WD-132 ~ ~'l~ I , I ~1 . WI.9-1 3 ~ ~ I l~ B ,I ~.) i r,~ ( ~ Si)ned' sealed and. delivered in presence oC us: '~i. ' ~ ~VJi '<" ~-rJ/-:"-) 1 ~l'1 (o-~)UA/1 ~ ' ~~ --"'-I Vi~ atro Berd , ~~ ,," ",::"{' U',L:i,t:C )1 l., ( C;' ytl(//- / I~~ (Se:'1) 'I ,j - I / 7 .:serap ~,f~;~7~1-.t~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~:~~~~Y4 ,~,iy,~,,~~~~....~~J:~,,~":5:;Z~ ~_ ~~t-~~_~ QUIT-CLAIM DEED PAPCO'S FORM e ~A~CO I'U!lLISHING CORPORATIOH MIAMI 32. FLORI!)of wqi.a 1Ju~tuturt. Made thia 17th day oC December ____---A. D, 19 54, VIRGINIA STRONG BERnGE.. joined by her husband, BETWEEN RAY C. BERDGE _ __oC tile County 01 __~__.ADg.,] eEl , and State oC CaJ.1torn:la. , part 1 e e oC the rirst part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation oC the County oC second parL Dade Florida , part y and State oC oC the WITNESSETH, That the said part ies oC the rirst part, Cor and in consideration oC the mmoaEN and NO/IOO ($10.00) and other valuable considerations~ in hand paid by the said parL Y oC the second part, the receipt whereoC is hereby acknowledged, ha ve remisecl, released and quit-claimed, and by these presents do remise, release and quit- claim unto the said partY oC the second part anr' its successors ~reire, and assigns Corever, all tlw right, title, interest, claim and demand which the part ie s . oC the first part hatt.-.:- in and to the Col1owing described lo~ piece-!!. or parce~ oC land, situate, lying and being in the Dade Florida County oC 1 State of to.wit: Lots Ten (10 and Eleven (11) and Out-Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of The Indian' Beach Corporation's Subdivi- sion, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 61 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with riparian rights and water privileges appurtenant and adjacent thereto, said out.-lots being more particularly described as follows: That strip of land lying west of Collins Avenue and ad ... joining Indian Creek on the east, the northerly boundary line of which is the northerly line of said Lot Eleven (11) extended westerly to Indian Creek, and the southerly boundary line of which is the southerly line of said Lot Ten (10) extended westerly to Indian Creek. TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the lame together with all and singular the appurtenancee there- unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest and claim what. soever oC the laid part ies oC lhe first part either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit successors its / I,sil'l and alllligne forever. and behooC oC the said part Y of the second part, IN WITNESS WIIEREOF, The laid part ies oC the firet part h~ hereunto set the ir , handJ;L and eeaUL the day and year first above written. ! i r~ V ~~~~~~~~~mu &..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .....~~i4 III ',! '~ <C (\J ;:;~ If: /;: :~j .' .\. ~i. , I ":J ~:.: ;:f lM I .... ":1" :~:; 7" ~ :".: ... ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~t ~' ~ III a ::c rx::l rx::l 0 ~ ~ ~ cr: 11 ril 0 . .... a II. ttS t.'J .. . 0 ro ~ z '00 E- li. .. 0 ....... ~ 0 ~ >-, H u a ~ ::E: Q. .ora cr: <( CI) (J) H II. I ;::s ::E: +-t cr: .c ..... H II-< = Z ~ 0 H (I) 9 t.'J .c: ~ p:: 8 H >., H :> .0 01 nl>LJ,r:r.1 ':' '! :..",1;";) AfSI' .S :; -:3 ~ S ,; '; ~ : ~ ~ - g.~ j ... ::":l ~ ;,) r"i) ~ ~ u -; ~ :.l cP -:3 ,.... II) ~ f ,;: ~ ":l".lId 1lI'Q'":'~ =11) ~..c: ::l:; "';. Q - -:fj ~~~; j .. ,-Q~ "-::l f<l - :) -4 QUo II) ... A '0 .J~ ~ 5~:= ~~ : <' .~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ w .~~ .g ~ ~"= ~.:-~ ~ ~~ 1 o Ill:':; I..~":l ...:I ~ l~ '- .,j 8 ~; ,9 ~ 0 'Xl":l ~~ W \:u:s.> ~D"'Z":l_2 ~ ~~ l:.. E-=-:::;I o ).I, 0.-:1.1 -= -~ ,-'n W ~ -:i - ~'i g~ ~ ~ Q":l ~ ~ 1:1 Q 9 g 1I):l.. Z a 1: '; H 0 0 ..;.;;4 a!( ~... gill ~ U <;:~ ill., iu'Q ;:s f:or:,= t:"'l (", .' r',' c. iY, r,;,.) iU hI . ' ~J ", J . '..~ . u '. . I ~.~"I. < ' ita .. PI i~; " "'~'~J. ~"I,;:i Q. '. . IX '.~ ...r p. :1' "... . q.lld cJ 'n t o Q ') C:EC: WlJO.:l sJ.J.o:nOM - ''''!I:aN:a~ - .LN:aw~a:;nMON)I::>V 'snfJ1S pufJ IIfunOa PfN JOj pufJ U, oflqnclllJfJ10N ~ ",'y a~ "ql '" ,van pur> Iiup "'ll zvas IVPyjo fita paxyjv puv puvtL nUL 1as 01UnaJatL aaV1{ I '~ml\mHM. SSIDU.IM. NJ 'awvs atL1 pa1noaxa -a~ 1>>tL1 aUL 01 pa3pazmou3f.Ov puv <1UaULnJ1SUI uftLl1m atL1 01 paqlJOsqns S I -awvu asotLm -uosJad at{1 aq 01 h,; m ... ~ ~ """ ,- :s.> ... = Q paJvaddo sm.L NO { S9la~uv slYJ. /0 nlunoo .,. <VINlIO.!1l'IV:) 0110 :u.v.J.S 'aUL 9JOjaq '-6T "aOY , -fir ... ..-- ----.- '#.1- I t' ; ~ ~....-~;.:;.,~-:=-.:.:.;..=.~~~=,-::.=-_-~_'::_.:-:::= --".~,- 8\>\>LS ~~6l 'tll 'cPd s~J,d,,3' uO!~ClmlUOO AW '911>1S pufJ IIfuno fJ~ JOj ptIfJ 111 ""qnclllJrJION"-' -. C:EC: WlJO.:l SJ..LO::"OM - ''''!I:aN:a~ - .LN:aw~a:a'MON>I::>V '- , 'u9U1Jm ,~o 1 _0 ul Joan puv nOJ' atL' zvas llJ1oyjo nw paxyjv puv puvtL nw 1as 01UnaJat{ aC/.V1{ I '~o:m:mM SS3NJ.IM NJ 'awvs atL1 pa1noaxa -ar- 1VW aUL 01 p93pazmou3f.ov puv 'luawwFUI UltLnm atL1 01 paq1JOsqns ~ awvu asotLm -uosJad at{1 aq 01 1 'aw 0""'", ' ~ (:{ 4 paJvaddv nllVUOSJad 'a1V1S puv fi1unoD P1VS JoJ puv U1 o11qncl fiJv10N v , ~o'n/~1?C}8_ ~ WsmTNO l'mu aJojaq >~"p6r "a'v < ~ JC -r - - .... . 0 ' )f.r {saza~uv S07 JO li1unoO .,. l.L 13~Wd 620i ~009 'VINlI0.a1l'IV:) 0110 :u.Y.LS , r , ~ 0; 8001<4029 PAGE178 Wf}-I D ~ B - a I .....er or the oaid p.... 1 A R or the rint part either m law or equity, to the ooIy proper _ Le..fi1 :1 m and behooC oC the said party oC the IeCOnd part, it~;succe~~d assigns Corever. ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The said partJ.e..fL oC the C'lr8t part ba....Y..e.. hereunto llet their B handl!.. and 8ea~ the day and year fint above written. I' Signed, oealed and delivered m p.......1E.~~,:> ' I. ' " ,~" ..>~'./;.~ "'c~~' ~ '/ f ....-:'':'-' .,....~.... ". ./ ~ . " 'f'eI~ ~~~~~'- ~f~r~~_ ~~ QUIT-CLAIM DEED PAPCO'S FORM e I'AI'CO PUI!ILISHING CO"PO"ATIOII MIAM. 32. FLORIDO m4ts lJubtuturt t Made thi, 16th day of Dee_bel- BETWEEN BLANCHE LEVY, joined by her husband, ALVIN LEVY, -_-A. D. 19~ __oC the County 01 Los Angeles , part ies or the drst part, and , and State oC Cali fornia CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation DC the County of IIeCOnd part. Dade , ))art Y oC the Florida and State of WITNESSETH, That the said part ie s oC the first part, Cor and in consideration oC tbe ns lUDiocTENl;tnd ttO/100~ $10.00) and other valuable considerat1o"iloDlIN,- in hand paid by the ~aid part y oC the second part, the receipt whereoC is hereby ackno~ledged, b,,'ve " remi8eII,released and quit-claimed, And by these presents do claim nnt.o the laid part y , oC the second part an'" 'its successors ftirs, and a88i~s '.:' Corever, ~n th{~ ..ight, title, interest, claim _ and demand wlIich the part ie s .:...... in and t;~e CoHowing described loLS..., PieceJ3.., or pareelfL oC land, situate, lying and be~ in the ~ '. ' '.' Co. t -~; Dade ., S t f Florida .' un y ~~ 1 ta e 0 '.., to-wit: .... \~ Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) and Out-Lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of The Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision, according to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 61 of the Public Re- cords of Dade County, Florida, together with riparian rights and water privileges appurtenant and adjacent thereto, said out-lots being more particularly des- cribed as follows: .T-h~t!trip of. land ly:ing west of Collins Avenue (ind adjoinIng Indian Cree~ on the east, the northerly boundary'line of which is the northerly line of said Lot Eleven (11), extended westerly to Indian OreeK, ana the southerly boundary line of which is the . southerly line of said Lot Ten (10) extended westerly to Indian Creek.! TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the eame together with all and aingular the appurtenancea there- ~to belonging or in anywi8e appertaining, and all the C8tate, right, title, interest and claim wbat- (Seal) ".< \ ~ '..... ~ ~- "\ -. ., ~!.'i. ~ \~ l~~~~,. ,;. ...."'li,.J; l[ ,. , '-..--"-----.-....,..-.c- 'i.. QUIT-CL.AIM I?EEO . PAPCO'S FORM 8 P'...~O P'UBLISHINIJ CORP'OMTlON MI...MI 32. FLORID. at4is lJulltuturt f Made thi, .&/ day or p(t? -h .(d~ -_--A. D. 19~ BETWEEN DONA M. STRONG, a widow of the County of , and State or of the first part, and , parLY ". CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation Dade Florida ltpd State or of the County of Ilecond part. WITNESSETH, That the said part Y of the first part, for and in consideration of the IaJD ofTEN and 00/100 ($10.00) and other valuable consideration&nlln__ of the , party . in hand paid by the said partY of the 8ecc)nd. part, the receipt whereof is herebyacknowled3~ bA S _,remieell,released and quit-claimed:; aIldJ>y these presents do es remise, release and quit- JtI . claim uni: the said part Y of the second part auf' its successors _Jl8rap~a8!liglls forever, a the right. title, interest. claim and dema~d whicll the part Y of the firs! part baa ... in and to. the Conowing described lof!- pi~or parceUl of land, situate, lying and being in th,e County of Dade 1 State 'or Florida to-wit : LQts Ten (lO) and Eleven (11) and Out-lots Ten (10) and Eleven (11) of The Indian Beach Corporation's Subdivision, according 'to the Amended Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 8, page 61 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, together with riparian rights and water privi- leges appurtenant and adjacent thereto, said out-lots being more particularly described as follows: ! T~ strip 'or land lying west of Collins Avenue and a~jo;ning Indian Creek on the east, the northerly boundary line of which is the northerly line of said Lot $leven (11), extended westerly to Indian Creek and the 'southerly boundary line of which is the southerly line of said Lot Ten (10) extended westerly to Indian Creek. B I -- of the oaid part y I and behoof of the laid part y I ::~ :.:?:;.v::?~:: ;~~::=- .r the r_ paart ~ hereunro ~ I ;P~/&(d~ I,pAkfA<P~ gm~~~~ TO HAVE AND TO HOW the lame together with all and singular the appurtenancee there- ~ unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and .all the estate, right. title, interest and claim what- or the first part either in law or equitYt to the only proper uae, benefit .. ?uccessors of the seeond part. its l.'IT- and auigna forever. her .... (Seal ) (Seal) .4-1 j .- ',q . .~f{ ~ "_0'\..( . ... ~ j ".- STATE OF BLORIDA COUNTY OF DADF. } I ~EREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, DONA M. STRON<J , a widow : ;...:,...! ~o_ me well known to be the persolL- described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowl- .--.-'. . edged before me that she pre~d. executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purpose therein ex- ~- to be the wife of the sai on a separate and private examination taken and made by an me, s apart from her said husband, did "^'i' acknowledge that she made herself a 1 or the purpose of renouncing, relinquishing and . conveying all her right f erest, whether dower, ho or of separate property, statutory or I. I equitable' e ands described therein, and that she executed t e' ed freely and voluntarily lout any compulsion, constraint, apprehension or fear of or from her said u , WiTNESS my hand and official seal at Miami I c.'!~"f!rDade and State of Florida , thiA 4 "".. . - ':'1', I_,"~: .\.1. a r.i c ,.""f11... b 1;4 ',~~Y'O(' ~~~~<fem er , A. D. 19~ ~ ~.' --~ -.. ~ "';.. /~,wr~~'~4 tf'. 7I1r~~ :' ': I.LS: '.' .,': Notary Public, State of Florida. ~ PI", ... . '=~ .... l.J \,. _~ne. S~ Of: r:tOrtdQ at taro. A t La r g e "~I ''4. (;QJ ission expires May -10, 1958, ~r" ...., ..... ,i:. &t'1:led by American Surety C:l. o. N. Y. -""" ;:'/..' O. n \~ 0;.. ..-c' . . .f~ , \ \ ,\ 1;~U4H~:I:\t.. ,"- _" :1,"" ,;' , known to ~-~! F-I .~. ~~-. ~ ~ C /""!. It a. cOO 0..: ;-.. ~L: (I -~O = <:l..... ..,.. ~ . -: C ;:::I " .~ ~ ~e ;...~ e.-C t~ - ;. ~- l'fj ~.;: ~ ~ f~ J. ;~-o ~.., ~ ~ &' c.L: ~(JI; (tll: o- M .. (t C. III \ _' OJ Er ~ en 8 r -. -., ~ ~ '\ ~ ;,.~ '---it lD '\ 0 ~ J i. =. s.~..~"i'. Cl.. tj'l ~ . Q' (t'M ...,c.. ~ >'. ., =:d e, ~., e I-t . ~ t:!. . M c.. .f' , It, -. \..I' "~, ~ 0 he 2 ~. ti:f ~ c ~ e' -. ...... e .C": 3.. 5-= =-f-n e e:.,1oot _c ~= . l=c ::r':'l~c= ~e:.=.~ .,c. _ (I::r ~ ., .... .C') C":~~:-;. t:j' t:j. c ~.., n r:C C-1Il de:- e a -,;' =- if _ .."g c~.' o II: ... C ~ 0 0 = H f@ ~ ..... :t> ........ . 0 :s:: ~ " )> ~ . 11 C'I ~ CJ} ~ ..... 0 H '.-3 :i3 .. ~ -Ii c :x> e a ..... ... :sc 0 a 11 H Z 1: 0 CII . "1X1 txj S :x> 0 ::r: ~ ~ bf """ ~. C') - c..... ;. . 't7 ",., n . Q ._____.___~~.................,.~~-...,--.......ltr... .CJ '-<1 In; 1:;0 , /- "'~ ;;::; .'- .-1 a--. ........,....,__~__~"-'"-_:.,,_~...~c_______ .._---_:....~-"~-~ ,"-~....-.~-~...-~".,----...-"', -:'.' -~___T____+~~.-~..---'---;- ~ e ., m "' i - n'" r- :",,-. pi , ~. ~r- - , ." . l"'\ ... t, 0 ... -- Q~ l;ffi ::u r'I';:o :1 ::n nlt rn p~ ('"J "'l'l N <:> ,. :;xJ ,.. ut g ,..-,.-, -