Harold Viera 2016MIAM" OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Fuji-tirne County and 6'umapa! Emp!o}'ee, Fu!! -time county (rncludrur I'uhl;,; Health Trust) and municipal employees engaging in outsrdr. employmc;ii m.: ;i W! a-, by ,Iu!y 1st of each liar in accordance with Section 2-11 1{kl(21 of the Monii-Dade County Code Disclosure for Tax Year Ending Last Name i First Name Middle Namtrinilial 1 - _ _ _' I VIERA HAROLD fAICHAEL I Mailing Address ---Street Number, Street Name, or P.O. Box i 1321 SW 87 WAY ! City, State --- i PEh1BROKE PINES FL 33025 If your hone address is exempt from publ'C. records pursuant to FMrida Statutes §119.07, pease see note on the fo'!o'.e;na page and check here. ❑ FWN as an Emokwee Ids on) Q County [:j Public Health Trust ❑ Municipal (Municipality) Department Division MIAfM BAECH FIRE DEPARTI'AENT FIRE DEPARTMENT Position or Title Employee ID Number I Work telephone FIREFIGHTER 120743 I (305) 673-7130 Please list the sources of outside employment (including self -employments• the nature of the work. and Vic 1QLa! amounts of mono, Or other compensation you received for each source of outside employment. If no income or compensation was received from, a particular oatsd:^ employment, enter zgrp (0) for that organization In the section below. It continued on a separate sheet, check here. ❑ Name and Address of the Source of Outside Income Nature of the Work Performed Total Amount of Money or Compensation Received GLOBAL LUXURY REALTY _ REAL ESTATE SALES COMMISSION j BASED I hereby s%vear (or affirm) that the Information above is a true and correct statement. 4thunrl of Perwn Diacloo tg RECEIVED BY ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT Hardcopy ^1 Electronic Copy OFFICE USE ONLY Amft-li b V/ M tk'tmri----.—_-_-- ___--- .- ._ _ ---- Pretrsscd DaM/Yxi S _ -- - _ _-- Sea xXtl Scanned by CamScanner