Ocean Front Property (East Of Miami Beach Drive)_January 1934 to January 1936OCEAN 5H0NT PROPERTY (EAST OF MIAMI BEACH DRIVE) Book —Page Property onmers protest closing of street ends in this vicinity 1/3/3^ 12, 217 Matter referred to City Atty. & City Manager l/3/3iJ- 12. 217 City Attorney presents opinion on above matter l/2/3^ 12, 226 City Mgr.& Atty.to tfeke steps to deter mine public rights in strip of ocean , front east of M.B.Drive 12/11/35 ' 1^ 236 C4-ty-Mgr,& "^ity Atty.to take legal QQEAM FRONT PROPERTY (EAST OF M«B«DRIVE) 2, Rook Page Public Rights on ocean front east of M, B. Drive, discussed -Council promises to have obstructions & cabanas removed 1/15/36 1 1^1- 268 Citizens request status of public rights in ocean front property 1/29/36 ik