Opinion on Abstract of Title L I .. OPINION on Abstract of Title prepared by Miami Beach Abstract & Title Company. under Certificate No. 8053. oonsisting of thirty-nine entries. covering the period ot time extending from the Beginning to and inoluding the 27th day of February. A.D. 1940. at 8 A.M.; and continuation thereof by Miami Beaoh Ab strac t & Title Company, under Certificate No. 8133. consisting of two entries. oovering the period of time extending from February 27, 1940, at 8.00 A.M., to an.d including the 21st day of March, 1940 at 8 A.M. J and continua tion thereof by Dade-Commonwealth Title Company, under Certifioate No. 125.367, consisting of three entrie., covering the period of time extending from March 21, 1940 at 8 A.M. to the 6th day of August, A. D. 1940, at 8 A.M. J and oontinuation thereof' by Florida Title Company. under Certificate No. 211,117. consisting of five entries. cover- ing the period of time extending from the Sixth day of Au~st A.D. 1940, at 8 A.M. to the Twenty-fifth day of September, A. D. 1941, at 8:00 A.M.; and continuation thereof by Miami Beach Abstract &: TitleUompany, under Certifi- cate NO. 9398, consisting of one entry. oovering the period of time extend- ing from September 25, 1941, at 8:00 A.M. to and including the 8th day of 00 tober, 1941 at 8 A.M.; and conti. nua tion thereof by Florida Ti tIe Company, under Certificate No. 213,344, consisting of two entries. covering the period of time extending from the Eighth day of' October. 1941, at 8 A.M. to the Twenty-fourth day of November, A. D. 1942, at 8:00 A.M.; and con- tinuation thereof by the same Company, wider Certifioate No. 220.079, consisting of six entries, covering the period of time extending from the Twenty-fourth day of November. A. D. 1942 at 8 A.M. to 'the Eighteenth day ot August, A. D. 1944.. at 8tOO A.M.; purporting to delineate the title to the following described property situate in Dade County. Florida.. to-wit; Lot "Aft of DI LIDO. an Island in Bisoayne Bay, acoording to the Plat thereot, recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 36. of. the Publio Records of' Dade County~ Florida; ALSO An. 8 foot strip of land oontiguous to the Northerly boundary line of said Lot "Aft. lying between the Northerly extension of' the Easterly and Westerly boundary lines of' said Lot "Aft. From an examination of the above desoribed abstract of title and basing my Opinion 80lely upon the same, I am of the opinion that as of the Eighteenth day of August, A. D. 1944, at 8100 A.M.. the fee simple title to the property hereinabove set forth was vested in FRANK E. RICHMOND. subject to the follOWing. FIRST. The above named owner acquired title in 1943 from Sea-Bay Corporation, a Florida corporation, whose deed recites that it is made in full sa.tisfaotion of' a oe~tain mortgage given by said oorporation 'to the above named owner on Ootober 7. 1941, to secure a note in the amount of $3500.00. This mortgage 1s of reoord in MOrtgage Book 1365, page 397. of the Dade County. Florid.., reoords. .. ,.. . ~ It appears that the above named owner, joined by his wif'e, at the time of' the reoeipt of the above mentioned deed gave Sea-Bay Corpora tion an option 1n purchase the above described property for the sum of $4211.33 plus 6% interest from January 1, 1943, together with the amount of all taxes paid thereon, wi th interes tat 6%, at any time "wi thin one year f'rom the da1e of' the deolaration of an armistioe of present hostilities between the allied powers and the German Government. Any purohaser of said property should seoure, not only a deed f'rom Frank E. Richmond and wif'e, but also a satisfaotion of the above mentioned mortgage and a sui table release of all claims of ti tle to the property from Sea-Bay Corporation. SECONDs It appears that there is an outstanding intangible tax tor 1942 in the amount of' .4.39 against Frank E. Riohmond. lHIRDs Taxes tor the year 1944, the amount of which has not yet been determined, constitute liens against the land on behalf ot the several taxing authorities. FOURTHs Venetian Estates, Inc., a Florida oorporation, held title from Maroh 10, 1934 to Maroh 12, 1935. A purchaser should be satisfied that this cor- poration was in good standing with State authorities during this period, that is, that its oorporate powers had not been suspended for non-payment of corporate stook tax. FIFTH. The area including Lot WAil above desoribed was oonveyed by the Trustees at the Internal Improvement Fund of the State of' Florida to The Bay Bisoayue Improvement Company in 1920. The deed reoi tes that this property is in Section 33, Township 53 South, Range 42 East, Dade County, Flori4a. It is aotually looated in Seotion 32 of said Township and Range. While the desoription is olear notwithstanding thiser.ror, some f'uture purchaser _y demand that it be corrected by a supplemental deed from the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Fund, whioh can no doubt be very eas1ly secured. The eight toot strip above mentioned was eonveyed in 1930 by 'the s_e grantees and this deed also erroneously states that the property lies in Section 33. 2 ~ ". Any supplemental deed seoured trom the Trustees ot the Internal Improvemm t Fund should release t he usual reservations ot phosphate. petroleum and other right8 generally tound in deedi8l!1ued by the Trustees ot the Internal Improvement Fund. These rights have been released as to Lot "A" above but not as to the eight toot strip. SIXTH, The permit issued in 1926 by the Distriot Engineer on behalt ot the War Depar tment contains the usual 11mi ta tions. inoluding the right to require 'the owner "to remove or alter the structural work or ob. struotions *** so as to render navigation reasonably tree. easy and unob- struoted) ..*.. SEVENTH. The property under searoh is subject to any zoning regulations of the City or Miami Beach presoribing permislible uses ot said property) and is also subjeot to any unpaid claims tor labor or material bestowed on or plaoed upon the premises wi thin the period ot the last three months. Such unpaid items may oreate liens without any record thereot in any publio ottioe. An inspeotion and investigation ot the premises is 'the only method of determining whe'ther or not suoh liens exist) also sUbjeot to the rights of parties in possession " other than those named herein as interested in the premises. the rights of suoh persons in possession whioh do not appear of reoord can be determined only by inspeotion ot 1;he premises and in,.stigation. EIGHTH. It is assumed that the survey upon 1dlioh the plat ot Di Lido Island is based was aoourately made and that 'there are no uncorreoted errors therein and. it there be any, they are not disolosed by the abstract of title and theunder8igned exandner acoepts no responsibility therefor. ~ 3