Ads For May 2017Page: NE_AdNE_13 ,Pub. date:Thursday,May4 Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:17:43:14 May2 22NE THURSDAY MAY42017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PU BLIC HEARING ORDINANCE RELATING TO WEST AV ENUE BAYFRONT OV ERLAYMODIFICAT IONS May17,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhataPublic Hearing will be heard by theMayor and CityCommissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,in theCommissionChamber, 3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,Miami Beach,Florida,on May 17,2017 at 10 :50 a.m.or as soonthereafter as themattercan be heard,toconsider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEAC H,FLORIDA,BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 114,“GENERAL PROV ISIONS,” SECTION114 -1,“DEFINITIONS,”TODEFINE “HOSTEL”AND TO AMEND THE DEFINITION OF “RESTA URANT”;AND AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2,“ZONING DISTRICTSAND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE III,“OV ERLAYDISTRICTS,” DIVISION 5,“WEST AV ENUE BAYFRONT OV ERLAY,”SECTION142-845, “SUITE HOTEL AND BEDAND BREAKFA ST INNOVERLAY,”TO AMEND THE CRITERIA FORSUITEHOT EL UNITSAND ACCESSORY DINING ROOMS,AND TO PROHIBIT HOSTELS;AND PROV IDINGFOR REPEALER,SEVERABILIT Y, CODIFICATION,AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. INTERESTED PA RTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting,orberepresented by an agent,ortoexpresstheirviews in writing addressedtothe City Commission,c/o the CityClerk,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is available forpublic inspectionduringnormalbusinesshoursin theCityClerk’s Office,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item maybecontinued,and undersuchcircumstances, additional legalnotice neednot be provided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityherebyadvises thepublic that if a person decidestoappeal any decision made by theCityCommissionwith respect to anymatterconsideredatits meeting or its hearing,suchpersonmustensurethat averbatimrecordofthe proceedingsismade,which record includesthe testimony andevidence uponwhich theappeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by theCityfor theintroductionoradmissionofother wiseinadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorizechallengesorappeals nototherwise allowedbylaw. To request this material in alternate format,sign languageinterpreter (five-day notice required),informationonaccess forpersons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany documentorparticipate in any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489and select1for English or 2for Spanish,thenoption 6;TTYusersmay call via711 (Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1314 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING MEDICAL CANNABIS ORDINANCE LAND USEREGULATIONS May17,2017 NOTICEISHEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand City Commissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,in the CommissionChamber,3rd Floor, CityHall,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on May17,2017 at 5:01p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider: MEDICAL CANNABIS ORDINANCE -LAND USEREGULATIONS: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 114OFTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “GENERAL PROVISIONS,”TO DEFINE THE FOLLOWINGDEFINITIONS:CANNABIS, MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARY,DERIVAT IVEPRODUCT,LOW-THCCANNABIS, AND RELATED DEFINITIONS;AMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,ENTITLED “OFF-STREET PA RKING,”ESTABLISHINGMINIMUM PA RKINGREQUIREMENTSFOR “MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES”ANDPROHIBITING PA RTICIPATIONINTHE FEE IN LIEU OF PA RKINGPROGRAM;AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2,ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”BY CREAT INGDIVISION 10 ,ENTITLED “CANNABIS REGULATIONS AND USE,”AND AMENDING SECTIONS142-1501TO142-1504,RELATING TO APPLICABILITY, DEFININGMEDICAL USEOFCANNABIS,DESIGNATING AREAS FORTHE USE, ZONINGREQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE USE,AND PROHIBITINGCULTIVAT ION, PRODUCTIONORPOSSESSIONOFCANNABIS PLANTS;PROVIDING FORREPEALER; SEVERABILITY;CODIFICAT ION;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 11 6-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550 INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,or to expresstheir viewsinwritingaddressed to the Cit yCommission,c/o the City Clerk,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspectionduringnormalbusinesshours in the CityClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9. This item maybecontinued,and under such circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCit yhereby advises the publicthatifaperson decides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter consideredatits meetingorits hearing,such personmustensure that averbatim record of the proceedings is made,which recordincludesthe testimonyand evidenceupon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introductionoradmissionofother wise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodation to reviewany document or participate in any Cit y-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for Englishor2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,Cit yClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1315 Page: NE_AdNE_8,Pub. date:Thursday,May4 Last user:lstennett@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:10:34:11 May2 THURSDAY MAY42017 NEIGHBORS 17NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARINGS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSREZONING FOR6881INDIAN CREEK DRIVE MAY17,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat SecondReadings/Public Hearings will be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommissionofthe CityofMiamiBeach,Florida,inthe CommissionChambers,3rd Floor, CityHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,MiamiBeach,Florida,on May 17,2017 at the times listed below,or as soonthereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider the adoption of thefollowing Ordinances: 10:10a.m. COMPREHENSIVEPLAN AMENDMENT –6881INDIAN CREEK DRIVE AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PURSUANT TO THE PROCEDURESINSECTION163.318 4(3),FLORIDA STAT UTES,TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USEMAP OF THEMIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVEPLAN,BYCHANGINGTHE DESIGNAT ION FORTHE PA RCELLOCAT ED AT 6881INDIAN CREEK DRIVE,FROM THE CURRENT DESIGNATION OF RM-1,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,LOWINTENSITY”,TO THE PROPOSEDDESIGNAT IONOFTC-3, “NORTH BEACHTOWNCENTER RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE”;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSIONINTHE COMPREHENSIVEPLAN;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section 11 8-163 of theCity’s Land Development Code,Section 2.05 of theCityCharter andSection 16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. 10:15a.m. LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULAT IONS REZONING–6881INDIAN CREEK DRIVE AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE OFFICIAL ZONINGDISTRICTMAP,REFERENCED IN SECTION142-72 OF THECODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,BY CHANGING THEZONINGDISTRICTCLASSIFICATIONFOR THE PA RCEL 6881 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE,FROMTHE CURRENT ZO NINGCLASSIFICATIONOFRM-1,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILY,LOWINTENSITY”,TOTHE PROPOSED ZONINGCLASSIFICATIONOF TC-3,“NORTH BEACHTOWNCENTER RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE”;AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICAT ION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection 118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code,Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and Section 16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to the PlanningDepartmentat305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be representedbyanagent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,17 00 Convention CenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspectionduringnormal businesshoursinthe Office of the Cit yClerk,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive, 1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This meeting,or any item herein,may be continued,and undersuch circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section 286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmade by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,such person must ensurethat averbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecordincludesthe testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based. This notice does notconstitute consent by theCityfor the introduction or admissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorizechallenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/or anyaccommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 13 02 Page: NE_AdNE_7,Pub. date:Thursday,May4 Last user:lstennett@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:10:34:11 May2 16NE THURSDAY MAY42017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PU BLIC HEARING ARTDECO/MIMOCOMMERCIAL CHARACTER AND FORMULA COMMERCIAL OV ERLAYDISTRICT ORDINANCE May17,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY given that aPublic Hearing will be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommissionof theCityofMiami Beach,Florida,in theCommissionChamber,3rdFloor,CityHall,17 00 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on May17,2017 at 5:02 p.m.or as soonthereafter as thematter can be heard,to consider: 5:02 p.m. ARTDECO/MIMOCOMMERCIALCHARACTER AND FORMULA COMMERCIAL OV ERLAY DISTRICT: AN ORDINANCE OF THEMAYOR ANDCIT YCOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 114OFTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED“GENERALPROVISIONS,” TO PROV IDEFOR DEFINITIONSFOR “CHECK CASHINGSTORE,”“CONVENIENCE STORE,” “FORMULA RESTAURANT,”“FORMULA COMMERCIAL ESTA BLISHMENTS,”“MARIJUANA DISPENSARY,”“CANNABIS DISPENSARY,”“OCCULTSCIENCE ESTA BLISHMENT,” “PHARMACY,”“SOUVENIR AND T-SHIRTSHOP,”“TAT TO OSTUDIO,”“MASSAGETHERAPY CENTER,”AND RELATED DEFINITIONS;AMENDING CHAPTER 14 2OFTHE CITY CODE, ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ATARTICLE III,ENTITLED “OVERLAY DISTRICTS,”TOESTABLISH DIVISION 12 ,ENTITLED “ARTDECO/MIMOCOMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAYDISTRICT,”TOPROVIDE ADDITIONALREGULATIONSFOR THE AFOREMENTIONEDUSES,INCLUDINGDISTA NCESEPARATION REQUIREMENTS, LIMITATIONSONNUMBER OF ESTA BLISHMENTS,AND PROHIBITIONS UNDER CERTA IN CIRCUMSTANCES;PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER;SEVERABILIT Y;CODIFICAT ION;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is being heard pursuanttoSection 11 6-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code; Section2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiriesmay be directed to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550. INTERESTEDPARTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting,orberepresented by an agent, or to expresstheirviews in writing addressedtothe City Commission,c/othe CityClerk,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,City Hall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item is available for public inspectionduring normal businesshoursinthe City Clerk’s Office,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item maybecontinued,andundersuch circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cityherebyadvises thepublic that if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmadebythe City Commissionwith respecttoany matterconsideredatits meeting or its hearing,such person mustensurethataverbatim record of theproceedings is made, which record includes thetestimony andevidence uponwhich theappeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by theCityfor theintroductionoradmissionofotherwiseinadmissible or irrelevantevidence,nor does it authorizechallenges or appealsnot otherwiseallowedbylaw. To request this materialinalternate format,sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), informationonaccess forpersons with disabilities,and/orany accommodation to review any document or participate in any City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 andselect1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY users maycall via711 (Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1316 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING WA IVINGREQUIREMENTSRELAT ING TO NEIGHBORHOOD IMPA CT ESTA BLISHMENT FOROPERATION OF HALL FORHIREAT RONALD W.SHANE WATERPORTS CENTER 6500 INDIAN CREEK DRIVE MAY17,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY given that aPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommissionof theCityofMiami Beach,Florida,in theCommissionChambers,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on May17,2017 at 1:30 p.m.,orassoonthereafterasthe mattercan be heard,toconsiderthe adoptionofthe following Resolution: 1:30 p.m. ARESOLUTIONOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING PURSUANT TO SECTION142-425 OF THECIT Y’S CODE, THE WAIVER OF CERTA IN REGULATIONSAPPLICABLETOTHE RONALD W.SHANE WATERSPORTS CENTER,LOCAT ED AT 6550INDIAN CREEK DR,MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA; WA IVINGBYA5/7TH VOTE OF THE CITY COMMISSION,AFTER PUBLICHEARING, THE DEVELOPMENTREGULATIONSINAGU (GOVERNMENT USE)DISTRICT,WHICH REGULATIONSARE FOUND AT SECTION142-422AND 14 24 23,ENTITLED “MAINPERMITTED USES,”AND “PRIVATE USES,”IN ORDERTOWAIVE THEREQUIREMENTSRELATING TO ANEIGHBORHOODIMPACTESTABLISHMENT FORTHE CURRENT OPERATION OF THE AHALL FORHIRELOCAT ED AT THE CITY-OWNEDRONALD W.SHANEWAT ERPORTS CENTER OWNED (LAND LEASE),AND OPERATED BY MIAMIBEACH WATERSPORTS INC. This Resolutionisbeing heardpursuanttoSection 16 6.041 F.S.Inquiriesmay be directed to the Planning Department at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting,orberepresented by an agent, or to expresstheirviews in writingaddressed to theCityCommission,c/o theCityClerk,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,City Hall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item is available forpublic inspectionduringnormalbusinesshours in theOffice of theCityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This meeting,orany item herein,may be continued,andunder such circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cityherebyadvises thepublic that if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmadebythe City Commissionwith respecttoany matterconsideredatits meeting or its hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim record of theproceedings is made, whichrecord includes thetestimony and evidence uponwhich theappeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consentbythe City forthe introductionoradmissionofotherwiseinadmissible or irrelevantevidence,nor does it authorizechallenges or appeals nototherwiseallowedbylaw. To request this materialinalternate format,sign language interpreter (five-day notice required), informationonaccess forpersons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 andselect1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTY usersmay call via711 (Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1317 Page: NE_AdNE_12,Pub. date:Thursday,May4 Last user:lstennett@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:10:34:11 May2 THURSDAY MAY42017 NEIGHBORS 21NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS MAY17,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhatthe followingPublic Hearings willbeheldbythe Mayorand CityCommissionersofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,ThirdFloor,CityHall,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,Miami Beach,Florida,onMay17,2017,at thetimes listed,orassoonthereafter as the mattercan be heard: 2:05 p.m. ARESOLUTIONOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,ADOPTINGTHE FOURTH AMENDMENT TO THE CAPITA LBUDGET FORFISCALYEAR2016/17.This Resolutionisbeing heardpursuantto§§166.041 and166.241 F.S.Inquiriesmay be directed to theBudget &Per formance Improvement Office at 305.673.7510 . 5:01p.m. MEDICAL CANNABIS ORDINANCE-LAND USEREGULATIONS: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 114OFTHE CITY CODE, ENTITLED “GENERAL PROVISIONS,”TO DEFINE THE FOLLOWINGDEFINITIONS:CANNABIS,MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARY,DERIVATIVE PRODUCT, LOW-THC CANNABIS,AND RELATED DEFINITIONS;AMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,ENTITLED “OFF-STREETPARKING,”ESTABLISHINGMINIMUM PA RKING REQUIREMENTS FOR“MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES”AND PROHIBITING PA RTICIPATION IN THE FEE IN LIEU OF PA RKINGPROGRAM;AMENDING CHAPTER 14 2,ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”BY CREAT INGDIVISION10,ENTITLED “CANNABIS REGULATIONS AND USE,”AND AMENDINGSECTIONS 14 2-1501TO142-1504,RELATING TO APPLICABILIT Y,DEFINING MEDICAL USEOFCANNABIS,DESIGNATING AREAS FORTHE USE, ZO NINGREQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE USE,AND PROHIBITING CULTIVAT ION,PRODUCTIONORPOSSESSION OF CANNABIS PLANTS;PROVIDING FORREPEALER;SEVERABILIT Y;CODIFICAT ION;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection 11 6-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550 5:02 p.m. ARTDECO/MIMOCOMMERCIAL CHARACTER AND FORMULA COMMERCIAL OVERLAYDISTRICT: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 114OFTHE CITY CODE, ENTITLED “GENERAL PROVISIONS,”TO PROVIDE FORDEFINITIONS FOR“CHECK CASHING STORE,”“CONVENIENCESTORE,”“FORMULA RESTAURANT,” “FORMULA COMMERCIAL ESTA BLISHMENTS,”“MARIJUANADISPENSARY,”“CANNABIS DISPENSARY,”“OCCULTSCIENCE ESTA BLISHMENT,”“PHARMACY,” “SOUVENIR ANDT-SHIRT SHOP,”“TAT TOOSTUDIO,”“MASSAGETHERAPY CENTER,”AND RELATED DEFINITIONS;AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2OFTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”AT ARTICLE III,ENTITLED “OVERLAYDISTRICTS,”TO ESTA BLISHDIVISION12,ENTITLED “ART DECO /MIMOCOMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAYDISTRICT,”TOPROVIDE ADDITIONALREGULATIONS FORTHE AFOREMENTIONED USES,INCLUDING DISTANCE SEPARATIONREQUIREMENTS,LIMITAT IONS ON NUMBER OF ESTA BLISHMENTS,AND PROHIBITIONS UNDER CERTA IN CIRCUMSTANCES; PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER;SEVERABILIT Y;CODIFICAT ION;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection116 -164 of theCity’s Land Development Code;Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appearatthis meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their viewsinwritingaddressed to theCit yCommission, c/o the Cit yClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.Copies of these items areavailablefor public inspection duringnormalbusinesshoursinthe Office of the CityClerk,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,Cit yHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This meeting,or any item herein,may be continued,and under such circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. PursuanttoSection 286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the publicthat if apersondecides to appeal any decision made by the Cit yCommission with respect to any matterconsideredatits meetingorits hearing,such personmustensurethat averbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecord includesthe testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the Cityfor theintroductionoradmission of other wise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challengesorappeals notother wise allowedbylaw. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynoticerequired),information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,Cit yClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1319 Page: NE_AdNE_4,Pub. date:Thursday,May4 Last user:lstennett@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:10:34:11 May2 8NE THURSDAY MAY42017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARINGS ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND REZONINGPERTA INING TO THE WEST 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AV ENUE May17,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat FirstReadings /Public Hearings will be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on May17,2017 at the times listed below or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider: 10:00 a.m. AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE OFFICIAL ZONINGDISTRICTMAP,REFERENCED IN SECTION 14 2-72 OF THE CODEOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,BY CHANGINGTHE ZONINGDISTRICTCLASSIFICATIONFOR THE PA RCELS LOCATED ON THE WESTERN PORTION OF THE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE,FROMTHE CURRENT ZONINGCLASSIFICATIONOFRM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY”,TO THE PROPOSED ZONINGCLASSIFICATIONOFCD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSIT Y”;AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICAT ION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. 10:05 a.m. AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PURSUANT TO THE PROCEDURESINSECTION163.318 4(3),FLORIDA STAT UTES,TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USEMAP OF THE MIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVEPLAN,BYCHANGINGTHE DESIGNAT ION FORTHE PA RCELLOCAT ED ON THE WEST PORTIONOFTHE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE,FROMTHE CURRENT DESIGNAT ION OF RM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY”,TO THE PROPOSED DESIGNATION OF CD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVEPLAN;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. TheseOrdinancesare beingheardpursuanttoSections 11 8-163 and118 -164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550 INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the Cit yCommission,c/o the CityClerk, 17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,Cit yHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspectionduringnormalbusinesshoursinthe CityClerk'sOffice,17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item maybecontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the public that if aperson decides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,suchpersonmustensurethat averbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includesthe testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introduction or admissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoesitauthorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,signlanguageinterpreter(five-daynotice required),information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreview anydocument or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelay Service). RafaelE.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 13 08 Page: NE_AdNE_6,Pub. date:Thursday,May4 Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:17:42:33 May2 10NE THURSDAY MAY42017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS MAY17,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhatthe following Public Hearingswill be held by theMayor andCityCommissioners of theCityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,Third Floor,CityHall,1700ConventionCenter Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onMay 17,2017,at thetimes listed,or as soon thereafter as themattercan be heard: 9:50 a.m. AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA ,AMENDINGCHAPTER 82 OF THE CODEOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,ENTITLED “PUBLICPROPERTY,”BY AMENDINGARTICLE IV,“USES IN PUBLICRIGHTS-OF-WAY ,”BY AMENDINGDIVISION5,“SIDEWALK CAFES,”BYAMENDINGSUBDIVISION II,“PERMIT,”BY AMENDINGSECTION 82-385,ENTITLED “MINIMUM STANDARDS,CRITERIA,AND CONDITIONS FOROPERATION OF SIDEWALK CAFES,”TOREQUIRE MANAGERSAND SIDEWALK CAFE EMPLOYEESOFSIDEWA LK CAFE PERMITTEESONOCEAN DRIVEBETWEEN 5TH STREETAND 15 TH STREETTOSUCCESSFULLYCOMPLETE AHOSPITA LITY TRAINING PROGRAM THATHAS BEEN PREVIOUSLYAPPROVED BY RESOLUTION OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION;ANDAMENDINGSECTION 82-382,ENTITLED “APPLICAT ION,”TO REQUIREAPPLICANTSAND PERMITTEESFOR SIDEWALK CAFES ON OCEAN DRIVEBETWEEN 5TH STREETAND 15 TH STREETTOSUBMIT,ONANANNUAL BASIS,ANAFFIDAVITOFSAT ISFACTORYCOMPLETION OF THEHOSPITA LITY TRAINING REQUIREMENT SETFORTH HEREIN;AND PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER,CODIFICAT ION,SEVERABILITY,AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heardpursuanttoSection2.05ofthe CityCharter and§166.041 F.S.Inquiriesmay be directed to theOffice of theCityAttorneyat305.673.7470. 9:55 a.m. AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA ,AMENDINGORDINANCE NO.1605,THE UNCLASSIFIEDEMPLOYEESSALARY ORDINANCEOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS:CORRECTINGSCRIVENER’S ERRORSTOTHE PAYRANGES FORTHE CLASSIFICAT IONS OF CITY MANAGER AND CITY AT TORNEY;AMENDINGTHE GRADES FORTHE FOLLOWINGPOSITIONS:ASSISTANT DIVISION DIRECTOR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT,CHIEFACCOUNTANT,CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER,ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCESMANAGER,EXECUTIVEOFFICE ASSOCIATE II,GRANTS ANDOPERATIONSADMINISTRATOR,INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST II,PARALEGAL,PLANNER,AND PROCUREMENT CONTRACTINGANALY ST;DELETING THE FOLLOWINGCLASSIFICAT IONS WHICHWILLBEADDED TO THE CLASSIFIEDEMPLOYEESSALARYORDINANCE NO.789 UNDER GROUPVREPRESENTED BY THE GOVERNMENT SUPERVISORSASSOCIATION OF FLORIDA(GSAF):CODECOMPLIANCE SUPERVISOR,FIRE INSPECTIONSUPERVISOR,POLICE RECORDS SUPERVISOR,PROPERTY/ EVIDENCE SUPERVISOR,PUBLICSAFETY PAYROLL ADMINISTRATOR,SECURITY SPECIALIST,UTILITY BILLING SUPERVISOR,AND VICTIM’S ADVOCAT E;DELETING THEFOLLOWINGOBSOLETE CLASSIFICATIONS:CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ADMINISTRATIVE-FINANCE,CHIEFACCESSIBILITY INSPECTOR,CODE COMPLIANCE DIVISION DIRECTOR,CULTURAL AFFAIRS AND TOURISMDEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR,CURATOROFCOLLECTIONS,CURATOROFEDUCATION,DEPA RTMENTAL ADACOORDINATOR,PA RT-TIME,DEPUTY BUILDING DIRECTOR,DEPUTY CITY MANAGER,ENTERTA INMENT INDUSTRY LIAISON,HOUSINGCOMMUNITYAND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR,LABORRELATIONSDIRECTOR, LABOR RELATIONSMANAGER,LOG CABINEDUCATION COORDINATOR,LOGCABIN EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST/JOB COORDINATOR,LOGCABIN INSTRUCTOR,LOGCABIN PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR,MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ANALYST I,MARKETING ANDTOURISM MANAGER,NEIGHBORHOODSERVICESDIRECTOR,PLANNINGAND ZONING INSPECTOR,PROCUREMENT DIVISION DIRECTOR,PUBLICSAFETY SPECIAL PROJECTSCOORDINATOR,QUALITY ASSURANCE COORDINATOR,REGISTRAR,SERVICE DELIVERY MANAGER,AND STREETS/STORMWAT ER SUPERINTENDENT;DELETING ADUPLICATE CLASSIFICATION FORCODECOMPLIANCE DIRECTOR;ADDING THE FOLLOWINGCLASSIFICAT IONS AND ASSIGNINGGRADES THERETO:ASSISTA NT DIRECTOR -PARKSAND RECREATION,ATHLETICMANAGER,CHIEF FIRE PROTECTIONANALY ST,CHIEFOFCOMMUNITYPLANNINGAND SUSTAINABILITY,CHIEFOFHISTORICPRESERVATION, CHIEFOFPLANNINGAND ZONING,CHIEFOFURBAN DESIGN,CLIENT SERVICESSPECIALIST,CONTROLLER,CUSTO MER SERVICESMANAGER,DEPUTYRESILIENCYOFFICER,DIVISIONDIRECTOR RISK MANAGEMENT AND BENEFITS, ENGINEER,ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABILITY DIRECTOR,FACILITIES ZONE MANAGER,GRANTSMANAGER,HOME/SHIP PROJECTSCOORDINATOR,HOMELESS OUTREACH SPECIALIST,HUMAN RESOURCESRISKAND BENEFITS ANALYST, INCLUSIONARY AIDE,PARK RANGER SUPERVISOR,PA RKSSUPERINTENDENT,POLICE INFORMATION RESOURCE SPECIALIST,PROCUREMENT CONTRACTINGANALY ST II,PROCUREMENT CONTRACTINGOFFICER II,PROCUREMENT CONTRACTINGOFFICER III,PROCUREMENT COORDINATOR,PUBLIC RELATIONSMANAGER,RECORDS MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST,RECREATION PROGRAM ASSISTANT MANAGER,RECREATION PROGRAM MANAGER,SANITAT IONBUSINESS MANAGER,TENANT SERVICESCOORDINATOR,TRANSPORTAT IONDEPUTYDIRECTOR,AND VISUAL COMMUNICAT IONS MANAGER;AMENDINGTHE ABBREVIATION FOR“UNCLASSIFIED”FROM “UNC”TO “UNCL”;AMENDING AND READOPTING ALL CLASSIFICAT IONS AND GRADES IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER;AND PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heardpursuanttoSection2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiriesmay be directed to theHuman Resources Departmentat305.673.7524. 10:00 a.m. WEST 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTONAVENUE —REZONING: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP,REFERENCED IN SECTION142-72 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA, BY CHANGINGTHE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICAT ION FORTHE PA RCEL WESTERN PORTION OF THE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTONAVENUE,FROM THE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF RM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY ,MEDIUM INTENSITY”,TO THE PROPOSED ZO NING CLASSIFICATION OF CD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heardpursuantto Sections 118-163 and118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiriesmay be directed to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550 10:05 a.m. WEST 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTONAVENUE -COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PURSUANT TO THE PROCEDURESINSECTION163.318 4(3),FLORIDASTATUTES,TOAMEND THE FUTURE LAND USEMAP OF THE MIAMI BEACHCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN,BYCHANGING THE DESIGNAT IONFOR THE PA RCEL LOCATED ON THE WEST PORTIONOFTHE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTONAVENUE,FROM THE CURRENT DESIGNATIONOFRM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY ,MEDIUM INTENSITY’,TO THE PROPOSED DESIGNAT IONOFCD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSIONINTHE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heardpursuanttoSections 11 8-163 and118 -164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiriesmay be directed to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550. 10:10a.m. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT -6881INDIAN CREEK DRIVE: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PURSUANT TO THE PROCEDURESINSECTION163.318 4(3),FLORIDASTATUTES,TOAMEND THE FUTURE LAND USEMAP OF THE MIAMI BEACHCOMPREHENSIVE PLAN,BYCHANGINGTHE DESIGNAT IONFOR THE PA RCEL LOCATED AT 6881INDIAN CREEK DRIVE,FROM THE CURRENT DESIGNAT IONOFRM-1,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY ,LOW INTENSITY,”TO THE PROPOSED DESIGNAT IONOFTC-3,“NORTHBEACH TOWN CENTER RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE”;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSIONINTHE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heardpursuantto Section118 -163 of theCity’s Land Development Code,Section2.05 of theCityCharter andSection166.041 F.S.Inquiriesmay be directed to thePlanning Departmentat305.673.7550. 10:15a.m. LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSREZONING -6881INDIAN CREEK DRIVE: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP,REFERENCED IN SECTION142-72 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA, BY CHANGINGTHE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICAT IONFOR THE PA RCEL 6881INDIAN CREEK DRIVE,FROM THE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF RM-1,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILY ,LOW INTENSITY”,TO THE PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF TC-3,“NORTHBEACH TOWN CENTER RESIDENTIAL/OFFICE”;AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICAT ION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heardpursuanttoSection118 -164 of theCity’s Land Development Code,Section2.05 of theCityCharter andSection166.041 F.S.Inquiriesmay be directed to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting,orberepresented by an agent,ortoexpresstheirviews in writingaddressed to theCityCommission,c/o theCityClerk,1700ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9. Copies of these itemsare available forpublic inspectionduringnormalbusiness hoursinthe Office of theCityClerk,1700ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This meeting,orany item herein,maybecontinued,andunder such circumstances,additional legal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises thepublic that if aperson decidestoappeal any decisionmadebythe CityCommissionwith respecttoany matterconsideredatits meeting or its hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim record of theproceedings is made,which record includesthe testimony andevidence uponwhich theappeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by theCityfor theintroductionoradmissionofotherwiseinadmissible or irrelevantevidence,nor does it authorizechallenges or appeals nototherwiseallowedbylaw. To request this materialinalternate format,sign language interpreter(five-day noticerequired),information on access forpersons withdisabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participate in any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 andselect1for English or 2for Spanish,thenoption6;TTY usersmay call via711 (Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1313