Quit Claim Deed WD-35 , i I ; j II I ,/ :1 .1 'II II! Ii I ill I '1'1 ;,1, II /':11 i I I~ I ill i U1tto the 8aid part_~_____ of the second part, and_m_h~_~___________heirs and assi~ns forever, all the ri~ht, Ii title, interest, claim and demand which the said party of the first part hath in and to the folZowin~ I iluorib'd 10''--____, pi'''__1I___ or parc,U___ of land, ,itua'" lying and bdng in Ifh. County of III -J~~=--;:~-p;;'Pl;tth-;;;:.~r~.1.;;:d;'XiP~~t~BOok--8~-.t' ::g":,i!it';/-{i;;,~{~ ty . I .Ii!lol!tidar-r-.ec.o~da'T--.togeth.er.-J&itb.-..all_..ripar.iAn. ..r.igh..ta__.and.._w.a.:t.fu:__.priYil.ega.a__Q.t.__any_ , I kind or nature thereunto appertaining; also all that part of a certain ei~t foot 1,Ii II -e-tp!-p--o~--land--Q.onveyed--by--~e--1!r-u.s:te.e.a-..o.f---the..-..In.ter.na.l.-1mprovement.:Fund.-ol--.:the.--S ta t m d~te~~B~~;~-lg:__~~30~~a~~~J~~a~r~~~~:Ji~~~Et~rj_l~..~~~I~_~t7~~~~~ih~~B~~~~~9-~~~ , I ~t~~ida, records, whioh lies nor~h,rly of and contiguous to the northerly b~undary .~id-"~t~~~~;,d~:~e~~d~~~o~o;'Ti\o~-~~:;-dll~.i-~-;I~~'t~~:t~i-f~;-f/~I~ ~ f II. (..a)__.f.ee_t...no.r_th._and.._.s.Q.u.trLand__.s.ix.ty_-L.aQl_j~_e_ej;___e_~_~_t.__~Jt(t_w_~_l:!_t.J__j;]:}.~__nQr_~~!_lx__.!!_!)'Q___~Q.!l the ~ ly lines of said portion of said eight foot strip being curviform and conforming to 11.,,11' l~ tb.e--C.u~-'1-e--o.f'___the__nor_therl~__line__Qf__abQYe__.de.s.Qr.i.b_e_(LLo_t___~A'!+__tb.e__J~Qyj;h.e.rl~--J-:i,n~--Qf .~ said p6rtionof said eight foot strip hereby conveyed and the northerly line of said ~l Lo-t.-.!!A~--b.e.ln-g--c_Oinciden.t--one--with--the__Qi;har. ;___t.o.g.ather__with_ ,alLrip.ari.a.n._ri.gh.ta~_and .. ~~-~~~- _!:-~-~~-~-~-~-~~-~---~~-~-~-~~~~--~~~~~~:~ ~~~-.-- --- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ~ I o-er-ii-~-;~-p~-i~~-~~~~-i-el~b~~~e!~a~i~\)~~i~l-~i~-i~-~~--~~~-t~-~~~~-!-~-~-~~-~~-~-::~-r-~-~~~~i~-r-~!; t !ll I . pa~-t.r-.o-i'---r-ec-Or.-1:L-in.-ne.ed.-J3,Q.Qk.-23Q3--#---1#~~~--3J.-4-J---o-f--_m~___l)_'!g_fL_C_Q_'_,1.:n:t~_J-_FJQxJJ~~_J__r~_qQ.I:1~ :'i l and the gran-tee is hereby authori zed to convey the hereinabove described pro~ertY - Iii I to--~v.er--he--_in.-h_ia..-.diSc.re-tion._IlIA_y--.deem-_fll'-Q.p_er--.and-..sJ.l.c.h-_fl_E'.r-SQn.-.shal.1_J;he:._JJ.nl_.er__Ilo ii; I ~~ t~ ~~~-~~~;~-~~-th.~~i.s-:~---~~~--~-~-~~-~~--~~-~~~-~--~~-__~_~~__~~___~~_~~_~_~~~_~___~_~___~___~~_~_~_~~_ - j i:1 \ J J.l -1 - ~11' ~. "i " ,!I. DREW'S FORM R. E: 42 t) Prlni~ and .-_._~.,-_._-"~..,---,-_..,,. "'.,.~;:_.,.;.~~====~::-,-,,~ tbiJ In benture, .Made thiL______________________________________day of-------B-6-p-t.amh.er.m2.9-r---------------, A. D. 19 _4.4___, between___SEA:-.BAy__C_ORP..OR....\TI.ON..._._______________________________________________________________________________ a corporation existing under the laws of the State of_________________F.1Q.rid.a_____~________________, party of -ehe first' part, and_________________ ____ fR-!\HK__E_~__Jn_QKM9_m>. ___ ______________ ___ ______________________________________________________--- / u/hose permanent address is ___C.ha.I:lo.t:tas.yille_..__Y.b_..g.itli_~_______________________---------------------------~-------____ ..' .91-~ ~!!~=:=:=:=:====-==-=-=-=-=:=--=~~"'-~~~"'-~~ .,8.tf1;~ of _____________________________________________, part ::t---.- ;"1"';'':' JitJl the: secpnd part, ., h: ::":;;::'1ir;~ ....,. . . I. ~ftnesSetb, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of -'i ' "~; ,~ ~, ;i1.~I',r~.,tT.Eln._DQlla.rJLj'!.ng__Q..th~r___g9-Q~--~-mLy~J_~~1?_1.~___~_9_~~~~~_r.~~~9}l~___::__::__:___~_::..._:____::.__:____ Dollars, ;.-;.?n,J~Q/nd paid by the said part_Y-_____ of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowZ,;ilged, , 'ha/'" remised, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents doth remise, release and q;"it-claim i '~ ---..,------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------...------------------------------,--:...-----';..---..;-- - --- €:o Jl)abe anb to Jl)oIb the same together with all and sinjular the appurtenances there- unto belontint or in anywise appertainin~, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim what- 80ever of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behqof of the said part_iJ_____ of the second part, _______hj,~__________heirs and assi~ns forever. In mitnesJ mbereof, the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be si~ned in its name by its President, and its corporate seal to be affixed, attested by its____~.s_o.stl'_~_~r_Y------------ the day and year above written. ._~_~A::.t!ArJ;_9I~_:e.QIi!~IQJ{_____________ , 'i"'. fl. Nu. Attest: ~~------------------------------ . Si~ned, seazea;. ~ur Presence: I :~TI~\rt~=:-~~-~-:-:: ,~ j. .t ~l i i I , Ij ! 1'1 I ~ I III , I I I I I I I I i I I I I I I i I I I I I ! T I .1 i I I I I ~ .~\ \l ii i III' ",I 1,\1 .._\ ,'1 . ,I; "il II\! 111\ '1,1". 1;,1 U :;lj II' Iii il. i1 !I " It ;~,::::;'~~';':;':3.~:.-:.:;:'_:;E=:.:~~:';;~':C-~:;::';::::.~:;'::':'::';::~:~::::.;:::.ii::;:~~~::::_~~~':.,~'!..;:~:;- , _._.___. h' _________________.________ ~oOK24.35 PA~Elii51L.--. ':=~::==::.=_:='~:::=:=.~:~~:"::'::~~="'~=:='::=='==-=~-==~~===~=".:.'='.:_=.::..=,,::.::':'=::::~"_=.~:1t:.:.~:" ! ~tate 0 f _____~J:..9g ~J?!__________________________ ----- - --------- _-,} <lto u n tp of _____DADE_____________ -------------------- --- --------- 1J lj}ete&p <ltertffp, That on thiL_________6..f-__~__________day of____J3_e.p..t.ember_____________________, .4.. D. 19___~~__, be~or me personally appeared________________ft:~---~--------------------------- an"'~7___'____'~--~.,,iJ.v,lY Pr.,id",' and'---___S~a:q--------- o f ________________7~~~.:~AX----QRrQRAAI9.P-------------------------__________________________, a corporation under the laws -iJfthe State.. ol""'~_'_~_~_JUo.r.i.d..a.____________~_____, to me known to be the persons rUscribed in and who ex- - ecuted the ~reioin:I qfJ~yrLnee to_~_________.FRANK_.E..t._..RI CHMOmL______________________________________________________ and &eye-raUy ae'k-no.wledged the execution thereof to be th~ free act and deed as sueh officers, for the " I . I , I I i useS. and p11,l~pOt(e8 therein mentioned; and that thery affixed thereto the official seal of said corpora- tion, and the said instrument is the aet and deed of said eorporation. , mftness my signature and offieial seal aL_____.Mi_I!.m.i_______________________________________________-------------- i in the County 0 f____________'!!_~~_~________________________________and State of ---, _____________.F.l.o.rida_____ -~- -,-,-----."..7---- -'.- '-', ',' Jl ..~I...,,\l~HH't'i;IJIJJ.,..~' . ,." .~ ~ (!J 110 '" ' : the day and year last aforesaid. .;,~.~~'.:............,...~/,;........i --(:. -' I? "'y,/7 ([. a ~ . ~ };:~:.., , " ....""~t;;' __~ijL=-!.L~.!;itmf'Ji:. \~~ Notary Public, Sta.te of F10"~~~.f~:L...~t",,j~},., My oommission expir....:Lt ~~,>!-')(Np--f{::/:f'l" ~~.. v,..-.... ',,- .'....... ~ , " . - //( r!I ~ ........,. ,\::) ,"to": I,'" ';';.,1 \\~ "", 1 ' tl'~ 4 ". \\'" "IIH1U\\\\\\ , I "Ii,' J , t? c !=l !l' ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ :;< J ~ l' t::; l;l .,.,. 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