Ads For August 2017Page: NE_AdNE_6,Pub. date:Thursday,August10Last user:psanjurjo@miamiherald.com Edition: 1stSection, zone:,NELast change at:13:22:58 August8 THURSDAY AUGUST 10 2017 NEIGHBORS 13NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - BELLE ISLE -NONCONFORMING HOTEL USES AND ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS-BELLE ISLE –RECONSTRUCTION OF UP TO 50%OF THE FLOORAREAOFNONCONFORMING BUILDINGSCONTAININGNONCONFORMINGHOTEL USES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BELLE ISLE SEPTEMBER 13,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhatSecond Readings/Public Hearings will be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommission of the CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on September 13,2017 at thetimes listed below,or as soon thereafter as the matterscan be heard,to consider the adoptionofthe following Ordinances: 5:12p.m. BELLE ISLE-COMPREHENSIVEPLAN AMENDMENTS: AN ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH YEAR 2025COMPREHENSIVEPLAN,BYAMENDING CHAPTER 1,ENTITLED “FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT;”“OBJECTIVE1:LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS,”AT POLICY1.2,“LOW DENSITYMULTIFAMILYRESIDENTIALCATEGORY(RM-1),”TO MODIFYTHEALLOWABLE USESTOALLOW FORNON-CONFORMINGHOTELUSESIN NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS ON THE NORTHSIDE OF BELLE ISLE;AND “OBJECTIVE7:INCONSISTENT USES,”ATPOLICY7.1,EXPANSION OR REPLACEMENT OF LANDUSES;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVEPLAN;TRANSMITTAL;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDATE.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section118-166 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. 5:13p.m. BELLE ISLE –LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSAMENDMENTS: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE CODEOFTHE CITY OF MIAMI BEACHBYAMENDINGCHAPTER 118OFTHE CITY CODE,ENTITLED “ADMINISTRATIONAND REVIEW PROCEDURES,”BYAMENDINGARTICLE IX,ENTITLED “NON-CONFORMANCES,”BYAMENDING SECTION 118-395,ENTITLED “REPAIRAND/ORREHABILITATION OF NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS ANDUSES,”TOALLOW THERE-CONSTRUCTIONOFUPTOFIFTY PERCENT OF THEFLOOR AREAOF NON-CONFORMINGBUILDINGS CONTAININGNON-CONFORMINGHOTEL,USESLOCATED ON THE NORTHSIDEOFBELLEISLE;PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSIONINTHECITYCODE;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY; ANDANEFFECTIVEDATE.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuanttoSection118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. Mapindicatingthe area coveredbythe proposed Ordinances. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o theCityClerk,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.This item is available forpublic inspection duringnormal businesshoursinthe Office of the CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall, Miami Beach,Florida 33139.This meeting,or anyitemherein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section 286.0105,Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingor its hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony andevidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. Membersofthe publicmay presentaudio/visual (AV)materials relatingtoAgenda Items at CityCommission meetings held in the CommissionChamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment,providedthatmaterials aresubmitted to the Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 a.m.,one (1)businessday prior to themeeting.Advance submittal of apresentation will allowthe Communications Department to plan forthe useofthe appropriateAVequipment.AVmaterials maybesubmitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov;or handdeliveredinajumpdrive,CDorDVD to:Attention:Department of Marketing and Communications,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,First FloorConference Room,Miami Beach,FL 33139.Presentations,videos or linksmustinclude alabel notingthe name or group,contactperson,daytime telephone number,email address,description/title of the presentation andAgenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number.Acceptable formats forelectronic submissionare .pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.aviand .mov.(Notethat.pdf is the preferredformatfor PowerPoint presentations.) To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreview anydocument or participate in any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1377 Page: NE_AdNE_5,Pub. date:Thursday,August10Last user:psanjurjo@miamiherald.com Edition: 1stSection, zone:,NELast change at:13:22:41August8 12NE THURSDAY AUGUST 10 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCEREZONINGTHE PROPERTIES AT 6981BYRONAVENUE AND 6948 HARDINGAVENUE IN THE NORTH BEACHTOWNCENTER AND ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS IT PERTAINS TO THE PROPERTIES AT 6981BYRONAVENUE AND 6948 HARDINGAVENUE IN THE NORTH BEACHTOWNCENTER SEPTEMBER 13,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhatFirst Readings/Public Hearings will be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe Commission Chamber,3rd Floor,CityHall, 1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onSeptember 13,2017 at the times listed below,or as soon thereafter as the matterscan be heard,to consider the adoptionofthe following Ordinances: 10:20 a.m. NORTHBEACH TOWN CENTER REZONING (6981BYRONAVENUEAND 6948 HARDINGAVENUE): AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP,REFERENCED IN SECTION142-72 OF THE CODEOF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,BYCHANGINGTHE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATIONFOR THE PARCELSAT6981BYRONAVENUE AND 6948 HARDINGAVENUE,FROMTHE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF GU,“GOVERNMENT USE”,TO THEPROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATIONOFTC-1,“TOWN CENTER COREDISTRICT”;AND PROVIDING FORCODIFICATION,REPEALER;SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVEDATE.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section 118-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. 10:25 a.m. NORTHBEACH TOWN CENTER COMPREHENSIVEPLAN AMENDMENT (6981BYRONAVENUEAND 6948 HARDINGAVENUE): AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PURSUANT TO THEPROCEDURESINSECTION163.3184(3),FLORIDASTATUTES,TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USEMAP OF THEMIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVEPLAN,BY CHANGINGTHE DESIGNATION FORTHE PARCELS AT 6981BYRONAVENUE AND 6948 HARDINGAVENUE,FROMTHE CURRENTDESIGNATION OF P,“PARKING,”TOTHE PROPOSED DESIGNATION OF TC-1,“TOWN CENTER COREDISTRICT”;AND PROVIDINGFOR INCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVEPLAN;REPEALER; SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVEDATE.This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section118-166 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiries may be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. Mapindicatingthe area coveredbythe proposed Ordinances. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/othe CityClerk,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.This item is available forpublic inspectionduringnormal business hoursinthe Office of the CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall, Miami Beach,Florida 33139.This meeting,or anyitemherein,may be continued,and under suchcircumstances,additional legal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmade by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingor its hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony andevidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by the Cityfor the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. Membersofthe public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materials relatingtoAgenda Items at CityCommissionmeetings held in theCommissionChamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment,providedthatmaterials aresubmitted to the Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 a.m.,one (1)businessday prior to themeeting.Advancesubmittal of apresentation will allowthe Communications Department to plan forthe useofthe appropriateAVequipment.AVmaterialsmay be submitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov;or handdeliveredinajump drive,CD or DVD to:Attention:Department of Marketing and Communications,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,First Floor Conference Room,Miami Beach,FL 33139.Presentations,videos or linksmustinclude alabel notingthe name or group,contactperson,daytime telephone number,email address,description/title of the presentation andAgenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number.Acceptable formats forelectronic submissionare .pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.aviand .mov.(Note that.pdf is the preferredformatfor PowerPoint presentations.) To request this material in alternate format,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participate in any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1378 Page: NE_AdNE_7,Pub. date:Thursday,August10Last user:psanjurjo@miamiherald.com Edition: 1stSection, zone:,NELast change at:13:23:51August8 14NE THURSDAY AUGUST 10 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCES AMENDINGTHE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN,REZONING,AND AMENDING THE ALLOWABLE USEINTHE WEST 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE SEPTEMBER 13,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhatPublic Hearings will be heardbythe Mayorand CityCommission of theCityofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onSeptember13,2017,atthe times listed below or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider: 5:05 p.m.Second ReadingPublic Hearing COMPREHENSIVEPLAN AMENDMENT -WEST600 BLOCKOFWASHINGTON AVENUE: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,PURSUANT TO THEPROCEDURESINSECTION163.3184(3),FLORIDASTATUTES,TO AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USEMAP OF THEMIAMIBEACH COMPREHENSIVEPLAN,BYCHANGINGTHE DESIGNATION FORTHE PARCEL LOCATEDONTHE WEST PORTION OF THE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE,FROMTHE CURRENT DESIGNATION OF RM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY”,TO THE PROPOSED DESIGNATION OF CD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;PROVIDING FORINCLUSION IN THE COMPREHENSIVEPLAN;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;ANDANEFFECTIVEDATE. 5:06 p.m.Second ReadingPublic Hearing REZONING -WEST600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTONAVENUE: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING DISTRICT MAP,REFERENCED IN SECTION142-72 OF THE CODEOF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,BY CHANGINGTHE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATIONFOR THE PARCELWESTERN PORTION OF THE 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE,FROMTHE CURRENT ZONING CLASSIFICATIONOFRM-2,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY”,TO THE PROPOSED ZONING CLASSIFICATIONOFCD-2,“COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY”;AND PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;ANDANEFFECTIVEDATE. 5:07p.m.First Reading Public 600 BLOCK OF WASHINGTON AVENUE -ALLOWABLE USEAMENDMENTS: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA,AMENDING THE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS(LDRs)OF THECITYCODE,BYAMENDINGCHAP- TER 142,“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE II,“DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION5,“CD-2 COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY DISTRICT,”TOMODIFYSECTION142-309,“WASHINGTON AVENUE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND AREAREQUIREMENTS,”TO MODIFYTHE DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSFOR PROPERTIES FRONTING WASHINGTON AVENUE BETWEEN 6TH STREETAND 7TH STREET;PROVIDINGFOR CODIFICATION;REPEALER;SEVERABILITY;ANDANEFFECTIVEDATE. These Ordinancesare beingheardpursuanttoSections118-164 and118-166 of theCity’s Land Development Code.Inquiriesmay be directed to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550 Map indicatingthe area coveredbythe proposed Ordinances INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/othe CityClerk,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.This item is available forpublicinspectionduringnormal businesshoursinthe CityClerk’s Office,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item maybecontinued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section286.0105,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decisionmade by the CityCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingor its hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim record of theproceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the Cityfor the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challengesorappeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),information on accessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participate in any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option 6;TTYusersmay call via 711(Florida RelayService). Membersofthe public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materials relatingtoAgenda Items at CityCommissionmeetings held in theCommissionChamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment,providedthatmaterials aresubmitted to theDepartment of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 A.M.,one(1)businessday prior to themeeting.Advance submittal of apresentationwill allow the Communications Department to plan forthe use of the appropriateAVequipment.AVmaterialsmay be submitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov;or handdeliveredinajumpdrive,CDorDVD to:Attention:Department of Marketing and Communications,1700 ConventionCenterDrive,First Floor Conference Room,Miami Beach,FL 33139.Presentations,videos or linksmustinclude alabel notingthe name or group,contactperson,daytime telephone number,email address,description/title of the presentation andAgenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number.Acceptable formats forelectronic submission are.pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps,.ppsx, .wmv,.aviand .mov.(Note that.pdf is the preferredformatfor PowerPoint presentations.) Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1379 Page: NE_AdNE_4,Pub. date:Thursday,August24Last user:jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition: 1stSection, zone:,NELast change at:12:22:13 August22 THURSDAY AUGUST 24 2017 NEIGHBORS 17NE MIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS SEPTEMBER 13,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat thefollowingPublic Hearings will be heldbythe Mayorand CityCommissionersofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,in the CommissionChamber,ThirdFloor, CityHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,on September 13,2017,at the times listed,orassoonthereafter as the matter can be heard: 2:25 p.m.PublicHearing ARESOLUTIONOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDAAUTHORIZINGTHE ISSUANCEOFNOT TO EXCEED $175,000,000 IN AGGREGATE PRINCIPALAMOUNT OF CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDASTORMWATER REVENUE AND REVENUE REFUNDINGBONDS,SERIES 2018,FOR THE PRINCIPALPURPOSESOFPAYINGAPART OF THE COST OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS TO THE STORMWATER UTILITYAND REFUNDINGALL OR APORTIONOFTHE CITY’S OUTSTANDINGSTORMWATER REVENUE BONDS,SERIES 2011A,AND STORMWATER REVENUE REFUNDINGBONDS,SERIES2011B,PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 209AND 210OFRESOLUTIONNO.2000-24127ADOPTED BY THE CITY ON OCTOBER 18,2000;PROVIDINGTHATSAIDSERIES2018BONDS AND INTEREST THEREONSHALL BE PAYABLESOLELYASPROVIDED IN SAIDRESOLUTION NO.2000-24127AND THIS RESOLUTION; PROVIDINGCERTAIN DETAILSOFTHE SERIES2018BONDS;DELEGATING OTHER DETAILSAND MATTERSINCONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCEOFTHE SERIES2018BONDSAND THE REFUNDINGOFTHE BONDS TO BE REFUNDED,INCLUDING WHETHER TO SECURE ACREDIT FACILITY,TOTHE CITY MANAGER,WITHIN THE LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS STATED HEREIN;PERMITTING CONDITIONALOPTIONALREDEMPTION OF THE SERIES2018BONDS;APPOINTING UNDERWRITERS,ABONDREGISTRAR,ANESCROW AGENT AND ADISCLOSURE DISSEMINATION AGENT;AUTHORIZINGTHE NEGOTIATED SALE OF THE SERIES2018BONDSAND APPROVING THE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION OF ABOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT;AUTHORIZINGAND DIRECTINGTHE BOND REGISTRAR TO AUTHENTICATEAND DELIVER THE SERIES2018BONDS;APPROVINGTHE FORM OF AND DISTRIBUTION OF APRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION OF THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT;PROVIDINGFOR THE APPLICATION OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE SERIES2018BONDSAND CREATINGCERTAIN FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS;AUTHORIZINGTHE REFUNDING,DEFEASANCE AND,ASAPPLICABLE,REDEMPTIONOFTHE BONDSTOBEREFUNDED AND APPROVINGTHE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN ESCROWDEPOSIT AGREEMENT;AUTHORIZINGABOOK-ENTRY REGISTRATIONSYSTEM WITH RESPECTTOTHE SERIES2018BONDS;COVENANTINGTOPROVIDE CONTINUINGDISCLOSURE IN CONNECTION WITH THE SERIES2018BONDSAND APPROVINGTHE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ACONTINUINGDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT;AUTHORIZINGOFFICERSAND EMPLOYEESOFTHE CITY TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY RELATED ACTIONS;AND PROVIDINGFOR AN EFFECTIVEDATE. 2:30 p.m.PublicHearing ARESOLUTIONOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITYOF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDAAUTHORIZINGTHE ISSUANCEOFNOT TO EXCEED $130,000,000 IN AGGREGATEPRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDAWATER AND SEWER REVENUE AND REVENUE REFUNDINGBONDS,SERIES2017,FORTHE PRINCIPALPURPOSESOFPAYINGAPARTOF THE COST OF CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WATER AND SEWER UTILITYAND REFUNDINGALL OR APORTIONOFTHE CITY’S OUTSTANDINGWATER AND SEWER REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2000,TAXABLESERIES2006B-2 AND TAXABLESERIES2006E,PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 209 AND 210OFRESOLUTIONNO.95-21585 ADOPTED BY THE CITY ON MAY17,1995; PROVIDINGTHATSAIDSERIES2017BONDSAND INTEREST THEREON SHALL BE PAYABLESOLELYASPROVIDEDINSAIDRESOLUTIONNO.95-21585 AND THIS RESOLUTION;PROVIDING CERTAIN DETAILSOFTHE SERIES2017BONDS;DELEGATING OTHER DETAILSAND MATTERSINCONNECTION WITH THE ISSUANCEOFTHE SERIES2017BONDS AND THE REFUNDINGOF THE BONDSTOBEREFUNDED,INCLUDING WHETHER TO SECURE ACREDIT FACILITY,TOTHE CITYMANAGER,WITHIN THE LIMITATIONSAND RESTRICTIONS STATED HEREIN;PERMITTING CONDITIONALOPTIONAL REDEMPTIONOFTHE SERIES 2017 BONDS;APPOINTINGUNDERWRITERS,ABONDREGISTRAR,ANESCROW AGENT AND ADISCLOSURE DISSEMINATION AGENT;AUTHORIZINGTHE NEGOTIATED SALE OF THE SERIES2017BONDSAND APPROVINGTHE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION OF ABONDPURCHASE AGREEMENT; AUTHORIZINGAND DIRECTINGTHE BOND REGISTRAR TO AUTHENTICATEAND DELIVER THE SERIES2017BONDS;APPROVINGTHE FORM OF AND DISTRIBUTION OF APRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND AN OFFICIAL STATEMENT AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION OF THE OFFICIAL STATEMENT;PROVIDINGFOR THE APPLICATION OF THE PROCEEDS OF THE SERIES2017BONDSAND CREATINGCERTAIN FUNDSAND ACCOUNTS;AUTHORIZINGTHE REFUNDING,DEFEASANCE,REDEMPTIONAND PREPAYMENT,ASAPPLICABLE,OF THE BONDS TO BE REFUNDED AND APPROVINGTHE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF AN ESCROWDEPOSIT AGREEMENT;APPROVINGTHE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF GULF BREEZE LOAN AMENDMENTS;AUTHORIZINGABOOK-ENTRY REGISTRATIONSYSTEM WITH RESPECTTOTHE SERIES2017 BONDS;COVENANTINGTOPROVIDE CONTINUING DISCLOSURE IN CONNECTION WITH THE SERIES2017BONDSAND APPROVINGTHE FORM OF AND AUTHORIZINGTHE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF ACONTINUINGDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT;AUTHORIZINGOFFICERSAND EMPLOYEESOFTHE CITY TO TAKE ALL NECESSARY RELATED ACTIONS;AND PROVIDINGFOR AN EFFECTIVEDATE. TheseResolutions arebeing heardpursuant to Section §166.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to the FinanceDepartment at 305.673.7000 X6523. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be representedbyanagent,ortoexpress their views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,1700 Convention CenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.Copiesofthese items areavailablefor publicinspection during normalbusinesshoursinthe Office of the CityClerk,1700 Convention CenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This meeting,or any item herein,may be continued,and undersuch circumstances,additionallegal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section 286.0105,Fla.Stat.,theCityhereby advises the public that if apersondecidestoappeal any decisionmade by theCityCommission with respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,suchpersonmustensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecordincludes the testimony and evidence upon which theappeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by the Cityfor the introduction or admissionofotherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowedbylaw. To request this material in alternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynotice required),informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/orany accommodationtoreviewany document or participateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Membersofthe public maypresent audio/visual (AV)materials relatingtoAgenda Items at CityCommissionmeetings heldinthe CommissionChamber by utilizingthe City’s AV equipment, provided that materialsare submitted to the Department of Marketingand Communications by 8:30 A.M.,one(1)businessday prior to the meeting.Advance submittal of apresentationwill allow the Communications Department to plan forthe useofthe appropriateAVequipment.AVmaterials maybesubmitted via email at communications@miamibeachfl.gov;or hand delivered in ajump drive, CD or DVD to:Attention:Attention:Department of Marketingand Communications,1701Meridian Avenue,5th Floor,Miami Beach,FL 33139.Presentations,videos,orlinks must include alabel noting the name or group,contactperson,daytime telephone number,email address,description/title of the presentationand Agenda Item Title as well as the Agenda Item number.Acceptableformatsfor electronic submissionare .pdf,.ppt,.pptx,.pps,.ppsx,.wmv,.avi,and.mov.(Note that .pdf is the preferredformat forPowerPoint presentations.) Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad No.1396 Page: NE_AdNE_7,Pub. date:Thursday,August31Last user: jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition:1stSection,zone:,NELast change at:15:17:6 August2 9 10NE THURSDAY AUGUST 31 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Page: NE_News_4,Pub. date:Thursday,August31Last user: jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition:1stSection,zone:,NELast change at:15:46:56 August2 9 12NE THURSDAY AUGUST 31 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Page: NE_AdNE_9,Pub. date:Thursday,August31Last user: jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition:1stSection,zone:,NELast change at:15:17:8 August2 9 THURSDAY AUGUST 31 2017 NEIGHBORS 13NE MIAMIHERALD.COM Page: NE_AdNE_10,Pub. date:Thursday,August31Last user: jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition:1stSection,zone:,NELast change at:15:17:44 August2 9 THURSDAY AUGUST 31 2017 NEIGHBORS 17NE MIAMIHERALD.COM Page: NE_AdNE_11,Pub. date:Thursday,August31Last user: psanjurjo@miamiherald.com Edition:1stSection,zone:,NELast changeat:19:48:49August2 9 20NE THURSDAY AUGUST 31 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM Page: NE_AdNE_13,Pub. date:Thursday,August31Last user: psanjurjo@miamiherald.com Edition:1stSection,zone:,NELast change at:19:48:28 August2 9 THURSDAY AUGUST 31 2017 NEIGHBORS 23NE MIAMIHERALD.COM Page: NE_AdNE_14,Pub. date:Thursday,August31Last user: jdubin@miamiherald.com Edition:1stSection,zone:,NELast change at:15:20:18 August2 9 THURSDAY AUGUST 31 2017 NEIGHBORS 25NE MIAMIHERALD.COM Page: NE_AdNE_15,Pub. date:Thursday,August31Last user: psanjurjo@miamiherald.com Edition:1stSection,zone:,NELast change at:19:1:1 August2 9 28NE THURSDAY AUGUST 31 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM