20170628 SM1MIAMIBEACH Gommission Meeting SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL 1 (612312017) City Hall, Commission Chambers, 3'd Floor, 1700 Convention Genter Drive June 28,2017 Mayor Philip Levine Commissioner John Elizabeth Alem6n Commissioner Ricky Arriola Commissioner Michael Grieco Commissioner Joy Malakoff Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez Com missioner Micky Steinberg City Manager Jimmy L. Morales City Attorney Raul J. Aguila City Clerk Rafael E. Granado Visif us at www.miamibeachfl.gov for agendas and video "streaming" of City Commission Meetings. ATTENTION ALL LOBBYISTS Ghapter 2, Article Vll, Division 3 of the City Code of Miami Beach entitled "Lobbyists" requires the registration of all lobbyists with the City Clerk prior to engaging in any lobbying activity with the City Commission, any City Board or Committee, or any personnel as defined in the subject Code sections. Copies of the City Code sections on lobbyists laws are available in the City Clerk's office. Questions regarding the provisions of the Ordinance should be directed to the Office of the City Attorney. SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA G7 - Resolutions C7 A A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-29907 AND CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 7,2017, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORATE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA A BALLOT QUESTION ASKING WHETHER THE CITY COMMISSION SHALLADOPT AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE CURRENT 5:00 A.M. TERMINATION TIME TO 2:00 A.M. FOR THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AT ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS LOCATED ON OCEAN DRIVE FROM sTH TO 1sTH STREETS, EXEMPTING FROM THIS TIME CHANGE THOSE INDOOR PORTIONS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS THAT ARE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED AND LOCATED ENTIRELYWITHIN HOTELS. Office of the City Attorney Mayor Philip Levine Supplemental updated on 612312017 (Memorandum & Resolution) 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 Resolutions - C7 A GOMMISSION MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Raul J. Aguila, City Aftorney June 28,2017 MIAAAI BEACH TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECTA RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2017-29907 AND CALLING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 7, 2A17, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORATE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA A BALLOT QUESTION ASKING WHETHER THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE CURRENT 5:00 A.M. TERMINATION TIME TO 2:00 A.M. FOR THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PRIVATE PROPERTYAT ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS LOCATED ON OCEAN DRIVE FROM sTH TO 15TH STREETS, EXEMPTING FROM THIS TIME CHANGE THOSE INDOOR PORTIONS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS THAT ARE COMPLETELY ENCLOSED AND LOCATED ENTIRELY WITHIN HOTELS. ANALYSIS See Memorandum attached. Legislative Tracking Office of the City Attorney Sponsor Mayor Philip Levine ATTACHMENTS: Description o Memo Special Election 2 AM Ocean Drive Ballot Question (Levine) o Call lor Special Election 2 AM Ocean Drive Ballot Question (Levine) Page 36 ot237 3 OFTICE OT THE CIW ATTORNEY RAUL J. AGUIIA, CITY ATTORNEY IO: COMt\dlSSl ON MEAAORAN D UM Mayor Philip Levine Members of the City Commission Jimmy L. Morales, City Manager cc: From: Date: SubJect: RafaelGranado, City Cle* /\ { Raurr. Asuila, cityAttornefi te.---, U*'f- June 28, 2017 A RESOLUTION OF THE IIJIAYON AND CITY COMUISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAIIII BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2A17.29907 AND CALLING FOR A SFECIAL ELECTION ON NOVEUBER 7, e017, FOR fiE PURPOSE OF SUBiilt:ITtHG TO THE ELECTORATE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA A BALLOT QUESTION ASKING UI'HETHER THE CITY COi/IilII$SION $HALL ADOPT AN ORDINANGE CHANGING THE CURRENT 5:00 A.it, TER!,INATION TIIJIE TO 2:OO A.T,I, FOR THE SALE AND CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AT ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS LOCATED ON OCEAN DRIVE FROM sTH TO TSTH STREETS, EXEIIjIFTING FROITI THIS TIME CHANGE THOSE INOOOR PORTIONS OF ALGOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS THAT ARE COIT{PLETELY ET'ICLOSED AND LOGATED ENTIRELY WTHIN HOTELS. On June 7,?:017, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution Ns. 2017-29907, calling for a special election on Novembsr 7 , 2017 , for the purpose of submitting to the electorate of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, a ballot question asking whether the City Commission shall adopt an Ordinance terminating at 2:00 a.m. {instead of 5:00 a.m.) the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages at alcoholic beverage establishments located on Ocean Drive between 5th and 15th Streets, exempting indoor portions of alcoholic beverage establishments that are completely enclosed and located entirely within hotels, and requiring a 5ffths vote of the City Commission to anrend or repeal the Ordinance. The adoption of the attached Resolution repealing Resolutisn No. 2017-29S07 and calling for a special elec{ion is necessary to correct a scrivener's effor and to clarify that the ballot measure proposed therein is not a straw ballot. Additionally, after fu*her research, the City Attomey has revised the text, without altering the substance, of the ballot question. The Office of the City Attorney hereby requests that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the Resolution. Page 37 of237 4 The text of the proposed ballot question is as follows: City law eurrently allows the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on private property at alcoholic beverage establishments located on Ocean Driv* from 5th to {Sth $treets from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. the following day. $hall an Ordinance be adopted changing this current 5:00 a,m. termination time to 2:00 a.m., exempting from this tims change tho*e indoor portions of alcoholic beverage establishments that are complet*ly enclosed and losated entirely withi n hotels? Notably, the ballst question exempts frorn the 2:00 a.m. time change those indoor portions of alcoholis beverage establishments that are complelely enclosed and located entirely within hotels. By limiting the operation of alcoholic beverage establishments to certain indoor areas between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.rn., the proposed Ordinance would remove opportunities for interaction between (i) patrons of alcoholic beverage establishments and (ii) individuals congregating on the sidewalks or cruising in vehicles for purposes of disturbing the community and engaging in criminal mischief. Additionally, restricting the operation of cartain alcoholic beverage establishments ta indoor areas will reduce the incidence of excessive noise and other nuisances in the surounding neighborhocd. More specifically, the exemption for indoor areas of alcoholic beverage establishments within hoiels is supported hy the fac{ that hotels, with enclosed lobbies, are far more likely to operate less intense and less boisterous alcoholic beverage establishments than standalone operations, in order to minimize disturbances to hotel guests. When the MXE district was created in the mid- 1g80s, the intent was to promote sidewalk cafes located on the exterior areas of architecturally significant hotels, not to promote 5:00 a.m. drinking establishments on outdoor terraces. Limiting late-night drinking establishments to fully enclosed hotels is consistent with the policies supporting the creation of the MXE district. Page 38 of237 5 RE$OLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE tr'IAYOR AND CITY CONiMISEION OT THE CITY OF MIAMI AEACH, FLORICIA, REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 20{?-29907 AND CALLINC FOR A SPECIAL ELECTIOI'I ON NOVEIIIIBER 7, 2917, FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORATE OF THE CITY OF IiIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA A BALLOT QUESTION ASKING WHETHER THE CITY COMMI$SION SHALL ADOPT AN ORDINA}ICE CHA!.IGIHG THE CURRENT 5:00 A.M. TERMINATION TlmE TO 2:00 A.M. FoR THE $ALE ANI OONSUMPTION oF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ON PRIVATE PROPERTY AT ALSOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLBHNiENTS LOCATED ON OCEAN DRIVE FROM sTH TO 15T}' STREETS, EXEI'PTING FROM THIS TIME CHANGE THOSE INDOOR PORTIONS OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ESTABLISHMENTS THAT ARE COiNPLETELY EHCLOSED AITID LOCATED ENTIfrELY III'ITHIN HOTELS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY CCIMNillsSION OF THE GITY OF MIAITiI BEJICH: SECTION {. ln accordance with provisions of the Oharter of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, and the general laws of the $tate of Florida, a Special Election is hereby called and directed to be held in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 7,2A17, for the purpose of submitting to the electorate the question as set forth hereinafier. sEcTloN 2. That the appropriate and proper Miami-Dade County election officials shall conduct the Special Election hereby called, with acceptance of the certification of the results of the Special Elec{ion to be performed by the City Commission. The official returns for each precinct shall be furnished to the City Clerk of the City of Miami Beach as soon as the ballots from all precincts have been tabulated. sEcTloN 3. That the voting precincts in the City of this Special Election shall be as established by the proper and appropriate Miami-Dade County election officials. All electors shall vote at the polling places and the voting precinc{s as determined by the Miami-Dade County election officials,l 1 Pursuant to City Code section 38-3{b}: "The City Clerk shall further publish, in a newspaper meeting the requirements set forlh in Florida Statutes $ 5CI.031 and on the City's website, the polling places for the election twice, once in the third week and once in the first week prior to the week in which the election is to be held." Page 39 of237 6 sEcTroN 4. Not fewer than thirty days' notice of the adoption of this Resolution and of its provisions calling this Special Election shall be given by publication in the Miami Herald, a newspaper of general circulation in Miami Beach, Miarni-Dade County, Florida. Such publication shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Section 100.342, Florida Statutes, and $ection 38-3 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach. SEGTION 5. The Notice of Election shall be substantially in the following form: THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA NCITICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A SPEC]AL ELECTION HAS BEEN CALLED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIOA, AND WLL BE HELD lN $AlD CITY FROM 7:00 A.M. UNTIL 7;00 P.M, ON NOVEMBER 7, 2A17, AT WHICH TIME THERE SHALL BE SUBMITTED TCI THE DULY REGISTERED AND QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH THE FOLLOW|NG QUESTION: Chanqinq alcoholip. hPJ_eraEe sales/consurnption termination tim.g o[ Oqg,gn Drive from 5th to lSth StreeG City law currently allows the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on private property at alcoholic beverage establishments located on Ocean Drive from 5th to 15th Streets from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 a,m. the following day. Shall an Ordinance be adopted changing this current 5:00 a,m. termination time to 2:00 a.m., exempting from this time change those indoor portions of alcoholic beverage establishments that are completely enclosEd and located entirely within hotels? YES NO The Notice shall further set forth pertinent information regarding eligibility of electors to participate in this Election. SECTtOtt 6. That the official ballot to be used in the Special Election to be held on November 7, 2017, hereby called, shall be in subetantially the following form, to wit: 2 Page 4C of 237 7 OFFICIAL BALLOT Chanqins alcoholic beveraq*sales/consumption termination time City law currantly allowr the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on private property at alcoholic beverage estahlishments located on Ocean Drive frorn Sth to t$th Streats from 8:00 a.m. untll 5:00 a.m. the following day. Shall an Ordinance he adopted changing this current 5:00 a,m. termination tirne to 2:00 a.m., exempting from this time change those indoor portions of alcoholic beverage establishments that are completely enclosed and located entirely within hotels? sEcTloN 7. The form of the ballots to be used in this Special Election and their preparation shall be in compliance with all statutory requirements relating to the use of mechanical or other approved voting machines or devices. sEcTlpN 8: Registration of persons desiring to vote in the Special Election shall be in accordance with the general law of the State of Florida governing voter registration. Qualified persons may obtain registration fonns to vote at the Office of the Ci$ Clerk, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, First Floor, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, during nonnal business hours, and at such other voter registration centers and during such times as may be provided by the Supervisor of Elections of Miami-Dade County. The Miami-Dade County Supervisor of Elections will register voters for this Special Election until 5:00 p.m" on Tuesday, October 10, z!fi. All persons eligible to vote in this Special Election must be registered befare the time and date set forth herein or have registered previously, as provided by law. Each pereon desiring to become a registered voter shall be responsible for properly filling out the registration form and returning it to the Miami-Dade County Elections Department. All questions conceming voter registration should be directed to the Miami-Dade County Elections Department, 2700 NW 87 Avenue, Doral, Florida 33172; Telephone: (305) 4gg-VOTE (8683). sFcroN s. That voters participating via a Vote*by-Mail ballot in this $pecial Election shall be entitled to cast their ballots in accordance with the provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida with respect to such voting. 3 Page41 of237 NO 8 sEcTloN't0, That the Gity of Miami Beach shall pay all expenses for conducting this $pecial Electicn and will pay to Miami-Dade County or directly to all persons or firms, upon receipt of invoice or statement approved by the $upervisor of Elections of Miami-Dade County, Florida. sEcrtoN {r. lf any section, sentence, clause or phrase of the ballot measure set forth above in this Resolution is held to he invalid or unconetitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then the holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portions of the ballot measure. sEcTloN,l2. This Resolution shall be effective imrnediately upon its passage. FA$$ED and ADOFTED this day of ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado City Clerk {Sponsored by Mayor Philip Levine) 2417. Philip Levine Mayor APPROVED ASTO FOI?M & ISNGUAGE & TOR.EXECUTIONil I Ur tr 6-)r r"? CituAltomev Dote IJK F:\ATTO\I(ALN\BALLOT QUESTION\2 A{ril Ocean Dltye Ballo, Queition RE$O {t-evlne) (amended lor S28-17 Cg) (tlew lorm).doc} 4 Page 42 of 237 9 BALLOT QUESTION AND PROPOSED CITY ORNINANCE NOVEMBER 7, 2OI7 SPEGIAL ELECTION I. BALLOT SUESTION: Chanuino alcoholic beverage saleslconsumpti,pn termination time on Ocean Drive from Sth ta,1,5lt,*treets City law cunently allows the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages on private property at alcoholic beverage establishments located on Ocean Orive from Sth to 15th Streets from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. the following day. $hall an Ordinance be adopted changing this current 5:00 a.m. termination time to 2:00 a.m., exempting from this time change those indoor portions of alcoholic beverage establishments that are completely enclosed and located entirely within hotels? YE$ NO II. PROPOSED CITY ORDINANCE: CHAPTER I42 ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS *!a* ARTIGLE II. - DISTRICT REGULATIONS DlvlSlON {3. * MXE f,AfXEg Ure ,NT=RTAINII'IENT DISTRICT *l* Sec. '142-551. Additional resulations for alcoholic beveraqe establishments. lg) Hours of sale. Notwithstanding the reoulations set forth in sectlon 6-3. alpohnlic beveraqes shall.npt b-e offered for sale or consurnption between thg,,hours of ?;00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. at alcoholic beverase establishments located between Qcean Court to the west. Ocean Drivetothe east" Sth Strej?J.tgthe south..and 15th $treettothe north. {S} Sxcapfinrs" Netwithstanding subsection (a), and onlv as applicable to indoor oortions of alcqholic bp.yerase establishments that atE completely enclosed and located entirelv within hotels located between Ocean Court to the west. Ocean Drive to the east. Sth $treet to the south. and 15th Street to the north. alcqholip beverages shall not be offered fsr Salp_ or c",pnsumpllon between the hour$ of {:00 a-m. and 8:00 a.m. 5 Page 43 of 237 10