Ad 0075 1/9/02 TIle City of Miami Bosch proposes to adopt the following Ordinance: AN ORDINANCE OF'THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING PART II: GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES OF THE CiTY OF MIAMI BEACH YEAR 2000 OOMPREHENS(VE PLAN, AS AMENDED, BY ADDING A CATEGORY TO BE ENTITLED AMARiNE RECREATIONAL MR) @ TO POL CY 1.2 OF OBJECT VE 1: LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; DIRECTING TRANSMITrALS OF THiS ORDINANCE AND ALL APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS TO AFFECTED AGENCIES; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY. INCLUDING IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A public hosring on the ordinance will be held by the Miami BeachICily Commission on Wednesday. January 9 2002 at 11:45 a.m. or as soon therosfter as possible, in the Commission Chambers, ;~rd Floor, City ;Hall. 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Bosch, Flodda. This item may be continued. and under such circumstances, ~dditional legal notice would not be provided. ALL INTERESTEI~ PARTIES are invited to appear at this meeting, or represented by an agent, or to express their views in writing addressed be continued and under Such clrcumstanoes additional legal notice _ would nbt be provided. Inquiries ma~ be directed to the P[anni~g' Department at (;~05) 673-7550. Pursuant to Section 286.0106, Fla. Star., the City hereby advises the such person must insure fiat a verbatim record of the prooeedlngs is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the a peal is to be based. This notice does not constitute consent by the otherwise allowed by law. In accordance with the Amerioans with BiosbiBties Act 0f 1990, persons needing special accommodation to participate in this proceeding should contact the City Cierk's office. Tale hone (306) 673-7411 for assistance; ' ' " ' ' ' ' 00) · Ad Number 0075 ' - ' ' '