Ad 1383Page:NE_AdNE_2,Pub.date:Thursday,October 5Lastuser:psanjurjo@miamiherald.com Edition:1s tSection,zone:,NELastchangeat:17:19 :16 October 2 6NE THURSDAY OCTOBER 5 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7,2017 Notice is hereby giventhat aSpecial Election has been called by the Mayorand Cit yCommissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,pursuant to Cit yResolutions 2017 -29908 and 2017 -29961,and will be heldinthe Cit yofMiami Beachfrom7:00 a.m.until 7:00 p.m.onTuesday,November 7,2017,atwhichtime thereshall be submitted to the dulyregistered and qualified voters of the CityofMiami Beachthe followingquestions: Changingalcoholicbeverage sales/consumption termination timeonOcean Drive from 5th to 15 th Streets Cit ylaw currentlyallows the sale and consumptionofalcoholic beverages on privateproperty at alcoholic beverage establishments locatedonOcean Drive from 5th to 15 th Streetsfrom8:00 a.m.until 5:00 a.m.the followingday.Shall an Ordinance be adopted changingthis current 5:00 a.m.termination time to 2:00 a.m.,exemptingfromthis time change those indoorportions of alcoholic beverage establishments that arecompletely enclosed and located entirely within hotels? YES80 NO 81 FARIncrease ForTC-1,TC-2 andTC-3 to 3.5 FAR Floor area ratio (FAR)is the measurethe Cit yutilizestoregulatethe overall size of abuilding.Shouldthe Cityadopt an ordinance increasingFAR in the To wn Center (TC)zoningdistricts (Collins and Dickens AvenuestoIndian Creek Drive between 69 and 72 Streets)to 3.5 FA Rfromcurrent FA Rof2.25 to 2.75 for the TC-1 district;from 2.0 forthe TC-2 district;andfrom1.25 forthe TC-3 district? YES82 NO 83 All qualified electors of the Cit yofMiami Beachmay vote YESorNOonthese proposals. Miami-DadeCounty election officials shall conduct the Special Election,with acceptance of the certificationofthe results of the Special Election to be performed by the Miami BeachCit yCommission.The official returns foreachprecinct shall be furnished to the CityClerkofthe CityofMiami Beachassoonasthe ballots from all precincts have been tabulated. Thevotingprecincts in the Cit yfor the Special Election shall be asestablished by Miami-Dade County electionofficials.OnElectionDay,electors shall vote at the pollingplaces and the votingprecincts in whichthe official registrationbooks showthatthe electors reside.Allquestionsconcerningpollingplaces andvoting precincts shouldbedirected to the Miami-Dade County Elections Department,2700 NW 87 Avenue,Doral,Florida33172;Te lephone:305.499.VOTE(8683)or TTY:305.499.8480. Registration of persons desiringtovoteinthe Special Election shall be in accordance with the general law of the StateofFlorida governingvoter registration. Qualified persons mayobtain registrationforms to vote at theOfficeofthe Cit yClerk,CityHall,1700 ConventionCenter Drive,First Floor,Miami Beach,Florida, 3313 9,duringnormalbusinesshours,andatsuchother voterregistration centers andduringsuchtimes as maybeprovided by the SupervisorofElectionsof Miami-DadeCounty.The Miami-Dade County SupervisorofElectionswill register voters forthe Special Election untilTuesday,October10,2017 .All persons eligibletovoteinthe Special Election must be registered beforethe date setforth herein or have registered previouslyasprovided by law.Eachpersondesiring to become aregistered votershall be responsiblefor properlyfillingout the registrationformand returningittothe Miami-Dade CountyElectionsDepartment. All questions concerningvoter registrationshouldbedirected to the Miami-Dade Count yElections Department,2700 NW 87 Avenue,Doral,Florida 3317 2; Te lephone:305.499.VOTE(8683)or TTY:305.499.8480. Voters participatingvia aVote-by-Mail ballot inthe Special Election shall be entitled to cast their ballots in accordance with the provisions of the Laws of the State of Florida with respect to such voting.Thedeadline to request aVote-by-Mail ballot from the Miami-Dade CountyElections Department is 5:00 p.m.,Wednesday, November1,2017.All questions concerningVote-by-Mail shouldbedirected to the Miami-Dade CountyElectionsDepar tment,2700 NW 87 Avenue,Doral, Florida 3317 2;Te lephone:305.499.VOTE(8683)or TTY:305.499.8480. TheSpecial Election will be conducted in accordance with the applicableprovisions of the Florida Statutesand the Charterand Code of the CityofMiami Beach,Florida.CopiesofResolutions 2017 -29908 and 2017 -29961are availableatthe Office of the CityClerkand online at: http://web.miamibeachfl.gov/cit yclerk/elections/default.aspx?id=90612 Rafael E.Granado,Cit yClerk Cit yofMiami Beach 17 00 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach,FL 3313 9 305.673.7411 www.miamibeachfl.gov Ad 13 83