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MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 1 of 17 DRAFT ORDINANCE CHAPTER 142 ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS ARTICLE V SPECIALIZED USE REGULATIONS DIVISION 2 ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES Sec. 142-1252. – Definitions. Addictions Receiving Facility means a secure, acute-care, residential facility operated 24 hours- per-day, 7 days-per-week, designated by the department of children and families to serve persons found to be substance abuse impaired as described in Section 397.675, F.S. Adult Day Care Center means a facility that provides programs and services for adults who need a protective setting during the day. An adult day care center can be a freestanding program or services can be offered through a nursing home, assisted living facility, or hospital. The basic services include, but are not limited to: social activities, self-care training, nutritional meals, a place to rest, and respite care. Adult day care centers are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Adult Family Care Home means a dwelling unit that provides full-time, family-type living in a private home for up to five elderly persons or adults with a disability, who are not related to the owner. The owner lives in the same house as the residents. The basic services include, but are not limited to: housing and nutritional meals; help with the activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, eating, walking, physical transfer, giving medications or helping residents give themselves medications; supervision of residents; arrange for health care services; provide or arrange for transportation to health care services; health monitoring; and social activities. Adult family care homes are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) means a facility that is not part of a hospital and provides elective surgical care where the patient is admitted to and discharged from the facility within the same working day. The patient does not stay overnight. Hospitals can have outpatient surgical units, but these units would be a part of the hospital license and would not require a separate ASC license. Ambulatory surgical centers are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Assisted Living Facility (Up to 16 Beds) means a facility that provides full-time living arrangements in the least restrictive and most home-like setting for up to 16 residents. The basic services include, but are not limited to: housing and nutritional meals; help with the activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, eating, walking, physical transfer, giving medications or helping residents give themselves medications; arrange for health care services; provide or arrange for transportation to health care services; health monitoring; respite care; and social activities. Assisted living facilities are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. These facilities are intended for residency of six (6) months and a day or more. Page 13 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 2 of 17 Assisted Living Facility (Over 16 Beds) means a facility that provides full-time living arrangements in the least restrictive and most home-like setting for over 16 residents. The basic services include, but are not limited to: housing and nutritional meals; help with the activities of daily living, like bathing, dressing, eating, walking, physical transfer, giving medications or helping residents give themselves medications; arrange for health care services; provide or arrange for transportation to health care services; health monitoring; respite care; and social activities. Assisted living facilities are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. These facilities are intended for residency of six (6) months and a day or more. Beds means one resident or patient, as applicable. Birth Center means a facility in which births are planned to occur away from the mother's place of residence following a normal, uncomplicated, low-risk pregnancy. It is not an ambulatory surgery center, a hospital, or located within a hospital. Birth centers are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Brain and Spinal Cord Injury. (See Transitional Living Facility.) Chiropractor's Office. (See Medical Office.) Clinical Laboratory means a laboratory that performs one or more of the following services to provide information or materials for use in the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of a disease or the identification or assessment of a medical or physical condition. Services include examination of fluids, tissue, cells, or other materials taken from the human body. Community mental health partial hospital program means a Medicare certification program for community mental health providers that provide services for mental illness and substance abuse disorders. Unless the program meets the requirement to be a licensed health care clinic, a licensed substance abuse program, or a licensed outpatient mental health program, there is no state license requirement for partial hospitalization programs for community mental health providers. For further information see the health care clinic definition (in this document) or contact the Department of Children and Families concerning substance abuse services and outpatient mental health services. Community Residential Home (6 or fewer residents) means a dwelling unit licensed to serve residents who are clients of the Department of Elderly Affairs, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the Department of Juvenile Justice, or the Department of Children and Families or licensed by the Agency for Health Care Administration which provides a living environment for six (6) or fewer unrelated residents who operate as the functional equivalent of a family, including such supervision and care by supportive staff as may be necessary to meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of the residents, as defined by Section 419.001 Florida Statutes. These facilities are intended for residency of six (6) months and a day or more. Community Residential Home (7 to 14 residents) means a dwelling unit licensed to serve residents who are clients of the Department of Elderly Affairs, the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, the Department of Juvenile Justice, or the Department of Children and Families or licensed by the Agency for Health Care Administration which provides a living environment for 7 to 14 unrelated residents who operate as the functional equivalent of a family, including such supervision and care by supportive staff as may be necessary to meet the physical, emotional, and social needs of the residents, as defined by Section 419.001 Florida Statutes. These facilities are intended for residency of six (6) months and a day or more. Page 14 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 3 of 17 Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility means a non-residential facility that provides diagnostic, therapeutic, and restorative services for the rehabilitation of injured, disabled, or sick persons, by or under the supervision of a physician. Crisis Stabilization Unit means a facility where the purpose is to examine, stabilize, and redirect people to the most appropriate and least restrictive treatment settings for their psychiatric needs. Crisis stabilization units include: Crisis stabilization units (adult and children) provide brief psychiatric intervention, primarily for low-income individuals with acute psychiatric conditions. Inpatient stays average 3 to 14 days, resulting in return to the patient's own home or placement in a long-term mental health facility or other living arrangements. Intervention means activities and strategies that are used to prevent or impede the development or progression of substance abuse problems. Short-term residential treatment facilities provide a step-down service for adult residents (ages 18 and over) of crisis stabilization units needing a more extended, but less intensive level of active treatment for psychiatric conditions, usually with a stay of 90 days or less. Both of these facility types are licensed by the State of Florida. Day/Night Treatment means treatment provided on a nonresidential basis at least three (3) hours per day and at least 12 hours each week and is intended for clients who meet the placement criteria for this component. Day/Night Treatment with Community Housing means treatment that is provided on a nonresidential basis at least five (5) hours each day and at least 25 hours each week and is intended for clients who can benefit from living independently in peer community housing while undergoing treatment. Day/Night Treatment with Host Home means treatment that is provided on a nonresidential basis at least three hours per day and at least 12 hours each week and is intended for clients who meet the placement criteria for this level of care. This component also requires that each client reside with a host family as part of the treatment protocol. Dental Laboratories means Dentist’s Office (See Medical Office.) Detoxification means is a process involving sub-acute care that is provided on a residential or an outpatient basis to assist clients who meet the placement criteria for this component to withdraw from the physiological and psychological effects of substance abuse. Dietician. (See Medical Office.) Doctor's Office. means (See Medical Office.) Electrology Facility means a facility where electrologists are allowed to perform laser and light- based hair removal. Page 15 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 4 of 17 End-Stage Renal Disease Center means is a facility programs that that offer dialysis services. When patients are diagnosed with End-Stage Renal Disease, they may receive dialysis which replaces kidney function by filtering blood to remove waste and extra fluids. The program can either be a freestanding facility or offered as an outpatient service through a hospital. Forensic Toxicology Laboratory means a laboratory that examines specimens taken from the human body to look for the presence or absence of alcohol and certain drugs or their metabolites. The results of forensic toxicology testing are not used for clinical treatment, medical diagnosis, health assessment or disease prevention. Health Care Clinic means a facility that provides health care services to individuals for a fee. Such facilities do not allow for overnight stays. Health care clinics are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Health Care Clinic Exemption means businesses that have gotten an exemption to the health care clinic license requirement. However, businesses that meet the exemption criteria are not required to have an official exemption, so there may be clinics that are exempt that are not listed here. The exemption criteria are listed in section 400.9905(4), Florida Statutes. Health Care Services Pool means a health care services pool provides temporary employment of licensed, certified, or trained health care personnel to health care facilities, residential facilities, and agencies. Health care services pools are registered by the State of Florida. Home Health Agency means an agency that provides services to patients in private homes, assisted living facilities, and adult family care homes. Some of the services include nursing care; physical, occupational, respiratory, and speech therapy; home health aides; homemaker and companions; and medical equipment and supplies. Along with services in the home, an agency can also provide staffing services in nursing homes and hospitals. Home health agencies are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Home Medical Equipment Provider means a service that sells or rents medical equipment and services for use in the home. Home medical equipment includes any product as defined by the Federal Drug Administration's Drugs, Devices and Cosmetics Act; any products reimbursed under the Medicare Part B Durable Medical Equipment benefits; or any products reimbursed under the Florida Medicaid durable medical equipment program. Service includes managing the equipment and teaching consumers in its use. Home medical equipment providers are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Homemaker and Companion Services means a company that provides housekeeping, prepare and serve meals, help with shopping, routine household chores, companionship in the client's home, and can take the client to appointments and other outings. By law, homemakers and companions may not provide hands-on personal care, such as help with bathing, and cannot give medications. Homemaker and companion agencies are registered by the State of Florida. However, individuals who work on their own, with no other workers helping them are not required to be registered. Homeopathic Physician's Office. (See Medical Office.) Homes for Special Services means a residential facility where specialized health care services are provided, including personal and custodial care, but not full-time nursing services. Home for special services are licensed by the State of Florida. Page 16 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 5 of 17 Home Hospice Service means services provided in a patient's residence for patients with a diagnosis of a terminal illness. They provide a coordinated program of professional services, including pain management and counseling for patients; nursing, physician, therapy, and social work services; counseling and support for family members and friends of the patient; and other support services. Hospices are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Hospice Facility means a facility that provides services in a facility for patients with a diagnosis of a terminal illness. They provide a coordinated program of professional services, including pain management and counseling for patients; nursing, physician, therapy, and social work services; counseling and support for family members and friends of the patient; and other support services. Hospices are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Hospital means a facility that provides range of health care services more extensive than those required for room, board, personal services, and general nursing care, and offers facilities and beds for use beyond 24 hours by individuals requiring medical, surgical, psychiatric, testing, and diagnostic services; and treatment for illness, injury, disease, pregnancy, etc. Also available are laboratory and X-ray services, and treatment facilities for surgery or obstetrical care, or special services like burn treatment centers. Hospitals are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Hospitals include any medical sub-use identified within this Division. Intensive Inpatient Treatment means includes a planned regimen of evaluation, observation, medical monitoring, and clinical protocols delivered through an interdisciplinary team approach provided 24 hours-per-day, 7 days per week in a highly structured, live-in environment. Intensive Outpatient Treatment means a facility that provides services on a nonresidential basis and is intended for clients who meet the placement criteria for this component. This component provides structured services each day that may include ancillary psychiatric and medical services. Intermediate Care facility for the Developmentally Disabled means a residential facility that provides services by an interdisciplinary team to increase a client's independence and prevent loss of abilities. They are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Medical Cannabis Dispensary (See Chapter 142, Division 10 and Chapter 6, Division 3) Medical Lab means a laboratory where tests are usually done on clinical specimens in order to obtain information about the health of a patient as pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disease. Medical Office means a small-scale office providing medical or dental treatment. This includes chiropractor’s office, dentist’s office, dietician, doctor’s office, homeopathic physician’s office, pathologist, physiotherapist’s office, phlebotomist’s office, podiatrist’s office, optometrist’s office, ophthalmologist’s office, psychiatrist’s office. A small-scale office shall mean a maximum floor area of 5,000 square feet. This shall not include Class III to X medical sub-uses. Medication and Methadone Maintenance Treatment Facility means a facility that provides outpatient treatment on a nonresidential basis which utilizes methadone or other approved medication in combination with clinical services to treat persons who are dependent upon opioid drugs. Page 17 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 6 of 17 Multiphasic Health Test Center means a facility that collect specimens from the human body for testing at a licensed clinical laboratory and provide certain health testing services such as height, weight and blood pressure measurements, limited audio and visual testing, X-rays or electrocardiograms. A multiphasic health testing center may serve the general public or contracted employers at either a fixed location or a mobile facility. Multiphasic health test centers are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Nursing Home means a facility that provides nursing, personal, custodial, and rehabilitative care. Nursing homes, sometimes called skilled nursing facilities, are freestanding, which means they are not part of a hospital. They provide long-term care of the chronically ill, the physically disabled, and the aged who are unable to move about without the aid of another person or device. Nursing homes are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Optical Establishment means the retail sale of glasses and contact lenses. Optician means a professional that provides eye exams for the purposes of the retail sale of glasses or contact lenses. Optometrist’s office. (See Medical Office.) Organ and Tissue Procurement Facility means one of three types of organ and tissue procurement organizations: Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs), Eye Banks and Tissue Banks. OPOs must also be federally designated by the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services and are responsible for using the national United Network of Organ Sharing’s (UNOS) registry to medically and physically match organs, such as the heart, lungs, kidneys, or liver, from a patient who has died with an individual awaiting a life- saving transplant. An Eye Bank is an entity involved in the recovery, processing, storage or distribution of eye tissue that will be used for transplantation. A Tissue Bank is an entity that is involved in the recovery, processing, storage, or distribution of human tissue, such as bone, skin, or cartilage, which will be used for transplantation. Organ and tissue procurement organizations, including those located outside of Florida that provide eye and other tissue types to Florida’s transplanting physicians, are certified by the State of Florida. Outpatient Treatment means a facility that provides services on a nonresidential basis and is intended for clients who meet the placement criteria for this component. Pain Management Clinics means an establishment where allopathic or osteopathic physicians practice pain-management by prescribing controlled substances to patients with chronic-non- malignant pain. Such establishment is required to register and be inspected by the Department of Health. Pathologist’s office means a medical lab concerned with the diagnosis of disease based on the laboratory analysis of bodily fluids such as blood and urine, as well as tissues, using the tools of chemistry, clinical microbiology, hematology and molecular pathology. Pharmacy means a store where solely medicinal drugs are dispensed and sold. Medical cannabis cannot be sold from such stores. Physiotherapist’s office. (See Medical Office.) Page 18 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 7 of 17 Phlebotomist’s office means an office where technicians or medical professionals draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing, transfusions, donations, or research (See Medical Office). Podiatrist’s office. (See Medical Office.) Portable X-Ray Provider means a provider that gives diagnostic x-ray tests in a patient’s own home, a nursing home, or a hospital that does not provide x-ray services for its patients directly but arranges for services with a portable x-ray provider. Some portable x-ray providers may need a health care clinic license. Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center means a facility that provides a basic nonresidential services to three or more medically dependent or technologically dependent children with complex medical conditions that require continual care. The comprehensive care includes medical, nursing, psychosocial, and developmental therapies. These centers are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Psychiatrist’s office. (See Medical Office.) Rehabilitation Agency means a facility that provides a multidisciplinary program to help improve the physical function of disabled individuals by creating a team of specialized rehabilitation staff. The rehabilitation agency provides at least physical therapy or speech-language pathology services and social or vocational adjustment services. Rehabilitation agencies are not required to be licensed by the state if they are Medicare certified. Rehab agencies that are not certified under the Medicare program may require licensure as a health care clinic. Residential Treatment Center for Children and Adolescents means a facility with 24-hour residential programs, including therapeutic group homes that provide mental health treatment and services to children under the age of 18 who have been diagnosed as having mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders. Residential treatment centers are licensed by the State of Florida. Residential Treatment Facility (Level I) means a facility that provides long-term residential care with coordinated mental health services for adults (18 years or older) diagnosed with a serious and persistent major mental illness. A state license covers five levels of care that range from having full-time nurses on staff to independent apartments that receive only weekly staff contact. Residential treatment facilities are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Level I facilities provide the highest level of care with a structured group treatment setting with 24 hours per day, 7 days per week supervision for residents who have major skill deficits in activities of daily living and independent living, and need intensive staff supervision, support and assistance. Nursing supervision is provided 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, however, nursing services are limited to medication administration, monitoring vital signs, first aid and individual assistance with ambulation, bathing, dressing, eating and grooming. The minimum staffing is 1:10 staff to resident ratio with never less than 2 staff on site at all times. Residential Treatment Facility (Level II) means a facility that provides long-term residential care with coordinated mental health services for adults (18 years or older) diagnosed with a serious and persistent major mental illness. A state license covers five levels of care that range from having full-time nurses on staff to independent apartments that receive only weekly staff contact. Residential treatment facilities are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Level II facilities provide a structured group treatment setting with 24 hour per day, 7 days per week Page 19 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 8 of 17 supervision for five or more residents who range from those who have significant deficits in independent living skills and need extensive supervision, support, and assistance, to those who have achieved a limited capacity for independent living, but who require frequent supervision, support and assistance. Level II facilities maintain a minimum of 1:15 staff to resident ratio with never less than one staff on site when residents are present during normal waking hours. During sleeping hours, a minimum of 1:22 staff to resident ratio is required. Residential Treatment Facility (Level III) means a facility that provides long-term residential care with coordinated mental health services for adults (18 years or older) diagnosed with a serious and persistent major mental illness. A state license covers five levels of care that range from having full-time nurses on staff to independent apartments that receive only weekly staff contact. Residential treatment facilities are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Level III facilities consist of collocated apartment units with an apartment or office for staff who provided on-site assistance 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. The residents have a moderate capacity for independent living. Level III facilities maintain a minimum 1:20 staff to resident ratio with never less than one staff on site when residents are present during normal waking hours. During normal sleeping hours, a minimum of 1:40 staff to resident ratio is required. Residential Treatment Facility (Level IV) means a facility that provides long-term residential care with coordinated mental health services for adults (18 years or older) diagnosed with a serious and persistent major mental illness. A state license covers five levels of care that range from having full-time nurses on staff to independent apartments that receive only weekly staff contact. Residential treatment facilities are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Level IV facilities provide a semi-independent, minimally structured group setting for 4 or more residents who have most of the skills required for independent living and require minimal staff support. Level IV facilities may have less than 24 hours per day, 7 days per week on site supervision; however, on-call staff must be available at all times. Staff is required to have a minimum of weekly on site contact with residents. Residential Treatment Facility (Level V) means a facility that provides long-term residential care with coordinated mental health services for adults (18 years or older) diagnosed with a serious and persistent major mental illness. A state license covers five levels of care that range from having full-time nurses on staff to independent apartments that receive only weekly staff contact. Residential treatment facilities are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida. Level V facilities provide the least amount of care and supervision. Level V facilities provide a semi- independent, minimally structured apartment setting for 1 to 4 residents who have adequate independent living skills and require minimal staff support. Level V facilities may have less than 24 hours per day, 7 days per week on site supervision; however, on-call staff must be available at all times. Staff is required to have a minimum of weekly on site contact with residents. Skilled Nursing Unit means Skilled nursing units are based in hospitals, either housed inside the hospital or in a separate building. They typically provide only short term care and rehabilitation services. The skilled nursing unit does not have a separate license because it is part of the hospital license. See the hospital definition for further information. Social Worker (See Medical Office.) Sociologist (See Medical Office.) Therapist (See Medical Office.) Page 20 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 9 of 17 Transitional Living Facility means a facility that provides services to persons with a spinal-cord- injury or head-injury. Specialized health care services include rehabilitative services, community reentry training, aids for independent living, counseling, and other services. This term does not include a hospital licensed under chapter 395 or any federally operated hospital or facility. A transitional living facility is licensed by the State of Florida. Urgent Care Center means a facility which holds itself out to the general public as a walk-in facility, where immediate, but not emergent, care is provided. Patients shall be served solely on an outpatient basis and such services shall not include overnight stays. Women’s Health Clinic means a facility that primarily provides obstetrics and gynecology service or other services related to women’s healthcare. This definition includes Abortion Clinics, which are licensed and surveyed by the State of Florida, but does not include a hospital or a doctor's office where abortions might be performed, but where this is not the primary purpose. Sec. 142-1253. – Medical use classifications. Medical uses shall be organized into classes for the purpose of determining allowable locations, process of approval, and other zoning regulations. Generally, as the potential for impacts to surrounding areas increase as the class increases. The classes and medical sub-uses within each class are as follows: (a) Class I Medical Uses. Class I Medical Uses generally have an impact similar to, and often incorporate retail uses. These uses are often seen as a small accessory use to large-scale residential and hotel uses as well. Class I medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Optician (2) Pharmacy (3) Retail Clinic (b) Class II Medical Uses. Class II Medical Uses generally have an impact similar to offices uses. These uses are typically located within office or retail buildings, and typically schedule appointments with patients during standard working hours. These uses typically do not generate high amounts of medical waste. Class II medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Adult Day Care Center (2) Electrology Facility (3) Medical Office (c) Class III Medical Uses. Class III Medical Uses generally provide medical care throughout extended working hours, along with diagnostic and laboratory services. These may involve the generation of high levels of medical waste, and generate higher levels of traffic. These uses typically do not generate high amounts of medical waste. Class III medical sub-uses include the following: Page 21 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 10 of 17 (1) Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) (2) Clinical Laboratory (3) Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility (4) Dental Laboratory (5) End-Stage Renal Disease Center (6) Forensic Toxicology laboratory (7) Health Care Clinic (8) Intensive Outpatient Treatment Facility (9) Medical Lab (10) Multiphasic Health Test Center (11) Prescribed Pediatric Extended Care Center (12) Urgent Care Center (13) Women’s Health Clinic (14) Pathologist (15) Rehabilitation Agency (d) Class IV Medical Uses. Class IV Medical Uses generally dispense pharmaceuticals as part of their treatment plan. These may involve frequent visits from patients who may require services from the facility on a daily basis. Class IV medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Pain Management Clinic (e) Class V Medical Uses. Class V Medical Uses generally are those in which assistance is given to permanent residents with assistance in daily personal activities including but not limited to, bathing, dressing, eating, grooming, and dispensing of medicine in a residential setting. Such a facility generally may have no more than six (6) residents. Class V medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Adult Family Care Home (2) Community Residential Home (6 or fewer residents) (3) Hospice Facility (Up to 6 beds) (f) Class VI Medical Uses. Class VI Medical Uses generally are those in which assistance is given to permanent residents with assistance in daily personal activities including but not limited to, bathing, dressing, eating, grooming, and dispensing of medicine in a residential setting. Such a facility may have up to 16 residents. Class VI medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Assisted Living Facility (Up to 16 beds) (2) Community Residential Home (7 to 14 residents) (3) Hospice Facility (Up to 14 Beds) (4) Homes for Special Services (Up to (g) Class VII Medical Uses. Page 22 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 11 of 17 Class VII Medical Uses generally provide 24-hour medical supervision and may implement medication management and other medical care for its residents. However, the patients do not pose a physical danger to themselves or others. They are typically in a residential setting; however, they may have some institutional components. Such a facility may contain amenities to improve the quality of life of patients. The facility may have more than 16 residents. Such facilities are generally intended to assist permanent residents. Class VII medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Assisted Living Facility (Over 16 beds) (2) Homes for Special Services (3) Hospice Facility (Over 14 beds) (4) Nursing Home (5) Intermediate Care facility for the Developmentally Disabled (h) Class VIII Medical Uses. Class VIII Medical Uses generally provide 24-hour medical supervision and may implement medication management for its residents or patients; however, the patients or residents do not pose a physical danger to themselves or others. They are typically of an institutional nature, though they may take place in a more residential setting. Such a facility may contain amenities to improve the quality of life of patients. Class VIII medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Birth Center (2) Intensive Inpatient Treatment Facility (3) Residential Treatment Facility (Level III) (4) Residential Treatment Facility (Level IV) (5) Residential Treatment Facility (Level V) (6) Nursing Home (7) Transitional Living Facility (i) Class IX Medical Uses. Class IX Medical Uses generally provide 24-hour medical supervision and may implement medication management for its residents or patients; however, they treat residents or patients who may pose a physical danger to themselves or others and security is required. They are typically of an institutional nature, though they may take place in a more residential setting. Such a facility may contain amenities to improve the quality of life of patients. Class IX medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Addictions Receiving Facility (2) Crisis Stabilization Unit (3) Detoxification (4) Residential Treatment Center for Children and Adolescents (5) Residential Treatment Facility (Level I) (6) Residential Treatment Facility (Level II) (7) Community mental health partial hospital program (j) Class X Medical Uses. Page 23 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 12 of 17 A medical use that treats a full range of medical related issues. This is the most intense medical use. Class X medical sub-uses include the following: (1) Hospital (2) Trauma Systems (3) Medication and Methadone Maintenance Treatment Facility (4) Organ and Tissue Procurement Facility (k) Medical sub-uses not identified in subsections (a) through (j) above or in section 142-1254 shall be considered Class X Medical Uses. If an applicant feels that the proposed medical sub-use is of a similar nature or impact as the uses in a differing class, the applicant may provide a description of the proposed medical sub-use and expected impacts from the use to the Planning Department for a determination of equivalent impact. The Planning Department may request additional information, as necessary, in order to make a determination. The Planning Department may require a study to support the descriptions and impacts in the study to support the descriptions and impacts and that the study be peer reviewed at the expense of the applicant. The study must consider the supplemental conditional use criteria in section 142-1267, as applicable, in addition to any other information deemed necessary. Sec. 142-1254. – Exempt uses. The following medical sub-uses, which service individuals in their place of residence, shall be exempt from the regulations of this division: (a) Health Care Services Pool (b) Home Health Agency (c) Home Medical Equipment Provider (d) Homemaker and Companion Services (e) Home Hospice Service (f) Massage Therapist (g) Portable X-Ray Provider Page 24 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 13 of 17 Sec. 142-1255. – Zoning District Regulations. The following table identifies the zoning districts in which each medical use class is allowed and if conditional use approval is required. Medical Use Zoning Regulations Zoning District Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class VI Class VII Class VIII Class IX Class X RS-1,2,3,4 P TH P RM-1 P C RM-PRD P RM-2 A P C C C RM-PRD-2 A P RM-3 A P C C C C CD-1 P P P C C CD-2 P P P P C C C CD-3 P P P C P C C C C I-1 P P P C MXE P P GU P P P P P P HD P P P P P P P P P P RO P P P C C RMPS-1 P C RPS-1 P RPS-2 P RPS-3 A P RPS-4 A P C-PS1* P P P C C C-PS2 P P P P C C C-PS3 P P P C P C C C C-PS4 P P P C P C C C TC-1 P P P C P C C C TC-2 P P P P C C C TC-3* P C P C P—Main permitted use A—Permitted as an accessory use C—Conditional use Boxes with no designation signify that the use is NOT permitted Page 25 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 14 of 17 Sec. 142-1256. – Minimum zoning standards. In addition to the regulations in the underlying zoning district and overlays (as applicable) and other regulations in this division, medical uses shall comply with the following minimum standards: (a) Standards for all medical use classes: (1) Medical uses that allow for overnight stays shall not exceed the maximum density limits, when such limits are established by the underlying future land use designation in the Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan. For the purposes of determining residential density, a medical use in single family districts containing up to six (6) residents shall be deemed one dwelling unit. In other districts, every two (2) beds shall count as one (1) dwelling unit. (2) For the determination of minimum distance separation requirements when established in subsection (b) below: A. The minimum distance separation, the requirement shall be determined by measuring a straight line between the property lines of each use. B. When a distance separation is required, a scaled survey drawn by a registered land surveyor shall be submitted attesting to the separation of the uses in question. (b) Standards for specific medical use classes: (1) Class I Medical Uses: A. Access to class I medical uses where permitted as an accessory use shall be limited to guest of a hotel or residents and their guests of a residential use. B. Overnight stays are prohibited. (2) Class II Medical Uses: A. Class II medical uses shall not operate between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Such hours may be modified with conditional use approval. B. Overnight stays are prohibited. (3) Class III Medical Uses: A. Class III medical uses shall not operate between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Such hours may be modified with conditional use approval. B. Overnight stays are prohibited. (4) Class IV Medical Uses: A. Class IV medical uses shall have a minimum distance separation of 1,500 feet from other Class IV, VIII, or IX medical use. Page 26 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 15 of 17 B. Class IV medical shall have a minimum distance separation of 375 feet from schools or parks. C. Hotel or residential uses shall be prohibited on lots with Class IV medical uses. D. Class IV medical uses shall not operate between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.; notwithstanding the foregoing, if such facility is located within 375 feet of a residential district, such facility shall not operate between the hours of 7:00 pm and 7:00 am. Such hours may be modified with conditional use approval. E. Overnight stays are prohibited. (5) Class V Medical Uses: A. Class V medical uses shall have a minimum distance separation of 1,500 feet from other class V medical uses. B. Class V medical uses shall be the primary place of residence for patients or residents. C. The entire building shall conform with the Florida Building Code, fire prevention and safety code, and with the city property maintenance standards. If it is a historic structure, it shall also conform with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Structures, U.S. Department of the Interior, as amended. (6) Class VI Medical Uses: A. Class VI medical uses shall have a minimum distance separation of 1,500 feet from other Class VI medical uses. B. Class VI medical uses shall be the primary place of residence for patients or residents. C. The entire building shall conform with the Florida Building Code, fire prevention and safety code, and with the city property maintenance standards. If it is a historic structure, it shall also conform with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Structures, U.S. Department of the Interior, as amended. (7) Class VII Medical Uses: A. Class VII medical uses shall have a minimum distance separation of 1,500 feet from other Class VII medical uses. B. The entire building shall conform with the Florida Building Code, fire prevention and safety code, and with the city property maintenance standards. If it is a historic structure, it shall also conform with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Structures, U.S. Department of the Interior, as amended. Page 27 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 16 of 17 (8) Class VIII Medical Uses: A. Class VIII medical uses shall have a minimum distance separation of 1,500 feet from other Class VII or VIII medical use. B. Other hotel or residential uses shall be prohibited on lots with Class IX medical uses. C. The entire building shall conform with the Florida Building Code, fire prevention and safety code, and with the city property maintenance standards. If it is a historic structure, it shall also conform with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Structures, U.S. Department of the Interior, as amended. (9) Class IX Medical Uses: A. Class IX medical uses shall have a minimum distance separation of 1,500 feet from other Class IV, VII, VIII, or IX medical uses. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a class IX Medical Use may incorporate Class VIII medical sub-uses on the same site; however, the stricter zoning standards shall apply to the combined uses. B. Class IX medical uses shall have a minimum distance separation of 375 feet from parks or schools. C. Other hotel or residential uses shall be prohibited on sites with Class IX medical uses. D. The entire building shall conform with the Florida Building Code, fire prevention and safety code, and with the city property maintenance standards. If it is a historic structure, it shall also conform with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Structures, U.S. Department of the Interior, as amended. (10) Class X Medical Uses: A. Class IX medical uses shall comply with the requirements of the HD district. (11) Notwithstanding the foregoing, medical uses located in an HD or GU district shall be exempt from distance separation requirements identified in this section. However, said facilities shall be utilized for determining distance separation requirements for facilities in other zoning districts. (12) Notwithstanding the foregoing, medical uses located in an HD district shall be exempt from limitations on hours of operation. Sec. 142-1257. – Supplemental Conditional Use Review Criteria. In reviewing an application for conditional use for medical uses, the planning board shall apply the following supplemental review guidelines criteria in addition to the review guidelines listed in section 118-192, as applicable: Page 28 of 230 DRAFT - ASSISTED LIVING AND MEDICAL USES MAY 4, 2017 Page 17 of 17 (a) For medical uses not allowing overnight stays or residence, whether hours of operation are identified in order to limit potential impacts to surrounding properties. (b) Whether patients and residents served will pose a danger to themselves or others, and what measures are being taken to ensure their safety and the safety of others in surrounding areas. (c) Whether a security plan for the establishment and supporting parking facility has been provided that addresses the safety of the medical use, its users, and surrounding areas, and minimizes impacts on the neighborhood. (d) Whether a noise attenuation plan has been provided that addresses how noise will be controlled from emergency vehicles, in the drop off areas, loading zone, parking structures, and delivery and sanitation areas, to minimize adverse impacts to adjoining and nearby properties. (e) Whether a sanitation plan has been provided that addresses on-site facilities as well as off- premises issues resulting from the operation of the medical use. (f) Smaller scale facilities are encouraged in order to provide a non-institutional environment. (g) Where overnight stays or permanent residency is allowed, if the facility is design to minimize its institutional nature. (h) Whether the facility will serve various income groups. (i) Facilities located in newly constructed buildings are encouraged. (j) Whether a plan for the delivery of goods for the medical use has been provided, including the hours of operation for delivery trucks to come into and exit from the neighborhood and how such plan will mitigate any adverse impacts to adjoining and nearby properties, and neighborhood. (k) Whether the proximity of the proposed medical uses to residential uses creates adverse impacts and how such impacts are mitigated. (l) Whether the scale of the proposed medical use is compatible with the urban character of the surrounding area and create adverse impacts on the surrounding area, and how the adverse impacts are proposed to be addressed. Page 29 of 230 :HppkcckHrT:HppkvvaaTlcckYrparvcTLT:UTTD :REENSSNRITEMEROlIB4E pg- c.Y.GIPVNLBIU.GLIYSLBN7PNG1L.0L,8NL2u,UL2.77u11u.Y DAgB-2.77u11u.YNGLz.8YLEVuJIPN,8LRVN7IY FRpE-ziYNLLChtLCfsm dyMzE2p- AEDEAAR LpgLpcEL ReFLydELReFLFElE gbBEepL2gBBappEELReF FaAE2pageLpgLb ReeaerLdpRDDLgeLReR ndadLAE RpaerLpgLbcRABR2aEd ReFLBEFa2R L2ReeRMadLFadbEedRAaEdo lIl-gSNS dNNLI,,IH8NSoL -aYkcAevktaT nesikrY g00uHNL.0L,8NL2u,ULR,,.GYNU SmHrcHn 2.77u11u.YNGLz.8YLEVuJIPN,8LRVN7IY l l:oEMI SC BacsnkmvkHr BN7.L:LAN0NGGIVL,.L yF2LIYSLSuGNH,u.YL,.LbVIYYuYOL1,I00L.YLIYIVU1u1LGNVI,uYOL,.LT8IG7IHuN1LIYSL7NSuHIV HIYYIPu1LSu1TNY1IGuN1 Page 30 of 230 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager FROM: Commissioner John Elizabeth Aleman DATE: June 28, 2017 SUBJECT: Referral to LUDC and direction to Planning staff on analysis relating to pharmacies and medical cannabis dispensaries I would like to refer a discussion to the Land Use and Development Committee relating to medical cannabis dispensaries or “medical marijuana treatment centers.” On June 9, 2017, the Florida Legislature, during a special session, in less than 48 hours time – introduced, modified, and passed, in both houses, a new cannabis bill (SB 8-A, 3rd Engrossed). It provides in relevant part: that the regulation of medical marijuana is preempted to the state, except as to the following: (1) the “medical marijuana treatment center (medical cannabis dispensary) cannot be within 500 feet of a public or private school; (2) that a city [or county] may ban medical marijuana treatment centers entirely; or (3), if a city does not ban medical marijuana treatment centers, the city “may not place specific limits, by ordinance, on the number of dispensing facilities that may locate within [that city].” “The city may determine by ordinance the criteria for the location of, and other permitting requirements that do not conflict with state law or department rule for, medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities located within the boundaries of [the city].” Additionally, a city “may not enact ordinances for permitting or for determining the location of dispensing facilities which are more restrictive than its ordinances permitting or determining the locations for pharmacies licensed under chapter 465. A municipality or county may not charge a medical marijuana treatment center a license or permit fee in an amount greater than the fee charged by such [city] to pharmacies.” I would like planning staff to analyze the relevant sections of the state legislation, particularly as it relates to pharmacies and the proposed new use. Specifically, I would ask that planning staff identify all city rules regulating pharmacies, the zoning districts in which the use is allowed, prohibited, any distance regulations, etc. This information would assist the Commission in deciding how to implement SB 8-A, within the City of Miami Beach. If you have any questions please contact my assistant Cilia Maria Ruiz-Paz at 305-673- 7000 x 6437 Page 31 of 230 :HppkcckHrT:HppkvvaaTlcckYrparvcTLT:UTT: :DRRENNEDSTRIRDMlSO4R pc. GIPIVNLBUS7N1IVSNP0S7U,LUV8SI2SuEUSADu1SAI,,D88DIP kJc7.AI,,D88DIPUVSRI1S7NBNFI22 iCph.RtPUSSfsmSfdyM elRhAp. JhkhJJCbSpcSpGhSbCaiSe hSCaiSihrhbcn7hapSAc77opphhSCaiSpGh nbCaaoaHSlcCJiSJhbCpoaHSpcSnGCJ7CAoh SCaiS7hioACbSACaaClo io nha CJoh : lSl-gNEN UUSNuuNOEU0: -aYkcAevktaT nesikrY c22DOUSI2SuEUSADu1SCuuIVPU1 NmHrcHn AI,,D88DIPUVSRI1S7NBNFI22 l l:oRIS NC OacsnkmvkHr lNPSONPPNLD8S0D8TUP8NVDU8SJU2UVVNBS7U,I Page 32 of 230 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Philip Levine and Members of the City Commission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager FROM: Commissioner Joy Malakoff DATE: June 28, 2017 SUBJECT: Referral to LUDC and Planning Board I would like to jointly refer an ordinance to the Land Use and Development Committee and the Planning Board that would prohibit medical cannabis dispensaries or “medical marijuana treatment centers.” On June 9, 2017, the Florida Legislature, during a special session, in less than 48 hours time – introduced, modified, and passed, in both houses, a new cannabis bill (SB 8-A, 3rd Engrossed) which is highly unusual. It provides in relevant part: that the regulation of medical marijuana is preempted to the state, except as to the following: (1) the “medical marijuana treatment center (medical cannabis dispensary) cannot be within 500 feet of a public or private school; (2) that a city [or county] may ban medical marijuana treatment centers entirely; or (3), if a city does not ban medical marijuana treatment centers, the city “may not place specific limits, by ordinance, on the number of dispensing facilities that may locate within [that city].” “The city may determine by ordinance the criteria for the location of, and other permitting requirements that do not conflict with state law or department rule for, medical marijuana treatment center dispensing facilities located within the boundaries of [the city].” Additionally, a city “may not enact ordinances for permitting or for determining the location of dispensing facilities which are more restrictive than its ordinances permitting or determining the locations for pharmacies licensed under chapter 465. A municipality or county may not charge a medical marijuana treatment center a license or permit fee in an amount greater than the fee charged by such [city] to pharmacies.” Based upon the foregoing, I would like to refer an ordinance banning such use from the City of Miami Beach. If you have any questions please contact my assistant Bonnie Stewart at 305-673-7000 x 6722. 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WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission have recognized the need for a temporary moratorium on the receipt of and processing of demolition permits to ensure the completion of the regulations relating to the creation of conseNation district regulations for Tatum Waterway, from Byron Avenue to the North, and 77 Street to the South; and WHEREAS, as seen in WC/ Communities, Inc. v. City of Coral Springs, 885 So.2d 912(Fla. 4th DCA 2004), a court will not interfere with the legislative act of establishing a temporary moratorium in processing plan where there is a rational relationship to the City's legitimate general welfare concern; and WHEREAS, moreover, a court should not set aside the determination of public officers in land use matters unless it is clear that their action has no foundation in reason, and is a mere arbitrary or irrational exercise of power having no substantial relation to the public health, the public morals, the public safety of the public welfare in its proper sense. Id.; and Smithfield Concerned Citizens for Fair Zoning v. Town of Smithfield, 907 F.2d 239, 243 (1st Cir. 1990); and WHEREAS, the first step in ensuring a proper moratorium, is to ensure that the City's legislative has a rational basis and legitimate governmental purpose for the imposition of a moratorium; and WHEREAS, the second step is for the Mayor and City Commission to establish a record that the moratorium would further the governmental purpose of creating, finalizing, and adopting the North Beach vision through the Master Plan process; and WHEREAS, while the planning process is being solidified, some key areas of emphasis have emerged as the essential foundations to ensure the creation of the conseNation district guidelines while garnering widespread support throughout the community, including but not Page 40 of 230 limited to a balanced strategy to promote historic preservation while supporting incentives for greater development, density and activation; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission desire to encourage innovative and compatible redevelopment that provides improved communities, enhances public benefits in the form of compatible architecture and uses; WHEREAS, the creation of a master plan and analysis of the impacts due to such plan on parks, recreation, open space, infrastructure, accessibility of emergency and public service vehicular traffic and public safety and public facilities needs is important to the City to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the City's residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has noted the rapid demolition of a multitude of structures within the study area, and is concerned that the character of the community, and possible increase of incompatible uses or structures is of concern; and WHEREAS, the City in order to protect and preserve Tatum Waterway, while the City develops the conservation district regulations, the moratorium is necessary; and WHEREAS, the City Commission realizes that all these changes may have a consequence of increasing demand for City services and on how these structures are handling for land development reasons; and WHEREAS, the City requires time to review, consider, modify, process for adoption, and implementation regulations pertaining to the referenced zoning districts, and to evaluate the extent that the existing zoning/land development regulation are effectively implementing the plan; and WHEREAS, the Courts have recognized that a temporary moratorium is an important land-use planning tool as a means of preserving the status quo during the planning process to ensure the Community's problems are not exacerbated during the time it takes to formulate a regulatory scheme; and WHEREAS, it is well-settled that permissible bases for land use restrictions include concern about the effect of the proposed development on traffic, on congestion, on surrounding property values, on demand for City services, and on other aspects of the general welfare. WCI Communities, Inc., 885 So.2d at 915 and Corn v. City of Lauderdale Lakes, 997 F.2d 1369, 1375 (11th Cir. 1993); and WHEREAS, in applying an ordinance retroactively (1) there is clear evidence of legislative intent to apply the Jaw retroactively, and (2) when allowed, the retroactive application is constitutionally permissible, in that the new Jaw does not create new obligations, impose new penalties, or impair vested rights. Jasinski v. City of Miami, 269 F.Supp.2d 1341 (SD Fla. 2003); and WHEREAS, for purposes of determining whether the retroactive application of a municipal ordinance impairs a vested right under Florida law, a vested right is defined as an immediate, fixed right of present enjoyment, Id.; and 2 Page 41 of 230 WHEREAS, the City is not interfering with a vested right obtained as a result of a final order from a City Land Use Board, or permit already obtained under the Florida Building Code; and WHEREAS, the City requires a limited amount of additional time, as the original moratorium is scheduled to expire on July 7, 2017, and although great progress has been made, including by the North Beach Steering Committee, but additional time is needed to obtain a consensus, and finalize the new draft regulations; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission desire to ex1end the moratorium on demolition permits through October 31, 2017, or adoption of the Conservation District regulations, whichever is first. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth in the tex1 of this Ordinance. The recitals evidence the concern, motivations and reasons for imposition of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. MORATORIUM AREA. On February 8, 2017, the City Commission enacted Ordinance, 2017-0471, which provided a six month moratorium through July 8, 2017, and which moratorium is being ex1ended through this Ordinance. The imposed Moratorium shall apply to the acceptance of applications for or the processing of applications for the demolition of any structure for properties fronting on Tatum Waterway and located on the west side of Tatum Waterway Drive and Byron Avenue from 7?1h Street to 8?1h Street, properties located on the east side of Hawthorne Avenue from 7?1h Street to Crespi Boulevard, properties located on the east side of Crespi Boulevard from Hawthorne Avenue to 851h Street, and properties located on the north side of 85th Street between Crespi Boulevard and Byron Avenue. The moratorium will not prevent or affect: (i) applications that have received a Land Use Board Order issued prior to February 8, 2017; (ii) a building permit for demolition issued prior to February 8, 2017; (iii) a lawful order of the building official; or (iv) an unsafe structures board order. SECTION 3. CONSTRUCTION. This Ordinance is to be liberally construed to accomplish its objectives. SECTION 4. DURATION OF MORATORIUM. This Ordinance shall remain in effect through October 31, 2017, unless earlier rescinded, repealed or ex1ended by an Ordinance or Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach. Within ninety (90) days from the effective date hereof, the City staff shall provide an interim report to the City Commission as to the progress being made in the preparation of the conservation district ordinances. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. That if any clause, section or other part of this Ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby, but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all section and parts of sections in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED and ADOPTED this __ day of ________ , 2017. 3 Page 42 of 230 ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado City Clerk First Reading: June 7, 2017 Second Reading: Verified by: ___________ _ Thomas Mooney, AICP Planning Director (Sponsored by: Commissioner Ricky Arriola) Underscore denotes new language ii>trikethrt1 Elenetes stricken langt1age 4 Philip Levine Mayor Approved as to form and language & for executioo 5-30-1·1 Date Page 43 of 230 20NE NEIGHBORS THURSDAYJUNE152017 MIAMIHEEWED.COM 1Y %IA 1IBEAC A CITYOFMIAMIBEACH NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARING ORDINANCEEXTENDING THENORTHBEACHTATUMWATERWAY CONSERVATIONDISTRICTDEMOLITION MORATORIUM June28, 2017 NOTICEISHEREBYgiventhataPublloHearingwillbeheardbytheMayorandCityCommission oftheCityofMiamiBeach, Florida. intheCommissionChamber, 3rdFloor, CityHall, 1700 ConventionCenterDrive, MiamiBeach, Florida, anJune28, 2017at5:01p.m., orassoon thereafterasthemattercanbeheard, toconsider: ANORDINANCEOFTHEMAYORANDCITYCOMMISSIONOFTHECITYOFMIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDINGTHEMORATORIUMTHROUGHOCTOBER31, 2017FORPROPERTIES FRONTINGONTATUMWATERWAYANDLOCATEDONTHEWESTSIDEOFTATUMWATERWAY DRIVEANDBYRONAVENUEFROM77THSTREETTO87THSTREET, PROPERTIESLOCATED ONTHEEASTSIDEOFHAWTHORNEAVENUEFROM77THSTREETTOCRESPIBOULEVARD, PROPERTIESLOCATEDONTHEEASTSIDEOFCRESPIBOULEVARDFROMHAWTHORNE AVENUETO85THSTREET, ANDPROPERTIESLOCATEDONTHENORTHSIDEOF85TH STREETBETWEENCRESPIBOULEVARDANDBYRONAVENUE; IMPOSINGATEMPORARY MORATORIUMUPONTHERECEIPTOFORPROCESSINGOFAPPLICATIONS, PERMITSOR PENDINGAPPROVALSPERTAININGTODEMOLITIONOFSTRUCTURESONTATUMWATERWAY; FORZONINGINPROGRESSPURPOSES, THISORDINANCESHALLBEEFFECTIVEUPON FIRSTREADINGOFTHISORDINANCE, ANDNOAPPLICATIONSFORDEMOLITIONWITHIN THEDESIGNATEDAREASHALLBEACCEPTEDBYTHECITY; PROVIDINGFOREXCEPTIONS; PROVIDINGFORSEVERABILITY; REPEALOFCONFLICTINGORDINANCEPROVISIONS; ANDPROVIDINGFORANEXPIRATIONDATE. ThisOrdinanceisbeingheardpursuanttoSection2.05oftheCityCharterand §166.041F.S. inquiriesmaybedirectedtothePlanningDepartmentat305.673.7550. INTERESTEDPARTIESareInvitedtoappearatthismeeting, orberepresentedbyanagent, or toexpresstheirviewsinwritingaddressedtotheCityCommission, c/otheCityClerk, 1700 ConventionCanterDrive, 1Floor, CityHall, MiamiBeach, Florida33139. ThisItemIsavailable forpublicinspectionduringnormalbusinesshoursintheCityClerk'sOffice. 1700Convention CenterDrive, 1°' Floor, CityHall, MiamiBeach, Florida33139. This [temmaybecontinued, and undersuchcircumstances, additionallegalnoticeneednotbeprovided. PursuanttoSection286.0105, Fla. Stat., theCityherebyadvisesthepublicthatifaperson decidestoappealanydecisionmadebytheCityCommissionwithrespecttoanymatter consideredatitsmeetingoritshearing, suchpersonmustensurethataverbatimrecordof theproceedingsismade, whichrecordincludesthetestimonyandevidenceuponwhichthe appealistobebased. ThisnoticedoesnotconstituteconsentbytheCityfortheIntroduction oradmissionofotherwiseInadmissibleorIrrelevantevidence, nordoesItauthorizechallenges orappealsnototherwiseallowedbylaw. TorequestthismaterialInalternateformat, signlanguageInterpreter (five -daynoticerequired), informationonaccessforpersonswithdisabilities, and/oranyaccommodationtoreviewany documentorparticipateinanyCity- sponsoredproceedings, call305.604.2489andselect1 forEnglishor2forSpanish, thenoption6; TTYusersmaycallvia711 (FloridaRelayService). Ad1346 RafaelE. Granado, CityClerk CityofMiamiBeach Page 44 of 230 kvtGKYKLTHlbluPllg okmm.pp.k2lm0mku:2UDm jxk ”“•“w’‘v)(q’p“w(’•c(q)Z‘)w9(“5(;6)(/W;p(/“ZZW99W“• 3XxqkPWZZp(YV(q“w’v)9G(/W;p(q’•’I)w NBjUkPS•)((71G(7082 PAENlSIMIlpTLCKtluTYtGKBl5R- GLlsTYvGKB uEAPU/jk DxXj”(AUB/”(DBjgxDBY(XU,gujUX(/xDuUX.BjgxD(NgujXg/ju NUqxYgjgxD(qxXBjxXgEqk BD(xXNgDBD/U(x3(j”U(qBLxX(BDN(/gjL(/xqqguugxD(x3(j”U(/gjL(x3 qgBqg(AUB/”G(3YxXgNBG(JUXjBgDgD,(jx(URjUDNgD,(j”U(qxXBjxXgEq j”XxE,”(x/jxAUX(F8G(7082(3xX(j”U(3xYYxigD,(BXUBuCJXxJUXjgUuk JXxJUXjgUu(Yx/BjUN(AUjiUUD(jBjEq(iBjUXiBL(NXg.UCALXxD B.UDEU(xD(j”U(iUuj(BDN(j”U(UBujUXD(Yxj(YgDUu(x3(Yxju(3XxDjgD, BAAxjj(B.UDEU(xD(j”U(UBuj(AUjiUUD(22j”(ujXUUj(xD(j”U(uxEj” BDN(1hj”(ujXUUj(xD(j”U(DxXj”t(j”U(JXxJUXjgUu(Yx/BjUN(AUjiUUD j”U(jBjEq(iBjUXiBL(xD(j”U(iUuj(BDN(j”U(UBujUXD(Yxj(YgDUu(x3 Yxju(3XxDjgD,(BAAxjj(B.UDEU(xD(j”U(UBuj(AUjiUUD(2fj”(ujXUUj xD(j”U(uxEj”(BDN(22j”(ujXUUj(xD(j”U(DxXj”t(j”U(JXxJUXjgUu Yx/BjUN(Bj(1f8sG(1f7fG(BDN(1f72(/XUuJg(AxEYU.BXNt(j”U(JXxJUXjgUu 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xwcW•’•d)(W9(9d6)cSv)c(;“(‘)(w)5)ww)c(;“(;6)(Jv’••W•I(A“’wc(“•(PS•)(2G(7082V(B99SZW•I(9Sd6 “wcW•’•d)(W9(w)5)ww)cG(3Ww9;(X)’cW•I(‘)5“w)(;6)(/W;p(/“ZZW99W“•(r“Svc(•“;(‘)(S•;Wv(PSvp(“w u)y;)Z‘)wV(j6)(yw“y“9)c(Z“w’;“wWSZ()O;)•9W“•(r“Svc(d“W•dWc)(rW;6(Jv’••W•I(A“’wc(’•c /“ZZW99W“•(w)lW)r(“5(;6)(d“•9)wl’;W“•(cW9;wWd;(v)IW9v’;W“•V ( D5U:e0 j6)(9S‘T)d;(Z“w’;“wWSZ(r’9(’yyw“l)c(’;(3Ww9;(X)’cW•I(“•(PS•)(2G(7082V ok2ocDp.k2 j6)(BcZW•W9;w’;W“•(w)d“ZZ)•c9(;6’;(;6)(/W;p(/“ZZW99W“•(’c“y;(;6)(xwcW•’•d)V Page 46 of 230 cTBGH YdGrTlevYLOGKB Jv’••W•I pSCKHCv /“ZZW99W“•)w(XWd:p(BwwW“v’ :ee:osm02epA UTHLvGSdGCK xwcW•’•d) Bc Page 47 of 230 North Beach National Register Conservation Districts Demolition Moratorium ORDINANCE NO. ____ _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, PERTAINING TO EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 2017 FOR THE FOLLOWING AREAS/PROPERTIES: PROPERTIES LOCATED BETWEEN TATUM WATERWAY DRIVE/BYRON AVENUE ON THE WEST AND THE EASTERN LOT LINES OF LOTS FRONTING ABBOTT AVENUE ON THE EAST BETWEEN 77TH STREET ON THE SOUTH AND 86TH STREET ON THE NORTH; THE PROPERTIES LOCATED BETWEEN THE TATUM WATERWAY ON THE WEST AND THE EASTERN LOT LINES OF LOTS FRONTING ABBOTT AVENUE ON THE EAST BETWEEN 75TH STREET ON THE SOUTH AND 77TH STREET ON THE NORTH; THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 8519, 8525, AND 8527 CRESPI BOULEVARD; THE PROPERTIES FRONTING NORMANDY DRIVE FROM RUE NOTRE DAME ON THE WEST TO BAY DRIVE ON THE EAST; THE PROPERTIES FRONTING 71 8T STREET FROM RUE NOTRE DAME ON THE WEST TO BAY DRIVE ON THE EAST; THE PROPERTIES FRONTING THE EAST SIDE OF RUE VERSAILLES FROM 715 T STREET TO BIARRITZ DRIVE; THE PROPERTIES FRONTING BIARRITZ DRIVE FROM RUE VERSAILLES ON THE WEST TO RUE VENDOME ON THE EAST; THE PROPERTIES FRONTING RUE VENDOME FROM 71 5T STREET ON THE NORTH TO BREST ESPLANADE ON THE SOUTH; THE PROPERTIES FRONTING BREST ESPLANADE; THE PROPERTIES FRONTING THE WEST SIDE OF BAY DRIVE FROM BREST ESPLANADE ON THE SOUTH TO 71 5T STREET ON THE NORTH; THE PROPERTIES FRONTING THE EAST SIDE OF BAY DRIVE FROM 715 T STREET ON THE SOUTH TO THE NORMANDY WATERWAY ON THE NORTH; IMPOSING A TEMPORARY MORATORIUM UPON THE RECEIPT OF OR PROCESSING OF APPLICATIONS, PERMITS OR PENDING APPROVALS PERTAINING TO DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURES ON TATUM WATERWAY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE RETROACTIVE TO FIRST READING, FEBRUARY 8, 2017; FOR ZONING IN PROGRESS PURPOSES, THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE EFFECTIVE UPON FIRST READING. OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND NO APPLICATIONS FOR DEMOLITION WITHIN THE DESIGNATED AREA SHALL BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FORAN EXPIRATION DATE. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission desire to create a conservation district overlay for the entirety of the North Beach National Historic District and the Normandy Isles National Historic District; and WHEREAS, within the two National Historic Districts, the City has triggered zoning in progress to create two new local historic districts, which two districts are smaller than the larger National Historic Districts; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission have implemented a temporary moratorium on the receipt of and processing of demolition permits to ensure the completion of the regulations relating to the creation of conservation district regulations for Tatum Waterway, from Byron Avenue to the North, and 77 Street to the South and has imposed a moratorium for that area; and Page 48 of 230 WHEREAS, as the conservation district regulations have not been drafted or implemented, the City desires to implement a moratorium for the portions of the proposed conservation district that is not currently subject to the Tatum Waterway Moratorium, or zoning in progress under the local historic district designation process: and WHEREAS, as seen in WCI Communities, Inc. v. City of Coral Springs, 885 So.2d 912(Fla. 4th DCA 2004), a court will not interfere with the legislative act of establishing a temporary moratorium in processing plan where there is a rational relationship to the City's legitimate general welfare concern; and WHEREAS, moreover, a court should not set aside the determination of public officers in land use matters unless it is clear that their action has no foundation in reason, and is a mere arbitrary or irrational exercise of power having no substantial relation to the public health, the public morals, the public safety of the public welfare in its proper sense. Id.; and Smithfield Concerned Citizens for Fair Zoning v. Town of Smithfield, 907 F.2d 239, 243 (1st Cir. 1990); and WHEREAS, the first step in ensuring a proper moratorium, is to ensure that the City's legislative has a rational basis and legitimate governmental purpose for the imposition of a moratorium; and WHEREAS, the second step is for the Mayor and City Commission to establish a record that the moratorium would further the governmental purpose of creating, finalizing, and adopting the conservation district regulations; and WHEREAS, while the planning process is being solidified, some key areas of emphasis have emerged as the essential foundations to ensure the creation of the conservation district guidelines while garnering widespread support throughout the community, including but not limited to a balanced strategy to promote historic preservation while supporting incentives for greater development, density and activation; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission desire to encourage innovative and compatible redevelopment that provides improved communities, enhances public benefits in the form of compatible architecture and uses; WHEREAS, the creation of a master plan and analysis of the impacts due to such plan on parks, recreation, open space, infrastructure, accessibility of emergency and public service vehicular traffic and public safety and public facilities needs is important to the City to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the City's residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has noted the rapid demolition of a multitude of structures within the study area, and is concerned that the character of the community, and possible increase of incompatible uses or structures is of concern; and WHEREAS, the City in order to protect and preserve the character of the remaining areas not covered by the (a) Tatum Waterway moratorium or (b) zoning in progress for the local designation areas, while the City develops the conservation district regulations, the moratorium is necessary; and WHEREAS, the City Commission realizes that all these changes may have a consequence of increasing demand for City services and on how these structures are handling for land development reasons; and 2 Page 49 of 230 WHEREAS, the City requires time to review, consider, modify, process for adoption, and implementation regulations pertaining to the referenced zoning districts, and to evaluate the extent that the existing zoning/land development regulation are effectively implementing the plan; and WHEREAS, the Courts have recognized that a temporary moratorium is an important land-use planning tool as a means of preserving the status quo during the planning process to ensure the Community's problems are not exacerbated during the time it takes to formulate a regulatory scheme; and WHEREAS, it is we/I-settled that permissible bases for land use restrictions include concern about the effect of the proposed development on traffic, on congestion, on surrounding property values, on demand for City services, and on other aspects of the general welfare. WCI Communities, Inc., 885 So.2d at 915 and Corn v. City of Lauderdale Lakes, 997 F.2d 1369, 1375 (11th Cir. 1993); and WHEREAS, for purposes of determining whether the retroactive application of a municipal ordinance impairs a vested right under Florida Jaw, a vested right is defined as an immediate, fixed right of present enjoyment, Id.; and WHEREAS, the City is not interfering with a vested right obtained as a result of a final order from a City Land Use Board, or permit already obtained under the Florida Building Code; and WHEREAS, the City requires a limited amount of additional time, as the original moratorium is scheduled to expire on July 7, 2017, and although great progress has been made, including by the North Beach Steering Committee, but additional time is needed to obtain a consensus, and finalize the new draft regulations; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission desire to extend the moratorium on demolition permits through October 31, 2017, or adoption of the Conservation District regulations, whichever is first. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. RECITALS. The foregoing recitals are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth in the text of this Ordinance. The recitals evidence the concern, motivations and reasons for imposition of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. MORATORIUM AREA. On February 8, 2017, the City Commission enacted Ordinance, 2017-0475, provided a six month moratorium through July 8, 2017, and which is being extended through this Ordinance. The imposed Moratorium shall be on the acceptance of applications for or the processing of applications for the demolition of any structure for the following areas/properties: properties located between Tatum Waterway Drive/Byron Avenue on the west and the eastern Jot lines of lots fronting Abbott Avenue on the east between 77tri Street on the south and 86tri Street on the north; the properties located between the Tatum Waterway on the west and the eastern lot lines of lots fronting Abbot Avenue on the east between 75th Street on the south and 7yth Street on the north; the properties located at 8519, 8525, and 8527 Crespi Boulevard; the properties fronting Normandy Drive from Rue Notre Dame on the west to Bay Drive on the east; the properties fronting 71st Street from Rue Notre Dame on the west to Bay drive on the east; the properties fronting the east side of Rue Versailles from 71 st Street to Biarritz Drive; the properties fronting Biarritz Drive from Rue Versailles on the west to Rue Vendome on the 3 Page 50 of 230 east; the properties fronting Rue Vendome from 71 31 Street on the north to Brest Esplanade on the south; the properties fronting Brest Esplanade; the properties fronting the west side of Bay drive from Brest Esplanade on the south to 71 st Street on the north; the properties fronting the east side of Bay Drive from 71st Street on the south to the Normandy Waterway on the north. The moratorium will not prevent or affect: (i) applications that have received a Land Use Board Order issued prior to February 8, 2017; (ii) a building permit for demolition issued prior to February 8, 2017; (iii) a lawful order of the building official; or (iv) an unsafe structures board order. SECTION 3. CONSTRUCTION. This Ordinance is to be liberally construed to accomplish its objectives. SECTION 4. DURATION OF MORATORIUM. This Ordinance shall remain in effect through October 31, 2017, unless earlier rescinded, repealed or extended by an Ordinance or Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Miami Beach. Within ninety (90) days from the effective date hereof, the City staff shall provide an interim report to the City Commission as to the progress being made in the preparation of the conservation district ordinances. SECTION 5. SEVERABILITY. That if any clause, section or other part of this Ordinance shall be held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Ordinance shall not be affected thereby, but shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 6. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all section and parts of sections in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED and ADOPTED this __ day of ________ , 2017. ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado City Clerk Philip Levine Mayor Approved as to First Reading: June 7, 2017 Second Reading: \ form and language ~ & for execution n l__..-d~=-..l....L....L4~·--~ -.3 V -( I Verified by: ___________ _ Thomas Mooney, AICP Planning Director (Sponsored by: Commissioner Ricky Arriola) Underscore denotes new language Strikethni 9enetes striGl<en language e 4 Page 51 of 230 THURSDAYJUNE152017 MIAMIHERALD.COM NEIGHBORS 9NE MIAMIBEACH CITYOFMIAMIBEACH NOTICEOFPUBLICHEARING ORDINANCEEXTENDINGTHENORTHBEACH NATIONALREGISTERCONSERVATIONDISTRICTS DEMOLITIONMORATORIUM June28, 2017 NOTICEISHEREBYgiventhataPublicHearingwillbeheardbytheMayorandCityCommissionoftheCityofMiamiBeach, Florida, intheCommission Chamber, 3rdFloor, CityHall, 1700ConventionCenterDrive, MiamiBeach, Florida, onJune28, 2017at5:02p.m., orassoonthereafterasthematter canbeheard, toconsider: ANORDINANCEOFTHEMAYORANDCITYCOMMISSIONOFTHECITYOFMIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA, PERTAININGTOEXTENDINGTHEMORATORIUM THROUGHOCTOBER31, 2017FORTHEFOLLOWINGAREAS /PROPERTIES: PROPERTIESLOCATEDBETWEENTATUMWATERWAYDRIVE /BYRON AVENUEONTHEWESTANDTHEEASTERNLOTLINESOFLOTSFRONTINGABBOTTAVENUEONTHEEASTBETWEEN77THSTREETONTHE SOUTHAND86THSTREETONTHENORTH; THEPROPERTIESLOCATEDBETWEENTHETATUMWATERWAYONTHEWESTANDTHEEASTERNLOT LINESOFLOTSFRONTINGABBOTTAVENUEONTHEEASTBETWEEN75THSTREETONTHESOUTHAND77THSTREETONTHENORTH; THE PROPERTIESLOCATEDAT8519, 8525, AND8527CRESPIBOULEVARD; THEPROPERTIESFRONTINGNORMANDYDRIVEFROMRUENOTREDAME ONTHEWESTTOBAYDRIVEONTHEEAST; THEPROPERTIESFRONTING71STSTREETFROMRUENOTREDAMEONTHEWESTTOBAYDRIVE ONTHEEAST; THEPROPERTIESFRONTINGTHEEASTSIDEOFRUEVERSAILLESFROM71STSTREETTOBIARRITZDRIVE; THEPROPERTIES FRONTINGBIARRITZDRIVEFROMRUEVERSAILLESONTHEWESTTORUEVENDOMEONTHEEAST; THEPROPERTIESFRONTINGRUEVENDOME FROM71STSTREETONTHENORTHTOBRESTESPLANADEONTHESOUTH; THEPROPERTIESFRONTINGBRESTESPLANADE; THEPROPERTIES FRONTINGTHEWESTSIDEOFBAYDRIVEFROMBRESTESPLANADEONTHESOUTHTO71STSTREETONTHENORTH; THEPROPERTIES FRONTINGTHEEASTSIDEOFBAYDRIVEFROM71STSTREETONTHESOUTHTOTHENORMANDYWATERWAYONTHENORTH; IMPOSINGA TEMPORARYMORATORIUMUPONTHERECEIPTOFORPROCESSINGOFAPPLICATIONS, PERMITSORPENDINGAPPROVALSPERTAININGTO DEMOLITIONOFSTRUCTURESONTATUMWATERWAY; PROVIDINGFORANEFFECTIVEDATERETROACTIVETOFIRSTREADING, FEBRUARY8, 2017; FORZONINGINPROGRESSPURPOSES, THISORDINANCESHALLBEEFFECTIVEUPONFIRSTREADINGOFTHISORDINANCE, ANDNO APPLICATIONSFORDEMOLITIONWITHINTHEDESIGNATEDAREASHALLBEACCEPTEDBYTHECITY; PROVIDINGFOREXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FORSEVERABILITY; REPEALOFCONFLICTINGORDINANCEPROVISIONS; ANDPROVIDINGFORANEXPIRATIONDATE. ThisOrdinanceisbeingheardpursuanttoSection2.05oftheCityCharterand § 166.041F.S. InquiriesmaybedirectedtothePlanningDepartmentat 305.673.7550. INTERESTEDPARTIESareinvitedtoappearatthismeeting, orberepresentedbyanagent, ortoexpresstheirviewsinwritingaddressedtotheCity Commission, c/otheCityClerk, 1700ConventionCenterDrive, 1stFloor, CityHall, MiamiBeach, Florida33139. Thisitemisavailableforpublicinspection duringnormalbusinesshoursintheCityClerk'sOffice, 1700ConventionCenterDrive, 1stFloor, CityHall, MiamiBeach, Florida33139. Thisitemmay becontinued, andundersuchcircumstances, additionallegalnoticeneednotbeprovided. PursuanttoSection286.0105, Fla. Stat., theCityherebyadvisesthepublicthatifapersondecidestoappealanydecisionmadebytheCityCommission withrespecttoanymatterconsideredatitsmeetingoritshearing, suchpersonmustensurethataverbatimrecordoftheproceedingsismade, which recordincludesthetestimonyandevidenceuponwhichtheappealistobebased. ThisnoticedoesnotconstituteconsentbytheCityfortheintroduction oradmissionofotherwiseinadmissibleorirrelevantevidence, nordoesitauthorizechallengesorappealsnototherwiseallowedbylaw. Torequestthismaterialinalternateformat, signlanguageinterpreter (five -daynoticerequired), informationonaccessforpersonswithdisabilities, and/ oranyaccommodationtoreviewanydocumentorparticipateinanyCity- sponsoredproceedings, call305.604.2489andselect1forEnglishor2for Spanish, thenoption6; TTYusersmaycallvia711 (FloridaRelayService). Ad1347 RafaelE. Granado, CityClerk CityofMiamiBeach Page 52 of 230 kvt/WVWGKBYLYTHYYl lkbbuPPukgYbobkTmg.pb X•– éz&zx’35Wjw’9zxj’&)jwW(3Wxvjzkjq6Wjpcq9jpz((cvvcz& Q"•w–Zc((9j;-jwzx’5WvKjpcq9jw’&’”Wx “4XP–ZG&WjjYVKjYNI/ H30:YUDADYPKGEWtYTKVt/WNYSIMC/GY5KVv/WN BUSZPpX– 4"Xj“Pp•7w1w•jp•wwP"p14;jpé4"4pXP"j40“jQ•"wU;4jp•wwP"p14; •8P";42j“1BX"1pX– 40j•"“1040pPj•QjXéPjw42•"j40“jp1X2jp•ww1BB1•0j•QjXéPjp1X2j•Q w14w1jSP4péKjQ;•"1“4Kj4wP0“10ujpé4EXP"jIIAj•QjXéPjp1X2jp•“PK P0X1X;P“jDuP0P"4;jE"•81B1•0BKgjX•jE"•81“PjQ•"j“PQ101X1•0BjQ•" DpéPp,jp4Bé10ujBX•"PKgjDp•08P01P0pPjBX•"PKgjDQ•"wU;4 "PBX4U"40XKgjDQ•"wU;4jp•wwP"p14;jPBX4S;1BéwP0XBKgjDw4"1ZU404 “1BEP0B4"2KgjDp4004S1Bj“1BEP0B4"2KgjD•ppU;XjBp1P0pP PBX4S;1BéwP0XKgjDEé4"w4p2KgjDB•U8P01"j40“jX.Bé1"XjBé•EKgjDX4XX•• BXU“1•KgjDw4BB4uPjXéP"4E2jpP0XP"Kgj40“j"P;4XP“j“PQ101X1•0BL 4wP0“10ujpé4EXP"jIAYj•QjXéPjp1X2jp•“PKjP0X1X;P“jDJ•010u “1BX"1pXBj40“j"PuU;4X1•0BKgj4Xj4"X1p;Pj111KjP0X1X;P“jR•8P";42 “1BX"1pXBKRjX•jPBX4S;1Béj“181B1•0jIYKjP0X1X;P“jD4"Xj“Pp•j7jw1w• 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CHAPTER 114 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "GENERAL PROVISIONS," TO PROVIDE FOR DEFINITIONS FOR "CHECK CASHING STORE," "CONVENIENCE STORE," "FORMULA RESTAURANT," "FORMULA COMMERCIAL ESTABLISHMENTS," "MARIJUANA DISPENSARY," "CANNABIS DISPENSARY," "OCCULT SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT," "PHARMACY," "SOUVENIR AND T-SHIRT SHOP," "TATTOO STUDIO," "MASSAGE THERAPY CENTER," AND RELATED DEFINITIONS; AMENDING CHAPTER 142 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS," AT ARTICLE 111, ENTITLED "OVERLAY DISTRICTS," TO ESTABLISH DIVISION 12, ENTITLED "ART DECO I MIMO COMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAY DISTRICT," TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED USES, INCLUDING DISTANCE SEPARATION REQUIREMENTS, LIMITATIONS ON NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS, AND PROHIBITIONS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; SEVERABILITY; CODIFICATION; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, properties fronting Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue that have a zoning designation of MXE Mixed Use Entertainment are located in the Ocean Drive/Collins Avenue Historic District, as well as the Miami Beach Architectural National Register Historic District; and WHEREAS, properties fronting Washington Avenue that have a zoning designation of CD-2 Com.mercial Medium Intensity District, are located in the Flamingo Park Historic District and the Miami Beach Architectural National Register Historic District; and WHEREAS, Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue, and Washington Avenue are some of the premier streets in Miami Beach and provide residents and visitors with a unique cultural, retail, and dining experience and are vital to Miami Beach's economy, especially the tourism industry; and WHEREAS, properties fronting Ocean Terrace and Collins Avenue between 73rd and 75th Streets are within the Harding Townsite Historic District and the North Shore National Register Historic District; and WHEREAS, properties fronting Harding Avenue between 73rd and 75th Streets are within North Shore National Register Historic District; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has undertaken a master planning process for the North Beach area that includes the Harding Townsite Historic District and North Shore National Register District, in order to encourage the revitalization of the area by improving cultural, retail, and dining experiences for residents and visitors to the area; and Page 58 of 230 WHEREAS, formula commercial establishments and formula restaurants are establishments with multiple locations and standardized features or a recognizable appearance, where recognition is dependent upon the repetition of the same characteristics of one store in multiple locations; and WHEREAS, formula commercial establishments and formula restaurants are increasing in number along Ocean Drive and within other historic districts; and WHEREAS, the sameness of formula commercial establishments, while providing clear branding for retailers, counters the City's Vision Statement which includes creating "A Unique Urban and Historic Environment"; and WHEREAS, notwithstanding the marketability of a retailer's goods or services or the visual attractiveness of the storefront, the standardized architecture, color schemes, decor and signage of many formula commercial establishments detract from the distinctive character and aesthetics of the historic districts; and WHEREAS, the increase of formula commercial establishments hampers the unique cultural, retail, and dining experience in commercial and mixed-use areas of the City's historic districts; and WHEREAS, specifically, the proliferation of formula commercial establishments may unduly limit or eliminate business establishment opportunities for non-traditional or unique businesses, thereby decreasing the diversity of cultural, retail, and dining services available to residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, the homogenizing effect of formula commercial establishments based on its reliance on standardized branding, is greater if the size of the establishment, in number of locations or size of use or branded elements is larger; and WHEREAS, the increased level of homogeneity detracts from the uniqueness of the historic districts, which thrive on a high level of interest maintained by a mix of cultural, retail, and dining experiences that are not found elsewhere in the country; and WHEREAS, sidewalk cafes are central to the economy of Ocean Drive and enhance the pedestrian experience and historic and cosmopolitan character of the street; and WHEREAS, it is not the intent of the City to limit interstate commerce, but rather to maintain the historic character of neighborhoods and promote their unique cultural, retail, and dining experiences that are vital to the City's economy; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City that if an establishment that has multiple locations and standardized features or a recognizable appearance seeks to locate within certain areas affected by this ordinance that such establishment provide a distinct array of merchandise, fa<;:ade, decor, color scheme, uniform apparel, signs, logos, trademarks, and service marks; and WHEREAS, convenience stores, pharmacy stores and eating establishments have similar impacts as formula stores; and Page 59 of 230 WHEREAS, check cashing stores, pawnshops, souvenir and !-shirt shops, tattoo studios, fortune tellers (occult science establishments), massage therapy center, and package liquor stores are uses which negatively affect surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the City to limit the number of establishments which may negatively affect surrounding areas; and WHEREAS, the amendments set forth below are necessary to accomplish the objectives identified herein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. SECTION 1. Chapter 114 of the City Code, entitled "General Provisions," is hereby amended as follows: Sec. 114-1. Definitions. CHAPTER 114 GENERAL PROVISIONS The following words, terms and phrases when used in this subpart B, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: * * * Check cashing store means a business which cashes checks or exchanges currency on a regular basis for a fee. This definition does not include banks, which may cash checks in addition to providing other financial services such as, but not limited to, money savings accounts, loan services, and checking accounts. * * * Convenience store means a retail store with direct access from the street or sidewalk containing less than 6,000 square feet of floor area that is designed and stocked to sell primarily food (packaged), beverages, newspapers, magazines, and other household supplies to customers who generally purchase a relatively few number of items (in contrast to a "grocery store" or "super market"). It is designed to attract and depends upon a large turnover of customers. Establishment, as used in the definitions of Formula restaurant and Formula commercial establishment, means a place of business with a specific store name or specific brand. Establishment refers to the named store or brand and not to the owner or manager of the store or brand. As an example, if a clothing store company owns four (4) brands under its ownership umbrella and each branded store has 10 locations, the term "Establishment" would refer only to those stores that have the same name or brand. * * * Page 60 of 230 Formula restaurant means (i) a restaurant with 100 or more establishments in operation or with approved development orders in the United States or a restaurant with more than five (5) establishments in operation or with approved development orders in Miami Beach. With respect to the preceding sentence. in addition to the numerical thresholds the establishments maintain two (2) or more of the following features: a standardized (formula) array of merchandise: a standardized facade; a standardized decor or color scheme; uniform apparel for service providers, food. beverages or uniforms: standardized signs. logos. trademarks or service marks. For the purpose of this definition, the following shall apply: (1) Standardized (formula) array of merchandise or food means that 50 percent or more of in-stock merchandise or food is from a single distributor and bears uniform markings. (2) Trademark means any word. name. symbol, or device, or any combination thereof. used by a person to identify and distinguish the goods of such person, including a unique product, from those manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods, even if the source is unknown. A trademark may be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or the Florida Department of State. However. an unregistered trademark may also be protected under common law. (3) Service mark means any word, name. symbol, or device. or any combination thereof, used by a person to identify and distinguish the services of such person, including a unique service, from the services of others. and to indicate the source of the services, even if that source is unknown. Titles, character names. and other distinctive features of radio or television programs may be registered as service marks notwithstanding that the person or the programs may advertise the goods of the sponsor. A service mark may be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or the Florida Department of State. However, an unregistered service mark may also be protected under common law. (4) Decor means the style of interior or exterior furnishings, which may include but is not limited to, style of furniture. wall coverings or permanent fixtures. (5) Color scheme means the selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings. permanent fixtures, and wall coverings. or as used on the facade. (6) Facade means a face (usually the front) of a building, including awnings, that looks onto a street or an open space. (7) Uniform food, beverages or apparel/uniforms means standardized items of clothing including but not limited to standardized aprons. pants, shirts, smocks or dresses, hats, and pins (other than name tags) as well as standardized colors of clothing, food or beverages. listed on the menus of such establishments or standardized uniforms worn by employees. * * * Formula commercial establishment means a commercial use. excluding office. restaurant and hotel use, that has ten (10) or more retail sales establishments in operation or with approved development orders in the United States of America; provided, however. for those businesses located in a building that is two (2) stories or less with frontage on Ocean Drive, formula commercial establishment means a commercial use. excluding office. restaurant Page 61 of 230 and hotel, which has five (5) or more other establishments in operation or with approved development orders in Miami Beach. In addition to meeting or exceeding the numerical thresholds in the preceding sentence. the definition of formula commercial establishment also means an establishment that maintains two or more of the following features: a standardized (formula) array of merchandise; a standardized facade; a standardized decor or color scheme: uniform apparel; standardized signs. logos. trademarks or service marks. For the purpose of this definition, the following shall apply: (1) Standardized (formula) array of merchandise means that 50 percent or more of in-stock merchandise is from a single distributor and bears uniform markings. (2) Trademark means any word, name, symbol. or device, or any combination thereof. used by a person to identify and distinguish the goods of such person, including a unique product, from those manufactured or sold by others, and to indicate the source of the goods, even if the source is unknown. A trademark may be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or the Florida Department of State. However, an unregistered trademark may also be protected under common law. (3) Service mark means any word, name. symbol, or device. or any combination thereof. used by a person to identify and distinguish the services of such person. including a unique service, from the services of others, and to indicate the source of the services, even if that source is unknown. Titles. character names, and other distinctive features of radio or television programs may be registered as service marks notwithstanding that the person or the programs may advertise the goods of the sponsor. A service mark may be registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and/or the Florida Department of State. However. an unregistered service mark may also be protected under common law. (4) Decor means the style of interior or exterior furnishings, which may include but is not limited to. style of furniture. wall coverings or permanent fixtures. (5) Color scheme means the selection of colors used throughout, such as on the furnishings, permanent fixtures, and wall coverings, or as used on the facade. (6) Facade means a face (usually the front) of a building, including awnings, that looks onto a street or an open space. (7) Uniform apparel means standardized items of clothing including but not limited to standardized aprons. pants, shirts. smocks or dresses. hats. and pins (other than name tags) as well as standardized colors of clothing. * * * Grocery store means a retail store with direct access from the street or sidewalk containing 6,000 or more square feet of floor area that primarily sells food, including canned and frozen foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fresh (raw) and prepared meats. fish, and poultry. * * * Page 62 of 230 Marijuana dispensary or Cannabis dispensary means a building, structure, or other facility where marijuana or cannabis, inclusive of medical cannabis, and cannabis delivery devices, are dispensed at retail. * * * Massaae therapv center means an establishment that offers, sells or provides manipulations of the tissues or other tactile stimulation of the human body with the hand. foot arm leg elbow or part of the torso. whether or not aided by any electrical or mechanical device: and may include bathing hydrotherapy. thermal therapy. or application of chemicals oils lotions or similar preparations to the human body * * * Occult science establishment shall mean an establishment engaged in the occupation of a fortune teller. palmist, astrologist, numerologist, clairvoyant. craniologist, phrenologist, card reader, spiritual reader, tea leaf reader, prophet, psychic or advisor or who in any other manner claims or pretends to tell fortunes. or claims or pretends to disclose mental faculties of individuals for any form of compensation. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to apply to a person pretending to act as a fortune teller in a properly licensed theater as part of any show or exhibition presented therein or as part of any play, exhibition, fair or show presented or offered in aide of any benevolent, charitable or educational purpose. * * * Pharmacv store means a store with direct access from the street or sidewalk, containing a minimum of 3,500 sguare feet. where medicinal drugs reguiring a prescription from a gualified medical professional are dispensed and sold and that operates at a minimum between the hours of 9:00 AM and 10:00 PM and is also designed and stocked to sell health and wellness products. food (packaged and/or prepared), beverages, newspapers, magazines, and other household supplies to customers who generally purchase relatively few number of items (in contrast to a "grocery store" or "super market"). * * * Souvenirs are items. exclusive of books, magazines or maps, which serve as a token of remembrance of Miami Beach or any geographic areas in Florida and which bear the name of the City or geographic areas or streets thereof or of events associated with Miami Beach or South Florida. * * * Souvenir and I-shirt shop means any business with direct access from the street or sidewalk in which the retail sale of T-shirts or souvenirs or both is conducted as a principal use of the business, or together with some other business activity, but which constitutes the primary, or is the major attraction to the business. * * * Supermarket. (See "Grocery store.") * * * Page 63 of 230 Tattoo studio means any establishment. place of business, or location. other than a licensed medical facility, an office or clinic of a licensed medical professional. or a duly licensed beauty shop or barber shop, wherein adornment of any part of the human body or head. whether artistic. cosmetic or otherwise. is practiced through the use of needles, scalpels. or any other instruments designed to touch, penetrate or puncture the skin for purposes of: (1) inserting, attaching or suspending jewelry, decorations or other foreign objects; (2) producing an indelible mark or figure on the human body or face by scarring skin or flesh; (3) producing an indelible mark or figure on the human body or face by inserting a pigment under or upon the skin; or (4) permanently changing the color or other appearance of the skin. This term shall not. however, include piercing an ear with a disposable, single-use stud or solid needle that is applied using a mechanical device to force the needle or stud through the ear. * * * T-shirt is any garment or article of clothing which has no collar, including, but not limited to, T-shirts, sweat shirts, tank tops, shirts or scrub shirts, which are designed or intended generally to be worn on or over the chest and containing any communicative verbiage, graphics, or images imprinted or to be imprinted on the garment or article of clothing, exclusive of a garment manufacturer's mark or logo, exclusive of decorative words and information woven or dyed in the fabric by the manufacturer of the fabric. exclusive of hand stitched, needle work or embroidery, exclusive of tie-dye garments, and exclusive of hand painted or air-brushed garments that contain no communicative verbiage, graphics or images. * * * Section 2. Chapter 142 of the City Code, entitled "Zoning Districts and Regulations," at Article Ill, entitled "Overlay Districts," is hereby amended as follows: DIVISION 12 -ART DECO I MIMO COMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAY DISTRICT Sec. 142-870.10. -Location and purpose. @l. There is hereby created the Art Deco I Mimo Commercial Character Overlay District (the "Overlay District"). The Overlay District consists of the properties in the South Beach Art Deco Area identified in the map below in this subsection (a) and the properties identified in the Ocean Terrace I Harding Townsite Area described in subsection (bl below. The South Beach Art Deco Area is generally located east of the western lot lines of properties fronting the west side of Collins Avenue between 5th Street to the south and 16th street to the north and west of the ocean: Page 64 of 230 Ail antic .Ocean _(Q). The Ocean Terrace I Harding Townsite Area is identified in the map below and is generally located between Harding Avenue to the west and Ocean Terrace to the east, between 73rd and 75"' Streets: Page 65 of 230 EEJEEJ a· <m •• ~·- {fl The purpose of this Overlay District is to limit the proliferation of uses which may diminish the character of historic commercial areas within the City. This Overlay District is designed based on and intended to achieve the following facts and intents: ~ Properties fronting Ocean Drive and Collins Avenue that have a zoning designation of MXE Mixed Use Entertainment are located in the Ocean Drive/Collins Avenue Historic District, as well as the Miami Beach Architectural National Register Historic District; Q,_ Properties fronting Washington Avenue that have a zoning designation of CD-2 Commercial Medium Intensity District, are located in the Flamingo Park Historic District and the Miami Beach Architectural National Register Historic District; c. Ocean Drive, Collins Avenue, and Washington Avenue are some of the premier streets in Miami Beach and provide residents and visitors with a unigue cultural. retail. and dining experience and are vital to Miami Beach's economy, especially the tourism industry; Q,_ Properties fronting Ocean Terrace and Collins Avenue between 73rd and 75th Streets are within the Harding Townsite Historic District and the North Shore National Register Historic District: e. Properties fronting Harding Avenue between 73rd and 75th Streets are within North Shore National Register Historic District; and t. The City of Miami Beach has undertaken a master planning process for the North Beach area that includes the Harding Townsite Historic District and North Shore National Register District, in order to encourage the revitalization of the area by improving cultural, retail, and dining experiences for residents and visitors to the area: Page 66 of 230 ~ Formula commercial establishments and formula restaurants are establishments with multiple locations and standardized features or a recognizable appearance. where recognition is dependent upon the repetition of the same characteristics of one store in multiple locations; h.. Formula commercial establishments and formula restaurants are increasing in number along Ocean Drive and within other historic districts: l.. The sameness of formula commercial establishments, while providing clear branding for retailers. counters the City's Vision Statement which includes creating "A Unique Urban and Historic Environment": 1 Notwithstanding the marketability of a retailer's goods or services or the visual attractiveness of the storefront, the standardized architecture, color schemes, decor and signage of many formula commercial establishments detract from the distinctive character and aesthetics of the historic districts: and k. The increase of formula commercial establishments hampers the unique cultural, retail, and dining experience in commercial and mixed-use areas of the City's historic districts; and h Specifically, the proliferation of formula commercial establishments may unduly limit or eliminate business establishment opportunities for non-traditional or unique businesses, thereby decreasing the diversity of cultural, retail, and dining services available to residents and visitors: and m. The homogenizing effect of formula commercial establishments based on its reliance on standardized branding, is greater if the size of the establishment, in number of locations or size of use or branded elements is larger; 11. The increased level of homogeneity detracts from the uniqueness of the historic districts, which thrive on a high level of interest maintained by a mix of cultural, retail, and dining experiences that are not found elsewhere in the country; Q,, Sidewalk cafes are central to the economy of Ocean Drive and enhance the pedestrian experience and historic and cosmopolitan character of the street; _p_,_ It is not the intent of the City to limit interstate commerce, but rather to maintain the historic character of neighborhoods and promote their unique cultural, retail, and dining experiences that are vital to the City's economy; g_,_ It is the intent of the City that if an establishment that has multiple locations and standardized features or a recognizable appearance seeks to locate within certain areas affected by this ordinance that such establishment provide a distinct array of merchandise, facade, decor, color scheme, uniform apparel, signs, logos, trademarks, and service marks; L. Convenience stores, pharmacy stores and eating establishments have similar impacts as formula stores: Page 67 of 230 s. Check cashing stores, pawnshops, souvenir and \-shirt shops, tattoo studios, fortune tellers (occult science establishments), massage therapy center, and package liquor stores are uses which negatively affect surrounding areas; and t. It is the intent of the City to limit the number of establishments which may negatively affect surrounding areas. Sec. 142-870.11. -Compliance with regulations. The following regulations shall apply to the Overlay District. There shall be no variances allowed from these regulations. All development regulations in the underlying zoning district and any other applicable overlay regulations shall apply. except as follows: @l The following limitations shall apply to the commercial uses listed below: ill Check cashing stores shall comply with the following regulations: £,. Such establishments shall be prohibited on lots fronting Ocean Drive and in the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Area. b. In areas of the Overlay District not inciuded in subsection a. above, there shall be no more than two (2) such establishments. Such establishments shall be located no closer than 2,500 feet from any other such establishment. ill Convenience stores shall comply with the following regulations: £,. Such establishments shall be prohibited on lots fronting Ocean Drive. b. In the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Area, there shall be a limit of one (1) such establishment. s;,_ In areas of the Overlay District not included in subsection a. and b. above, there shall be no more than five (5) such establishments. Such establishments shall be located no closer than 2,500 feet from any other such establishment. Ql Formula commercial establishments shall comply with the following regulations: a. Such establishments shall be prohibited on lots fronting Ocean Drive and Ocean Terrace. Q,_ This subsection shall not apply to any establishments in the South Beach Art Deco Area other than establishments fronting Ocean Drive nor to any establishment in the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Area, other than Ocean Terrace. Bl. Formula restaurants shall comply with the following regulations: a. Such establishments shall be prohibited on lots fronting Ocean Drive and Ocean Terrace. Page 68 of 230 Q.,_ This subsection shall not apply to any establishments in the South Beach Art Deco Area other than establishments fronting Ocean Drive nor to any establishment in the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Area, other than Ocean Terrace. ffil Massage therapy centers shall not operate between 9:00 pm and 7:00 am in the Overlay District {fil Marijuana dispensaries shall be prohibited in the Overlay District. ill Occult science establishments shall be prohibited in the Overlay District. {fil Package stores shall comply with the following regulations: .<!,, Such establishments shall be prohibited on lots in the South Beach Art Deco Area with an underlying MXE zoning designation and in the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Area. Q.,_ In areas of the Overlay District not included in subsection a. above, there shall be no more than three (3) such establishments. Such establishments shall be located no closer than 2,500 feet from any other such establishment. {fil Pawnshops shall be prohibited in the Overlay District. {1Ql Pharmacy stores shall comply with the following regulations: a. Such uses shall be prohibited on lots fronting Ocean Drive. Q.,_ In the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Area, there shall be a limit of one (1) such establishment. c. In areas of the overlay district not included in subsection a. and b. above. there shall be no more than five (5) such establishments. Such establishments shall be located no closer than 2,500 feet from any other such establishment. {11l Souvenir and !-shirt shops shall comply with the following regulations: .<!,, Such establishments shall be prohibited on lots fronting Ocean Drive and in the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Area. Q.,_ In areas of the overlay district not included in subsection a. above, there shall be no more than five (5) such establishments. Such establishments shall be located no closer than 2,500 feet from any other such establishment. l.:1ll. Tattoo studios shall comply with the following regulations: a. Such uses shall be prohibited on lots fronting Ocean Drive and in the Ocean Terrace/Harding Townsite Area. Page 69 of 230