07 Neisen Kasdin 12/4/96 R7BCity of Miami Beach - City Clerk's Office
December 4, 1996 \ REGULAR AGENDA \ R7 - Resolutions
R7B Commission Memorandum No. 754-96
A Resolution Determining that Certain Services be Provided Pursuant to the Creation of th~ Lincoln Road
Management Dis~ct No. 3, as Declared by Resolution No. 96-22190 Adopted on November 6, 1996, and
Further Levying Special Assessments Against Properties in the DisUict Bencfited by the Provision of Such
Services~inAcc~rdancewiththeFina~Ass~ssmentR~~~t~b~Fi~cdF~rthwithwiththcCityC~~rk. 11:05
a.m. Public Hearing
Administration Recommendation: Approve the Resolution.
(Scheduled on 11/6/96)
ACTION: Substitute Resolution No. 96-22226 adopted. Motion made by Vice-Mayor Liebman; seconded
by Commissioner Pearlson; vote: 5-0; Commissioner Go~tlieb absent; Commissioner ~n abstained.
Preference to former service employees of district. Services to be transferred to the City effective January
1 st. Funding for area extended through December 31 st. Ensure that adequate supervisory personnel and the
necessary equipment arc in place. Daniclle Judd to handle budget concerns. Kevin Smith to handle
landscape, maintenance. Preference to be given to former service employees of the districts. Increase
police presence to address security issue.
Date Printed: 11/22/00 Time Printed: 2:49:16 PM
Source Database: C:\DATAXFOLIO\CLERK105.NFO