Final Judgement , . \' \.~. .,' . ~ I. ..... .:./.),-,~l'i --.,. . '. I - If I ,.", ~t'~ .' ': ' .' ' A.. .......... -A ~'( .,.~ '~1-:7 I I ~).I 62~ ,'. ~. f ~. '. . nr 'rHB OIRCUIT COURT" OIl THE EmVmml JUDICIAL CIRCUIT It I AND. FOR "',' " DAD3 COUNTY. FLORIDA' ;'1 ' .....).. " CITY OF- MIAr.lI B:sACH~ a Florida municipal corporat ion, . -.,. . Pet1tioner, ) ) ) ) ) ) -. ~ .... .:. .... .';.: , . ., VB. CIVIL ACTION NO.. 68-1265 (Judge R81p~ O. Cullen) , . A. J.. CUr.!t4IttGS and SADm BBLIt CUr-1MINGS:J h1s wife, at al.~ Defendants. : . '"".,. " y~ J .~ PINAL JUD~ AS TO ~ELS !. 4~-1~ 9.A!W.."~ " i. '" .t. .. "(. THIS CAUSE com1ng on to%t trial and the. Jury havln8 . ... . .. ,- :--~ < .:: been duly 1mpan~l~d and ~orn to tr,r and esse~~Wbat,compensatlo~ should be pa1d tio the Defendants' tO'D the properties 80uSh~ to be. '. app~prlated in fo,rce18 1, L~, 7, 9 an4, 15.. h~~lnatter' desoribed. and having heard .the ev1dence en4 having heard the charges or this COllrt~ an<! having retired to consider their verd1otG, returned the follow1ng ver41ctsa " It ," ~ \ , -.t . 'T . \ . ~ . .'.. , ." :) " ) ":.. .1. . . ~ . . ,. '., . . ,.' . ~ . I . l . ,~, .,.. . .r. '1~. '.\ . Iti. ,$,':li . -. ~. r . ... ..' .-' .-_,.~~,~..., ,~ .... :~~:.\.~ \.-1 ." i-,. J,..,j -;..... ...... ,~-~ IU THE CmCUIT COURT OF TIm ELEV'ENTH JD~ICIAL CInCUIT IN Alll> FOR DADE COUNTY ~ FLORIDA CIVIL J\CTImT NO. 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) " " Petitioner, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) . ..... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida r:mn1cipal corporation, vs. }TERDIQT A. J. CUI4I'-1INGS and SADIE BELK CUi\F.,UNGS=, his "life:! et ale ~ ' De.fendants. '~TE. the Jury~ find as follows: 1. That an accurate descript10n of the parcel constituting t~e pr~perty sought to be taken 1n this cause'and trled berore the jury 1s ao rol1o~s: " '\ - gARCF.L 1 Loto 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, and Lot 3:! Block 16, of ALTOS DEL r-tAR no. 1, aocording to the Corrected Plat thereor~ recorded 1n Plat Book 3l~'at page 40 of the public recorda of Dade C01..\nty" li'lor1da. 1 \ " ,,/ 2. \-Ie find the oompensation to be made by the petitioner for the taking of the fee simple title to the parcel ,hereinabove , . described, and tho p~raona to whom ouch compensation 1s payable io nn {'ol]",,'," 2 J:'(W rtutn~l ,. l1oJ\f.!1'lbor.1 ~b"iJ~.. ,..~ ''In.' t:ttt:) totAl compenoation to be made therefor to I~vlng Cypen and crohn G. f.lcKay" Jr." aa Trustees for C. B. Kniskern, Jr. and Lydia H. Kniskern. hin ~ife, Kenneth F. Kniskern and Elise S. Knlekem~ his w1fe~ Janet E. Shrader and Clive Shrader, her husband, ...........................................$300,340.QO So Day \-le all. Dated this 11th day of October~ 1968. /S/ \tfILLIAr.t L. 0 'DONlmLL FOREf.1Att ~~" .. "r .. ~.~.... _.' .' _ . (, 61-3 ItJ THE CIRCUIT COURT (]II TIm ELEVmlTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IU AND FOR DADE COUNTY.II FLORIDA, CIVIL ACTION NO. 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) .i. . Petltioner, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~~. CITY OF ~UA~U BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, va. 'WIDIC'l A. J. CUf1MINGS and SADIE BELK CUIJJr'lIUGS.. h1s t.,lro, et a1." Der~nc18ntn . \tIE" the jUr'lJ" find as tallows: 1. That an accurate desor1ption or the parcel constituting the pr~pert1 sought to be taken 1n th1s cause and '. tried before the 3llry 1s as rol1ows~ , I ~ARCEL l~ Lo~, 1, Block 15. of ALTOS DEL,r~ NO.1, acoording to the Corrected Plat thereof, recorded 1n Plat Book 31, at page 40 of' the pUblic records of Dade County, Florida. 2. - tIe f1nd the compensation to be made bsr the petltlone~ for the tak1ng of the fee a1rnple title to the parcel hereinabove described, and the persons to whom such compensation 10 payable 1s us fol1o",a: Fm,' fa,t'('et '. tJeeoI'lbel' nhe)ve. "'e fblej t:h~ total compensation to be G~de the~efor to Betty Novak................................$25,OOO.OO , , So say \1e all. Dated th1s 11th day of October, 1968. L..S/1r1T~.T.1AM L... 9'DQfJNEIJ.. FOREMAli " . ; ;r- - ~ ~ .. .\ '" ~. . ". .,'-, /'., _,. ! - : '1 . I ,! /:JJ,I..,~ J/':; January 21. 1969 Mr. W. Wlrt Culbertson Tax Assessor Metropolitan Dade County 1351 N. W. 12th Street Miami. Florida 33128 Dear Mr. Culbertson: At the direction of the City Council. I am enclosing a certified copy of Resolution No. 12610. passed and adopted by the Miami Beach City Council on January 15. 1969. formelly requesting exemption from taxes on certain properties acquired for municipal purposes. The City Council will appreciate your consideration of thIs Resolution. Respectfully yours. Ruth B. Rouleau City-Clerk-Finance Director RBR:om enc I . ~ r." 'A.{ IN Tl-m CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVEUTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR DADE COUNrY, FLORIDA CIVIL AC'1'IO!-l NO. 68~1265 (Judge Cullen) CITY OF [~tIAr11 JIBACH, a F1oI-lda r.~n1c1pal corporat1on, Pet1tioner, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) YJijt;Dl9.,~ va. A. J. CUnr,lINOS and SADIE DEIJ< CUr~lINGS, his wife, at 01., Defendants. , . -, ' ' 1.m, the jury, f1nd as fOllol"a: '" 1. That an accurate description or the parcel, constituting the property sought to be taken tn this cQuse and tried before the Ju~y 1s as ~ollows: ?ARCEL P( Lot I}, 1n Blocl~ 16" ALTOS DEL r.t~R 110., 1" accord1ng to the Corrected Plat thereof. recQrded in Plat Book 31. at page 40 of the publiC records or Dad~"CountYI Florida. I i ~, . /' " ,.,: .-~ . , .' 2. l'1e rind the compensation to be made bY' the 'pet1tioner .. . ,.. ",' ... " I for the taking o~ the fee Simple "tltle to the parcel hereinabove deacr1bed~ and the persons to whim such compensation is payable 1e oa f'olJ.Ol'lS1 For Parcel 1 described above we fln~ the total compensat1on to be made therefor to Irving Cypen and John G. IilcKay~ Jr.!J eo Trustees for the Estate of Ellen F. Cpsne, deceased...................................$25~OOO.OO ' .';', ' So Bay 'fC all. Dated this 11th day of OctOber. 1968. . ' . . /SI . WILLIAftt ,!~. 0 'DOrnmLL FOREf1AN ~k.t, III THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVmn'H JUDICIAL CIROUIT In AtID FOR DADE cQtnm, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION tIO., 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) -, .! . , Petitioner, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ~!:. , CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida 17iun1c lpal corpOl"at lon, va. Y)W)):ag A. J. CUf.fiUNGS nnd SADIE BEIK CUv~4IUQS, his w1fe_ ct a1., Defendants. " WE, the Jury, f1nd as tollowSI ' 1. That an acourate description of the patteel constitut1ng the property Bought to be taken 1n thls cauoe and tr1ed before the 3u~J 10 as ~ollouSl " PMlpE~ ~ Lot"'J~~ Block 2, Lots 1 and 2, Blook 4, end llot, 3, Bloclt 9, ALTOS DEL r4AR 130. 2, eccord~ to,the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 4, at page 162 of t~ public records of Dade -County, Florida. . , ' 2. 'ole find the compensat1on to be made by the petit1onel" tor tho taking of the fee a1mple t1tle to the parcel hereinabove .1dtllWttl.;ti1, ttl)~1 'the l'et'lSno.~ r.o 'ihQJl\ auoh (lOtnpflnlu,tton. 10 payable 1.8 06 f'ollowo, - " For Parcel 9 Oeacrlbed above, ue find the . total cOr.lpenaatlon to be made therefor to \' Dorothy S. Schlosberg......................$193.500.00 So say \'10 011. Dated this lith day or October, 1968~ ,,' ..1.81 WILLIAM L. O'DONNELL FORm-tAli 'J 'r -, IN TilE CIRCUIT COURT OP TIlE ELEVE!.lTU J1JDICIAL CIRCUIT III J\lID FOR DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA CIVIL ACTIOn no. 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) Petitioner, ) ) ) ) ) ) ..J Yf,[l!>~C~, CITY OF lilIAl.lI BEJ\Cll.. a Flor1da municipal Qorporatlon, VB. A. J. CUMMINGS a.nd SADIE BEIlt Cm~lInQS~ hls \ilfe" at al." Defendants. . ,- ' WE~ the Jury, find as roll~Ast 1.. That an accurate aescrlpt10n of' tbe pareel constituting the property sought to be taken 1n this oause and tr1edbefore the jury is as follows: ?AP,.CEL 15- Lots 5 and 6" in Blook 4, ALTOS DEL MAn' ~ ' NO.2, acoording to the plat thereof, 'recorded in Plat Book 4, at paga 162 of the publio records or Dade County, Florida. I, ' ,. " . ,J:>: t'" ,.. ,'" 2. \l10 i'ind the oompensat1on to be made by tti~ petitioner i . ;, for the t~ld,ng of.' the fee simple title to the parce~ Mx-elnabove deao~lbed~ and the peroons to whom such compensation 1a paya~le 1s no folln'tts i For Parco 1 15 described above I we f'ind the total compensation to be theretox- to Ter~Jce S. Keplan..........................$120,OOO.OO So aa.y \'Ie all. Dated th1s 11 th day of October. 1968. , .;' /8/ \tILLIAr.. L. O'DONNELL }t'ORillI!AN 4 . . , " -I' . . .' ,.'1 . . to' . ,.' ~ .' ,~ " ~. 1 . . ....: ~.. , .; . . , . ( " ( ~' r, and determining attorneY3' fees, when eo made. shall be construed to be a part of this Fl~l Judgment. 4. Upon receipt of the aforesaid depos1t the Clerk or th1s Court shall be and Is hereby authOl'l~edand d1rected to 1ssue h1e cheeks in payment ot the sums set forth . in Paragraph No. 1 to the respective Defendants by the del1vel'J' of hie cheoks therefor to the sald Defendants ox- their ettomep " or record. ..." . if,:,,',. , , Dorm AND ORDERlm in Chanlbers at 1418311, Dade county~ 'Flor1da_ this. I I b ~ _day ot October~ 1968. ,; .. ...' to .... '.' .~ RALPH O. CULLEN - . .' \ ~,' CIRcurr JUDGE " ,. l. l, .... ,. " ,tl' ..'.. .,~ .~;;- \. \ .' .;",. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICI~L CIRCUIT IN ~ND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL ACTION NO. 68-1265 (Judge Cullen) CITY OF MInMI BE~CH, a Florida municipal corporation, Petitioner, va. CERTIFICATE A. J. CUMMINGS and SADIE BELK CUMMINGS, his wife, et al., Defendants. I, E. B. LEATHERMAN, Clerk of the above-styled court, do hereby certify that the City of Miami Beach,' ,the Petitioner in the foregoing cause, has heretofore caused to be 9aid into the registry of the above-styled Court, for the use of the defendants named in the final judgment heretofore entered in the above-styled cause on October 16, 196B, and recorded On the same date in Minute Book 994, page 384, , the following- SumSI compensation to th~ defendants, Irving- Cypen and John G. lwlcI<ay, Jr., as Trustees for C. B. Kniskern, Jr. and Lydia H. Kniskern, his wife, Kenneth F. Kniskern and Elsie S. Kniskern, his wife, Janet E. Shrader and Clive Shrader, her husband, in accordance with verdict......................$300,340.00 compensation to the defendant, Betty Novak, in accordance with verd1ct......................................$ 25,000.00 Compensation to the defendants, Irving CY.~)en and John G. McKay, Jr., as Trustees for the Estate of Ellen F. Crane, deceased, in accordance wi th verdict................,................. $ 25, 000.00 compensation to the defendant, Dorothy S. Schlosberg, in accordance with verdict.................................$193,500.00 Compensation ~o the defendant, Terryce S. Kaplan, in accordance with verdict.................................$120,OOO.OO . Total $663,840.00 ( ( '. 1. The compensation, exclusive of attoI~eys' rceo~ expenses and costa~ to be made by the Petltlo~er on account or the taking of the fee B~ple title or eald~arcels 1s aa f'ollOl.,S: . ~ !~. For Parcel 1: Irving Oypen one! John G. McKay, Jr.~ as Trustees to~ C. B. Kniskern, Jr. and Lydia H. Knls1tcrn" his wife.. Kenneth F. Kniskern ond Elise S. Kniskern, his wife, Janet E. Shrader end Clive Shrader.. her' .. huaband............................................300,340.00 . : . For Parcel 4: BettI Novak................$ 25,000.00 ! For Parcel 7: Irving Cypen and John O. McKay, Jr., as Trustees for the Estate or Ellen F. Crane, deceasep........................~:.$ 25,OOO.?O,. For Parcel 9: Dorothy S. Schlosberg..... ..193,500.00,; For Parcel 15: Terryce S. Kaplan......... .$120,000.00' 2., Wltb1n twenty (20) days from the date of this Final Judgment the Petitioner shall deposit tnto the Reglstrr or this Court for the use of the Defendants the total or the sums' set "forth hereinabove, to-wit: B1x Hundred Sixty-three Thousand Eight Hundred Fottty Dollars ($663,840.00). Upon the sald payment. title to the ~ropertles herein ~~ove descr1bed as Parcels 1, 4, 7, 9 and 15 shall be vested in fee simple absolute in the Pet1t1oner and the said propert1es shall be deemed to be condemned' and taken for the use of the Petitioner and the Petltioner shall tH) (lnt~l.t.lo(1 to pcJt1oooo1on or oald proportiGs 1\0 or tho dntca ot aa1d depos1t. .' 3. The Defendants, 00 part of the Just'conpen- aatlon guarantoed by tl~ Constitution end Statuteo or the State of Florida, do have nnd recover of and trom the Petitioner, in addition to the omount$ provided for hereinabove, their costs in this case, plus reasonable attorneys' feeB~ 1n such amounts as the same ahall bo ~etermlned and allowed b~ th1s Court, after hear1ng thereon, by oeparnte order. Sald order tax1ng costs , , .' , WITNESS my hand and the seal of said Court, at Miami, Dade County, Florida this ;2 / ~.,{ day of November, 1968. -2- E. B. LEATHERMAN, Clerk, Circuit Court By D 1-/ t') .c\ \ f;- " J\, ",u f t: Deputy Clerk .' RESOLUTION NO. 12610 ~'lHEREAS the City of niaIni Beach, Florida, has acquired for ~nicipal purposes, the following des~ribed properties, on the dates and for the purchase prices hereinafter set forth in the schedule consisting of three (3) pages, , attaChed hereto and made a part hereof; NO":,.y, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, that the City of Miami Beach, Florida, herewith formally requests exelnption from taxes from dates of acquisition of the properties herein set forth, purouant to Florida Statutes, Section 192.59. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted forthwith to the County l.~nager of Dade County, Florida, and to the various Dade County tax officials. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th :lay of January. 1969. (S I gned) Jay Dermer i4ayor Attest: (Signed) Ruth B. Rouleau City Clerk-Finance Director (SEAL) meb .' i=h ~.. \:) :_.' ~..1~ \,:.: c;; .,1 ..' ".~) '::'v j..; ~ :-:1 ~.;o t-- t'I PI::S ~HltlW(iO 0 0 1-'::1' I'hl-'O (\) Plrt P, Ot1t1ConO(\) Plrt g.rtw (\) ItJ 0 t" < ........::s ~ 0 n g.rtw PI I-' H 0 (\) IJ,. '0 rt 11 ~ 21 I-' (\) rt'.. OPl<rt I-' ~O\s:u 0 (\) rt.. ::1' o rt H U. (\) 0 .. .... N 11 ::r 0 ~(\)~ C tn I-' (\) I'h PI::S N rt ~(\)~ (\) 111-' ::s tD H 0 OJ ItJ ~ rhQ" b' 111-' en (\)0 rt 00" n PI 1-'1-' (\)0 U I-'on ~021 I1rtPlo'tJrt~1-' I-'on 11 .... Hl ~ .. :1'1"" as....::T::s 11 PI 0 ~ N .... Hl X' .... 0" .... b' : Pa .... \Q · n.. 0) ~ 0" PI 0 (\) Pa (\) rt ~ U1 N rt fg~" I-' OOPag.rtPl b' ~11" .... o PI 0 ~ b'.o N (\) ~ Hl (\)(\)>r g on~ 11 rt 0 21 c.... 0" (\) 00 00 .... 11 N 0 rt 11 rt '0 (\) OO~ a.11t-3 c. '0 c. 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