Opinion on Abstract of Tile OPIIIOR on Abstract ot Title prepared by Miami Beach Abstract & Title Co., under Certiticate No. 32529, containing entries numbered 1 to 48, inclusive, and covering the period ot time extending trom February 5, 1914, at 8:00 A. M. to July 15, 1961 at 8:00 A. M.; purporting to delineate the tee simple title in and to those certain parcels of land situate in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, and described as tollows, to wit: Lots ~ and 8 in Block 73 ot OOEAlf BEACH ADDI'fIOR BO. 3, according to the plat thereot, reGorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81 ot the public records ot Dade County, Florida. From an examination ot said Abstract ot Title and basing my opinion solely upon the same, I am of the opinion that on the 15th day ot July, 1961, at 8:00 A. M., the tee simple title in and to said land was vested in FREIDA DB HAAV and ALBERT DE BUV, her husband SUBJECT, nevertheless, to the tollowing: 1. Those certain restrictions as to said Lot 7 which are contained in that certain warranty deed trom !he Miami Ocean View Company to C. E. Winter dated February 26, 1923, recorded in need Book 353, page 105 ot the public records ot Dade County, Florida, which provide that no residence building shall be erected on said lot unless it costs at least $4,000.00 and no house, structure or building may be constructed on said lot to be used tor any sort ot business other than apartment houses, sanitariums or churches and that no building shall be constructed closer than 25 teet to the tront line of said lot and that the lot shall never be sold to any person other than of the Caucasian race nor to any firm or corporation of which any person or pereons other than ot the Caucasian race shall be a member or stockholder and that no intoxicating liquor shall ever be manufactured or sold upon said land. The deed provides that violation in whole or in part of any ot these restrictions shall cause the title of the land to revert to the grantor. 2. Those certain restrictions as to setd not 8 contained in that certain warranty deed dated March 20, 1923, trom Miami Ocean View Company to Lucien Wheatly and Lydia M. Wheatly, husband and wite, recorded in Deed Book 338, page 129 ot the public records ot Dade County, Florida, which restrictions are identical with those set torth in Item 1 hereot. 3. Questions ot survey; rights ot parties in possession; taxes tor the year 1961 and zoning ordinances ot the City ot Miami Beach, Florida. 4. Possible mechanics' liens for work done or aaterial furnished on or about the premses during the three months immediately preceding July 15, 1961. Brepared b,.: Ben Shepard tor: Ci t,. of Miami Beach July 28th, 1961 Addendum: The abstract mentions the fact that the City of Miami Beach has instituted a suit to condemn this property tor off the street parking ot automobile purposes but does not show that the suit has been car ed i completion. - 2 -