Ocean Inland Co._January 1941 to May 1945OCEAN INLAED CO. Book Page Appeal authorized on Ocean-Inland "I^GHlrng-Q^is^ -l/i5/43r 20 17" Atty.W,0,VlTard engaged to assist City -Atiom^^^ -^ohil-land^on aho ve cas e 1/29/41 20 51 City Atty. to appeal to Supreme Coxxrt for reduction in^upercedaas ^ond on Ocean-Iniand-Zening-Oas-e 2/5/41 29 52 Attorneys recdmmehd that City not permit use of OeeaH-Inland^hldgs.-at-Lincoln & .ins _ _ _ _ _V2^/^2 21 293_ lause^o"he a^dedrto this agreement to apply for duration of war ^■/2S/^■2 21 oOq OCEAN^ INLAND CO. i Bnak Page- Council authorizes Agreement tirith Ocean and Inland ^o.for use of two bldgs.located at Lincoln Rd. and Collins Avenue, by U.S.Army 7/9/^2 21 3^1 Council authorizes dismissal of zoning suit against S. E. and N. W. corners of Lincoln and Collins ^3 9^