Ads for June 2017Page: NE_AdNE_10,Pub. date:Thursday,May4 Last user:lstennett@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:10:34:11 May2 THURSDAY MAY42017 NEIGHBORS 19NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCESPERTA ININGTOTERMINAL ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSAMENDMENTS JUNE 7,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhatFirst Readings/Public Hearings,will be heldbythe Mayorand CityCommissioners of theCityofMiami Beach,Florida,in theCommissionChamber,3rdFloor,CityHall,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on June 7,2017 at thetimes listedbelow,or as soon thereafter as themattercan be heard,toconsider: 10:00 a.m. TERMINAL ISLAND –COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THECITYOFMIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA ,AMENDINGGOALS,OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,CHAPTER 1LAND USEELEMENT,POLICY1.2 OF OBJECTIVE1:LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSOFTHE FUTURE LAND USEELEMENT BY AMENDING THEURBAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL USECAT EGORYTOPERMIT MULTIFA MILY RESIDENTIAL USES ON WATERFRONT PA RCELSAND ACCOMPANYING STANDARDSFOR LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS;AMENDINGCHAPTER 2TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT,POLICY6.19OFOBJECTIVE6:MULTI-MODALTRANSPORTATION TO UPDAT EREFERENCED USES ON TERMINAL ISLAND;AMENDINGCHAPTER 6CONSERVATION/ COASTA LZONE MANAGEMENT,OBJECTIVE9:DENSITYLIMITSBYCREATING AN EXCEPTIONTOINCENTIVIZEWORKFORCE OR AFFORDABLEHOUSING ,ORTOPROVIDE IMPROVED GOVERNMENT OPERATIONSAND INFRASTRUCTURE;POLICY 9.2 TO INCENTIVIZEWORKFORCE OR AFFORDABLE HOUSING,OR TO PROVIDE IMPROVED GOVERNMENT OPERATIONSAND INFRASTRUCTURE AND RISK REDUCTION TO THETHREATOFSEA LEVEL RISE;AND AU THORIZINGAND DIRECTINGTHE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO SUBMIT THE ADOPTED AMENDMENT TO THE FLORIDADEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITYAND ANY OTHER REQUIRED STAT EAND LOCALAGENCIES;PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heard pursuanttoSection118-163 of the of theCity’s Land DevelopmentCode.Inquiriesmay be directed to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550 and/orthe Officeofthe CityAttorneyat305.673.7470. 10:05 a.m. TERMINAL ISLAND –LAND DEVELOPMENTREGULATIONS(LDR)AMENDMENTS. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSOFTHE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, BY AMENDING CHAPTER142,“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE II “DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION11“LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT,”BY AMENDING SECTION142-483,“CONDITIONAL USES,”TO PE RMIT MULTI-FAMILYRESIDENTIAL USES WHEN LOCATED ON WATERFRONT PA RCELS;BY AMENDINGSECTION 14 2-484,“ACCESSORY USES,”TO PERMIT RESTAU RANTSASSOCIAT ED WITH MULTI-FAMILYRESIDENTIAL USES,LIMITED TO RESIDENTSAND GUESTS,AND TO INCLUDE NO MORE THAN 1.25 SEATS PERUNIT;BY AMENDING SECTION142-485,“PROHIBITED USES,”TO ADDRESSA SCRIVENERSERROR;BYAMENDINGSECTION142-486,“DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,”TOPROVIDE REGULATIONSFOR MULTIFA MILY RESIDENTIAL USES;PROVIDING FORREPEALER,CODIFICAT ION, SEVERABILITYAND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is being heardpursuanttoSection118 -164 of theofthe City’s Land DevelopmentCode.Inquiriesmay be directed to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550 and/orthe Office of theCityAttorney at 305.673.747 0. Mapindicating theareacovered by theproposed Ordinances INTERESTED PA RTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting,or be representedbyanagent,ortoexpresstheirviews in writingaddressed to theCityCommission,c/o theCityClerk,1700 ConventionCenterDrive, 1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.These itemsare availablefor public inspectionduringnormalbusinesshours in theOffice of theCityClerk,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach, Florida33139.These itemsmay be continued,andundersuch circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises thepublic that if apersondecidestoappeal any decisionmadebythe CityCommissionwith respecttoany matter considered at its meeting or its hearing, such person must ensurethataverbatim record of theproceedings is made,which record includesthe testimony andevidence uponwhich theappeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the City forthe introductionoradmissionofother wiseinadmissible or irrelevantevidence,nor does it authorizechallengesorappeals nototherwiseallowedbylaw. To request these materials in alternateformat,sign languageinterpreter (five-day notice required),informationonaccess forpersons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreview any documentorparticipate in any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 andselect1for English or 2for Spanish,thenoption6;TTY users maycall via711 (FloridaRelay Service). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad No.1311 Page: NE_AdNE_12,Pub. date:Thursday,May25Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:16:26:36 May22 THURSDAY MAY252017 NEIGHBORS 25NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEAMENDING THE WORKFORCE HOUSING-LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSAND CITY CODE June 7,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommissionof the CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe Commission Chamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 7,2017 at 10:55 a.m.or as soon thereafterasthe matter can be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA, AMENDINGSUBPA RT A-GENERAL ORDINANCES,OFTHE CITY CODE,BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 58 “HOUSING”,BY CREAT INGARTICLE VI,ENTITLED “WORKFORCE HOUSING;”SECTIONS 58-500 THROUGH 58-510 ;PROVIDING FORDEFINITIONS,REQUIREMENTS AND INCENTIVES TO PROVIDE WORKFORCE HOUSING;ELIGIBILITY FORTENANCY,ENFORCEMENT,AND PENALT IES;BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,“OFF-STREETPARKING,”ATSECTION130-32,“OFF-STREETPARKING REQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTNO.1,”AND SECTION130-33,“OFF-STREETPARKING REQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTS NOS.2,3,4,5,6,AND 7.”BYESTABLISHINGPARKING REQUIREMENTS FORWORKFORCE HOUSINGUNITS;BY AMENDING CHAPTER142,“ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE II,“DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION3,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYDISTRICTS,”SUBDIVISION II,“RM-1RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILYLOW INTENSITY,” SUBDIVISIONIV,“RM-2 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY,”SUBDIVISION V.“RM-3 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,HIGH INTENSITY,”DIVISION4.“CD-1 COMMERCIAL,LOW INTENSITY DISTRICT,”DIVISION 5.“CD-2 COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSIT YDISTRICT,”DIVISION6.“CD- 3COMMERCIAL,HIGH INTENSITY DISTRICT,”DIVISION13,“MXE MIXED USEENTERTA INMENT DISTRICT,”DIVISION18,“PS PERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICT,”DIVISION 20,“TC NORTH BEACHTOWN CENTER DISTRICTS,”BY CREAT INGNEW MINIMUM AND AV ERAGE APARTMENT UNIT SIZESFOR WORKFORCE HOUSINGUNITS;PROVIDINGCODIFICATION;REPEALER; SEVERABILITY;ANDANEFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection116 -164 of theCity’s Land Development Code; Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,orberepresentedbyanagent,orto expresstheir views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item is available forpublic inspection duringnormal businesshoursinthe CityClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor, CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item maybecontinued,and under such circumstances, additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the publicthat if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmade by the CityCommission with respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made, whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor theintroductionoradmissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoesitauthorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), informationonaccessfor personswith disabilities,and/or any accommodation to reviewany document or participateinany City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusers maycall via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiamiBeach Ad 1332 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEAMENDMENT RELAT ING TO MODIFYINGTHE ACCESSORYUSE REQUIREMENTSFOR APARTMENTSIN THE RM-3ZONINGDISTRICT June 7,2017 NOTICEISHEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand City Commissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 Convention Center Drive,MiamiBeach,Florida,onJune 7,2017 at 11 :00 a.m.or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,toconsider: RM-3 ACCESSORYUSES: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE IV “SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS,”TO MODIFY THEACCESSORY USEREQUIREMENTS FORAPA RTMENTS IN THE RM-3 ZO NINGDISTRICTBYALLOWINGLIMITED ACCESSORYUSESATANAMENITY LEVEL FORBUILDING RESIDENTS;PROVIDING FORREPEALER;SEVERABILITY; CODIFICATION;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S. Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTEDPARTIES areinvited to appear at thismeeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,1700Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspectionduringnormal business hours in the CityClerk’s Office,17 00 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,Cit yHall,Miami Beach, Florida33139.This item maybecontinued,and under such circumstances,additional legal notice neednot be provided. Pursuant to Section 286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the publicthatifa persondecidestoappeal any decision made by the Cit yCommissionwith respect to any matterconsideredatits meetingorits hearing,such personmustensurethat a verbatim record of theproceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cit yfor the introduction or admissionofother wise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorizechallenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-day notice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/or any accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). RafaelE.Granado,CityClerk Cit yofMiami Beach Ad 13 33 Page: NE_AdNE_11,Pub. date:Thursday,May25Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:16:26:36 May22 THURSDAY MAY252017 NEIGHBORS 23NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARINGS ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND REZONING PERTAININGTOTHE WEST 600 BLOCKOFWASHINGTON AV ENUE June 7,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat Public Hearings will be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on June 7,2017 at thetimes listed beloworassoonthereafter as the matter canbeheard,to consider: 5:01p.m. AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA ,AMENDINGTHE OFFICIAL ZO NINGDISTRICTMAP,REFERENCED IN SECTION142-72 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA ,BYCHANGING THE ZONINGDISTRICTCLASSIFICATIONFOR THE PARCELSLOCAT ED ON THE WESTERN PORTION OF THE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AV ENUE,FROMTHE CURRENT ZONINGCLASSIFICATIONOFRM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY”,TO THE PROPOSED ZO NINGCLASSIFICATIONOF CD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICAT ION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. 5:02 a.m. AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA ,PURSUANTTOTHE PROCEDURESINSECTION163.318 4(3),FLORIDASTAT UTES,TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USEMAP OF THE MIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVEPLAN,BYCHANGING THE DESIGNAT ION FORTHE PARCEL LOCATED ON THE WEST PORTIONOFTHE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE,FROM THE CURRENTDESIGNATION OF RM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILY,MEDIUM INTENSIT Y”,TOTHE PROPOSED DESIGNAT ION OF CD-2, “COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVEPLAN;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. TheseOrdinancesare beingheardpursuanttoSections 11 8-16 3and 11 8-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550 Map indicatingthe area coveredbythe proposed Ordinances INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,1700Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspection duringnormal businesshoursinthe CityClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item maybecontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the public thatifapersondecides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matterconsidered at its meetingorits hearing,suchperson must ensurethat averbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecord includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consentbythe Cityfor the introduction or admissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges orappeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this materialinalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),informationonaccess forpersonswith disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusers maycall via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,Cit yClerk CityofMiamiBeach Ad 13 22 Page: NE_AdNE_10,Pub. date:Thursday,May25Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:16:26:18 May22 THURSDAY MAY252017 NEIGHBORS 21NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS JUNE 7,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhatthe followingPublic Hearings willbeheldbythe Mayorand City Commissioners ofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,ThirdFloor,CityHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive, Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 7,2017,at thetimes listed,orassoon thereafter as the matter can be heard: 10:50 a.m. AFFORDABLEHOUSING LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDR)AND CITY CODE AMENDMENTS: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THECIT YOFMIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE CITY’S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS;BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 58,“HOUSING,”BY ESTA BLISHING ARTICLE V,“HOUSING FORLOW AND/ORMODERATE INCOMEELDERLYPERSONS”;PROVIDINGCODIFICATION;BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 114,“GENERAL PROVISIONS,”AT SECTION 114-1,“DEFINITIONS,”TO ESTA BLISHBY REFERENCE TO CHAPTER 58,“HOUSING”DEFINITIONS FORNON-ELDERLYAND ELDERLYLOW AND MODERATE INCOMEHOUSING;BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,“OFF-STREETPARKING,”ATSECTION 13 032,“OFF-STREET PARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTNO.1,”AND SECTION130-33,“OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTS NOS.2,3,4,5,6,AND 7.”BYAMENDINGTHE PARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORLOW AND/ORMODERATE INCOMENON-ELDERLYAND ELDERLYPERSONS;BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2,“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE II,“DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION3,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILYDISTRICTS,”SUBDIVISIONII,“RM-1RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILYLOW INTENSITY,”SUBDIVISION IV,“RM-2RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY,”SUBDIVISIONV.“RM-3 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY, HIGH INTENSITY,”DIVISION4.“CD-1 COMMERCIAL,LOW INTENSITYDISTRICT,”DIVISION 5.“CD-2 COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSIT YDISTRICT,”DIVISION6.“CD-3 COMMERCIAL,HIGHINTENSITYDISTRICT,”DIVISION13, “MXE MIXED USEENTERTAINMENT DISTRICT,”DIVISION18,“PSPERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICT,”DIVISION20,“TC NORTHBEACH TOWN CENTER DISTRICTS,”BY STRIKINGALL REFERENCETOSECTION 14 2-1183 ENTITLED “UNIT SIZE”ANDCREAT INGNEW MINIMUM AND AVERAGE APARTMENTUNIT SIZESFOR NON-ELDERLYAND ELDERLYLOW AND MODERATE INCOMEHOUSING;BYAMENDINGARTICLE IV,“SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”BY AMENDINGDIVISION 6,“HOUSING FORLOW AND/ORMODERATE INCOMEELDERLYPERSONS,”BY STRIKINGTHISDIVISION;PROVIDINGCODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILIT Y;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section116 -164 of theCity’s Land Development Code;Section2.05 of theCityCharter and §166.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanning Departmentat305.673.7550. 10:55 a.m. WORKFORCE HOUSING LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS (LDR)AND CITY CODE AMENDMENTS: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGSUBPA RT A-GENERAL ORDINANCES,OFTHE CITY CODE,BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 58 “HOUSING”,BY CREAT INGARTICLE VI,ENTITLED “WORKFORCE HOUSING;”SECTIONS 58-500 THROUGH 58-510 ;PROVIDING FORDEFINITIONS,REQUIREMENTS AND INCENTIVES TO PROVIDEWORKFORCE HOUSING;ELIGIBILIT YFOR TENANCY,ENFORCEMENT,AND PENALTIES;BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,“OFF-STREETPARKING,”ATSECTION 13 0-32,“OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTNO.1,”AND SECTION130-33,“OFF- STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTS NOS.2,3,4,5,6,AND 7.”BYESTABLISHING PARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORWORKFORCE HOUSINGUNITS;BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2,“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE II,“DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION3,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYDISTRICTS,”SUBDIVISION II,“RM-1 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYLOW INTENSIT Y,”SUBDIVISION IV,“RM-2RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY,”SUBDIVISIONV.“RM-3 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,HIGH INTENSITY,”DIVISION4.“CD-1 COMMERCIAL,LOW INTENSITYDISTRICT,”DIVISION5.“CD-2COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY DISTRICT,”DIVISION6.“CD-3 COMMERCIAL,HIGHINTENSITYDISTRICT,”DIVISION13,“MXE MIXED USEENTERTA INMENT DISTRICT,”DIVISION 18,“PS PERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICT,”DIVISION20,“TC NORTHBEACH TOWN CENTER DISTRICTS,”BY CREAT INGNEW MINIMUM AND AVERAGE APARTMENT UNIT SIZESFOR WORKFORCE HOUSINGUNITS;PROVIDINGCODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 116-164 of theCity’s Land DevelopmentCode;Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and §166.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to the Planning Department at 305.673.7550. 11 :00 a.m. RM-3 ACCESSORYUSES: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2“ZONING DISTRICTSAND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE IV “SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICTREGULATIONS,” TO MODIFYTHE ACCESSORYUSE REQUIREMENTSFOR APARTMENTS IN THE RM-3 ZONINGDISTRICTBYALLOWINGLIMITED ACCESSORYUSESATANAMENIT YLEVEL FORBUILDING RESIDENTS;PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;CODIFICATION;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 2.05ofthe City Charterand §166.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. 2:00 p.m. ARESOLUTIONOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THECITYOFMIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,FOLLOWINGADULYNOTICED PUBLIC HEARING,ASREQUIREDPURSUANT TO SECTION 82-93 OF THECITYCODE, APPROVINGAREVOCABLEPERMIT REQUESTBYPPF 723 LINCOLNLANE NORTH,LLC,IN ORDERTOALLOW THE INSTALLATION OF (1)A15SQUARE FOOT TENANT SIGNONTHE WEST FACADE OF THEBUILDING LOCATED AT 723 LINCOLNLANE NORTH,TO EXTENDAPPROXIMATELY TWO(2)FEETINTOMERIDIAN AVENUE,(2)A48SQUARE FOOT TENANT SIGNONTHE WEST FACADE OF THEBUILDINGTOEXTEND APPROXIMAT ELY THREE (3)FEETINTOMERIDIAN AV ENUE;AND (3)APEDESTRIAN CANOPY ON THE SOUTH FACADE OF THE BUILDINGTOEXTEND APPROXIMAT ELY8’11”OVER LINCOLN LANE NORTH.This Resolutionisbeing heard pursuant to Section §166.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to thePublic WorksDepartmentat305.673.7080. 2:05 p.m. ARESOLUTION OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THECITYOFMIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,ADOPTING THE FIFTHAMENDMENT TO THE CAPITA LBUDGET FORFISCALYEAR2016/17.This Resolutionisbeing heard pursuant to §§16 6.041 and166.241 F.SInquiries may be directed to theBudget&Performance ImprovementOfficeat305.673.7510. 5:01p.m. COMPREHENSIVEPLAN AMENDMENT -WEST600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PURSUANT TO THEPROCEDURESINSECTION 16 3.3184(3),FLORIDASTAT UTES,TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USEMAP OF THE MIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVEPLAN,BYCHANGINGTHE DESIGNATION FORTHE PA RCEL LOCATED ON THE WEST PORTION OF THE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AV ENUE,FROMTHE CURRENT DESIGNATION OF RM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY”,TO THEPROPOSED DESIGNATION OF CD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSIONINTHE COMPREHENSIVEPLAN;REPEALER; SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section118-163 /118 -164 of theCity’s Land DevelopmentCode.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. 5:02 p.m. REZO NING-WEST 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE OFFICIAL ZONINGDISTRICTMAP,REFERENCED IN SECTION 14 2-72 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,BY CHANGING THE ZO NINGDISTRICTCLASSIFICAT ION FORTHE PARCELWESTERN PORTIONOFTHE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE,FROMTHE CURRENT ZONINGCLASSIFICAT ION OF RM-2, “RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY”,TO THEPROPOSED ZONINGCLASSIFICAT ION OF CD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheard pursuanttoSection 11 8-163 /118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartmentat305.673.7550. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,orto expresstheir views in writingaddressed to the City Commission,c/o the CityClerk,17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall, Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.Copiesofthese items areavailablefor public inspection duringnormalbusinesshoursinthe Office of the CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,MiamiBeach,Florida 3313 9.This meeting,or any item herein,may be continued,and under such circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the public that if aperson decides to appeal any decision madebythe City Commission with respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,such person must ensurethat averbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by theCityfor the introductionor admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowedbylaw. To request thismaterialinalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreview any document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY users maycall via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1341 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING MEDICALCANNABIS ORDINANCE LAND USEREGULATIONS June 7,2017 NOTICEISHEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand City Commissionofthe Cit yofMiami Beach,Florida,in the Commission Chamber,3rd Floor,City Hall,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 7,2017 at 10:20 a.m.or as soon thereafter as themattercan be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHECITYOFMIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 114OFTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “GENERALPROVISIONS,”TODEFINE THE FOLLOWINGDEFINITIONS:CANNABIS, MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARY,DERIVATIVEPRODUCT,LOW-THC CANNABIS, AND RELATED DEFINITIONS;AMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,ENTITLED “OFF-STREET PA RKING,”ESTABLISHINGMINIMUM PA RKINGREQUIREMENTSFOR “MEDICAL CANNABIS DISPENSARIES”AND PROHIBITING PA RTICIPATIONINTHE FEE IN LIEU OF PA RKINGPROGRAM;AMENDING CHAPTER 14 2,ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”BY CREAT INGDIVISION 10 ,ENTITLED “CANNABIS REGULATIONS AND USE,”AND AMENDINGSECTIONS 14 2-1501TO142-1504,RELATING TO APPLICABILITY, DEFININGMEDICAL USEOFCANNABIS,DESIGNATING AREAS FORTHE USE, ZONINGREQUIREMENTS RELATING TO THE USE,AND PROHIBITINGCULTIVAT ION, PRODUCTION OR POSSESSION OF CANNABIS PLANTS;PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER; SEVERABILITY;CODIFICAT ION;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 11 6-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550 INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,or to expresstheirviews in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the City Clerk,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspection duringnormalbusinesshours in the CityClerk’s Office,17 00 Convention CenterDrive,1st Floor,Cit yHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9. This item maybecontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCit yhereby advises the publicthatifaperson decides to appeal any decisionmade by theCityCommission withrespect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,such personmustensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the Cityfor theintroductionoradmissionofother wise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwiseallowed by law. To requestthis material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),informationonaccess forpersons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationto reviewany document or participateinany Cit y-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusers maycall via 711(Florida RelayService). Rafael E.Granado,Cit yClerk CityofMiamiBeach Ad 13 28 Page: NE_News6,Pub. date:Thursday,May25Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:18:36:41May 23 20NE THURSDAY MAY252017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Hundreds of people on the shores of Miami Beach rose from their beach tow- els in the midday summer heat on Saturday to join the international Hands Across the Sand move- ment. For 15 minutes, strangers joined hands in solidarity to say no to fossil fuels and yes to clean ener- gy and renewables. “I’m here with my dad, who has participated mul- tiple times. We think it’s important to show the kids that we need to help save the beaches,” said Amber Cantillo as she held her 3-year-old daughter in her arms and supervised her other two children playing in the waves. The event took place on the beach near Fifth Street. Hands Across the Sand happens annually in 20 states and three other countries on the third Sat- urday of May. The move- ment to protest near and offshore oil drilling, which also goes by the hashtag #JoinHANDS, started in the Sunshine State on Feb. 13, 2010, just two months prior to the infamous Deepwater Horizon oil spill. This year, a major talk- ing point of the event was an executive order Presi- dent Donald Trump signed last month that aims to expand energy exploration and offshore drilling in the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. “It’s a little bit more serious this year, we need to make a bigger statement to elected officials around the world,” said Mike Gi- baldi, a Miami native and treasurer for the Surfrider Foundation Miami chapter. Before everyone joined hands at noon, volunteers from the Surfrider Founda- tion and Urban Paradise Guild recruited beachgoers to participate. Urban Paradise Guild volunteers also paraded around the beach with their mascot “The Black Snake,” a 45-foot long puppet originally created for the 2017 Miami Peo- ple’s Climate March, which represents the pipelines being woven throughout the United States. “No fracking way,” said Sam Van Leer, president and founder of Urban Par- adise Guild, through his handheld megaphone as he led the way for the The Black Snake, which was held by eight volunteers. They walked across the beach receiving applause and positive remarks from those sunbathing. “Our whole world is being threatened and we really need to get smart because it doesn’t matter whether you’re a conserva- tive or a liberal and a Dem- ocrat or a Republican, anything,” Van Leer said. “The reality is that if every- body drowns, everybody in Miami loses.” MIAMI BEACH On South Beach, joining hands to save the planet BY LESLIE OVALLE Special to the Miami Herald LESLIE OVALLE For the Miami Herald Cristina Boeri, 55, center, of the Surfrider Foundation Miami chapter, calls beachgoers on Saturday morning to join the Hands Across the Sand movement on Saturday. Page: NE_AdNE_8,Pub. date:Thursday,May25Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:16:25:44 May22 16NE THURSDAY MAY252017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARINGS ORDINANCES PROHIBITING GAMBLING AND CASINO USES IN ALLZONING DISTRICTSOFTHE CITY OF MIAMI BE ACHAND AMENDINGCHAPTERS18 AND102 RELATING TO CARDROOMS June 7,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat Public Hearings will be heardbythe Mayorand City Commission of the City of Miami Beach,Florida,inthe Commission Chamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 7,2017 at the times listed below,or as soonthereafter as the matterscan be heard,to consider: 5:03 p.m. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA, AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2“ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS;”AMENDINGARTICLE 1,“INGENERAL” TO BE ENTITLED “GENERALTOALL ZONINGDISTRICTS;”AT SECTION 14 2-1 TO BE ENTITLED: “GAMBLING AND CASINOS USES ARE PROHIBITED IN THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH;”PROHIBITING MAIN, CONDITIONAL AND ACCESSORYUSESRELATING TO GAMBLING AND CASINOS;PROVIDING FOR EXEMPTIONS UNDERSTAT ELAW;PROVIDING FORCODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection 118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. 5:04p.m. AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA, AMENDINGCHAPTER 18,“BUSINESSES,”AT ARTICLE V,“CARDROOMS”TOBEENTITLED “RESERVED;” AMENDINGSECTIONS 18 -171 THROUGH 18 -179,TO BE ENTITLED “RESERVED”DELETING ALL REFERENCE TO CARDROOMS IN CHAPTER 18 ;CHAPTER 102“TA XATION,”ARTICLE V,“LOCAL BUSINESS TA X,”AT SECTION102-356 ENTITLED “CONSTRUCTION OF ARTICLE;DEFINITIONS”BY REMOVINGTHE DEFINITION OF “CARDROOMS”;AND SECTION102-379,ENTITLED “SCHEDULE OF TA XES,EFFECTIVEOCTOBER 1,2016 ”TOREMOVETHE BUSINESS TA XFEE FOR“CARDROOMS;” PROVIDING FORCODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDATE. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section2.05 of theCityCharter and §166.041 F.S.Inquiries maybe directed to theOffice of theCityAttorneyat305.673.7470. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive, 1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspectionduringnormal businesshours in the CityClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach, Florida 3313 9.This item maybecontinued,and undersuchcircumstances,additionallegal notice neednot be provided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the City hereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmade by theCityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,such personmustensurethat averbatim record of theproceedingsismade,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor theintroductionoradmission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorize challenges or appeals not otherwise allowedbylaw. To requestthis materialinalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodation to reviewany document or participatein any City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 andselect 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6; TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). RafaelE.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiamiBeach Ad 1334 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEAMENDING CODE PERTAINING TO PA CKAGELIQUOR STOREDISTA NCESEPARAT ION June 7,2017 NOTICEISHEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand City Commissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 Convention Center Drive,MiamiBeach,Florida,onJune 7,2017 at 5:05 p.m.or as soon thereafter as the mattercan be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 6,“ALCOHOLICBEVERAGES”,ARTICLE I,“INGENERAL”,SECTION 6-4,“LO CATIONAND USERESTRICTIONS”,TO AMEND AND INCREASETHE DISTANCE SEPARATION BETWEEN RETA IL STORES FOROFF- PREMISES CONSUMPTION FROM 300 FEETTO1500 FEET,AND TO AUTHORIZE THE PLANNINGBOARD TO GRANTACONDITIONALUSE PERMIT TO OPERATE ARETAILSTORE FOROFF-PREMISES CONSUMPTIONATALESSER DISTANCE, PROVIDED THATINNOEVENT SHALL SUCH ASTORE OPERATE AT ADISTA NCE LESS THAN 700 FEETFROMANEXISTING STORE;PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICATION; REPEALER;SEVERABILIT Y;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection 2.05 of theCityCharter and §166.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTEDPARTIES areinvited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,1700Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspection duringnormal businesshours in the CityClerk’s Office,17 00 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,Cit yHall,Miami Beach, Florida33139.This item maybecontinued,and under such circumstances,additional legal notice neednot be provided. Pursuant to Section 286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the publicthatifa persondecidestoappeal any decision made by the Cit yCommissionwith respect to any matterconsideredatits meetingorits hearing,such personmustensurethat a verbatim record of theproceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cit yfor the introduction or admissionofother wise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorizechallenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-day notice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/or any accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). RafaelE.Granado,CityClerk Cit yofMiami Beach Ad 13 35 Page: NE_AdNE_5,Pub. date:Thursday,May25Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:16:25:20 May22 10NE THURSDAY MAY252017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Thehearingwill followaninformalformatallowingthe public to arriveatany ime from 6 p.m.to 8 p.m.,with aformalpresentaion staring at 6:30 p.m.Graphic displays will be shownand FDOT representaiveswillbe available to discuss theprojectand answ er quesions.Public paricipaion at this meeing is solicitedwithout regard to race,color,naiñnalorigin,age,gender,religion,disability or family status.Pursuant to theprovisions of theAmericanswith Disabiliies Act,anyperson requiring spec ialaccommodaiñns to paricipateinthis workshop/hearingisasked to advise theagency at least 7 days before theworkshop/hearing by contacing: Hong Benitezat(305)470-5219 or in wriing:FDOT,1000 N.W.111 Avenue,Miami,FL33172,email: Hong.Benitez@dot.state.â.us.If you arehearing or speech impaired,please contactthe agency using the FloridaRelayService,1 (800)955 -8771 (TDD)or 1 (800)955 -8770 (Voice). Public Hearing Notice StateRoad (SR) 916/NW/NE 135 Street From NW 6 Avenue to west of SR 5/Biscayne Boulevard Project IdeniCºaion Number: 429346 -1-52-01 The Florida Department of Tr ansportation (FDOT) will host a public hearing for a roadway resurfacing project along SR 916/NW/NE 135 Street from NW 6 Avenue to west of SR 5/Biscayne Boulevard in Miami-Dade County. For information about this hearing or project, please contact Public Information Specialist Charesse Chester at (305) 944-7564 or email at cchester@creativisionmedia.com. Visit www.fdotmiamidade.com for project information. 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, June 1, 2017 City of North Miami Public Library, Multipurpose Room 835 NE 132 Street North Miami, FL 33161 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH COMMISSION MEETINGPROCEDURES JUNE 7,2017 DR.STA NLEYSUTNICKCITIZEN’S SPEAKERS FORUM Pursuant to ResolutionNo.2013 -28440,the times forthe public comment period,known as the Dr.Stanley SutnickCitizen’s Forum,are 8:30 a.m.and 1:00 p.m.,or as soon as possible thereafter.Approximately thirty minuteswill be allocated to each session,with individuals being limited to no morethanthree minutesorfor aperiodestablished by the Mayor.No appointment or advance notification is needed in order to speak to the Commissionduringthis Forum.During the Dr.Stanley SutnickCitizen’s Forum,you mayaddress anyissues and/orconcerns. AUDIO/VISUAL PRESENTAT IONS Members of thepublic maypresentaudio/visual (AV)materials relatingtoAgenda Items at City Commissionmeetings held in the CommissionChamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment, provided that materials aresubmitted to the Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 A.M.,one(1)businessday prior to themeeting.Advance submittal of apresentation will allow the Communications Department to plan forthe useofthe appropriateAVequipment.AV materials maybesubmitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov;or hand delivered in ajump drive,CDorDVD to:Attention:Department of Marketingand Communications,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,First FloorConference Room,Miami Beach,FL 3313 9.Presentations, videos or links must include alabel notingthe name or group,contactperson,daytime telephone number,emailaddress,description/title of the presentationand Agenda Item Title as well as the AgendaItemnumber.Acceptableformatsfor electronic submission are.pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps, .ppsx,.wmv,.aviand .mov.(Notethat .pdf is the preferredformat forPowerPoint presentations.) Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk City of Miami Beach 1327 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEAMENDING THECODE RELATING MODIFICATIONSTOTHE WEST AV ENUEBAY FRONT OVERLAY June 7,2017 NOTICEISHEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand City Commission of the CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,17 00 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 7,2017 at 5:06 p.m.or as soon thereafterasthe matter can be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITYOF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE CODE OF THECITYOFMIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 114,“GENERALPROVISIONS,”SECTION 114-1,“DEFINITIONS,”TO DEFINE “HOSTEL”AND TO AMENDTHE DEFINITION OF “RESTAURANT”;AND AMENDING CHAPTER 14 2,“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE III,“OVERLAYDISTRICTS,”DIVISION5,“WEST AVENUE BAYFRONT OVERLAY,”SECTION142-845,“SUITEHOTEL AND BEDAND BREAKFAST INNOVERLAY,”TO AMENDTHE CRITERIA FORSUITEHOTEL UNITS AND ACCESSORYDININGROOMS,AND TO PROHIBIT HOSTELS;AND PROVIDING FORREPEALER,SEVERABILITY,CODIFICAT ION,AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection 118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appearatthis meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/othe CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspection duringnormal businesshoursinthe CityClerk’s Office,17 00 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach, Florida33139.This item maybecontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additional legal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section 286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the publicthatifa persondecidestoappeal any decision made by the Cit yCommissionwith respect to any matterconsideredatits meetingorits hearing,such personmustensurethat a verbatim record of theproceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introduction or admissionofother wise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorizechallenges or appeals notother wise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-day notice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/or any accommodationtoreviewany document or par ticipate in any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). RafaelE.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 13 36 Page: NE_AdNE_1,Pub. date:Thursday,May25Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:16:25:4 May22 THURSDAY MAY252017 NEIGHBORS 5NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARINGS ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN -BELLEISLE -NONCONFORMINGHOTEL USES; AND ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS-BELLE ISLE - REPAIROFNONCONFORMING BUILDINGSAND USES. JUNE 7,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhatPublic Hearings will be heardbythe Mayorand Cit yCommissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe Commission Chambers,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on June 7,2017 at 10:10a.m.,orassoon thereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider the adoptionofthe followingOrdinances: BELLE ISLE –COMPREHENSIVEPLAN AMENDMENTS: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH YEAR 2025 COMPREHENSIVEPLAN,BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 1,ENTITLED “FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT;”“OBJECTIVE1:LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,”AT POLICY1.2,“LOW DENSITYMULTI FAMILYRESIDENTIALCAT EGORY(RM-1),”TO MODIFY THE ALLOWABLE USES TO ALLOW FORNONCONFORMINGHOTEL USES IN NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS ON THENORTH SIDE OF BELLE ISLE;AND “OBJECTIVE7:INCONSISTENT USES,”AT POLICY7.1, TO ALLOW FORTHE EXPA NSION OR REPLACEMENT OF NONCONFORMING LAND USESWHENSPECIFIED IN AFUTURE LAND USE CATEGORY;PROVIDING FORINCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN;TRANSMIT TA L;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section 11 8-163 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiriesmay be directed to the PlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. BELLE ISLE –LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSAMENDMENTS: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODEOFTHE CITY OF MIAMI BEACHBYAMENDINGCHAPTER 11 8OFTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “ADMINISTRATIONAND REVIEW PROCEDURES,”BY AMENDING ARTICLE IX,ENTITLED “NONCONFORMANCES,”BYAMENDING SECTION 118-395,ENTITLED “REPAIRAND/ORREHABILITAT IONOFNONCONFORMING BUILDINGSAND USES,”TO ALLOWTHE RECONSTRUCTION OF UP TO FIFTYPERCENT OF THE FLOORAREAOF NONCONFORMINGBUILDINGSTOALLOW THE RECONSTRUCTION OF UP TO FIFTYPERCENT OF THE FLOORAREAOFNONCONFORMINGBUILDINGS CONTA ININGANONCONFORMINGHOTEL USE, LOCATED ON THE NORTHSIDE OF BELLEISLE;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSION IN THE CITY CODE;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E.This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 11 8-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. Mapindicatingthe area coveredbythe proposed Ordinances. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their viewsinwritingaddressed to theCityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,City Hall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item is available forpublicinspectionduringnormal business hoursinthe Office of the CityClerk,17 00 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall, Miami Beach,Florida33139.This meeting,or any item herein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the publicthatifapersondecides to appeal any decision made by the Cit yCommissionwith respect to anymatterconsidered at its meetingor its hearing,suchpersonmustensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the Cityfor the introductionoradmissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challengesorappeals nototherwise allowedbylaw. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cit yofMiamiBeach Ad 1310 Page: NE_AdNE_7,Pub. date:Thursday,June 15 Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:18:58:36 June 13 18NE THURSDAY JUNE 15 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEAMENDING THE WORKFORCE HOUSING-LAND DE VELOPMENT REGULATIONSAND THE CITY CODE June 28,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat aPublic Hearingwill be heard by theMayorand CityCommission of the CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 28,2017 at 5:06 p.m.,or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDING SUBPA RT A-GENERAL ORDINANCES,OFTHE CITY CODE,BY AMENDING CHAPTER 58 “HOUSING”,BY CREAT INGARTICLE VI,ENTITLED “WORKFORCE HOUSING;” SECTIONS 58-500 THROUGH58-510 ;PROVIDING FORDEFINITIONS AND INCENTIVES TO PROVIDEWORKFORCE HOUSING;ELIGIBILIT YFOR TENANCY,ENFORCEMENT,AND PENALT IES;BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,“OFF-STREETPARKING,”ATSECTION130-32, “OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTNO.1,”AND SECTION 13 0- 33,“OFF-STREET PARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTS NOS.2,3,4,5,6,AND 7.”BYESTABLISHINGPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORWORKFORCE HOUSINGUNITS;BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2,“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE II,“DISTRICT REGULATIONS,”DIVISION 3,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILYDISTRICTS,”SUBDIVISIONII, “RM-1 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYLOW INTENSIT Y,”SUBDIVISIONIV,“RM-2 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY,”SUBDIVISION V.“RM-3 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,HIGH INTENSIT Y,”DIVISION 4.“CD-1 COMMERCIAL,LOW INTENSITYDISTRICT,”DIVISION5.“CD- 2COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITYDISTRICT,”DIVISION6.“CD-3 COMMERCIAL,HIGH INTENSIT YDISTRICT,”DIVISION 13 ,“MXE MIXED USEENTERTA INMENT DISTRICT,”DIVISION 18 ,“PS PERFORMANCE STANDARDDISTRICT,”DIVISION20,“TC NORTHBEACH TOWN CENTER DISTRICTS,”BY CREAT INGNEW MINIMUM AND AV ERAGE APARTMENT UNIT SIZES FORWORKFORCE HOUSING UNITS;PROVIDINGCODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. ThisOrdinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection 116-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code; Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be representedbyanagent,or to expresstheir views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is available forpublic inspectionduringnormalbusinesshours in the CityClerk’s Office,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item maybecontinued, and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmade by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,suchpersonmustensurethataverbatim recordofthe proceedings is made,whichrecordincludes thetestimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based. This notice does notconstitute consentbythe Cityfor the introduction or admissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorize challengesorappeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this materialinalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/or anyaccommodation to review any document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1351 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEEXTENDINGATEMPORARY MORAT ORIUM ON ADULTCONGREGAT E LIVING FA CILITIES,ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES,CRISISSTA BILIZ AT ION UNITS, RESIDENTIAL DETOXIFICATION CENTERS, COMMUNIT YRESIDENTIAL HOMES,AND RESIDENTIAL MEDICAL REHABILITAT ION CENTERS,AND ANY SIMILAR OR DERIVATIVE USES ASSOCIATED WITH SUCH USES WITHIN THE CITY June 28,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommissionofthe Cityof Miami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 28,2017 at 5:07p.m.,or as soon thereafterasthe matter can be heard,to consider: 5:07p.m. AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA, EXTENDINGTHE TEMPORARY MORAT ORIUM UNDER ORDINANCE2017-4073,THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2017,ON THE ACCEPTA NCE,REVIEW,APPROVAL,ORISSUANCEOFANY LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS(AS THE TERM IS DEFINED IN SECTION163.316 4(16),FLORIDASTAT UTES),BUSINESS TA XRECEIPTS,OR ANY OTHER LICENSE OR PERMIT FORTHE ESTA BLISHMENT OR OPERATION OF ADULTCONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES,ASSISTED LIVING FACILITIES,CRISIS STABILIZ AT IONUNITS, RESIDENTIAL DETOXIFICATION CENTERS,COMMUNIT YRESIDENTIAL HOMES,AND RESIDENTIAL MEDICAL REHABILITAT ION CENTERS,AND ANY SIMILAR OR DERIVATIVEUSESASSOCIATED WITH SUCH USES,WITHINTHE CITY,INORDER TO PROVIDE THE CITY WITH AN OPPORTUNITYTOREVIEW AND ENACTDEFINITIONS AND REGULATIONS GOVERNINGSAIDUSES;PROVIDINGPENALTIES FORANY VIOLAT IONHEREOF;PROVIDINGFOR SEVERABILITY;REPEALER OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCEPROVISIONS;AND PROVIDINGFOR ACONTINUED EFFECTIVEDAT EOFFEBRUARY 8, 2017 AND EXTENDINGTHE MORAT ORIUM THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2017;FORZONINGINPROGRESS PURPOSES,THIS ORDINANCESHALL BE EFFECTIVEUPON FIRSTREADING OF THIS ORDINANCE. This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybe directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550 and/or theOffice of theCityAttorney at 305.673.7470. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to theCityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive, 1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is available forpublic inspection during normal businesshoursinthe CityClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach, Florida 3313 9.This item maybecontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmade by the CityCommissionwith respect to anymatterconsidered at its meeting or its hearing,suchpersonmustensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecord includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consentbythe Cityfor theintroduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence, nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowedbylaw. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),information on accessfor personswith disabilities,and/orany accommodation to review anydocument or participatein any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6; TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). RafaelE.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiamiBeach Ad 13 52 Page: NE_AdNE_4,Pub. date:Thursday,June 15 Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:18:54:18 June 13 THURSDAY JUNE 15 2017 NEIGHBORS 9NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEEXTENDINGTHE NORTH BE ACH NATIONAL REGISTER CONSERVATION DISTRICTS DEMOLITION MORAT ORIUM June 28,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat aPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommission of theCit yofMiami Beach,Florida,in the Commission Chamber,3rd Floor,Cit yHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 28,2017 at 5:02 p.m.,or as soonthereafter as thematter can be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PERTAININGTOEXTENDINGTHE MORAT ORIUM THROUGHOCTOBER 31,2017FOR THE FOLLOWINGAREAS/PROPERTIES:PROPERTIESLOCAT ED BETWEEN TATUM WATERWAYDRIVE/BYRON AV ENUE ON THE WEST AND THE EASTERN LOTLINES OF LOTS FRONTINGABBOT TAVENUE ON THE EAST BETWEEN 77TH STREETONTHE SOUTH AND 86TH STREETONTHE NORTH;THE PROPERTIES LOCATED BETWEEN THE TAT UM WATERWAYONTHE WEST AND THE EASTERN LOT LINESOFLOTSFRONTINGABBOT TAVENUE ON THE EAST BETWEEN 75TH STREETONTHE SOUTH AND 77TH STREETONTHE NORTH;THE PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 8519 ,8525,AND 8527CRESPIBOULEVARD;THE PROPERTIES FRONTING NORMANDYDRIVE FROMRUE NOTRE DAME ON THE WEST TO BAYDRIVE ON THE EAST;THE PROPERTIES FRONTING 71 ST STREETFROMRUE NOTRE DAME ON THE WEST TO BAYDRIVE ON THE EAST;THE PROPERTIES FRONTING THE EAST SIDE OF RUEVERSAILLESFROM71STSTREETTOBIARRITZDRIVE;THE PROPERTIES FRONTING BIARRITZDRIVE FROMRUE VERSAILLESONTHE WEST TO RUEVENDOME ON THE EAST;THE PROPERTIESFRONTINGRUE VENDOME FROM 71 ST STREETONTHE NORTH TO BRESTESPLANADE ON THE SOUTH;THE PROPERTIES FRONTINGBREST ESPLANADE;THE PROPERTIES FRONTING THE WEST SIDE OF BAYDRIVE FROM BRESTESPLANADEONTHE SOUTH TO 71 ST STREETONTHE NORTH;THE PROPERTIES FRONTING THE EAST SIDE OF BAYDRIVE FROM 71 ST STREETONTHE SOUTH TO THE NORMANDYWAT ERWAYONTHE NORTH;IMPOSING A TEMPORARY MORAT ORIUM UPON THE RECEIPT OF OR PROCESSING OF APPLICAT IONS,PERMITSORPENDINGAPPROVA LS PERTAININGTO DEMOLITION OF STRUCTURESONTAT UM WATERWAY;PROVIDINGFOR AN EFFECTIVEDAT ERETROACTIVE TO FIRSTREADING,FEBRUARY 8, 2017 ;FOR ZO NINGINPROGRESS PURPOSES,THISORDINANCESHALL BE EFFECTIVEUPON FIRSTREADING OF THIS ORDINANCE,AND NO APPLICAT IONS FORDEMOLITION WITHIN THE DESIGNATED AREASHALL BE ACCEPTED BY THE CITY;PROVIDING FOREXCEPTIONS;PROVIDING FORSEVERABILIT Y;REPEALOFCONFLICTINGORDINANCE PROVISIONS;AND PROVIDINGFOR AN EXPIRATIONDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to the PlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be representedbyanagent,or to expresstheir views in writingaddressed to the City Commission,c/o the CityClerk,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,Cit yHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item is available forpublicinspection duringnormalbusiness hoursinthe Cit yClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item may be continued,and under such circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section 286.0105,Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the publicthat if apersondecidestoappeal any decision made by the Cit yCommission with respect to any matterconsidered at its meetingorits hearing,such personmustensurethat averbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includesthe testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice doesnot constitute consentbythe Cit yfor the introduction or admissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challengesorappeals notother wise allowedbylaw. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/ or any accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany Cit y-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelaySer vice). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk Cit yofMiami Beach Ad 13 47 Page: NE_AdNE_3,Pub. date:Thursday,June 15 Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:18:54:18 June 13 8NE THURSDAY JUNE 15 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF HE ARING NORTH BEACHYARD –CONCURRENCY EXEMPTIONSAND WA IVER OF DEVELOPMENT REGULAT IONSAND USES PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thatthe Miami BeachPlanning Boardwill hold ameetingonTu esday June27,2017 startingat1:00 p.m.,in the City CommissionChambers,ThirdFloorofCityHall,located at 17 00 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida.(Filed Pursuant to Chapter118 ,Article III of theLandDevelopmentRegulationsofthe CityCode.).During this meeting,the PlanningBoard,willholddiscussions and public hearings on the followingitem,in additiontothose itemsseparately advertised: PB 17 -0133.NORTH BEACHYARD –CONCURRENCY AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS.AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYO R AND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA AMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODEOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 12 2,ENTITLED “CONCURRENCY MANAG EMENT,”SECTION 12 2-5, ENTITLED “EXEMPTIONSFROMCONCURRENCY”TO ALLOW THE CITY COMMISSION TO WAIVEUSESONLOTSWITHAGUZONING DESIGNATION FRONTING COLLINSAVENUEBETWEEN 79TH STREETAND 87TH STREETFROMCONCURRENCY REQUIREMENTS BY RESOLUTION;BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2,ENTITLED “ZONING DISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS”,ARTICLE II,ENTITLED “DISTRICT REGULATIONS”,DIVISION9,ENTITLED “GUGOVERNMENT USE DISTRICT,”INORDER TO ALLOWTHE CITY COMMISSIONTOWAIVE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FORPRIVATE USES APPROVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIONFOR APERIODOF10YEARS OR LESS ON GU LOTS;PROVIDING FORREPEALER,CODIFICAT ION, SEVERABILIT YAND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. Applications listed herein have been filed with the PlanningDepartment forreviewbythe PlanningBoard,pursuantSection 11 8-51ofthe City’s Land DevelopmentRegulations.All persons areinvited to attend this meetingorberepresented by an agent,ortoexpress their viewsinwritingaddressed to the Planning Boardc/o the PlanningDepartment,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,2nd Floor,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.Applications foritemslisted herein areavailablefor public inspection at thefollowinglink:or during normal businesshours at the PlanningDepartment,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,2nd Floor,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.Inquiriesmay be directed to the Department at (305)673-7550. Any items listed in this agenda maybecontinued.Under such circumstances,additional legal notice wouldnot be provided.Pleasecontact thePlanningDepartment at (305)673-7550 for informationonthe statusofcontinued items. Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the publicthat:Appeals of any decision made by this Boardwith respect to any matterconsideredatits meetingor hearing,such personwill need to ensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made, whichrecord includesthe testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor theintroduction or admissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoesitauthorize challenges or appealsnot other wise allowedbylaw. To request thismaterial in alternateformat,sign language interpreter (five-businessday notice is required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and accommodationtoreview any document or participate in anycity-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for Englishor2for Spanish,thenoption6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE ART DECO /MIMOCOMMERCIAL CHARAC TER ANDFORMULA COMMERCIAL OVERLAYDISTRICT June 28,2017 NOTICEISHEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand Cit y Commissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,in the Commission Chamber,3rd Floor,Cit y Hall,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 28,2017 at 5:03 p.m., or as soon thereafter as thematter can be heard,to consider: ANORDINANCE OF THE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGCHAPTER 114OFTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “GENERAL PROVISIONS,”TOPROVIDE FORDEFINITIONS FOR“CHECK CASHINGSTORE,” “CONVENIENCESTORE,”“FORMULA RESTAURANT,”“FORMULA COMMERCIAL ESTA BLISHMENTS,”“MARIJUANADISPENSARY,”“CANNABIS DISPENSARY,”“OCCULT SCIENCEESTABLISHMENT,”“PHARMACY,”“SOUVENIR AND T-SHIRT SHOP,”“TAT TOO STUDIO,”“MASSAGETHERAPY CENTER,”AND RELATED DEFINITIONS;AMENDING CHAPTER 14 2OFTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,” AT ARTICLE III,ENTITLED “OVERLAYDISTRICTS,”TO ESTA BLISHDIVISION12,ENTITLED “ARTDECO/MIMOCOMMERCIAL CHARACTER OVERLAYDISTRICT,”TOPROVIDE ADDITIONALREGULATIONS FORTHE AFOREMENTIONED USES,INCLUDING DISTANCE SEPARATIONREQUIREMENTS,LIMITAT IONS ON NUMBEROFESTABLISHMENTS, AND PROHIBITIONS UNDER CERTA IN CIRCUMSTANCES;PROVIDINGFOR REPEALER; SEVERABILITY;CODIFICAT ION;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 116-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code;Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to the PlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent, or to expresstheir viewsinwritingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the Cit yClerk, 17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item is availablefor public inspectionduringnormalbusinesshoursinthe CityClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item maybe continued,and under such circumstances,additionallegal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the publicthat if aperson decides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,suchpersonmustensurethataverbatim record of theproceedings is made,whichrecord includes the testimony andevidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introduction or admissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nor does it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowedbylaw. To request this materialinalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required), information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/or any accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany Cit y-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1 forEnglish or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelaySer vice). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1348 Page: NE_AdNE_6,Pub. date:Sunday,June 18 Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1s tSection, zone:,NELast change at:20:30:47June 15 10NE SUNDAY JUNE 18 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEESTABLISHINGATEMPORARY MORAT ORIUM FORSIX MONTHSON THE ACCEPTA NCE,RE VIEW,APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF ANY LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS,BUSINESS TA XRECEIPTSORANY OTHER LICENSE OR PERMIT FORTHE ESTA BLISHMENT OR OPERATION OF DISPENSING FA CILITIES WITHIN THE CITY ENGAGEDINTHE ON-SITEDISTRIBUTION,SALE,DELIVERY OR RE TA IL OF LOWTHC CANNABIS,MEDICAL CANNABIS OR CANNABIS DELIVERY DEVICES. June 28,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhataPublic Hearingwill be heardbythe Mayorand Cit yCommissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,in the CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,Cit yHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onJune 28,2017 at 5:10p.m.,or as soon thereafter as the mattercan be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYO RAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PERTAININGTOESTABLISHING ATEMPORARY MORAT ORIUM FORSIX MONTHSFROMTHE EFFECTIVEDAT EOFTHISORDINANCEONTHE ACCEPTA NCE,REVIEW, APPROVAL OR ISSUANCE OF ANY LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMITSASTHE TERM IS DEFINED IN FLORIDASTATUTESSECTION163.316 4(16), BUSINESS TA XRECEIPTSORANY OTHER LICENSE OR PERMIT FORTHE ESTA BLISHMENT OR OPERATION OF DISPENSING FACILITIES WITHIN THE CITY ENGAGEDINTHE ON-SITEDISTRIBUTION,SALE,DELIVERY OR RETA IL OF LOWTHC CANNABIS,MEDICAL CANNABIS OR CANNABIS DELIVERY DEVICESPURSUANT TO SECTIONS 381.986 AND 499.0295OFTHE FLORIDASTAT UTES,IN ORDERTOPROVIDE THE CITY WITH AN OPPORTUNIT YTOREVIEWAND ENACTREGULATIONS GOVERNINGTHE ESTA BLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF DISPENSING FACILITIES;PROVIDING PENALT IESFOR VIOLAT ION HEREOF;PROVIDING FORSEVERABILIT Y;REPEALOFCONFLICTING ORDINANCEPROVISIONS;AND PROVIDINGFOR AN EFFECTIVEDAT ERETROACTIVETOJUNE 28,2017 ;FOR ZO NINGINPROGRESS PURPOSES,THIS ORDINANCESHALL BE EFFECTIVEUPON FIRSTREADING OF THIS ORDINANCE. This Ordinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 2.05 of theCityCharter,Section 11 8-164 of theCityCodeand Section 16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries may be directed to theOffice of theCit yAttorney at 305.673.747 0. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,MiamiBeach,Florida 3313 9.This item is available forpublic inspection during normal business hoursinthe CityClerk’s Office,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,Cit yHall,Miami Beach, Florida 3313 9.This item maybecontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cit yhereby advises the public that if apersondecidestoappeal any decisionmadebythe City Commission with respect to any matterconsidered at itsmeetingorits hearing,such person must ensure that averbatimrecordofthe proceedings is made,whichrecord includes thetestimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cit yfor the introduction or admission of other wise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowedbylaw. To requestthismaterial in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),information on accessfor persons with disabilities, and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,Cit yClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 13 54