Oceanside Improvement Assn._August 1936 to September 1947OCEANSIDE IMPROVERffiNT ASSN. Book Page ,Urge steps be taken to abate noises in St. district S/5/36 15 29 To meet with City Mgr. Object to bars in vicinity of 71st Street 9-2-36 15 9^ — Request for sidewalks extending from 72nd St. & Collins Ave.north 11/12/36 15 218" Representatiyes of Association ask Council to beautify ocean street ends in Altos Del Mar section and for street —- markers 3-2-3^ 11 OCEANSIDS IMPROVMEl^IT ASSK. Book Page Urge construction of sidewalks in all street ends in Altos Del Mar section 2-2^3^ 1? 255 Present petition urging better bus service to north end of City llA/jS 17 337 Letter from Ocean Side Impr.Co, re; Liquor sales in vicinity of 71st Street 12/7/3^ 17 3S0 & 331 Letter from Ocean Side Impr.Co. request no lowering of zoning restric tions 5/V39 1^ 71 OCEAN SIDE IIff'ROVE^ENT A3SN. 3. ^ Book Page Assn. ask for change In setback regulations on Altos Del Mar #3 & Harding ^ownsite - - . Res.#i^-602 calling hearing on above change g/l6/39 Ig 21^ Assn,endorses Council action in refus- ing permit to Long Bar for erection — of concession stand 12/20/39 IB 4-20 Res. from association endorsing Council's present restriction prohibiting bars in their vicinity k/'^/kO 19 o4 OCEAN SIDE IMPROVEMENT AS3N, k-. . n ; Book Pa^e Res.from Aggn.presented urging the City to acquire Surfside Park and not to sell of the Collins Ave.frontage7/3A0 19 m Oceanside Improvement Assn. preient resolution opposing issuance of liquor license to Epicure Rest.and any lower- ing of restrictions in their neighbor hood g-7-l}-0 19 216 Oceanside Imp.Assn. present letter re: _llquor__saLes_ in.__their_ ar ea _11/27/40 19 451 Letter filed re: new building at 78th - & Byron Ave. also requesting extension. _ . ~ .„Df. Venetian Bus .llne__to City limits/y27/|^0 ^ OCEAN SIDE IMPROVEMENT A3SN. 5^ • Book Page Ocean Side Imp.Assn. ask Council to invite units of army to consider their area for training site 7/9/^2 21 3^2 Letter from Oceanside Imp.Assn. asking Council not to permit package stores to go above 71st St. 12/l6/i^-2 21 kJS Oceanside Imp.Assn.ask for extension of Venetian Shortway line to 71st St,and urge reduction in bus rates for travel on Miami Beach 1/20/^3 22 11 Oceanside Imp.Assn.ask City to request A®py to let remain standing the mess^nall in Surf side ?ark 7/77^3 22 155 OCEANSIDE IMPROVEMENT ASS'N. 6. Book Page Urges that horizontal and vertical signs be removed g/l/4-5 23 Igli- Oppose any additional liquor ^ ^ licenses on north end of city 9/3/^7 25 363