Examination of Title ~ , , " .. . ~ , > " "'- ~ ~ Examination of Title Prepared by Miami Beach Abstract and Title Company To the following described lands, lying and being in Dade County, Florida Lots Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block Seventy-three (7)) of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO. :3, according to the plat thereof', recorded in plat Book 2, at Page 81, ot the Public Records ot Dade County. Florida. MIAMI BEACH ABSTRACf AND TITLE COMPANY MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA ~ v .0. 1 00'" BBlCH. JILl. UBI!!. NO. I, belnS a .ubdlvl.Son otpsrt. ot Fractional 880'101'18 3 u4 " Town.hip 64 $eu tnf. Range 42 Ea.t, and. Pari or Fra.- 1tonal Seotlon ~. 7o~.b1p Ils.uta, }!tuge 4. ",1:. 'tAT Datea laauarT lS. lt14 Pil... P.'bru....' 5, 1114 R.oord.4 in Plat Book 2 at ,..e 8~ '. DOW .lLL MEN BY TlmSE PH BUm. fha"!be Oc...n se...h .e.l'1 Oo:mpaDf'. a corporation owner of all Unat certain ta'aot or parctl of land l,ing and being in the ~.ottlODal South balt of Seotlon. 'l'hNe(3) and four (4), 'rownsh.1p'U,,-lour (54) SQutn, Range l'" orty-tlJo (42 ) Eaat, boundea... tollow8' On the nOl'th oy the oenter line running eaat and. .est! .Uough. Sections !bree (I) and Four'(4) Townsh.lp Flttl-teur (64) South. Ra~g. Fort1 two (42) .at, on the .aat or tne we.t e1" w.at.rl, line ot M1aa1 Av.nue, on tb.. .outb. b1tb.. north OJ;> northeplr line ot Biscarne Avenue' aa an01fXl in Book ot Plata 'Ion J>>. S.as, R.cord, of Dado County, Florida, on the wea' 07 Elacarne Ba,. also the sub- merged lane! 1110.g between this traot a nd the channel 01' BlaeaJl'18 Bar, wi ih all riparian rights and _tel" priv138 ges tb.ereunto be- longi ng ; anel All that certain tract or 'iii', eel,ot, lan,. d Ifing and bol116 in ibe Fractional HOli'tb.lialt ot Section. 'lue. (3) and Four (4.), Towushlp Fitt'.....tour (54) South, Bange tort,-two (42) East, de- seri bed as tollowa. Begin at a point on t h. north 1.1ne ot .aid Seotlon Tbree (3) and one thou_and (1000) teet oa.t ot tho northwest corner ot .id Section, tben.. lI.)uth at 1'l'lgbt a~l.. to tne .ald north line of Section Three (3) on. thou..n4 flvo hundred (1500)1'o.t. thence w..t p....all.l to and one thou..nd five hundred (1600) t.ot aouth ot the .a14 north line ot Seo- tions thr.. (3) and ~ur (4) to tbo low water mark 01' Blaeayne BaT, thence .ou tner1y ..andel'lng t h. saiel low water JDark or Bl.ca,n. Bay to thAI oonter 11. runnlng .ast a nd weat through Section. Four (4) and Thr.. (3); tnenee east along tb.. sa14 Sections Four (4) and Tltre. (3) to a p01nt, one nundr.d 8lg11t,- seven and thr.. tentha (187.$) te.t ..., of tn. south eaat corner of the northw.at quart.p of SeOtlon Thr.e (3), the a.... point al80 being . t tn_ Intersocilol1 er the. aid center 11n. ot Seotion Threo (3) and the weaterly 11n. ot Miami Avenue as per plat recorded 1n Sook 1$ 01' Plats aj page 11, thence north...t- erly along the .e.tep1y line of Miami Avenue, .a sb.own by plat reoorded in Book #Iot Plata at PIlS- 11 and Book la at Plata at page 56, to a ~01nt on the north line ot Section Thr.e (S) and tour nunved. nine (409) teet, more or le.., eaatot tbe noi"tih- weat corner of tlw nopth.eaat quar'.r ot Se.tlol1 Thre. (3); thenoe .eaterly along the north I1n. ot 8ecf;lon TbPee (3) to tbe pla.. of beglnn.lng, including the IUbrHPged Ja nd lring betwe.n the above traot anel the ehannel of Biaea1l18 Bar wlth all r1pari&l1 rights tl1 d water pri vile g.. tMPeunto belonging, aDd All that certain tr-act orpaHel of land lring a.nd be1ntt in the trac,tional south halt ot Sect! on '1'b.lrt7-fou1' (34) Township Fitt1-tbJt.e (53) soutb., Range torty-''II) (42) East, d..or11>.4.. tollowa. :Beginning at a point on the Townab1p Line between .... shipa tltt,.-ttu-.. (.53) and titty-tour (54) aou tb., whee the .... interaeeta ..1 t11 the west line of Mla.i A venue as shown on plat ~~ OR'" l'a'. _/81 \ , \ lIG. 1 ( C.ntt..) r.~u)r4.d 1n Book 'Bot plat. at :P.et.. thence ..It alo. sa.1d Town.hi., Un. to 1rh..outhw..' corn.. ot aaldSe.1:1.. Th1:rt,.-tour (3.); tb.ence nortll along th. ..eat lin. or sa14 Seo- t1onTb.1rtr-four (34) one thwaand six hun.dred one and .e..en tenth. (160:J:.r7) r..'_ _re or less, to 8. point cne thouaand fort1 ene arid eight tentb.. (1061if'1) teet <<> uth ot the north 11ne 01' the louth halt of Section th1rtr-tour (34); thence .... parallel. to and OD8 thou.and for'1 one an4 81Sb.t ten1ibl (10..1.8) teet south of the ftCl" tb. 11ne of the .outh halt of Se,ction. ThJ.r"- four ($4) one thou.and three hundred twenty (USO) teet, mol'. er 1.... to. the weat line or the ..at halt of tb.e.outb.w..t quarter of $(tetion Thlrty-tour ($4) alao being th. ...t 11ne of theRlchard Carne, tract as per 4eed recorded1n Boo)r: 30 of Deeds atMge 5'1, R.corda ot Dade Count,., Florlda; thence aou1ih aJ.ong the w.al. 11ne of the Riohard Carney traet one hundred nine',.- five and seven t.nths (195.7~ teet; thence east parallel to an4 one thou.and. two hundred thirt,.ae..en and rl... tentha (lP'1.I) teet soutb ot the north 1i118 or the aouth bAlt 01' Sectlon 'l"b.lrty- tour (34) to the point ot inter...t1oD with the .e.t line ot Mi.1 A...nu'. a8 shown b1 plat recorded. 1n Book ,. of Plat. at page 56, thence southerl1 along the weaterlY llne of Mi..l Avenue one thousand tour hundred a1zteen and f'ouz. teatlul ( 1416.4) f ..t, mo:re or 1. a8, to the pla.ce of beglnntng (all of title above land. lring end being in Dad. OountT1 Flor14&) b.a.$ cau.e4 the sald land to be aubd1 vided in the .. n.r r.pre..nted on the ao- com~nr1ng plat, which sald 8ub41vS.alon and plat .ball b. knob aa . Ocean Beach, Flod da, AddltlC)l'llo. I" "'he str.et., a-venue. J boule..ard.s, 4r1 v.., ~. and alle,.. ",pre- sented on the acoompanfing plat are b....~r ded1eated to tilleper- petual use ot the pUblic, re..,.v1ng to Tbe Oo.an Death Realt, Co.panr 1ta laue.essora, asslgna and. repres.ntativ..,. all M- versIon an4 revera10ns ther.of wbenev... 41100nt1nue4 by law. 'l'b.. Ocean Beach. a..l t,Oo.panr hen"ln maltlng the 4e41..'10. all outlIned. hereln, reaerve. to It.eit, ita.u~o.Blor.,l...... or a.aigns. a right ot wa, .. w14th 01' t..nt, (20) ~.., in tbe c.nter 01' any 01" all 8'"e1u., avenues# boulevard" dr1v..aIl4 roadl b.ereo,. dedioated, 8a1d right 01' W&7 tor the purpo.e ot a rallroad.. oar . line or othel" means ot t.l"anapor'atlon,lIheth.er op.rated 'Dr s1;e.., eleotric! t1, or othenl.e. The.id r1.gb.t of ....y If,) r...rved by the a a14 OOlllpan1 .., b. u .e4 anel u tl11..4 by 1t or Ita aucee..ora, lea.e.., or a.sign.a, at anytlme, anel the aaldrlght of wa1 ahall be 48._4 an4 oon81481"8d the pro'. }l) 1"111 of ih. said Tne Ooean Beach Rftl1;1 COIllp&lJ.yand 1ta a ue- oe.80r8# and the .a1d rlght 01' wa7 1. reserved from the a..14 de41eat.1on. In "ltne.. Wb.-reot, The ()ce. .....ok ....1" C..pan1 naa oau..4 tb... pr..enta to b.. slgned br 1ta 'r.al4ent,. atteated by I'. Secretary and 1t. corporate aeal to be hereto a.trued. tb.1a 11th dar of Januul, A.D. 1914_ Atte.t. '1''' . ,...... B..cll aea.l_.. g...... (..ta....) .'.1. ..Den.14, .J'r_.14,,., J. ... U1IIJIlJS, a.o1".'....,.. (Bo oorpo1"8.'. ....11.81bl.) Aolal_le4ged on 1811"1"7 lit, 1'14 bH'or. 1(.-l'T Public. Sta'_ at. '10r1da a1ilari.. Explra:tion. ot oommlJJslQJl Nove.ber 10.. 1917. lIotar1 Publs.e ...1 attt...e... /.. 1 Ob..... 3 Plat 212 81 .0. 1 (Cont'A) Pt)X'egolng4e41c..'ton du11 ateepteell.. a,. l.960, by Dad, Gwnt" R.... No. 4401 , reoQrded. G.H. Bk. 1864, pg. 501, SUbje.' to conditione theHln .tated. E.B. Leathe"'JlI Ole 1"11: (SEAL) _~...;t:..;.;., ~ ..# .~-- r".... .. " l:ijt 7/ NO. 2 THE OCEAN BEACH RF;ALTY COMPANY, a Florida corporation, TO CARL G. FISHER. Encumbers: '. ,~ ... ~. MORTGAGE Dated February 6, 1914 Filed February 6, 1914 Recorded in Mortgage Book 40, Page 110 Clerk's File No. Amount: $150,000.00 Lots and Blocks in OCEAN B EACH, FLORIDA "ADDITION NO.3" according to a plat thereof recorded in Book 2 of Plats at page 81 in the 0 ttice of the CJe rk of the Circuit Court in and for Dade County, Florida; Lots one (1) to Sixteen (16) both inclusive in Block Seventy-three (13) (with other lands) '~.,",A~,.,--".,-,.&iii bjt " ':5 .~ NO. :3 CARL G. FISHER TO THE SOUTHERN BANK & TRUST COMAPNY, a Florida corpora- tion and J. E. LUMMUS. ... POWER OF ATTORNEY Dated Filed February 6, 1914 Recorded in Deed Book 120, Pa~e 128 ClB rk s File No. First Party makes, constitutes and appoints Seoond Parties its true and lawful attorneys for it and in its name, plaoe and stead, to sign, execute, deliver and file for publiC record a satisfaction or satisfactions as to anyone or more of the lots and blocks enumerated therein, of a certain mortgage executed by The Ocean Beach Realty Company of Miami, Florida, to the undersigned, on certain lots and blocks in "Ocean Beach, Florida, Addition No.3", said mortgage being of Date February 6th, 1914, and filed for public record on Februar,r 6th, 1914, and recorded in Mortgage Book No. 40 at Page 170 of the publiC records on fi.le in t he office of t he Clerk of the Circu it Court in and for Dade County, Florida. Acknowledged on February 6, 1914. ". .J bj~ If ... ... NO. 4 CARL G. FISHER, TO WHOM CONCERNED. SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Dated April 12, 1916 Filed May 18, 1916 Recorded in Satisfaction Book 17, Page 204 Clerk's File No. Consideration: Full Payment Acknowledges full payment and satisfaction of that certain mortgage made by The Ocean Beach Realty Company, a Corporation to Carl G. Fisher dated February 6, 1914, recorded in Mortgage Book #40 page 170 in the office of the Clerkaf the Circuit Court of Dade County, State of Florida ,encumbering une lands therein described, the original note secured by said above described mortgage has been paid, Cancelled, surrended and attached hereto. --- .. bjt ~ "" ... NO.5 SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Dated April 12, 1916 Filed May 19, 1916 Recorded in Satisfaction Book 16, Page 429 Clerk's File No. Consideration: Full Payment Acknowledges full payment and satisfac~ion of that certain mortgage made by The Ocean Beach Realty Company, a corporation to Carl G. Fisher, dated February 6, 1914, recorded in Mortgage Book #40 page 110 in the office of the C~rk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, State of Florida encumbering the lands therein described and the original note secured by said above described mortgage has been Paid, Cancelled and surrendered and attached hereto, and hereby directs the Clerk of the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. CARL G. FISHER TO WHOM CONCERNED. ~i;...J~_JJ bjt ~ ,6. NO. 6 THE OCEAN BEACH REALTY COMPANY, a corporation of Florida WARRANTY DEED Dated April 12. 1916 Filed May 18. 1916 Recorded in Deed Book 151.Page 139 Clerk s File No. Consideration: .170,000.00 TO THE SOUTHERN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, a corpora ti on as Trustee for The Miami Ocean View Company, a Florida corporation. Convep,: Lots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 8, 9. 10. ll~ 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Block 73 (with other lands) All of Blocks A, B. C. D. E. F. G & H; all ot .)ove described property being situated in OCEAH BEACH ADDITION #3 being a subdivision of parts of fractional Sections 3 and 4, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, and part 0 f fractional Section ~, Township 53 South, Range 42 East according to the plat thereof recorded in Book 2 of Plats at page 81, of the public records of Dade County, Florida. Recites: Where anyof the above described lots faoe and abut upon any bay, estuary, c anal or other navigable water, all riparian rights and water privileges appurtenant thereto are conveyed by this instrument to the above named grantee for the use and benefit of the oestui qui trust. its successors and assigns. ~s instrument is executed tor t be purpose of vesting the title to the above described property in The Southern Bank and Trust Company is hereby fully authorized. empower and instructed to execute and deliver a good and suffioient warranty deed to the said corporation as soon as such corpa' ation shall have obtained its charter and filed its affidavit that ten per cent of the capital stock of said corporation has been paid in. And in consideration of the fact that tye sum of One Hundred and Seventy Thousand ($170,000) Dollars herein designated, is paid to the real parties at interest upon the execution of this deed, and in view of the fact that said bank has nopersonal interest in said conveyance, it is authorized and directed to execute and deliver said deed to said corporation as above designated, in consideration of the sum of($l.OO)One Dollar. bjt 2 - , '. .. NO. 6 (Continued) The grantor herein hereby warrants that the taxes both County, State and Town tor the year 1915 have been paid, and the cestui qui trust represented by The !outhern Bank and Trust Company in this conveyance hereby assumes and agrees to pay the taxes for 1916 when they become due and payable, and the grantor herein does not warrant said property a gainst the 1916 taxes. bJt \7 .~ NO. 7 TO THE MIAMI OOEAN VIEW COMPANY, a Florida corporation. WARRANTY DEBD Dated May 18, 1916 Filed May 18, 1916 Recorded in Deed Book 151 page 143 Clerk's File No. Consideration: $1.00 THE SOUTHERN BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, a Florida corporation, as Trustee Convey.~ Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Block 73 (with other lands) All of above described property being situated in Ocean Beach Addition /l3,l:Bing a subdivision ot parts ot tractional Sections 3 and 4, Township 54 South, Range 42 East, and part of fractional Section 34, Township 53 South, .Range 42 East, according to the plat thereof recorded in Book 2 of Plats at page 81, ot the public records of Dade County, Florida. Reci tes: Where any 0 f the above described lots face and abut upon anybay, estuary, canal or other navigable water, all riparian rights and water privileges appurtenant thereto are conveyed by this instrument to the above named grantee. . bjt. <J "~ "- NO. 8 THE MIAMI OCEAN VIEW COMPANY, a Florida corporation WARRANTY DEED Dated February 26, 1923 Filed June 6, 1923 Recorded in Deed Book 353, P.age 105 Clerk a File No. Consideration: $100~OO and OG&VC TO C. E. WINTER County of Coles, State of Illinois. Conveys : Lot Seven (7) in Block Seventy-three (73) of OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NO.3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book Two (2) at page Eighty-one (81) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Note: The above instrument contains conditiona, limitations and restrictions which are identical to those set out in Warranty Deed made between The Miami Ocean View Company, a Florida corporation and Caroline D. Herin, recorded in Deed Book 388, page 1.46, Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 110.$ (Continued) ... __.1_ ."1'1_. a._uU.. ... .LlId'.'l_ ., ..... c_ta,.. la ~" DM4 ..... J...., a., lID, .... ., 1M 1l1aa1. ...._ Vi_ O~, a. Pi..... C"'..'l-.t'C! CaNllM D. He.ta of Da4. 0""7. . ..Yet azul ......... ... Book 188, ..,. 1.., P\tbllo a.... f4 Da4. '__".1. nc.tclaJ ......,.b.sl (Lot. ., UlIl . Sa 81... '10 of 00... BEACH, FLOI.IDA ADPrno. BO. a,. 1. .. re,14-... lnd14lM eMU ........4 .. ....... _ .., lot .....,... .oo"~t tm18.'. __... *. _.. .h.u be. ... .. '. a. ...., 01. a. t ~.., ".OOO'lGO aUG __ t;o be ..tul~ sa .. .... .tn.otl" ........'1_ .r ..... ft...... .... ... . ..... t. t... Sa .....'1.. __".1_. or Sa........ .. fit a'aJ'.t-. 'ba114J.ap theN_. ... ClD.lJ' .. rea"... lNllC11ac ...11 'be .NO'- .. .. .. 1... I. N. houe, .......... 'Ind.14IM'. ... ..... . ...... .... .t...... h_.'-....ra.~ .......1_111511.'.. -_1M IMp._ ,. ..,. .....1' 'tn.tI. I'" ......f..a1 ,.,... ......... =...... hOWle., hot.la,..lterl.. ... ..... ...,.,,) .. ... .....- IItn.ted.. I 8...0'.. <3- ,1.,*, - .., ., .. 1.', .~...._.... ~,., .1fnlat4t :m. ..t. 'ub41rlalOll.. J ..... DUt... ..., ._..... h...., ..-t..... vias .tablt,.~', ., ~ 'Mlal ~,_.. __1M .bop.. .... .tno''', ...,.. . pl.... .. ..., fat .. 10'. ~ _ ... ~.. .it\lat. 1a 8.14 ftWl..ul_~:n-'.U .... ....... fit .~ en.:I'.P1"18e ""."1.' (otMr.. . ....__* ___.., hO.1a" .-..,... 1.. OJ.' ~...) 'M ..a\." . _lab1M4 "M'., .. eMU ~ atl"llot1lN ... _..oteA , .. ..... p.....l_ .. ... ~. r... ... care of hon.., ..., ....ttl.. biogl .. pCNlU7, ... ._11 _, h..... ..., COWl, oattl., 11... OJ' pOtllb7 M .,t .. ..laed h..... I. .0 lMUt\lq ..11_ oeu'neW w ...W - -7 or .. 1'- he..'b7 ........,.., Ie tba t ... r..... .. .,. pUt of ..14 bU.lW.'- thaU " 01..... tlubl"'-'J-flveCtl) t..t '0 tht n-t 1.. .t .. lot or lot" UJfIA ..1* ..14 buU41ag shall be......... .. N.. ot 1Z.elota alha.,. sa..... .,..1.111. ..11 lit .el4, 1..... 01' ..... .tN, _ ..., t.. .. ........' 'by .... 'i'le, et. "-.. 1-.1: or equitable J ,. 819" ..~.- Ol' peN_ "'1' ... ., ... oaua. >>a..J _. \0 .,. ltaa .. oo.,oratl. .r whUh ~ ,.n. .. ,.N_ ob)' ~ of the Oau.... .... .ball 'b4I 8 .... .. .toUbol4... S. lfoQlPS..OU, ~f _1' .. .... tat_i..,.... 11..- NIl .T." 'M muut..t\l.M4, aGJ4 .. ba*..' __ ..SA ..*1 ....... .. -,. ..1.- alp.. ".al ..ta. 81_ pl..... _ ..14 ,.opeI''' 0... out the COlla...' of the pant.. heN_, It, ........ - ...11U. It ~ ....I't.., M.bletS... ... llaltatl.. Of "'-1e tMbj~ .Il' .ha11n.-' ... ........ e. .. to P......, .. IlJd' the ........ "r .XMUt.., ...:1""...,.., 1.4JSal .........tatt...., hetn or ...tau, 17- ....baa ... _.b.'.l.11\I _.. the JIQ1 ..,._ _.....,. 0.""" .... ..want, .. -J' 'be reqld.M4 t. ,..11,. ue. '10. ~ ce.,...) '1. IT II E~8LY'tJ'1fDBR8'J.'OOJ) Am) "ID, U~II"'. "".. ,..".. ur.'$1 the.' Bl... -""",,''''(''1.)f.. 1Il&tttr-t... (14).. .IM.,.. eight ~98), ... .. lmMH4 .. tOUl' 1M} of ..14 RWI.Yilt_. a.. ...p.d .r.. th. ....1'1.., ...'.1.tS........ lSldhtt.. a8 .., t._ b. ,......,........ .. (1), Two el), ~ (I) ud.s.x (6) >>"01", 8.14 n"ka belate ex..,.. Sa ..... ht .. .... ma, 'be _eel to'l1 _SM.. u4 .__n!al ...,.,.laM' PRO'ID8l ROnv... tllat .. ...... ..,,). ... ....,. .. '-'1' ,....lala -.48 tMN_, r.. \h.. oaH . of 1. 1",. .'.. ."'.. laolll4bta h....t.. ....'.. cattltt, hogs .. poult". a" pttOYl4e<< tu'hJt the, all bu-1d"'" erIMt... ..14 ....... moe. .bdl oo.t -. ..., ..tul1.., ..... ad 111 the ...u..'''-' thereot at le.._ '.Ib.UtJ'-.tl" ~ nctu.n ($8,600.00) 11 tM.... have a tHan.. of II t..', IWIA1 })I'op...l.... .t.~7 pate" _1... ...C~ ,. t!Mt. .CJt\td"".1fJ uae4, ..~ _t,14. walla ... l'OOtl or sata: buU4ba to be of 0". o_t~l_ tbu. ..... vs..1at!_ hDele... .~ pQ*t _..,. ., .. ~ ....s....... .1 Nabi.tS... ... IlJdt.'l_ ..,. tIbIt ....... ~~.... ..........,,;1 trat.., 1...1 "...,........1..... M. .s.n ...._1....., ... bJ ti. ...... .. or ..,... ot the JIM1..'.. h4tftJa....,.. .,...... fit .,. ju4101al ,roo..'''', ahal1 ellUl. ... ..... .__. .....l1Md and ... ,.8764 Hal ..tate io 1__UA.ll' ,......., ,. i4le SRn'..... 1'. II .U........ .. 101'.. or......1IJU,.tb1C1 8U.ll .tltle .. pan'.... .". .1'....._. ......... ...lps; to -..tia-lF .,-", llpa ..14 ,,,,_,_ 11'1"" ao,s.... and take POl....t_ orb ..., with tIlll title. Sa t.. .tmple. top'her nth all 1JIp1.'~'. _.ft.. b-jt q .. " NO. 9 (8 ~." ...~.Pr:~. I \ Jb~~'- . ~ . '- C. E. WINTER and FANNIE WINTER, his wife MORTGAGE TO D~ted June 21, 1923 Filed July 2, 1923 Recorded in Mortgage Book 194, Page 228 Clerk IS !t'ile No. Amount: $1,000.00 NELLIE T. ANDERSON Encumbers: Lot Seven, Block Seventy-tljree of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO. THREE the same baing a subdivision 0 f the South Half of Fractional Section Three Township Fifty-four South Range Forty-two East (also other lands!): according to plat thereof recorded in Plat Book Two at Page Eight-one of the public records of Dade County, Florida. 'bjt . . '. NO . 10 NELLIE T. ANDERSON and ALBERT C. ANDERSON, ha~ Husband,Obar1eston in the County of Coles# State of Illinois REnEASEOF . MOR'fGAGE ': TO c.. E. WINTER , City of Charleston, County of Coles, State of Illinois. Dated September 20, 1923 Filed October 24, 1923 Recorded in Satisfaction Book 68, Page 121 Clerk's File No. Consideration: $1,000.00 Remises, releases and quit-claims all the right, title and iIlt erest in and to: Lot Seven of BlOCk Seventy-three of OCEAN BEACH, ADDITION NO. THREE the same being a subdivision of the South Half of Fractional Section three in Township Fifty-four South, Range Forty East (also other lands) according to a Plat thereof recorded in plat book No. Two at page 81 of the PLiblic Records of Dade County, Florida which said mortgage was made to secure a certain promissory note for the Sum of One Thousand Dollars, dated April 6, 1923 and due in one year with 8% interest from date# which same has been fully paid to Nellie T. Anderson payee in said note, and which is ful~ paid and satisfied, said mortgage being reaorded in Record of Mortgages No. 194, on page 228 of the Public Records;: of Dade County, Florida. bjt , . '" NO. 11 C. E. WINTER, joined by his wite, FANNIE WIN'fER, County 01' Cols s, Stateot Illinois WARRANTY DEED TO E. LEE HUGHES. Dated October 9, 1923 Filed October 24, 1923 Recorded in Deed Book 363 Page 351 Clerk's File No. Consideration: $10.00 and ove Conveys: Lot Seven (1) in Block Seventy-three (13) OCEAN B EACH FLORIDA ADDITION NO.3, accord- ing to a plat thereot recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Note: Said Block Seventy-three (13) lies wholly within the North-halt (Ni) of Section Three (3), Township Fifty-four (54) Soubh, Range Forty-two (42) East. The above land is embraced wi thin the c orpa-ate limits of the Cit,. of Miami Beach, Florida. '- bjt . - NO. 12 ,~~ -1L .,. . ....v;iY C'''''<,~'',., .f"""':) ..#i ~'~'f"",t~ ~ E. LEE HUGHES joined herein by LAMAR DEPASS HUGHES, his wi~e, <-., MORTGAGE TO C. E. WINTER. Dated October 23, 1923 Filed October 24, 1923 Recorded in Mortgage Book 215, Page 109 Clerk's File NQ. Amount: $2100.00 Bncumbers: Lot Seven (7) in Block Sev.nty-three (73) of OCEAN BEACH, Florida, Addition No.3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. bjt .. . . NO . 13 c. E. WINTER SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Dated October 1, 1925 Filed April 3, 1926 Recorded in Satisfaction Book 1.43, Page 59 Clerk s File No. B-35099 Considerat ion: Pull Payment Acknowledges full payment and satisfaction of t hat certain mortgage made by E. Lee Hughes and Lamar De Pass Hughes to C. E. Winter dated October 23, 1923, recorded in Mortgage Book 215, page 109 in the otfice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, Florida enoumbering the lands therein d ascribed and hereby directs the Clerk of the said circuit Court to cancel the same of record. TO WHOM CONCERNED. bjt . . NO. 14 E. LEE HUGHES and LAMAR D..PASS HUGHES, his wife, TO LOUIS RICHTER. WARRANTY DEED Dated March 6, 1925 Filed Maroh 11, 1925 Recorded in Deed Book 503. Page 433 Clerk s File No. Consideration: $10.00 and OVC Conveys: Lot Seven (7), in Blook Seventy-three (73) OCEAN BEACH FLORIDA, ADDItION NO.3, acoording to a plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 81, of the Public Records ot Dade County, Florida. Ihis deed is given subjeot to a first mortgage dated Ootober 23, 1923 filed ih Mortgage Book 21.5 at Page 109, Publio Reoords of Dade County, Florida, in the sum of $2,100.00 evidenoed by two notes of even d ate herewith eaoh being 1n the sum ot $1,050.00 payable on or betore one and two years after date, with interest at 8~ payable semi-annually, Note due October 23rd 1924, has beem extended falling due Oot. 23rd, 192.5 which mortgage Grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay. This Deed is given subjeot to all restriotions and reservations as shown on prior deeds of reoord. Also subject to all munioipal liens and t axes subsequent to 1924. bjt . . NO. lS <: --l. ;yv.-- LOUIS RICHTER and DORA L. RICHTER, hi s wife TO E. LEE HUGHES. MORTGAGE Dated March 1, 1925 Filed March 12, 1925 Recorded in Mortgage Book 346, ,Page 119 Clerk's !tile No. Amount: $3,400.00 Encumbers: Lot Seven (1) in Block Seventy-three (13) OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION No.3, according to a Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 8~, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This mortgage is second and inferior to a first mortgage filed October 24, 1923, in Mortgage Book 215, at page 109, of the Public Reoords of Dade County, Florida. bjt . . ... NO. 16 E. LEE BUGIES, TO WHOM. CONCERNED. SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Dated April 5, 1929 Filed April 8~ 1929 Recorded in Satisfaction Book 27~, Page 276 ClBrk s File No. E-11600 Consideration: Full Payment Acknowledges full payment and satisfaction of that certain mortga~ made by Louis Richter and Dora L. Richter his wife~ to E. Lee Hughes dated March 7, 1925, recorded in Mortgage Book 346, page 119 in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, State of Florida encumbering the lands therein d ascribed, and hereby directs the Clerk of the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. . . bjt NO. 17 THE MIAMI OCEAN VIEW COMPANY, a Florida corporation, TO LUCIEN WH&ATLY and LEIA M. WBEATLY, husband and wife, creating an estate by the entireties, County ot Cook, Sta te 01' Illinois. Conveys : WARRANTY DEED Dated March 20, 1923 Filed March 22, 1923 rtecorded in DeedBook 338, Pag, 129 Clerk s File No. Consideration: $100.00 and OG&VC Lot Eight (8) in Block Seventy-tiree (73) 01' OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION #3 according to the pl,at thereof recorded in Plat Book Two (2) at Page Eight One, (81) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This deed is subject to taxes an~ legal assessments levied against the property hereinbefore deaerlbed subsequent to the year 1919. ' This deed of conveyance is made subject to t he following conditions, restrictions and limitations whioh are intended to be and shall be taken as oovenants to run with the land, and which are intended to be and shall be taken as conditions of this conveyance and one of the express oonsiderations thereof, viz. : 1. No residenoe building shall be constructed or ereoted on an,. lot hereby conveyed, unless the same shall be at a oost 01' at least Four Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00) said amount to be aotual~ expended in the construction and ereotion of .~,h residence building, and not tor fees in connection therewith, or in the oonst'rUction ot any outbuildings thereon,and only one res1denoe bUilding shall be ereoted on one lot. 2. No ~ouse, structure or building to be used as a business room, storage house manutaoturing e stablishD1ent, _ohine shop or tor an,. other business or commeroial purpose whatsoever (apartment hous~s, hotels, sanitariums and Churches esoepted) shall be construoted, erected or plaCed on any of the let s owned by the grantor, situate in said subdivision; nor shall any storage house, manufaoturing establishment, commercial garage, or machine Shop be constructed erected or plaoed on any of the lots owned by the grantor, situate in said subdivision; nor shall any business or commercial enterprise whatever (other than apartment houses, hotels, sanitariums or . ~ bjt 2 NO. 17 (Continued) churches) be operated or maintained thereon; nor shall any structure be erected, or other provision be made thereon, for the care of horses cows, cattle, hogs or pGultry;borks,ball any horses, cows, cattle, hogs or poultry be kept or raised thereon. 3. No bUilding shall be constructed or erected on any of the lots hereby conveyed, so that the frontage or .any part of said building shall be closer than twenty-tive (25) teet to the rront line of the lot or lots upon which said building shall be erected. 4. Rone of the lots sltuated in said subdivision s hall be sold, leased or rented, in any form or manner, by any title, either legal or equitable, to any person or persons other than of the Caucasian race; nor to any fi~ or corporation of which any person or persona other than of the Caucasian race shall be a member or stockholder. 5. No spirituous, vinous, malt orother intoxicating liquor shall ever be manutactured, sold or bartered upon said real e sta te, 0 r "for Sale" sign or real estate sign placed on said property without the consent of the grantor herein, its successors or assigns. 6. The cOnditloDS, restrictions and limitations of this instrumeDt shall not be construed so as to preveat or limit the grantees, their executors, administrators, legal representatives, heirs or assigns, from keeping and maintaining on the real estate hereby conveyed such servants as may be required for family use. 7. IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD AND. AGREED however bl the parties hereto that Blocks Seventy-four (74), Eighty-four (84), IH.nety-eight (98) and One Hundred and Four (104) of said subdi vision, are excepted from the conditions, restrictions and limitations as set forth in paragraphs numbered One ell, Two (2), Three (3), and Six (6) hereof, said Blocks being excepted in order that the same may be used for husiness and commercial enterprises; PROVIDING HOWEVER, that no structure shall be erected or other prOVision made thereon, tor the care of live stock, including hORses, cows, cattle, hogs and poultry; and provided further that all buildings erected on said excepted Blocks shall cost in money actually expended in the construction ther4 ot at least Thirty-five Hundred Dollars (13,500.00) if t he same haye a frontage of 25 teat, and proportionately greater or less according to the actual frontage used, all outside walls and roofs of said building to be of other construction than wood. Violation in whole or in part of any of the aforesaid conditions, restrictions and limitations by the grantees, their executors, ad- ~nistrators, legal representatives, heirs and assigns, or by the owner or owners of the real estate herein conveyed by virtue of any judicial proceedings, shall cause the said above described and conveyed real estate to immediately revert to the grantor, its successors or assigns, and shall entitle the grantor, its successors or assigns, to immediately enter upon said property without notioe, and take possession of the same, with full title, in tee simple, b jt -:3 w/D <0 , . NO. 17 (Continued) together with all improvements thereon. The grantor fUrther stipulates and agrees, and binds itselt, in the execution 0 f all deeds herearter executed by the grantor, its successors and assigns, for any of the lots situate in said subdivision to insert covenants, conditions and limitations identical with those herein set f'orth; except that such deeds :may contain a conditions increasing or decreasing the minimUM cost of' any building to be constructed or erected on any of the lots or said subdivision. bjt '. . . NO. 18 LUCIEN WHEATLY and LYDIA M. WHEATLY~ his wite WARRANTY DEED Dated January 4 1924 Filed January l~, 1924 Recorded in Deed Book 334, Page 79 I Cle rk s File No. Consideration: $10.00 and OVC TO . LILLIAN FAEDER Conveys: Lot Eight (8), Block Seventythree (73) OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NUMBER THREE (3) according to Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book Two (2) at Page EightJ One (81) ot the Public Records ot Dade County, Florida. Subject to the usual restrictions, conditions and limitations which appear ot record. bjt 11 . . NO. 19 ~} LILLIAN FAEDER and her hus band, JACK P. FAEDER MORTGAGE - TO LYDIA M. WHEATLEY Dated January 4 1924 Piled Janu..y lA, 192h. Recorded in Mortgage Book 22?, ~ 86 Clerk s ftl_ No Amount: 15,000.00 Encumbers: Lot Eight (8), Block Seventy-three (73) OCEAN BEACH FLORIDA ADDITION NO.3 accord- ing tofla tthereof recorded in Pla t Book Two ~2) at Page Elght7@GD8 (81) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Subject to the usual restrictions, conditions and limitations which appear of record. bjt 10 . . NO. 20 LYDIA M. WHEATLY joined bY' her husband LUCIEN WBEATLY SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Dated February 28, 1929 Filed March 7, 1929 Recorded in Satisfaction Book 272, Page 390 Clerk's File No. E-7062 Consideration: Full Payment Acknowledges full payment and satisfaction of that certain mortgage made bY' Lillian Faeder and her husband Jack P. Faeder to Lydia M. Wheatly dated January 4, 1924, recorded in Mortgage Book 226, page 86 in the oftice of the C~ rk of the Cirouit Court of Dade County, State of Florida encumbering the lands therein desoribed and here'b1' direots the C:B rk 0 f the said C ire u1 t Court to 0 anoel t he same of re 0 ord. TO WHOM CONCERNED. bjt . . NO. 21 TO WARRANTY DEED Dated May 3, 1924 Filed May 3, 1924 Reoorded in Deed Book 420, Page 137 Clerk I s File No. Consideration: $10.00 and OVC LILLIAN FAEDER JOINED BY HER HUSBAND, JACK FAEDER, SARAH ROSEN. Conveys: Lot Eight (8), Blook Seventy-three (73) OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NUMBER THREE (3); aooording to plat thereof reoorded in Plat Book Two (2) at Page Eighty-one (81) of the Publio Reoords of Dade County, F10rida. Subjeot to the usual restriotions, oonditions and limitations whioh appear of reoord. It is understood and agreed that this deed is given subjeot to a fi rst mortgage upon the above desoribed property in t he sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00) dated January 4, 1924 and evidenoed by three promissory net es of even date therewith paJS ble in one, two and three years; said mortga~e being in favor of Luoien Wheatly and Lydia M. Wheatly, his wife. This deed also given subjeot to all present liens and assessments that may now be on said property and subjeot to taxes subsequ~t to 1923. bjt .. NO. 22 SARAH ROSEN, joined by her husband, M. ROSEN WARRA NTY DEED Dated November 15, 1924 Filed December 4, 1924 Recorded in Deed Book 466, Page 220 Clerk's File No. Consideration: $10.00 and OVC TO F. H. ELLIS County of Leon, State of Florida. Conveys: Lot Eight (8) of Block Seventy-three (13) of OCEAN B EACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NO.3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, at page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This deed is ,given subject to a mortgage for $5,000.00 dated January 4, 1924, recorded in Mcrt~age Book 226, page 86, Public Records of Dade County J Florida, which Mortgage the grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay and is also subject to taxes f or the year 1924 and to any assessment s or liens placed thereon by the municipality of Miami Beach, Florida. .. bjt 1.~ .. . TO SARAH ROSEN. W,""::.\.. ..;"'"'' r\ .l7'\ NO.2) j)r,)'" Jll //' <[): {;, MORTGAGE I"}J Dated November 15, 1924 ~! Filed Deoember 4, 1924 Recorded in Mortgage Book 294, Page 90 Clerk's File No. Amount: $4,344.45 F. H. ELLIS and MARY A. ELLIS, his wife Bncumbers: Lot ~ight (8) or Block Sev~nty-three (73) or OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NO.3, aoc ording to the Plat thereof reoorded in Plat Book 2 at page 81 of t he Public Reoords of Dade County, Florida. This mortgage is a seoond mortgage and junior to a first mort- gage for $5,000.00, dated January 4th, 1924, recorded in Mortgage Book 226, page 86, Public Records of DadeCounty, Florida. Recites: ON THIS CONDITION, viz.- That if the Mortgagors shall pay unto the Mortgagee the principal sums stated in those two oertain promissory notes made by F. H. Ellis payable to Sarah Rosen dated the 15th day of November, 1924, for the sum of $2172.23 $2172.22, and of the ag6regate principal sum of Forty three Hundred Forty Four and 45/100 ('4344.45) due and payable respectively, on or before May 15th, 1925, May 1st, 1926 after date, with interest at eight per cent. per annum from date until paid, payable semi- annually, and shall perform, comply with and abide by each and every the oovenants, agreements , conditions and stipula tions of said promissory notes and each of them and of this Mortgage Deed, then the .t!istate hereby vested shall terminate and this Mortgage Deed Shall be void. Contains insurance clause against loss or damage by fire, payable to the Mortgagee in a sum not less than the aggregate sum seoured hereby, or for the full insurable value of s aid buildings if the same be less than the aggregate sum seouDedyhereby. Conta:i.ns 30 days acceleratioDbolause. Provides for an appointment of receiver in the event of foreclosure. NOTE: THIS INSTRUMENT IS LONG AND VOLUMINOUS AND FOR FURTHER REFEREflCE THE EXAMINER IS REFERRED TO THE RECORD HEREOF. bjt . . .. ",,' NO. 24 '1'0 HYMAN KATZ Jamaioa, New York ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE Dated January 27, 1928 Filed Pebruary 10, 1928 Reoorded in Assignment Book 94, Page 120 Clerk t s File No. D-663l Consideration: $10.00 and OVC SARAH ROSEN, joined by her husband, M. ROSEN, Assigns, traPsters and .e.s over unto the Seoond Party that oertain mortgage dated November 15, 1924 made by F. H. E~lis and Mary A. Ellis, his wife reoorded in Mortgage Book 294, Page 90 publio reoords of Dade County, Florida upon the following described property: Lot Eight (8) of Block Seventy-three (73) of OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NO.3, aooording to the plat thereof reoorded in Plat Book 2 at page 81 of the Publio Records of Dade County, Florida Together with the note or obligation described in said Mortgage, and the moneys due and to beoome due thereon, with interest fram the 1st day of August, 1927. . bjt ~ ~~ . . NO. 2$ AGREEMENT OF SALE Dated March 2, 1925 Filed March 20, 1925 Recorded in Miscellaneous Book 41, Page 412 Clerk's File No. Recites: $1,000.00 Miami, Florida March 2~d,1925 Received of Louis Richter, Miami Beach, Fla. One Thousand Dollars as a deposit for an option which, if accepted by the owner, is to apply as part payment on the purchase of the following property, desoribed as Lot 8, Blook 73, Ooean Beach Subd. #3 Miami Beaoh, Fla. being the NW corner of Meridian Ave. & Sixth Street. The full purchase price of same being 114900.00. Fourteen Thousand and no/100 Dollars to be paid as follows; $5000.00 cash 0 l' which the aforesaid $1,000.00 receipted for is a part; the balance of owners equity $1322.00 to be paid six months from Jet..:t. of closing s~l.. The balance is a First & Second Mortgage already on the property and to be assumed by the purchaser, payable as follows: Flrst Mortgage $3333.00 payable in two equal installments on Jan. 4 1926 & 1927; Second Mortgage $4344.00, payable one half May 15th 1925, and one half March 1st. 1925. All liens and assessments if any to be deduc~ed from purchase pr1ce when deal is closed. Purchaser to assume taxes or assessments sub- sequent to Closing date of sale. Interest at 8% per cent, payable Semi-annually. IT IS SPECIFICALLY UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the payment herein receipted for is subject to approval of the owner of the property, and on the further understanding that a clear marketable title oan be delivered to said property, and the present owner shall furnish an abstract showing good, marketable title when deed of conveyance is given and purchaser bas completed the payments as above specified. And in the event of the failure of the owner to approve the above mentioned terms, or in the eventof the failure to deliver the sald property through l.perfect td.tle, or for any other cause whatever, then and in that event the money herein receipted for s hall be bjt2 ---- , 1.- ~ . .. NO. 25 (Continued) .- immediately refunded, and this deal cancelled, and all liabilities under this agreement shall cease and determine, provided, however, that if the purchaser hereunder shall fail to comply with his part of this agreement within 30 days from date hereof, the deposit herein receipted for shall be retained as liquidated damages and for services rendered. AND IT IS FURTHER UNDERSTOOD and ag~ed that this property is purchased and sold subject to all the restrictions and provisions ordinarily contained in the regular form deed or contract for deed 0 f the tract or subdivision in whi ch it is located. GU7 M. Warren by (Signed) Mrs. Chas. M. Fisher Authorized Agent I HEREBY AGREE to purchase the above described property on the terms and conditLons mentioned. Louis Richter (Seal) Purchaser Signed in the presence of: T. O. Shannan , Witness Eva Dean Fisher, Witness I HEREBY APPROVE the above mentioned sale and agree to pay to Mrs. Chas. M. Fisher, agent for Guy M. Warren 5% commission out of the first oash payment as comaission for making sale thereof. F. H. Ellis, Owner (Seal) Signed in the presecne of H. M. Brown, Witness Eva Dean Fisher, Witness b'.1t t,~ . . NO. 26 AGREEMENT OF SALE Dated Maroh 13, 1925 Filed Maroh 23, 1925 Reoorded in Misoellaneous Book 44, Page 136 Clerk's File No. Consideratim :$1,000.00 Reoites: $1,000.00 Reoeived of Geo. Sauter, One Thousand Dollars as a deposit for an option which, if accepted by the owner, is to apply as part payment on the purchase of the following property, described as Lot Eight (8) of Block 73, of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION Deal to be closed on or before 14 days. The full purchase prioe of same being Fifteen Thousand Dollars t;obe paid as follows: Five Thousand cash, of which thts $1,000. is a part, balance of .8250 payable 1-2-3 years and $1750 payable 4 years from date. Purchaser to aSSUmB taxes or assessments subsequent as to date of settlement . Interest at 8p~r:('cent, payable semi- annually. --- IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that the present owner shall furnish an abstract showing good, marketable title when deed of conveyance is given and purchaser has oompleted his payments as above speoified. IT IS ALSO UNDERSTOOD that this property is purchased and sold subject to all the restrictions and provisions o~inarily contained in the regular form deed or contract for deed of the subdivision in whioh it is located. IN THE EVENT THE PURCHASER shall fail to comply with his part of this agreement within 30 days trom the date hereof, thisdeposit shall be forfeited as liquidated damages and used for benefits of the party of the first part as rent. IF THE PRESENT OWNER does not a pprove of the terms of this con- tract, or other terms agreeable to both parties, or it he can not furnish 8P9d title to the above property, or it for any reason same can not be delivered in a reasonable length of time, this deposit shall be returned to the purchaser. by R. J. Arthur, Agt. I HEREBY AGREE to purchase the above described property on the terms and conditions above mentioned. ~B~n Sharp., Witness Chas. R.~tror, Witness HEREBY APPROVE The above-mantioned sale and agree to pay to ~sum ot Dollars out of the first cash paymsnt as oommission-- for making said sale. Geo. Sauter (Seal) Pur cha ser . Witness - ( Se a 1 ) '.,. bjt . . NO. 27 F. H. ELLIS, joined by his wite, MARY A. BLLIS TO LOUIS RICHTER. WARRANTY DEED Dated March 14, 1925 Filed April 1, 1925 Recorded in Deed Book 593 Page 89 .Clerk's File No. Consideration: $10.00 and OVC Conveys: Lot Eight (8) of Block Seventy three (73) of OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NO.3, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2 at page 81 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This deed is given subject to a mortgage for Thirty-three Hundred Thirty Three Dollars and 33/100. Dated January 4th, 1924, recorded in Mortgage Book 226, page 86, Public Records of Dade County, Florida, which the grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay. Also given subject toa second mortgage for Forty three Hundred Forty four and 45/100 Dollars given November 15th, 1924, by F. H. and Mary A. Ellis, and held by Sarah Rosen, recorded in Mortgage Book No. _ page Public Rec ords of Dade County, Florida. Also given subjec~to any assessments or liens placed thereon by the municipality of Miami Beach, Florida. Also given subject to taxes for t~e year 1925. bjt- : .. NO. 26 ~ i~ j'.'-- .;;;I} " MORTGAGE Dated Ma~ch 30, 1925 Filed April 6, 1925 Recorded in Mortgage Book 3691 Page 119 Clerk s File No. . Amount: $815.36 LOUIS RICHTER and DORk L. RICHTER, his wife TO F. H. ELLIS. Encumbers: Lot Eight (8) in Block Seventy Three (73) of OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NO.3 as per Plat thereof duly reoorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 81 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; This is a Thi rd Mortgage, junior and inferior to that certain other mortgage shown in Mortgage Book 226, at Page 86 of the Mortgage Records of Dade County, Florida, and executed by Lillian Faeder and her husband, to Lydia M. Wheatly for $5,000.00, of which one third had been paid, and dated January 4th, 1924, and SUBJECT to that certain orther Mortgage by F. H. Ellis and wife to Sarah Rosen, for $4,344.45, dated November 15th, 1924, as shown in Mortgage Record Book 294, at Page 90, Public Records of Vade County, Florida. bjt " . . NO. ~ SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Dated Ootober 15. 1925 Filed Deoember 2. 1925 Reoorded in Satisfaotion Book 140 Page 39 Clerk's File No. A-162098 Consideration: Full Paym<<l t Aoknowledges full payment and s atisfaotion 0 f that oertain mortgage made by Louis Riohter andwife. Mrs. Dora L. R:ic hter, to F. H.Ellis dated Maroh 30, 1925, reoorded in Mortgage Book 369. page 119 in the offioe of the Clerkof the Cirouit Court of Dade County, Florida enoumbering the lands therein described, and hereby directs the Clerk of the said Circuit Court to c anoel the same of r eoord. F. H. ELLIS TO WHOM CONCERNED. bjt NO. 30 LOUIS RICHfER and DORA L. RICHTER, his wife, Cook County, State of Illinois WARRANTY DEfID Dated April 2, 1927 Filed May 16, 1927 Recorded in Deed Book 1100, Page 515 Cle rk' s Pile No. c-34630 Consideration: $10.00 and OG&VC TO OLEITA RICHTER, Cook County, State ot Illinois. Lov Four (4) in Block Forty-tour (44) and Lot Twelve (12) in Block forty-seven (47) and Lots Seven and Eight (7 & 8) in Bl6ck Seventy-thr.e (73) of OCEAN B EACH FLORIDA ADDITION NO.3, according to the plat thereot recorded in Plat Book No.2 at Page 81 ot the Public Records of Dade County, Florida (with other lands) Subject only to current taxes, it being expressly covenanted and agreed that vendee does not a sswne any ot the encumbra~c.s appearing of record and does not agree to pay any and all/or ei the r of them, and shall not be held liable tor and/or either of them. . . bjt .. . . NO. 31 IN THE CmCUIT COURT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IN CHANCERY. No. 23276 HYMAN KATZ, Complainant, NOTICE OF LIS PENDENS Filed April 28, 1928 Reoorded in Lis Pendens Book 26,. Page 20 ., ,!, 'c',~. ~ '..: J ~~' . val OLEITA RICH'rER Et Al, Defen4ants. Notice is hereby given that a suit has been instituted in the above-styled Court on the 28th day of April, 1928, in which suit Hyman Katz is Complainant and Oleita Riohter and nichter, her husband, if married, Louis Richter and Dora L:-Richter, his wife, Geo. Sauter and R. J. Arthur, individually and as Agent, are Defendants, by the filing of a Bill tn Chancery and that the property involved in the said suit is located in Dade County P1orida, and is more particularly described as follows; to~w1t: Lot Eight (8) of Block Seventy-three (73) of OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NO. THREE, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2, page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Flcr Ida; that the relief sought is for the toreclosure of a certain mortgage encumbertng the above-described property recprded in Mortgage Book 294, Page 90, of the Public Records of Uade County, . Florida. Dated this 28th day of Apr~l, 1928. (Signed) HOLLAD & KUNKEL Solicitors for Complainant. bjt ,. .- NO. 32 TO HYMAN KA TZ. MASTER I S DEED Dated November 5, 1928 Filed November 15, 1928 Recorded in Deed Book 1263, Page 453 Clerk's File No. D~5266 Consideration: $2,000.00 T. J. DOWDELL, General Master in Chancery Grants, Bargains and Sells: Lot Eight (8) ot Block Seventy-three (73) of OCEAN BEACH, PLORmA, ADDITION NO. THREE, according to the plat thereot recorded in Plat Book 2, page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. in pursuanoe of a decree of the said Court in Chancery, the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Dade County, Florida, dated October 2, 1928, Chancery Case No. 23276, in a certain cause between Hyman Eatz, complainant, and Ol.ita Richter and Richter, her husband, if married, Louis Richter and Dora L. R1C hter, his wife, Geo. Sauter and R. J. Arthur, individually and as Agent, defendants, that the mortgaged pr~ises mentioned in said decree and hereinafter par~cular11 described be sold by said Master in order to carry into effect and in accordance with the sale of the here inabove. described premises made by said General Master on November 5, 1928. Signed and sealed: T. D. DOWDELL as General Master in ChanoerJ '!'wo witnesses. Ackro wledged as T. J. Dowdell, as General Master in Chanc.ry on November 5, 1928 betore Notary Public, State of Florida at Large. &xpiration of commission December 12, 1929. Notary Public Seal. bjt . . NO. 33 TO FRANK J. NOVAK. WARRANTY DEBD Dated January 31, 1935 Filed February llA 1935 Recorded in Deed Dook Cl;~~~~ ~~~: ~~: 31399 Consideration: $10.00 and ove HYMAN KATZ and GOlDIE KATZ, his wite, Conveys: Lot Eight (8), Block Seventy-three (73) OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NUMBER '!HBEE (3), according to plat thereof recorded in plat Book Two (2), Page Eighty-one (8l)'ofthe Pub1b Records of Dade County, Florida. This deed is made and executed subject to any conditions, restrictions or limitations ~nning with the land and as the same appear of record; also subject to all taxes and assessments subsequent to the '73 ar 1934. bjt .' NO. .34 FRANK J .NOV AK and ELIZABETH NOVAK, his wife WARRANTY DEED Dated August 23, 1937 Filed September 14, 1937 Recorded in Deed Book 1B32, Page 467 Clerk's File No. K-351BO Consideration: $ $10.00 and OVO TO MORRIS ABRAHAM and JAKE LEVITT. Conveys: Lot Eight (B) of Block Seventy-three (73) of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, a ccording to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page Blof the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. SUBJECT TO restrictions of record, to any effect of the zoning ordinance of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, ana to taxes for t he year 1937. bjj' --- --Ir.,. \,-.~, /) ~,~,\_.".~"c',( NO. 3$ ~~. MORTGAGE Dated August 27, 1931 Filed September 14, 1931 Reoorded in Mortgage Book 1015, Page 301 Clerk's File No. K-35181 Amount: $4500.00 JACK LEVITT and CELIA LEVITT, his wife, MOHR IS ABRAHAM and BESSIE ABRAHAM, his wife, TO FRANK J. NOVAK and ELIZABETH NOVAK, his wite. Encumbers: Lot Eight (8) of Block Seventy-three (13) of OCEANBEACH. ADDITION NO.3, a coording to the plat thereof reoorded in Plat Book 2 at page 81, of the Publio Reoords of Dade County, Florida. ~--'".;-~ , bjt , . NO. 36 SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Dated May 7, 1945 Filed May 14, 1945 Recorded in Satisfaction Boof 587, Page 81 Ole rk s File No. U-31599 Consideration: Full Payment Acknowledges full payment and satisfaction of t hat certain mortgage made by Jake Levitt and Celia Levitt, his wite and Morris Abraham and Bessie Abraham, his wite to Frank J. Novak and Elizabeth Novak, his wite dated August 27, 1937, recorded in MOrtgage Book 1075, page 307 in the ottice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County,State ot Florida encumbering the lands therein described, the original notes secured by said mortgage herewith surrendered by the holders and marked paid and cancelled, directs the Clerk of the said Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. FRANK J. NOVAK and ELIZABETH NOVAK, his wife TO WHO}'! CONCERNED. .- .~:'#.._- bjt 37 NO. 37 MORRIS ABRAHAM and BESS IE A BRAHAM, his wife and JAKE 1Z[ITT and CELIA LEVITT, his wife WARRANTY DEED TO FRIEDA DE HAAV and GUSTAV DE HAAV, her husband Dated December 14, 1937 Filed December 27, 1937 Recorded in Deed Book 185~, Page 235 Clerk s File No. K-47492 Consideration: $10.00 and OVC Conveys: Lot Eight (8) of Block Seventy-three (73), OCEAN BEACH, ADDITION NO.3, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 81 of the Public Records of Dade County ,Florida; SUBJECT TO .that certain mortgage given by the grantors herein to Prank J. Novak and Elizabeth Novak, his wife, under date of August 27, 1937 and recorded in Mortgage Book 1075 at page 307 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, securing an in- debtedness of $4500.00 and bearing interest at the rate of 6% per annum, payable semi-annually, which mortgage and in- debtedness the grantee herein assumes and agrees to pay as a part of the purchase price of the property herein granted. SUBJECT also to the restrictions of record, to any effect of the zoning ordinance of the City of Miami Beach, Flori4a~ and to taxes for the year 1937. J~ bjt NO. 38 EDW. L. RICIfl'ER and his wite, OLEITA RICHTER (signs as Edward L. Aichter) TO WARRANTY DEED Dated March 12, 1929 Filed April 3, 1929 Recorded in Deed Book 805, Page 202 Clerk's File NOe E-l0860 Consideration: $10.00 and OVC EMILY L. COOK ConveJ'8 : Lot 7, Block 73 ot OCEAN BEAC H FLORIDA NO.3, Miami Beach, Flor1da, according to the plat thereot recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 81 of the Public RecordS ot Dade County, Flor1da. Subject to general taxes and all unpaid installments for special assessments due after the year 1928. ACknowledges as Edward L. Richter and Oleita Richter, his wite. --3-);-~~ 7 31. .:IF 32S2-? 10. 39 Df mE COUNTY JlJ'.OOB' S COtJR'l' I1f AIm FOR 1ll1S COUl'lI, P'LORlDl. PRQlAft lfO. 773S. IN RB: ESTATE OF Jail A. COOK, JR., Deceased . ~ Jm..~E OF IS!.lTB 'l'.lI LIUAIm P.lR1'DL nt.q OF FLORInl BSTATI TAX LIIJB Filed January 22, 1940 Recorded in Boot or Probate Orders, at page , - Ml'-ET-2419 - n.1strict of Florida, date of Death, December 17, 1935 Estate of John A. Cook,Jr., Residence at time of Death: Miud Beach,Florida. By' directi_ of the ~ebera ot Inte1'l1&l. ReftDUe, and ill accordance with the provisions of the laws applicable to the collecti_ of iDtemal revenue, I do hereby' certif'y that the estate tax with reapect to the above- :named estate has bec tully discharged or duly provided for, where.tere and by reason whereof, I do hereby issue this certificate releasing the li_ of the United States imposed by Section 315 of the Revenue A.ct of 1926 on the following described property: Real. property described &8: Lot 6, Bleck 73, 0CIlN BIlCH .llmITIOW I 3, also known as 618 Meridian Avenue, MiaId. Beach, Florida. (Signed) D. S. BLISS, Deput7 Cc.aDis.10ner. " Washington, n. c. .lug. 14, 1937. KNW ALL MEN BY mESE P~S, That I, J. M. tee, OcaptroUer of the state of Florida a8 COIIIIdsB1oner of Revenue, under and by virtue of the provisions of '!2lapter 16015, Laws of Florida, Aots ot 1933, do hereby forever release and forever discharge from the lien, operation and effect of ~ estate tax that bas been assessed and that Ma.T hereafter be assessed bw the state of Florida by said Camnissioner of Revenue against the estate and &Bsets of John A. Cook, 11'., deceased, that certain lot or parcel of land located in Dade County, nerida, more partiCularly described as foll_s: Lot 6, Block 73, 0CBlN BBlOH ADDITIOH NO.3, the same being No. 618 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach,Florlda. It 18 d18tinctly understood and agreed that this partial rea.. instraeat shall iD no way release or discharge a%3y of the other .ssets of the Estate of said John.l. Cook,Jr., deceased, troa the lien, operation and effect of &!V' estate tax that has been or may hereafter be assessed by the state of Florida against the estate and assets of the said John A.CoOk,Jr., deceased. mil WITlJISSWHEREOF, I ba"e hereunto set rrr:r band and affixed. Ifl1' official seal, at Tallahassee, Leon county, Florida, on this the 31st day of July,A.D. 1937. (Signed) J. M. LIE COIlp'troller of the State of Florida a8 COIIIID1ssicmer of Revenue (Ofticial Seal) ~)..-~ "}...o 7 . 4D. 10. 40 F. LOIIRY VUiL, TO .&.rP'InlVIT Dated July 29, 1937 Filed July 29, 1937 Recorded ill Deed Bock 1824, at page 57 Clerk' 8 me Ho. K-30052 THE PUBLIc. Avers: that he 1188 well acquainted with John I.. Co_, Jr., during his tite; that he well kn0V8 ot his own knowledge and perecmal obeern.nce that at the time the said John A. Cook, Jr. was living the said John A.. Cook, Jr. resided with his r~ berore his death at 618 Meridian "-venue, Miud Beaoh, Florida, as head ot said tam:ily and affiant further states that said residence in tact and truth ccmatituted the hOlll.estead or the said John .1. Cook" Jr." now deceased. Further atf1ant s81 th DOt. Sigud and sealedl F..UMlt.WALL. Sworn to and subscribed on July 29, 1937, betore a lotary' Publio tor the State ot Florida, at large. Expiration ot c0JB18sion Febru.ary 1, 1939. Nota17 Publio Seal atfixed. 'I-! :$~ ~~ "-r- RO. U BMILY L. COOK, a wid_, WAlUWlTI nEID 'to Dated July 16, 1937 FUed July 29, 1937 Recorded in Deed Book 1824 at page sa Clerk's File Ho. 1[-300$3 Consideration: SlO.OO &: OVG F'R.Bl'n.l DE HA.lV and ALBERT DE BAlV, her husband. Grants, bargaiDa and sella: Lot. 8ix (6) &Ild s.... (7) 1n 'Block Seventy-three (73) ot OCJWI BUOH JJmITIOI IlDIBBR 1'HRII (13), aocord- ing to the Plat thereoE, recorded 1D Pla t ~ 2, at page 81, of the Pub- lic Recorda of Dade County, Florida. Rec1:t..: Subjeot to the restricticms, conditiOlUJ and 1Ditati.. which appear of record; to the prm..ions of Zoning Ordinance No. 289 ot the City of Miad Beach and au;yamendmenta thereto in force and eftect, and to the taxea for the year 1937 and subsequem years. 3v{"'Y1 . 'IV , - NO. 42 ~ . '1,----- --~~ FREJDA DeHAAV and ALBERT DeHA.AV, her husband. MCR'l'GAOE <-.---. TO Dated January 8, 1940 FUed January 8, 1940 Recorded in Mortgage Book 1229, Page .521 C1erk1s File IH-1ll4 Amount - $3,000.00 CHASE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN .ASsro IATION, a Uni.ted States corporation. Encwabers: Lots Six (6) and Seven (7) in B10ck Seventy-three (73) of OOEAN BEACH ADDITION NUMBER TImE!!: (13), according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2. at Page 81.. of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. '13 NO. 43 THE MIAMI OCEAN vmw COMPANY. a Florida corporation. SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT To Dated January 10, 1940 Filed January 22, 1940 Recorded in Deed Book at page Clerk's 'ile No. N03413 Consideration: $100 .-_/,,/ CHASE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASS XIATION , a corporation or- ganized and existing under the laws of the United states. Recites: THAT. WHEREAS, Said party of the first part, the former owner and holder of the legl title tio the following described property, situate, lying and being in Dade County, P1.orida, to-wit: Lots Six (6) and Seven (7), Block Seventy-three (63), OCEAN BEACH, FLORIDA, ADDITION NO.3. according to the Plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 2, page 81, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; did convey said premises subject to certain restrictions, limitations and conditions, coupled with a reverter clause as set forth in Warranty Deed wherein the party of the first part was grantor and John A. Cook, Jr.. was grantee, as to Lot 6, which deed bears date the 20th day of December, 1922. and was recorded in Deed Book 322. at page 299; together with reverter clause as set forth in Warranty Deed wherein the party of the first part was grantor and C. E. Winter was grantee. as to Lot 7. which deed bears date the 26th day of February, 1923, and was recorded: in Deed Book 353, at page 105. of the Public Records of Dade County. Florida; and WHEREAS, the fee simple title to the -aforesaid premises is owned by Freida DeBaav and Albert DeBaav, her husband; and WHEREAS, the party of the second part has made a certain loan to Freida DeHaav and Albert DeRaav, her husband, in the aggregate amount of 'nl.ree ~ousand and nO/100 dollars ($3000.00). secured by a mortgage encumbering the heretofore described premises, said mortgagl being dated the 8th day of January, 1940. and recorded under Clerk's rile No. N-1114, in the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; provided and upon the condition that said party of the first part nll subordinate and make second in dignity to the lien of said mortgage its right of reverter for breach of any of the conditions, restrictions 8nd limitations in said warranty deeds above described; NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the sum of One dollar ($1.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. and in further consideration of the premises, said p~rty of the first part does subordinate unto the said party of the second part, in ownership of that certain mortgage above described, or any renewals or extensions thereof, and to the purchaser or purchasers of said premises at any foreclosure or any other sale by re!1son of the mortgage above described. or to any person or persons claiming said premises W, through. or under said mortgage, any rights said party of the first part may have by reason of said reverter clause /(.3 NO. 1.a3 (continued) contained in said warranty deeds first herein described, to the end and intent that said r~ver reverter contained in such deeds shall not entail a forfeiture of the land, but to the end, intent and purpose that said right of reverter contained in said deeds is hereby subordinated and made inferior and junior to the lien and effect of said mortgage here- in described, provided, however, that said reverter clause, said conditions, restrictions and limitations in said warranty deeds first herein described,shall constitute covenants running with the land, the breach or threatened breach of which will entitle the said party of the first part to relief by injunction or action for damages; AND IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND .I\GREED THAT Lot 7 hereinbefore described is not now improved with a building Or buildings, and that this instrwnent is executed and delivered upon the condition that should the party of the second part herein, its successors or assigns, or anyone who might acquire title to said lot by, through or under the lien of said mortgage, violate any of the restrictions or donditions as set forth in the respective deed given by the party of the first part to the original grantee herein mentioned, then this Agreement shall immediately become null and void and of no effect; and rr IS FURTHER AGREED that the statements and c01l'8nants herein contained shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto, provided, however, that the full force and effect of such reverter clause, together with all conditions, restrictions and limitations contained in said warranty deeds first herein described shall immediately revive, re-attach and become binding obligations in favor of said party of the first part, its successors and assigns, when ~aid mortgage aforesaid is paid and satisfied of record., and provided further, however, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent or obstruct the said party of the first part, its successors or assigns, to relief or remedy by injunction or action for damages by reason of violation of said restrictions, conditions or limitations. Signed in the name of The Miami Ocean View Company by JOHN H. LEVI, President; Corporate Seal affixed. Two witnesses. Acknowledged on January 17, 1940, before a Notary Public for the State of Florida, at large. Exp1ration of commission October 20, 1942, Notary Public Seal affixed. BJT ttY NO. 44 CHASE FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION a United states corpora- tion PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE Dated January 22, 1940 Filed January 25, 1940 Recorded in Satisfaction Book 1152, Page 334 Clerk1s File No. N-3933 Consideration: $10.00 and OG&VC TO FREIDA DE HAAV and ALBERT DB BAA V, her husband Releases: Lot Seven (1) in Block Seventy-three ( 13) of OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NUMBlm THREE (3), according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, at Page 81, 0 f the Public Records of Dade County, Florida from the lien and operation of that certain mortgage made by Freida De Haav and Albert De Haav,her husband dated January 8, 1940 and recorded in the office of the GlB rk of the Circui t Court of Dade County, State of Florida in Mortgage Book 1229, page 521 unto Chase Federal Savings and Loan Association, a United States corporation, encumbering above and other lands. /'" ~J 3.'V~~/ HO. 4S CHASE FBDBRAL SAVIIIlS AlIJ) LQlll A8S0CIA '!'ION, a corp- oration UDder the Ian ot the United statu, TO WHCII COJrZRDD. SA'l'ISFACTIOH OF MOR'l'GAGB Dated JulT 13, 19S1 Filed JulT 18, 19S1 Recorded in Satiatacti.. Book 836, Page 1 Clerk'. Fil.e 10. Al-711720 CCBU!lideraUcm: Pu1l PaYMJlt Aclmewledgea hll pll1MI1t and sat18tacti_ ot that certaiJl1Ddenture of aortgage dated JUluar;y 8, 1940, made by Freida DeHaav and Albert neHaav, her huband, to Chase Federal Savings and Lean A.sociation., and recorded in Mortgage Book 1229, Page 521, in the otfice of the Cleric ot the Circuit Court in and for !Jade County, Florida; enClDlber1Dg: Low Six (6) aDd Srnm (7) in Block S8n!1ty- three (73) ot 00ElI BIlCH .lDDI'l'IOI ItIIDR TBRBB, according to the Plat thereot, re- corded in Plat Book 2, at Page 81, ot the Public Records of DadeOounty, Florida, and does certify that said note has been marked paid and cancelled, and hereby directs the Clerk of the said court to cancel the saae of record. bjt II~ liO. 46 IN THE C IRCUTT COURT OF TEE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL cmcurT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA IN AND FOR DADE COUNTY COMMON LAW No. 60L520 -vs- CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS Filed February 17. 1960 Recorded in otfic1alRecords Book 1906, Page 416 Clerk' s Ftle No. 60B-30724 C I'l'Y OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation Petitioner MARIE W. SHARP, and FREIt>A DB BAA V, a180 kn'own as FRI&DA DE BAA V, and ALBERT DE HAAV, also blown as BLBERT GUSTAV DB BAA V, her husband Defendamts BOTICE OF LIS PBRDBlS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a petition hAS this day been filed in the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida in and for Dade County, Commen Law No. 60L 520 wherein City of Miami Beach, a Florida municipal corporation, is petitioner, and MarieW. Sharp and FreidaDe Haav, also lmown as Frieda De BRav, and Albert De Haav, also ~nown as Elbert Gustav De Haav, her husband, are defendants; that the description of the property involved is as follows, to wit: PARCEL BO. ONE: Lot s 1 and 2 and the southerly twenty (20) teet of Lot 3, Block 16, OCEAN FRON'!' PROPER'l'Y OF THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVEMD'1' COMPANY, according to the ...04e4 plat thereof, reoorded in Plat Book 5, pages 7 and 8 of the public records of Dade County, Florida. PARCEL 110. TWO .: Lots 7 and 8, Block 73, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO. ), according to the' plat thereof . recorded in Plat Book 2, page 81, of the Public B"ords of Dade County-, Florida; .' and that the relief sought as to sa1d property is the a'cquisi tion b,. condemnation of the tee simple title to said lands. DATED this 15th day of February, 1960. Ben Shepard and Joseph A. Wani ok A_~orne,.s for Petitioner by (Signed) BEB SHEPARD 1370 Washington Avenue M1ami Beach 29, Florida MARGINAL NOTATION: "This Lis Pendens not handed to Recording Clerk when riled by attorney, therefore n.t discovered until Feb. 19, 1960 and t hen .filed in record ing department. (Signed) M. B. FORD, D.C. (Official Seal) - - bjt-1 I.f-h NO. 46 (Continued) ORDER AID JUDGMEXT Piled September 19, 1960 Recorded September 20.1960 in Circuit Cou~ ~nute Book 464. page No. 618 SAME COURT SAME CAUSE (shown in pari;) CONSIDERED, ORDRRED and ADJUDGED that judgaent be and' he same is hereby entered tor the petitioner and against the defendant. Marie W. Sharpe, upon the issues of purpose and necesaity for the taking by t~e petitioner of the lands owned by the said defendant, Marie W. Sharp. and involved herein. DONE AND ORDERED at Mi_i, Dade County, Plorida this 19 d a"1 of Septeaber, A.D. 1960. (Signed) PAT CARlO. CIRCUIT JUDGE. - .. .. .. ORDER AID JUDGMElT Piled Dece.ber 24, 1960 Recorded nec..ber 27, 1960 in Circuit COUl't Minute Book 475, page No. 4B5 The pe'titloner, City of Mi8.Jd. Beaoh, has presented a PetItion for the' condemning of the following described })ropeM1 owned by the dereudanta,herein, to-wit: SAME COURT SAME CAUSE Lot 7 and 8, Block 73, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, according totbe plat thereot. recorded in Pat Book 2. page 81" of the pUblic records of Dade County, Flol'ida. 'l'be petitioner alJa ge. that the purpose forwhich the land isto be acquired is the use and maintenance ot said lands tor crt-street parking of automobiles tOI' the use and benefit of the Oi t,. of MIami Beach and its inm b1tants, and it 1s necessary that said City of Miami Beach acquire sald lands tor sald purpose. A resolution was duly passed by the C1ty of Miami Beach, being nUmbel' 10278, dated February 10, 1960. bjt ~f, NO. 46 (60ntinued) The Answer of the defendants denied the allegations of t he Petition and further al~ged that there exists no necessity for the petit- ioner to take and acquire the private property of the defendanta, In fuI'ther answerlng the petition, the defendants prayed that the Petition be dismissed and that in the e vent that the Court deter- mines that the petitioner is entitled to e%eroise its right of eminent domain, that the defendants be fairly and adequately com- pensated for their property together with attorneys' fees and oosts. This Court has fully examined the pleadings, evidenoe and testimony presented in this oause. There has been no show'lng made betore this Court that the petitioner has exeraised this power in anything but good faith and no showing has been made to this Court that the acts of the petitioner, City of Miami Beaoh, were malioious, wantonly injurious or beyond the authority authorized by the Florida Statut es. There bas been no fraud shown to this Court or a gross abuse of discretion. This Court does find that the petitioner has offered sufficient testi- mony to show the nece8sity for the taking and that the PUrpOB e for the taking is a proper munioipal purpose and within the provisions ot the Statutes of the State of Florida, and this Court having been fully advised in the premises, it is, upon due consideration, ORDERED, A DJ1JDGED AND D.ooREED and this Court finds as follows: 1. Tbalt the taking of the sai d land by the pe ti t ioner, Ci t Y of Miami Beaoh, 1s for the purpose of developing, maintaining and using the same for off the street parking of automobiles. 2. That the taking of said lands by said petitioner is neoessary and proper wi thin the provisions of the statutes of the State of Florida. 3. That the sole remaining issue to be tried as to s aid lands is that of oompensation, including a reasonable at1z:> mey' s fee, to be paid to said defendants for said lands. 4. That judgmea1; be and the same is hereby entered for the petitioner and a gainst the defendants, Freida de Raa., also known a3 Frieda De Haav, and Albert De Haav, also known as Elbert Gustav De Haav, her husband, upon the isa..-.<>f purpose and ne...si t,. for 1he taking by the petitioner of the lands owned by the said defendants, and that the Cla rk of this Court is hereby direoted to place this oause upon the jury trial oalendar to be set next sounding of the jury trial dooket. DONE AND ORDERED in ChaDlbers at Miami, Dade County, Florida, this 23 day of Deoember, 1960. (Signed) PAT CADOlf C irow. t Judge bjt 'fro NO . 46 (80ntinued) FINAL JUDGMER'r Filed July 7, 1961 Reoorded July 10, 1961 in Circuit Court Minute Book 501, Page 664 SAME COURT SAME CAUSE (Shown in part) CONSIDERED, ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the property desoribed in said verdiot, to wit: Lots 7 and 8, Bl.ock 73, OCEAN BEACH ADDITION NO.3, acoording to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 2, pa~ 81 of the public records of Dade County, Florida be and the same is hereby approprtated to the petitioner, the City , of Miami Beach, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, in tee simple, for the purpose of otf the stree1; parking of automobiles, upon said petitioner paying into th1* Court for the use of the defendant, Freida De Haav, also known as Frieda De Haav, within ten days from the date hereof', the compensation found by the verdict of the jury as hereinabove set forth, together with attorneyst tees in the sum of $3,870.00. It is turther CONSIDERED, ORDERED and ADJ1JDGED that upon such pa'1Jll8nt, and upon the recording of this judgment, with the Certif:lc ate of the Clerk of this Court that t he compensation has been paid into the Court, in the Official Records Book in said Clerk's Office, the petitioner may enter upon and appropriate said property for the use aforesaid, with the sa~ effect as though the petitioner held the same by deed or grant from said derendaDd. It is rurther COIlSIDERED, ORDERED and ADJUDGED that the Cla rk of this Court, out of the sum paid into the Court by the petitioner, as heretofore set forth, shall pay to the City of Miami Beach the sum or $286.61 on account or the taxes ror the year 1961 prorated as ot July 1st, 1961. It is further CONSIDERED, ORDERED and ADJUDGED thatJ{the dafendant, Freida De Haav, also tnown as Frieda >>e Haav, as par' of the just compensation guaranteed by the Constitution and Stattues of the State of Florida, do have and recover of and f rom the petitioner, in addition to the amounts provided for hereinabove, her costs in this case, in the respective amounts in which the same shall be determined and allowed by this Court after hearing thereon, by a 3eparate order which will be made thereQD.. Said order for costs, when so made, shall be construed to be a part of this judgment. DONE and ORDERED at Miami, Dade County, Florida, this 7 day of July A.D. 1961. (Signed) PAT CANNON Circuit Judge bjt- if' ... NO. 46 (Continued) SAME COURT SAME CAUSE CERTIFICATE Filed July 14, 1961 Recorded' in Official Records Bo~k 2717, Page 64 Clerk s File No. 61R-119525 I, E. B. LEATHERMAN, Clerk of the above styled Court, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the City of Miami Beach has heretofore caused to be paid into said Court, for the use of the defendant, Freida De Haav, also known as Frieda De Haav, pursuant to the judgment he~toforEJ rendered in the above styled cause on the 7th day of July, 1961, the following sums: Compensation to the defendant, ~ida De Haav! a180 known as Frieda De Haav ,51,600.00 Fees for the attorneys for the said defendant, Fre1da De Haav, also known as Frieda De Haav __3,870.00 Total t5$.470.00 WITNESS m1 hand and the seal of said Court, at Miami, Dade County, Florida, this 13 day of JUly, 1961. E. B. Leatherman Clerk, CIr cui t Court (8~gned) by D. K. BONE Deputy Clerk (Official Seal) WE EXCEPT HEREFROM ALL OTHER MA T'l'ERS IN THE ABOVE STYLED CAUSE NOT SHOWN HEREIN . bj;t NO. 47 TAX NOTATION Dade County Taxes for the year 1960 in the amount of .532.24 assessed against Lots 6 and 7 and in the amount of $252.95 assessed against Lot 8, HAVE BEEN PAID. City of Miami Beach taxes for 1960 in the total amount of $141.55 are PAID, and there are no Certified municipal liens against captioned lots. NO. 48 INTANGIBLE TAXES We tind no unpaid intangible personal p~operty taxes in the otfice of the Tax Collector of Dade County, Florida assessed against any ot the name. appearing in this chain ot ti t1e for any year or ye ars prior to or during the ~riod ot their respective tDuerests. .. ;. "~ ~ . '" ~... ~ .. - MIAMI BEACH ABSTRACT & TITLE COMPANY, Miami Beach, Florida. -----------------~--- NAMES SEARCHED UNDER OUR CERTIFICATE No. 32.529 ALL llIDIVJDUALS AND CORPORA.TIONS APPEARDn IN THIS CHAIN OF TITLE, EACH NAME SEARCHED P'RCM THE BEGINNING TO AND THROUGH THE PERlOOS OF THEm RESPEXJTIVE INTERESTS. No search hasbeen made for t he following matters in the division of the United States District Court for the Southern Division of Florida, to-wit: 1. Notices of Liens for taxes payable to the United States of America since June 15, 1931, effective date of Chaptep 14757) Laws of Florida, 1931. 2. Judgments and decrees for t he payment of money since June $,1 1939, effective date of Chapter. 19270, Laws of Florida, 193~. No search has been made for the following matters in the Divisions of the United States District Court for the Southern Division of Florida othen than the Miami Division, to-wit: . 1. Notices or records of bankruptcies since April 24, 1941, effec- tive date of Chapter 20227, Laws of Florida, 1941. ~"~'fll~;';;' ~:p.;"';ll""'~~'~:f~ -,,;.;, n'~;" ~".".,H'....~:"'tt~:;"'-e,;.'!ll",~.n'.~H::':':':"'H~::n~~"~ll=/ff~ff~'~1 " . . ,\- .. .... . ", .r" ..., .. .. .. oj ~In I..... IAI..... ID&l. ".Hn .ria" "II\.\lJID "In 111&' IIII.\. .I.II\\lp&l. Din .Jill.. .III" fAM..V.JM..V..JM..V.JIll. 11ll\.I.I.l\..V,A\/....\lJIl..V..V..MI\ 1llA1.. I.\. II. ~trtifitatt Miami Beach. Ahstract and Title Company (if Corporation under the Laws of the Stale of Florida) MIAMI BEACH. PLORIDA ~er.ehv ClI.ertifi.es: That the foregoing and annexed Abstract of Tide, compnslDg entries numbered One (1) to FORTY-EIGHT (48) - - - - - - - - _ _ , inclusive, was compiled by itfrom the public records of Dade County, Florida, and from such other public records and sources as are therein indicated. Period Covered: This Abstract embraces and covers that period of time extending from February 5. 1914 at 8: 00 A. M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . to the date of this Certificate. Contents: This Abstract exhibits all conveyances, leases, mortgages, liens, notices of lis pendens and all other instruments as shown of record in the office of the Oerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, Flor- ida, affecting the tide to or any interest in the land described in the caption hereof. This Abstract exhibits reference to all orders appointing Receivers or liquidators, to all Bankruptcy proceedings, unsatisfied judgments, income tax liens and decrees for money; decrees for divorce, decrees removing disabilities of infants, decrees of free dealership, certificates of incorporation and charters of corporations, decrees changing names, appearing of record in the office of the Oerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, Florida, and in the office of the Qerk of the United States District Court in and for the Southern District of Florida and Probates, Lunacy and Guardianship proceedings in the office of the County Judge of Dade County, Florida, against the parties listed on name search attached hereto if such matters relate to or affect tide to captioned lands. No search is made for unsatisfied judgments and decrees for money against mortgages or other lien holders. Form: All items exhibited in this Abstract, unless otherwise noted, are executed in regular form according to the laws of the State of Florida. Tax Sales: This Abstract exhibits all Tax Sales, for which said land is chargeable, recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Dade County, Florida, within the period of the search, which are shown as unredeemed on the date of this Certificate. THERE IS EXCEPTED FROM THIS CERTIFICATE: (1) Municipal Zoning OrClinances. (2) Incorporation papers of municipalities. (3) Decrees organizing drainage districts. (4) Except on special request, information relating to Bankruptcy proceedings is limited to the showing of style and number of case and time of filing of peti- tion and adjudication. (S) Delinquent and reinstated corporations and dissolved corporations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Company has caused these presents to be signed in its name and its Corporate Seal to be hereto affixed at Miami, Florida, this 15th day of Jul1' A. D. 19 61 ,at 8:00 A. M. MIAMI BEACH ABSTRACT and TITLE COMPANY CERTIFICATE No 32529 ~#~~d_______ . VICII:-PJtESIDlENT