Final Judgement Prcl 1,4,7,9,15 .,."," .' '....;,0 "ij___--', -:,..;-~,: ,'... '\..;~,,~ ' '.1i;.::'~ .. ..' . '~ , , .\ -': ....~~.~ '~, - - If bf 1-7,'t1~, ~,~l, .,' ~, . t- ~ ~ 'l'''''_.-......_ ;. j' " .".. -.... ~-; ::<4 .',,\ ' "J,. \' , , .... -. "' . '~ -.;....- .-t. ~~ J.. IN THB OIRCUIT COtJR'.LY OIl '1'HB EIBVmm1 (, JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND. FOR "\' DADE COUNTY. ,,' FLORIDA' ',' >,:;t::: CITY 01' MIAMI BEACH. a Florida mun1cipal corporat ton, . .. ~-"'" " VB. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) PINAL ~ AS '.rO~ELS r 1 J. 4 J_ 1.. 9..ANQ. ~~ \~. ~;<~. .... !:~:_: ' , Petitioner, a CIVIL AcrrION NO.." 68-1265 (Jud$e Relp~O. Cullen) r} , : . A. J.. cm.n4IttGS and SADm BELIt CUMMINGS:J h1s wife, at al.~ '~ ,~ Defendants. . J . 1 , '''-'' , " , ~f~: : ...: ", .. "!'; .} ~., " '. THIS CAUSE ccni1ng on tOr! trial' and' tbe" Jury hav~ .. ":r~.~-: ...'..~ .' :~ ~ ~:. -. been duly 1mpane,:l~d and nom to try ~ eS8e~~ 'What., co~perusat~~ should be paid to the De:rendant~" toY! the pl'opel't1es sought to be , " app~prlated ,in P3~ce18 1, 4.. 1. 9 an4:15.. h~~lnattel' C1escrlbed, i and hav1n$ heard ,the ev'lc!lenee an4 hav1iis ruea1'fl the"'charges or this Court# and having retire" toconalder their ver<llote., ~. ": - ~ , . returned the tOllow1ngverdlotsa " . , " . ~~. ti ':.;' , .~ .}. " . ..' ') , ' ~. .~, ':~ .f"': i., ,f .. . ;-t :.: ~. ~~. .: . " . '," .~ ';-.' .:' ~" l.J' :;.~~"~..~ ' :"., r.,",. :: '1 ' " . .. I',:;' .;; \~ '?::,t "l~,:...'~~t,'~~~,~g;, "p~,'~,.~",.~, ".,;;;s ,.1! .". ' " . ' ' '" ,,' ",.j. """_"-' .~.,. ,,','- n' ''''-'~1~ "'--'i/ .~. ';;;,-" ';; ::,_: : " 0- \" .. . IN THE CmCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION NO. 68-1265 ,; (JuOge Cullen) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Petit1oner, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) " .~.~ . VB. YERDICT A. J. CUi-1r.lINGS and SADIE BELK CtETMINGSl) his "11fe~ et al..., De.fendants. \~I the jury, find as follows: 1. That an accurate description o~ the parcel constitut1ng t~e,property sought to be taken in this cause and " I tried before the jury 1s ao follows. 0.,. /'~,./ )'., PARC~ 1. u vr h !..ot., 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, and Lot 3~ Block ' 16,,' of ALTOS DEL MAR 1-10. 1, accord1ng to the Corrected Plat thereor~ recorded in Plat Book 31,'at page 40 of the public recorda of Dade County, Flor1da. 2. \1e f1nd the compensation to be made by the petitioner for the taking or the fee Simple title to the parcel,here1nabove described, and the ~raona to whom ouch compensation ls'payable 18 an 1'0110\./0 1 1:'tH1 rt,u'ool 1 dtlAln'lbed C\lH,jv~j \1~ flf.l(1 tll1~ tiotAl compensation to be made therefor to Irving Cypen and J-ohn G. t.lcKay, Jr .. ~ as True tees for c. B. Kn1ekern# Jr. and Lydia H. Kniskern, hie w1fe, Kenneth F. Kniskern and Elise S. Kniskern, his wife, Janet E. Shrader and Clive Shrader, her husband, , ....... II.... .,..... .......................... .'.... .$300.340.00 So say we all. Dated th1s Ilth day of October, 1968. :\' /8/ WILLIAf4 L. O'DONNELL , FOREf.U\N . :'i. ,~" ..:~ ..~. ., '-_'. ,:...--+'..,.:.;,-_~._...,..::___'_._ ,_.... _'__..J.._.."."- ..,,' .....,_...;,;,.,~ . ,) ( ( I, f .~' - ' I~t THE CIRCUIT COURT (JI# TIm ELEVENTH JUDICIAL cmcurr IN AND, FOR DADE COUNTY~ FLORIDA, CIVIL AC'rION no. 68"'1265 (Juc5ge Cullen) Petitioner, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . !~~ . CITY OF r.iIAl\U BEACH, e. Florida municipal corporation, va. VWIDIC'l:. A. J. Cm~NGS and SADIE BELK Cm~UNGS, h1s w1~o~ et al., Defendants. ..: " WE, the JU~J, find as follows: 1. That an accurate descript10n of the parcel constituting the property sought to be taken in th1s "cause and '. tried before the jury 1s as follows: PARq~ l~ Lo~. 1, Block 15. or ALTOS DEL,r~ NO.1. acoording to the Correoted Plat thereof, recorded 10 Plat Book 31, at page 40 of the pUblic recorda ot Dade County, Florida. 2. " \ole find the compensation to be made by the petttlone~ vv> ~' for the taking of the fee a1mple title to the parcel hereinabove described, and the persons to whom such compensation ls pa~able 18 as follows: For ~~arcel II lteeoI'lbetl abuve, tie rbit\ the total comnenaatlon to be nmde therefor to Betty Novak...................., _,............. .$25,000.00 , . So say \1e all. Dated this 11th day of October. 1968. fS/lrtrT.xJ~ "i.. P'DOflNEIJ. FOREMAN . . " . .' .' "-;" . .' '.i{.\'-,;:..: '. -~'..' ",,-... _' ~ .:.';;;"; ~ ..~. . ,~'" .<" l~'i'" .~~ " ~.' :~. it;',';" ' I J ; :,. j' . I I .p." . ' . . ~ z. IN THE CIRCUIT COUR'l' OF THE ELEVElml JUDICIAL CIRCUIT L'i AND FOR DADE COUNrY ~ FLORIDA CIVIL AC'l'ION NO.. 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) CITY OF MIAr11 J3EACH.. a Florida munIcipal corporation, Petit.1oner.. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Y.ml>>m va. A.. J. cUr.!r'lINGS and SADIE BEIK CU~~YllNGS, his wife, at 01., Defendants. A f 1 ILl \olB, the jUI"'J, find. as follows: 1. That an accurate description or the pa~cel constltutlns the property 80Ught to be taken tn this cause, and tried before the jury 1s as follows: ?AR9EL 1 Lot I}. ~ in Block 16" ALTOS DEL r-1AR NO., 1, according to the Co~rected Plat thereot> recQrded in Plat Book 31~ at page 40 of the pubJic rtecords of Dade" County, FlorIda. " 0J " ~, ~:;.-" ~ '. 2. \1e f.ind the compensation to be ritade b1 the 'pet1tioner . ' :, \ for the tak1ng of the rea sImple 'title to the pa~cel ,hereinabove deacr1bed,. and the persons to whim fJuoh compensation lspayable te as !'o1.1olts ~ For Parcel 1 described above we find the total compensation to be made theretor to Irving Cypen end John 0.. I'loKay.. Jr., as Trustees for the Estate of Ellen F.. C~e, deceased............._...........~.........$25,OOO.OO ' So Bay we all. Dated this 11th day of October, 1968. Is/, . WILLIAM TrAit O'DONNELL FOREMAN '... -' -,~ . " ".:;'. .;.,:,; .;~"" ,.- ~ '.:' ';" -.-" .; -. -",'~" . f - (, r ~ '. III THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVEN'l'H JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION NO., 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) ", ..!,:, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corpol"Jat1on, ) ) ) ) ) ) .> t . ,. , ~~. " Petitioner, " VB. ~x.ct A. J. CUt-1MINGS and SADIE BEIK CU~~INGS, his wife, ct al., Defendants. rr J I WE.. the Jury, find as f'ollowru ' . , .', 1. That. an acourate descript10n of the parcel '- const1tuting the property sought to be taken in thts cause and tried before the jury 1s as fol1owes PAn9.E~ 9 o/~2. Lotl~1 Block 2, r,ots 1 and 2, Blook 4, and r..ot, 3" Blocl( 9" ALTOS DEL MAR NO.2. according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 4" at'page 162 of t~ public records of Dade -County" Florida. '- a.. lie find the compensation to be ma<1e by the petltlone'" ~or tho tak1ng ot the fee simple title to the parcel hereinabove 1'1~f!tt"4\,tl~.1. fil).l th~ l)f.n~QOn~ Hl whQn\ pl,\oh (lOl'fl,J)ontltat\Qn le payable la as f'ollow61 " For Parcel 9 described above" \fa find the . total. compensatlon to be made therefor to \' Dorothy s. Schlosberg~.....................$193,500.00 So say \'10 all. Dated this 11th-day of Oetobe~, 1968. ..of (,81 WILLIAM L. O'DONNElL F'OREMAtl I ~ ..1 r .' : .' .t ~ ,.,"< ....;;.;;..,> .-.' .. ......_ .0_ ..~'..:..~". _....;.~ .' ( ( IN THE CIRCUIT COUHT OF THE ELEVE!.}TH JUDICIAL cmCUIT IN ArID FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION no. 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) l . 1 I ) ) ) ) ) ) I ) V?JJD1=9~ CITY OF tvlIAI~II BEJ\CU, a Florida municipal Qorporat1on, Pet1't1oner, VB. A. J. CUMl~r.'GS and SADIE BEIlt CUrlJ1.fiNO:S" his ,.,ife" et al." Def'endants. . ",' . . -, ,'" WE~ the jury, ~ind as ~ollOtls: 1.. That an accurate description ot the pare~l constituting the property sought to betaken 1n th1scause and tr1edberore the jury ieas follows: " .PARC~ ).5, Lots 5 and 6. in Blook 4. Amos DEL MAR ~~...,. ~NO. 2, according to the plat thereot:, recorded in Plat Book 4, at Page 162 of the' public recorda o~ Dade COth"lty, Florida. .i'" ~~.. ~~... 2. We .find the compensation to be made b~ ttie, petitioner c-:'" ~r= , ' tor the t~klng of the fee simple tltle to the' parcel; llerelnabove' deaorlb6d~ and the persons to whom such compensation is paya.le 1s no ,f.'ollottsi For Parcel 15 desor-lbed above, we f'lnd the total compensatlon to be therefoX' to 'iel~ryce S. Kapla.n........"....."""....."... .$120..000~OO " So sa.y lie all. Dated this 11 th day of Oatober~, 1968. . .,;' . . .~. , ' , '\0" ~Sl \"IL~IAM L" I 0 'DONNELL FORm1AN 4 ~ , .. ;.C,.... ,. .. .'.': ".-, -' ".'," ,',>., " -----'-~""-__._~,.."'_'_~~.,:-=.o . --.,,-,:.', ",-,;,". #. . 0 " ( ( . ~... ....T... ~. "_. ..... {' -:- 1. The compensation, exclusive of attoI~eysl .fees" expenses'and costa, to be made by the Petlt10ner on account of the tak1ng of the fee s~ple title of eaid~arcels 1s as rOllo,.a: , .' " ,,:~ . For Parcell: Irv1ng eypen and John G. McKay, Jr., as Trustees fo~ C. B. Kniskern, Jr. and Lydia H. Kniskern, h1s wlfe, Kenneth F. Kniskern and Elise S. Kn1skern. hie w1fel Janet E. Shrader and Clive Shrader, her husband...........................................$300,340.00; . : . i: For Parcel 4: Bett1 N~ak................. 25,000.00 ! F'or Parcel 7: Ir'""tng ewen and John '0. McKay, Jr., as Trustees for the Estate of' Ellen F. Crane, decease~......................It.-.....$ 25..000.?O", For Parcel 9= Dorothy S. Schlosberg..... ~'193,500.003, For Parcel 15: Terryce S. Kaplan......... .$120..000.00' 2., Within twenty (20) days trom the ~ate 01' th1s Final Judgment the Petit10ner shall deposit into the Reglstry of this Court for the use of the Defendants the total or the sums' set 'forth here1nabovel to-wit: Six Hundred S1xty-three Thousand Eight Hundred Fo~ty Dollars ($663,840.00). Upon the said payment. ' . t1tle to the ~I.'!opertles herein above described as Parcels 1, 4, 7, 9 and 15 shall be vested 1n fee simple absolute in the Pet1tioner and the said propert1es shall be deemed to be condemned' and taken for the use of the Petitioner and the Petltlo!,\er shall bo cot,;l.t,lo<l to pooseoolon or said propertlolil <<\8 of tha datca ot sold deposlt. 3. ThG Defendants, as part of the Just'co~pen- aatlon guaranteed by tho Con5tltutlon and Statuteo or the State or Florida.. do have and recover of and trom the Petlt1oner, 1n addition to the amounts provided for hereinabove, the1r costs in this case, plus reasonable attorneys' feea~ in such amounts \ . " .' as the same shall be ~eterm1ned and allowed by th1s Court, afteJ:t ., hearing thereon, by separate order. Said order taxing costs .. . ,1., ":.' ~ " ." :..,J,T>',' !I;.\ ~ ~ 4"'" .<!'O __.4__, t -;,;: . ,I"" ::: 1(::" .. '~ I. : I:: " .1'- .....~ t" ./ ~ , ~. ,~. V ....:.J,'! > a,.;, " ,.' .. ...~., .' . ,"..: 4....: I. . " -----~-- -- -c }--..-----,~~ -- - - ("" '----- - -. -- -,.. I . . ' , . - . r: and determining attorneya' fees, when so made" shall be construed to be a pnrt of this Final JuOgment. .,J:. 4. Upon receipt of the afox-ea&ld deposlt the Clerk of th1s Court shall be and is hereby authorlzedand , . . . d1rected to 1ssue his checks in payment of the BUmS Bet forth in Paragraph No. 1 to tl1e respective Defendants by the dellve17 , ' of hie checks therefor to the sa1d Defendants or the1r attomes-s .j;' I of record. . ,p".... .\ I ~ DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers I1t' M1ami.. Dade - County; "Florida, th1s ~.....I b ~ _day.ot OctOber, 1968~,t:': 'j- , , RALPH O. CULLEN - CIRCUIT JUDGE " t ~." ,.,... .:.~:. , .' '. ,.', , ,,;,-. ~'''':\-''.."",: ',c'_ ~-':;~~~>j.~~:\;I;,i:~::' 2.' >:~ ""~50.'_, .:<, ...;",..~"- .,.... ,'-~ ,-_"::"'),,,;:';;{'~"1:',-~ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION NO. 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Petitioner, vs. CERTIFICATE A. J. CUMMINGS and SADIE BELK CUMMINGS, his wife, et a1., Defendants. I, E. B. LEATHERMAN, Clerk of the above-styled court, do hereby certify that the City of Miami Beach,'the Petitioner in the foregoing cause, has heretofore caused to be paid into the registry of the above-styled court, for the I, use of the defendants named in the final judgment heretofore entered in the above-styled cause on October 16, 1968, and recorded On the same date in Minute Book 994, page 384, the following sums: compensation to the defendants, Irving Cypen and John G. McKay, Jr., as Trustees for C. B. Kniskern, Jr. and Lydia H. Kniskern, his wife, Kenneth F. Kniskern and Elsie S. Kniskern, his wife, Janet E. Shrader and Clive Shrader, her husband, in accordance with verdict......................$300,340.00 compensation to the defendant, Betty Novak, in accordance with verdict......................................$ 25,000.00 Compensation to the defendants, Irving ey,;.:>en and John G. McKay, Jr., as Trustees for the Estate of Ellen F. Crane, deceased, in accordance with verdict.................................$ 25,000.00 Compensation to the defendant, Dorothy S. Schlosberg, in accordance with verdict....................................$193,500.00 compensation to the defendant, Terryce S. Kaplan, in accordance with verdict..................................$120,000.OO . Total $663,840..00 '...._?,<'~-;' 0... ..:.;'~<~:::: . .~\:;,..~~;:,,:i,:.;~~:_~:~;~ .;.;..;.:~~:;' :.....-~",:...,~M~:. "_ _..... . ,-".,.;".", .... c-':'. ;....,..f. '....-...... .:,:',,' _~~-~~~;.. &..".J l!-_~:,! " . i \ WITNESS my hand and the seal of ~aid Court, " at Miami, Dade County, Florida this :21:-1' day of November, 1968. E. B. LEATHERMAN, Clerk, Circuit Court By .. -2- ,"",,/"-," ;;i;'~: ..".'O,~ _",,0.. .......J" D. K. BOVE Deputy Clerk . - ,,-.y:..,-.:...,.... , "~> ,:' j.~::,::: ~~".~tfG~~ f- '/ ~, January ,21, 1969 Mr. W. Wlrt Culbertson Tb As..'sor HetropolJtan OMe County J351 N. W. 12th Stre.t "'em'. Florida 33128 Dear Mr. Culbertson: At the df ractlon of the CI ty Councf 1, t am enclosht. a certifIed copy of ResolutIon No. 12610, passed and adopt.d by the Miami Beech City Ccunei I on January '5. '969. formally requesting e~tfon from tax.' on certaIn properties acquired for municIpal purposeS. The City Councl' will appr.clate your consIderatIon of thIs Resolution. Respectfully yours. Ruth 8. Roule.u CIty-Clerk-Finance Director ilia: om enc I . J.; . ,. ". "..(f. dn ? .~ .... ~-., ..'...... -- I. ... ) ~ r/z..:=- (/(> ;~y r." J ", ~ RES OLUTION NO. 1 2610 1fliEREAS the City of Miami Beach, Florida, has acquired for municipal purposes, the following desoribed properties, on the dates and for the purchase prices hereinafter set forth in the schedule consisting of three (3) pages, attaChed hereto and made a part hereof: Nm'1, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the City of Miami Beach, Florida, herewith formally requests exemption from taxes from dates of acquisition of the properties herein set forth, pursuant to Florida Statutes, Section 192.59. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted forthwith to the County !tanager of Dade County, Florida, and to the various Dade County tax officials. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th 1ay of January. 1969. (5 i gned) Jay Dermer i4ayor Attest: (Signed) Ruth B. Rouleau City Clerk-Finance Director (S EAL) meb I ~ . . ~ () \.: ";1 t_1 r-s. (t~ c;; ~~j ., ~',~ () tu w W !'-j 010 t:'I t"I ~" - HI ~ 0 1>>::S~HlO'W('tOOOI-'~ HI 1-'0 CD I>>rt ~ 0t1t1S::000CD I>>rt ) ~rtw CD '" tJ t" <: ........::s 'it 0 0 ~rtw l>> I-' H 0 CD Q.tO rt t1 ~ Z I-' CD rt- n I>> <: rt I-' '< 0'\ P. 0 CD ct- ~ OrtH Q.CDO- .... tv 11 :T 0 tOCDtJ:J s:: en I-' CD HI I>>::S tv rt ~CDtJ:J CD g.t11-' ::s tJ:J H 0 (J) '" 1'23 rtl.Q - :T ",111-' (J) CDO rtO 0- 01>>1-'1-' CDO I) 1-'00 '<OZ t1rtl>>otOrt~1-' 1-'00 11 .... Hl ~ - 7\' - tJ:J.... ~::s 11 III 0 ~ tv .... HI X" .... 0- I-' '" : 0.. ....I.Q · n- O) 1'23 0'\ I>> 0 CD 0.. CD rt ~ U1 tv rt ~ 11- I-' 0 0 0.. QI rt I>> ~ ~ 11- .... m CD o QI 0 ~ '" ~... tv CD @ HI CDCD)I 0 o()~ 11 rt 0 Z s::.... 0'\ CD 00 ::s o 0 .... 11 tv 0 rt 11 rt to CD OOt" 11111-3 0.. '0 0.. tv 11 rt rt t8 0 I-' '" rt 11111-3 , o..o..Q QI I>> .... .. rt.... '< HI I>> s;: o..o..Q : (J) lD .I.Q::S :;s':;' CD rt 0 (J)CD I 0.. (1) I.Q i 1!1 - g. g. 1-3 HI o 0.. 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