Closing Statement -; Kiami Beach, Florida October 27, 1944 CLOSING STATEMENT SET,T.F,R: Sea-Bay Corporation PURCHASER: City of Miami Beach DESCRIPl'ION: Lot "An of Di Lido Charge Purchaser: Purchase price Tot al Credit Purchaser: Deposit Pro-rata taxes (State & County total 1944 $51.48 City total 1944 $54.00) 1942 Intangible Tax against Frank E. Richmond Documentary stamps Check to balance Total / j8,500.00 200 . 00 87.02 4.39 17.85 8,190.74 WQ -lo{ $8,500.00 $8,500.00 BOOK 2435 PA~~i56--- -.".,.. -., uJ9' -'b1O BI~ '~J~ ~ ,t '.1 ~ t . -;-... ',~ "" WARRANTY DEED ("''''TUTORY) FORM 0 PAN AMERICAN PRINTING CORPORATION MIAMI 32, FLORIDA iB4ts 1fttbtttbtrtt Made thi'" day of. September~Q , A. D. 1944- BETWEEN FRABK E. RICHMOND and JEANlET'l'E D. N. RICHMOND. his wife, of ellarlott8svfn~. Virginia, ......-GcMmt,..-el---;...-------------------'""r".......s........i'Jocilie; part.i.as... of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a municipal corporation of the StR~ or FlorinA. 'r I .ef-tlte-Ge.mt,.-el------~--..--1"-----------ria-tL.8-Sta1e-et.~ pa~ of the second part. , ' WITNESSETH, That the eaid p~ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars and other ,ooda~d valuable oonsiderations - -- - - - -- - Dollars, to them 'in hand paid by thep~of the, second part, the receipt whereof is 'hereby acknowledgell, ~a va granted; b~gained and sold [to the ,eaid pa~ of the,' sec(lnd part, " suocessorS' I, : , ',', , ,'; , i t~ :..heir8 and a8sigt:l8t forever, the: foll(}wing d~rihed' land, sitUate, lying en.d' b~in~ in th~ Dade' aild State of Florida, to-wit: - ',Lot :"A"'~of DILIDoIS4.ND, as' per, plat ther.eof reoorde4 in Plat BookS, at tSage~6,: of the ~ade' County, F19riida" r~cords, together with all 40 riparian rights andwa'ber privileges of any kind or nature thereunto appertaining; also all' that part of a certain eight foot strip of land conveyed by The Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund of the State T of Florida to The Bay Biscayne' Improvement Company, a Florida corpora- tion, by deed dated December 15, 1930 and recorded in Deed Book 1416, , page 7', of the Dade County, Florida, records, which lies northerly of and contiguous to the northerly boundary line of the above described Lot -A" and between the east and west boundary lines of said Lot "An above 'described produced north, sai~ parcel being approximately eight (8) feet north and south and sixty (SO) feet east and west, the northerly and 'southerly lines of said portion of said eight foot strip being curviform and conforming to the curve of the northerly line of above described Lo.t'"A", the southerly line of said portion of said eight foot strip hereby conveyed and the northerly line of said Lot "An being co- incident one with the other; together with all riparian rights and water pri vile,g~$ thereunto appertaining.. This conveyance is made subject to taxes for the year 1944 and all zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and the grantors do hereby ac- knowledge full payment and satisfaction of that certain mortgage executed by Sea-Bay Corporation, a Florida corporation, in favor of Frank E. Richmond, of record in Mortgage Book 1365, page 397, of the Dade County, Florida, r'ecords, and do hereby certify that the no te secured by said mortgage has been cancelled and surrendered and direct the Clerk of the Circuit Court to satisty said mortgage of record; and likewise the grantors do hereby certify that this conveyance is made pursuant ,to and in full satisfac tionof that certain optiOn granted by them to ,----&aid Sea-Ba.y-Cor.p~tiona.nd r~de.din...Deed Book 2303, page~_M4-. of the__Dade County, Florida, records. And the said parLias.. of the firet part do_ hereby fully warrant the title to laid land, and wll1 defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part..ia.s... of the first part have hand..a- and seaLs the day and yea.r above written. hereunto se. tnA i r · ~j, B. f;;L,~) f;~~1Je. ,6n'r2~EAL) ~, ----, . ('~,.~W:1r T -:' '''.~-,' .; -:"--'?~--"'---'------I"-"'~~- ~'~f'!' 'f'; ~ '0' (~~ .;y rJ- ;:;> ,,# <? ~ ~ ....'v .~ ..-;:" /~..., '~':.... --,:,..,.., ((;...:2;:, " ;.0'.../' ) '-~~,;Y,i~ , '(......~ . ,. ~~\'(,;,\ V')0 ", . c/. -.. ....(- c,':,.'';;>... ,:",\ {,' -.:....-...--.....- fIf/.. ..c).... ':0 fl,; , , ~ ~. \<fI -::t: ~ _.~. ... .'._-~ . ...".--"-- - ,....... ....;.,,~ .,.,.", .~~ ;;:~ ..\* A:t ~ :; 1 · ~, III -= 'd "" 1\ ; ~ ..... ~ s.. ... .. a=.. 'l) III 0 P"4 -2 ~ Oi ,~ ,----- '2 .9 .J fr} P"4 p.,~ Q ..... rx.. I~ 1 t ~ r:A 0 ..a ...-1 r.-. o .9~ !:l 0 , -< .. g '"" ~ . .~. ~~ (D It .9 I) I) = ~~ -s ~ 8 1 ..-1 III .a I1J li ~ I CQ I~ I '0 ~ k 1: D ... 1\:~ ..Cf) ~ 1I a \:I:: l- rS .S I.... iln II: := 0 Q) ,~ ~ .... . 0 < :a <( J ,:=i ] .. ~ ~ -~~ r.-. 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