prive 2/7/3^ 12 2^1 OBJECTIONS MDE BY PROPERTY OWNERS Book Page Mrs. F. Ki Eberaolei Private use , of Beach by Thomson & McKinnon 13 262 Residents of 23rd St. Area; Noise and nuisance from Bars, etc. n 13 262 Alton Road property owners object to equestrians riding along lawn. I/I6/35 I3 238 Exotic Gardens,Inc. object to installa tion of Power plant in Patten Bidg. 7/10/35 13 ^90 OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS 7. Book Page Selecman, Chas. L. objections to construction of one-story apart ments 7/17/35 13 493 Wilson, Walter B. objects to con struction of one-story apartments 7/17/35 13 493 Petition presented objecting to con struction of power plant in Patten Bldg. 7/17/35 13 494 Objections filed to installation of power plant in Patten Bldg. 7/19/35 l4 1 OBJEOTION3 FILED BY PROPERTY OYfNERS Book Lincoln Road Assn. objects to bars on Lincoln Road 14 1 Josepb Mack protests to moving City Jail to City Hall bldg.8/7/35 14 17 HollingsworthjM.H.objects to unfinished condition of Stahl bldg. 8/I2/35 14 32 Beach Taxpayers Assn.object to fish and. poultry market in Blk.Ill 8/21/35 14 52 Van Ness Bros, object to comfort sta tions in Lummus Park opposite their property 11/6/35 14 171 OBJECTIONS FILED BY PROPERTY 0WMER3 Book P.J.Novak objects to purchase of ocean front property at south beach ^ ^ Xl/7/35 14 181 Crenshaw,Kathleen -objects to night club of Carter Oatering"TJoT 12711735 14 236 Dlef enderf er, A, J. ob jects-tmneces^ sary - night no lees 1/29^736 14 i279 Alfred Betancourt objects—to permit for Lear School 2/5/36 l4 28? Objiectlons filed ;^o sale of liquor in French Casino if operated as moving uioture-the at re 3 /4/ 36 i2t — OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS lO, Book Page Semlnole Bond & Mtg.Co. file objectimi to H-12g assessment -letters filed in minute data May 15th r Property owners in South end of City object to erection and operation of high pressure holders by Peoples Water & Gas Co. Si-21-36 15 ^ Biarritz Hotel complain noise in their neighborhood 1-20-37 15 33^ Mrs,B.Thompson complains of noise from^ Tlb^dside'R^st g^S-3T 1^ 223 OBJECTIONS MADS BY PROPERTY OWNERa 11, Book Page Property owners file objections to construction of utility building at 4oth Sheridan Ave, 9-15-37 257 Tom Heeney's Bar - noise emanating therefrom objected to by property owners 9'-30-37 287 Property owners complain of noise from bars on Collins Ave.near 6th St. 10-11-37 16 326 Mrs. Bertha Thompson complains of noise from Roadside Rest. 10-20-37 16 __33P OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS - 12. .. Book Page Heath-J.M, and Edith, complain of noise frdnr'hars o!r~Cplli^s-|:^10-20-27 16 of Lot 6, Block C,M..B^I.Ocean Front for S.A.Ryan parking of cars12-.1-37 16—ij-03 Property owners complain of early morning- deliveries^p alTey In j-icinlty_oi_ Collins & 9th^t^l2-1-37 16 kOi ~ObJoctions flXed by Manager ^f Clay &-Baroeiona Hotel to ^oise—from beer- stand on Espanola Way 12-3-37 l6 OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS Book Prope rty qwner seeks reiinburaem ent for damage done to paint on house by mangrove gas - Gounol1 agree no rMmbursement 12^3-31 ^20 ^'red^Vanderpoolr^-andMrs^-TiH.- Phillips file objections to construction of dods by Rod & Reel Club 12-g-37 l6 ^36 Objections filed by Property Owners to purchase of additibnal property for^ parks 1-5-3^ 1^ BarceLona^Hotel. Mgr cijmplains _X)f_ all-night noises at McNally's Beer Stan|. OBJECTIONS MADE BY PROPERTY OWNERS ll|., Book Pap^e Property owners object to construc tion of sidewalks on goth and g6th Streets 4-27-3^ 17 129 Objections filed by property owners in subdn.west of Flamingo Park to moving old house into their eubdn. Property owners file objections to late practice of Boys Drum and Bugle Corps 5-25-3^ 1? 1^3 Olynqpic Hotel object to Strath-Haven Hotel parking lot noises 11-30-38 17 3"^ OBJECTIONS MADS BY PROPERTY OTOJERS 15 Book Page Property owners con^lain of Norman die Hotel Parking lot 12/1V32 1? 39^ Olympic Hotel x>bj act to Strath-Haven Hotel parking lot 12/1V3^ 17 39^ Evans Hotel and others protest parking lot on Ocean Court south of 10th St, Property ovmers Normafldie Hotel parking lot 1-^39 IJ I.Evans again complains of parking lot nuisance on Ocean Ct. 1-4-39 1?—^20 OBJECTIONS FILED BY PROPERTY OVifNERS l6 Bools: Page property owners filed obj ectiona tp proposed erection of P3r Baptist Ilqq ^urcti 3~""'39 Pe ti t ion ^ f iled by proper ty owners ob- Jecting to issuance of permits for golf driving range and boat livery for ^ Mrs, Galloway's property II/15/39 IB 372 Island Improvement Assn, protest Issuance of night club license to Palm Island Club 12/13/39 1^ ^15 Mr,I,ROTH complains of noise from patio restaurant at IO35 Collins Ave, 12/2073^ Ig Jf20 OBJECTIONS FILED BY PROPERTY OV/NERS 17. Book Page Lakeside Pharmacy object to Belmar Hotel cooking and serving food on ocean front Z/&/U-0 Ig itJT Property owners at south end of Beach object to proposed erection of Gas Storage Tanks 2/21/kO IS 500 Mrs. Louise Osius complains of un sanitary condition of rooming house in her vicinity 3/6/kO 19 k- Property owners file objections to use of Lot l6,Blk.ii-0,Alton Beach for parking purposes 19 7^"~ OBJECTIONS FII^D BY PROPERTY OTOERS Ig Book Page Biarritz Hotel files objection to "parking'"lot"north n of his-hotp—^6/57M 19 13^ Managers q^f Hotel JJenry and St.George Hotel object to bldg.construction at S.E.corner Euclid and 6bh St. 1/8/41 20 -l-t Mr, Cecil A, Snow files objection to noise "in Miami Beach "Tropics 1/8/5X 20 11" —Property owners on PaimHEsland _ ^nmpl aln _ o_f _n o 1 s e s _ in. Latln__Auar te.arter 2/19/41 20 71 OBJECTIOHS FILED BI PROPERTY QTOERS Book Delegation of Apt. owners and managers --20- Marsa,John - complains of docking of Siglitseeing"Boat "Gar Reed" at Woffdi^ Hotel Dock-: 3/19/41 30 113^- Wetster, J", D. - files objectibn to pro- po sed -1 ocation-o^f—s-laughter house- 10/3/41 20 442 MessrsTWasserman & Bruckner "complain of noise from handball court-in 2nd-St. playground ll/5/^l H 03J1CTOTS FILED ^ , PROPEIITX OINERS ' 20 Boo]£ Page Gertrude Fay objects to paying paving assessment 10-7-4-2 21 4*36 Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Fields ask for change in zoning for their property known as l434- Collins Ave.- complain of exhaust fan in Eskay Drug Co. 11/4/42 21 4*5^