Ad 1417 and 1418Page:NE_AdNE_6,Pub.date:Thursday,October 5Lastuser:psanjurjo@miamiherald.com Edition:1s tSection,zone:,NELastchangeat:14:19:18 October 3 12NE THURSDAY OCTOBER 5 2017NEIGHBORSMIAMIHERALD.COM CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE ARING ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONSPERTA ININGTOAFFORDABLE HOUSINGUNITSIZEAND PA RKINGREQUIREMENTS October18,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhataSecond ReadingPublic Hearing willbeheardbythe Mayorand CityCommission of the Cit yofMiami Beach,Florida,inthe CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall, 17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,Miami Beach,Florida,onOctober18,2017 at 5:03 p.m.,or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOFTHE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH,FLORIDA, AMENDINGTHE CITY’S LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS;BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 58, “HOUSING,”BYESTABLISHING ARTICLE V,“HOUSINGFOR LOWAND/ORMODERATE INCOME ELDERLYPERSONS”;PROVIDINGCODIFICAT ION;BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 114,“GENERAL PROVISIONS,”AT SECTION114 -1,“DEFINITIONS,”TO ESTA BLISHBYREFERENCE TO CHAPTER 58,“HOUSING”DEFINITIONS FORNON-ELDERLYAND ELDERLYLOW AND MODERATE INCOME HOUSING;BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,“OFF-STREETPARKING,”ATSECTION130-32,“OFF- STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTNO.1,”AND SECTION130-33, “OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTS NOS.2,3,4,5,6,AND 7,” BY AMENDINGTHE PARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORLOW AND/ORMODERATE INCOMENON- ELDERLYAND ELDERLYPERSONS;BYAMENDINGCHAPTER 14 2,“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE II,“DISTRICTREGULATIONS,”DIVISION3,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY DISTRICTS,”SUBDIVISIONII,“RM-1 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYLOW INTENSIT Y,”SUBDIVISION IV,“RM-2 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY,”SUBDIVISION V,“RM-3 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,HIGH INTENSITY,”DIVISION 4,“CD-1 COMMERCIAL,LOW INTENSIT YDISTRICT,” DIVISION 5,“CD-2 COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSIT YDISTRICT,”DIVISION6,“CD-3 COMMERCIAL, HIGH INTENSITYDISTRICT,”DIVISION13,“MXE MIXED USEENTERTA INMENT DISTRICT,”DIVISION 18 ,“PS PERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICT,”DIVISION20,“TC NORTHBEACH TOWN CENTER DISTRICTS,”BY STRIKING ALL REFERENCE TO SECTION142-118 3ENTITLED “UNIT SIZE”AND CREAT INGNEW MINIMUM AND AVERAGE APARTMENT UNIT SIZESFOR NON-ELDERLYAND ELDERLYLOW AND MODERATE INCOMEHOUSING;BY AMENDING ARTICLE IV,“SUPPLEMENTARY DISTRICT REGULATIONS,”BYAMENDINGDIVISION6,“HOUSING FORLOW AND/ORMODERATE INCOMEELDERLYPERSONS,”BY STRIKING THIS DIVISION;PROVIDINGCODIFICAT ION;REPEALER; SEVERABILITY;ANDANEFFECTIVEDAT E. This Ordinance is beingheardpursuant to Section116 -164 of theCity’s Land Development Code;Section 2.05 of theCityCharter and§16 6.041 F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanningDepartment at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PA RTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be representedbyanagent,orto expresstheir views in writingaddressed to the CityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,1700 Convention Center Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 33139.This item is available forpublic inspectionduringnormal business hoursinthe Office of the CityClerkOffice,17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item maybecontinued,and under such circumstances,additional legal notice need notbeprovided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the public that if apersondecides to appeal any decision made by the CityCommission withrespect to anymatter considered at its meeting or its hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal is to be based.This notice does not constitute consent by theCityfor theintroduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowedbylaw. To requestthis materialinalternateformat,sign language interpreter(five-daynoticerequired), informationonaccessfor persons with disabilities,and/or any accommodationtoreviewany document or participate in any City-sponsored proceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1for English or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). RafaelE.Granado,CityClerk City of MiamiBeach Ad 1417 CITY OF MIAMIBEACH NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ORDINANCEAMENDINGTHE WORKFORCE HOUSINGPARKINGAND UNIT SIZE REQUIREMENTS October18,2017 NOTICE IS HEREBY giventhat a Second Reading Public Hearing will be heard by theMayor and CityCommissionofthe CityofMiami Beach,Florida,in the CommissionChamber,3rd Floor,CityHall,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,Miami Beach,Florida,onOctober18,2017 at 5:04 p.m.,or as soon thereafter as the matter can be heard,to consider: AN ORDINANCEOFTHE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMIBEACH, FLORIDA,AMENDINGSUBPART A-GENERAL ORDINANCES,OFTHE CITY CODE,BY AMENDING CHAPTER 58 “HOUSING”,BY CREAT INGARTICLE VI,ENTITLED “WORKFORCE HOUSING;” SECTIONS 58-500 THROUGH58-510 ;PROVIDINGFOR DEFINITIONS AND INCENTIVES TO PROVIDEWORKFORCE HOUSING;ELIGIBILITY FORTENANCY,ENFORCEMENT,AND PENALT IES;BY AMENDINGCHAPTER 13 0,“OFF-STREETPARKING,”ATSECTION130-32, “OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTNO.1,”AND SECTION 13 0-33, “OFF-STREETPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORPARKINGDISTRICTS NOS.2,3,4,5,6,AND 7,”BY ESTA BLISHINGPARKINGREQUIREMENTS FORWORKFORCE HOUSING UNITS;BY AMENDING CHAPTER 14 2,“ZONINGDISTRICTS AND REGULATIONS,”ARTICLE II,“DISTRICTREGULATIONS,” DIVISION3,“RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYDISTRICTS,”SUBDIVISIONII,“RM-1 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILYLOW INTENSITY,”SUBDIVISIONIV,“RM-2 RESIDENTIAL MULTIFAMILY,MEDIUM INTENSITY,”SUBDIVISIONV.“RM-3RESIDENTIAL MULTIFA MILY,HIGH INTENSIT Y,”DIVISION4, “CD-1 COMMERCIAL,LOW INTENSITY DISTRICT,”DIVISION5,“CD-2 COMMERCIAL,MEDIUM INTENSITY DISTRICT,”DIVISION6,“CD-3 COMMERCIAL,HIGHINTENSITY DISTRICT,”DIVISION 13 ,“MXE MIXED USEENTERTA INMENT DISTRICT,”DIVISION 18 ,“PS PERFORMANCE STANDARD DISTRICT,”DIVISION20,“TC NORTH BEACHTOWNCENTER DISTRICTS,”BY CREAT INGNEW MINIMUM AND AV ERAGE APARTMENT UNIT SIZESFOR WORKFORCE HOUSINGUNITS; PROVIDINGCODIFICAT ION;REPEALER;SEVERABILIT Y;AND AN EFFECTIVEDAT E. ThisOrdinance is beingheard pursuant to Section 11 6-164 of theCity’s Land Development Code; Section 2.05ofthe CityCharter and§16 6.041F.S.Inquiries maybedirected to thePlanning Department at 305.673.7550. INTERESTED PARTIESare invited to appear at this meeting,or be represented by an agent,or to expresstheir views in writingaddressed to theCityCommission,c/o the CityClerk,17 00 ConventionCenterDrive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida33139.This item is available forpublic inspection duringnormal businesshoursinthe Office of the CityClerkOffice,17 00 ConventionCenter Drive,1st Floor,CityHall,Miami Beach,Florida 3313 9.This item maybe continued,and under suchcircumstances,additionallegal notice need not be provided. Pursuant to Section286.010 5,Fla.Stat.,the Cityhereby advises the public that ifaperson decides to appeal any decisionmadebythe Cit yCommissionwith respect to any matter considered at its meetingorits hearing,such person must ensurethataverbatim record of the proceedings is made,whichrecord includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.This notice does notconstitute consent by theCityfor the introduction or admission of otherwise inadmissible or irrelevant evidence,nordoes it authorize challenges or appeals nototherwise allowed by law. To request this materialinalternate format,sign language interpreter (five-daynotice required), informationonaccessfor personswith disabilities,and/or anyaccommodationtoreviewany documentorparticipateinany City-sponsoredproceedings,call 305.604.2489 and select 1 forEnglish or 2for Spanish,then option6;TTY usersmay call via 711(FloridaRelayService). Rafael E.Granado,CityClerk CityofMiami Beach Ad 1418