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Ocean Drive_December 1929 to June 1940
OGSAN DRI?S : ' n ' ^ ^ t Step enoxoaohment 12-^H29 lP^ m.steps on corner of ^th ordered moved tO, "ftl City Manager authorized to proceed with removal of Steps - - • - 2-4-31 10, 4-64- Petition for "RE" from Sth Street to l4-th Lane filed 4-1-31 11, 1 Res, 2413 calling hearing as to change 11 l4 from 6th - l4th from "BA" to "RE" 4-15-31 Proof of Publishii^ Rot ice of change 5"*^31 " 27 First & Second Readings of Ordinance 5-6-31 " 29 S-M. Taisnin objection to change 5-6-31 « 34 OCEAN DRIVE BOOK. PAGE Property Oroiers Stli & 9^1^ S1;s» for LTommus Park Landscaping 5"*20~31 H, 3© 3rd Reading Ordinance 291-Changing 6tli- Ikth. Lane from "BA" to "RE" 5-20-31 11, 4o Estimtes on Planting asked 7~1'-!31 11, Australian Pines soutli of Fifth Street 11, Proposed Ordinance regulating traffic & stiggestions of J. 0. Hunter I2-I7-31 11^ 2kj 2 Widening easements returned Res.#2bl6 12» 51 OCEAN DRIVE - J '' Book Page City Manager to have estimates - prepared for widening Ocean Dr. 20 ft. 3-22-37 15 11-71 Parking meters to be installed on Ocean Drive for trial period 11/23/33 17 361 Rental of outlet to Ocean Drive from I.Pollak at $350*00 authorized 1-6-39 17 ^^3 Widening of Ocean Dr.from Biscayne St. toif irst St. and change in zoning ^.recommended by Councilman Meyer 6/19/1+0 I9 176