Warranty Deed 126 VI 1:) - I ':l. <. . . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY June 1, 1954 TO: FROM: C. W. Tomlinson, City Clerk Ben Shepard, City Attorney Purchase by City of portion of street end at 29th Street and the Ocean RE: The above transaction has been closed and I am handing you herewith the following: 1. Partial Release of Mortgage executed by Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company. 2. Warranty Deed from Pancoast Properties, Inc. to City oJ'~ 3 . ~Cj}l'v-/ Original Agreement between the parties. BJS:ap 'J-- (q , 1"'" 1B.1 IN WARRANTY DItItD (PROM CORPORATION) PAPCO'S FORM R. E. A.3 I'APCO PUBLIBHING CORl'ORATlON "lAM., P'LORJ_ exit1ing under the lawl of the State of Made th.;. ...11 si- . PRO PERTI ES. INC. Florida dayol 4?fi../L aJ4ts 3hWtnturt f BETWEEN PANCOAST , a eorporatioD J having ita principal plaee,of. buainell in the County of and lawfully authorised to truuaet buaineu and State of F10l'ida, of the Count)- 01 DAdA ,nd State of . ~ . 1 VIOl" dA pa~ of ~e aeeond part, WITNESSETH: That tl\e said party of the fint p~ for and in ~llIideration of the IUIQ of____ TEl ($'" .00) - .;. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --=--~--=--~--~ o~~-" and other geod and valuable nsideration, . to it in ha..d paid by the laid parL..:J- of .~ iaeeond part, the receipt whereof it hereby lIiOknowledgM, hugranted, hargained and told to the said P'arLJ:- of the HJCOnd part, its s"ee9.8W8, - ..... and aMigoa forever, the Colloqg deaeribeti laDd utuate, lyiq and beiai in the Countyof--D.a.de- _d State of Flqrida, to-wit: ApQrtion of that cert81n parcel ot land lying southerly of and adjoining Lot One (1), Block Eleven (11), of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach Improvement Company, as shown pn the anu~nded plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book Five (5), Pages Se.en (7) and Eight (8) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said portion being bounded as follows: Bounded on the southerly side by a line drawn easterly from the most northerly point of Lot Five (5), Block Eight (8Y-of the above mention Ocean Front Propel'ty of the Miami Beach Improvement Company, and parallel to the southerly line of said Lot Five (5); Bounded on the northerly side by a line parallel to and Thirty-five (35) feet northerly of the above described southerly boundary; Bounded on the easterly side by the Atlantic Ocean: Bounded on the westerly. side by the westerly line of the said parcel of land 1 ying southerly of! and adjoining ~aid Lot One (l)~ Block Eleven (11). together with al~ , rJDarian r~ghts appurtenan~ ~liereto. . TlilsconveYBnce is made subject to restrictions, conditions end limitations of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; taxes for the year 1954. ATTEST: And the said party of the fint part does hereby fully. wurant the ti~ to aaid land, and will del~ the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever., excepting that there is no warranty as to ntWir~~ ~~. the said party of the fint part hu eauaed theee pre- (Corporate IleIltll to be signed in its Dame by ita proper officers, Seal) and ita corporate eeal to be affixed, attelted by hi 'teeMtary, -tho.~..d:"..... ........ 111.;' ''; "-:'~r . . :' \\\,\,~lU1I1:"III; . . ~". ~\.. ~5, J lit! ;111'1', PANCOAST PROPERTIES, '.0:: b.~""""':'<I> 0 '\ ,;r<, _:l.''1:lr ."" " ---".,.iJ ~ ." ec.ry '+_"~ _:-~/_~' i ,', i ~ '~. ...-r'_\ ~ ,. -"'i.~. t1 .or""" 4" =' ; ;,': ~ ~p~? - "/, _..:~!s-i~:: .,~(.",~ If. -:"i~ flu . ~ -::. _ ~.... :........ D ':;" V .84. {;) ,'.<,~: ..~ Y" """ "".J ,,"'Of .......... ,~~' 'IJ Q;,f,,,,~._#.t.'" ~....'" ...:" 'i. II n r, t' 'J"i<' ,', ~/;ii' t~ V ,.~ < ......:..">. tJ.,;; t' 1 i}~ \\\ \. r-'..'~'" , By ~'~L~~rrfJt~ Signed, eealed and ~i\~Jp~ce of ~ 1 '\j ::i~~iJl5::,,:-:::,g,:r..-': f4~'''t........ll'... ~ STArr. \)( .,. ~/.4HJlfl~ttn/ ~ ...;., r '" ~-'-- ~~ .-- --.,-,-..; -~- , .....~.. -' \.~ ~ -.... ..., ."t' ~_.. /~. "";:'j ~ _"" ~.... ......... _," .. ';' ...' 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'P!US9JOJ'8 :JS'81 .IlIQA ptrB AUF QlF I'~ jo 'AtUn039q1 ~ rn..A..'V-r;?"~8, pas . (II!aUJo 'ptrB.. Q.lnJeui!liI Am SSDI.tU\. <t. , I.UOpB.lOd.t03 p'f" JO poop prm law Qq1 8J 1uaUIILI18lIJ pplll aq1 ll!ql pUll 'UOpl!.lod.Ioa pplll JO {Vall {e!"!JJ,o aq101a.laq1 paJqJJll A.np lBq1 pUB pauolluam u!a.!aq1 llallod.md pUll lIam Qq1 .!oJ uaa!JJo qanll n paap pUB pe ,aa:t:j .l!al{l aq 01 Joa.!aql uOllnaaxa aql pa1lpaIMomr3B AIP.laAaS pUll 8.100!JJO qans 811 luaum.I18U! lhqoll".Jo", POullJ9 "'I'" mouad "... "'I .. ....."'( om .. "r ~ ~...~,'7' ~ : ;::::::.:::~ ~~F/J'. ;:12 -~: ~ ~';.!jpnoao ........l"'I ~ JO AUP , p'10 "!l{J uo lUl{l '~.t1l~3 A&mImI I 1 r.. " ./ri.fJ.:fJY dO A.LNClOO 'vamO'U 110 3.LY.r.s:: ~6I'a'Vl I / I / BOOK 998 PAG'E 416 Partial Release of Mortgage wo ,ac, KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: THE CoNNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CoMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut, for and in consideration of the sum of $10 and other good and valuable consideration, to it in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release, quitclaim, exonerate and discharge from the lien and operation of that certain mortgage dated................,....A.pr.iL..27"....,.,...,..................., 19.,.45.,.., executed by,.....P.AN0.O,AS.T...PROPERTIES."" ,IR0. ..............'""""" ...",......,.""."."",...,...,..,",..,' ........,............... in favor of said THE CoNNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CoMPANY, recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of.............Dade..,.............,...........in the state of Florida in Mortgage Book.......15.65.........., Page....,...2.0,8..".." ,...,., unto said" ""PAN,COAST.,.,PRO PERT,IES.~".INC...,...."...,.. .............., ..,..",...,..,..""""",..' ,.....'"".""...... ....'......, ,.., ........' ..th~.;l..:r.,...heirs, successors and assigns, the following described lands lying and being situated in the County of....,.......Dade........,.........,...,..........,........,........... in the State of Florida, to wit: A portion of that certain parcel of land lying souther- 11' of and adjoining Lot One (1), Block Eleven (11), of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach Improvement Company, as shown on the amend- ed map thereof, recorded in Plat Book Five (5), Pages Seven (7), and Eight (8) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said portion being bounded as follows: Bounded on the southerly side by a line drawn easterly from the most northerly point of Lot Five (5), Block Eight (8), of the above mentioned Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach Improve- ment Company, and parallel to the southerly line of said Lot Five (5); Bounded on the northerly side by a line parall~l t~ ,jpd Thirty-five (35) feet northerly of the above described southerly bouMary; Bounded on , the easterly side by the Atlantic Ocean; Bounded on tne"westerly side by the westerly line of the said parcel of land lying southerly of, end ad- joining said Lot One (1), Block Eleven (11). Together with all common law. and statutory riparian and water rights appurtenant and adjacent thereto. " To Have and To Hold the same, with the appurtenances, unto the said,..,PA CQAS.T....PROP "I" -+ ...,...... ,..,.. ,I.N,C,... ,..,..........""..,..,.............. ,...."...... ............ ,....,..,......,"', ..,..' ,tne lr.., ...heirs, successors and assigns, forever, freed, exonerated and discharged of and from the lien and operation of said mortgage and every 'part thereof; provided always, nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall in anywise impair, alter or diminish the effect, lien, or encumbrance of the aforesaid mortgage on the remaining part of the property covered thereby not hereby released therefrom, or any of the rights and remedies of the holder there~f. In Witness Whereof, the said THE CoNNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be excuted in its name and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on this the....l?.thday of...,.............F.~p.~,u.~,r.,'1............,...........,......., 19..54..... ,-' ,. .', In the Presence of: ...-;;{Ct~BCTICUT MUTUAL LIFE /~~~ ~4")<~"i). '. ' CE COMPANY /~ '....~!t1..!.~, ,(po" i~ .._.... :fI ',' . ,~\ C>\ '~~ .... \ . I" ". .. ." ". ... C, ,j::: .. ~.:' ~~~. ,~, t\1 n ". /tJ,. b . r ',,,""., ='1 "';;W' ..:.,1' ,,~ (""-I 1 . ....!/>,.,<.. I r': ~ .;". '.... ! 11.<,,",, ",' ,:;"'i '~\;\~. ..... ,;;(. :I. ~J ''c'r ",', C" ,:' ..., .,,) ..'.':..~..f.. 't:t .. ..il,v.'l'_ '.. __.' ol!)..,...................'.... ..................... '...'.;..'..'. ,,~, ~:\~. ~:a-tj aa.t":. 4. J'. ,Secretary .'t" 1"1"". A.D.ll:l~;;",o'./ :, .~~ ',- /" / """;r~ ';..l) IV . . '.. . ~:{_'r~:' (i, . };;:,;,'-. 11 Co:-- .__,_>'~;.- " , . \::,;t' ",,~......;, !,.' ~'.-=o:.,~. i/Ii,;/,,,.. ..~~............. ....~.!.?l.:..I!)f1.:{!..,t.{./.............. STA. TE OF CoNNECTICUT } SS. CoUNTY OF HARTFORD .,..,',..,~.,~;:~,~~~:;e~~~.~~,~.~~.~~~.=:..~:::~~~.=~~.r=:-:~~:~~~.~~k Vi c e,., Pr. e,s,i.den t", in" ,Char..g.e" ,of., ,.Mor.. t.gaga. ..Lo.ans..and",.,.,.", .~s.s.i.s.t.an. t...,... ,'..' ...Secretary. respectively, of THE CoNNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CoMPANY, and they acknowledged before me that they executed the above and forego4J,g instrument as such officers of said corporation, and that they have good and lawful authority so to do, and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. In Witness Whereof, I hereunto set my hand and affix mf official seal at Hartford, in said County and State, on this the.....J.~t:n.:,."....day of..................F.e.b.r.ue.t'y................................., 19....5,4... /,.Pflv' ~ ,I ViI'1l iC,~,.............,. 0 ~ ... 0 ,., ...., !... C I ...~ . ~ .to ", . " .. " ". \" ........... .L... ..~......... / -!{ '" 0 T 11 ?l/~1~. ?) Notary Pu the State of Connecticut. '",,, , ...~<,1I':r' F ( I ,,\~\ \Ll! " ,~1;'.; 1 6 te of Iorilla, County of Dade. My COmmiSSi~. t~..~..;,1~~.!~; ;:....~.....9.5....... ,: ;.." ~~ '~~Mrn:::;~l~ C~~r.) , :':: y,if..;:~~.~..,:~ ...:, .. .,on Page_?'L~_.. File No. Dn.. it!: :b- " '''... ~C:f \ .~ E. 8, LEATHERMAN " FLORIDA F. L. 37 F 1M. 10.5'1 . Clerk Circuit Court .y~L2~~ D.C. ( \ \, f'-~U r.' ">_'U -., I " $'" ~- '. . f!!:l ~ r t.~ ~;Jr i '~ i\-~ ~k.~ g ~ ~~~ '~~~ a. ~- ~ ~~,8:. ~ ~ , :. ,= ):::. ~' ~~ i ~ ~\; ~ ~~ ~: . . . . L L " , , . . . . . .I~ E t, .f, . ;:;.-:,~--------- ,); r~ l:C'J OH ~i:] 'H ~ ~ r "t1 ~. ,~~ s" 0 ~( t:l ~ g e; 8 ... ~> ~ ~ ll> tI:l ct> in lit! . - (b s:l- go Of Of 1 '.'~ ----' ~~.' , .~ ~- ~, """~ 1~ ;;; ~.,., <) 0 ' :~-;t ~t; ~":~r~" :.."" '11'\ ~! .~~ ." .~~ . -~---~'-'---":"---'~"""'---'''' l_~:.'_ ,,":;r , I , .' ........... ,...--,..-.",., ../" '" ./ ~,.. ~'....~ '""7.,;-t- ~. :< '~,.J ''''T'' =< . "fj '...~ .' '=' o C": i.; 00 C.J l~ <fJ'" . "~.;A '-.:1..:i ""'(: w ..-'-' ~. o - .,~. ;" .<:\ "F ! ' ......'..... . " , , ~~-- SELLER: PURCHASER: DESCRIPTION: Charge Purchaser: Purchase price Credit Purchaser: '~~~-~':~'~~:,,:::'~~,--- CLOSING STATEMENT t.-" ~~,~~-- Miami Beach, Florida April 26, 1954 Pancoast Properties, Inc. City of Miami Beach North half of Street end at 29th and Ocean. Documentary Stamps on Deed . State~ $47~50 Federal: 52.25 $ 99.75 Recording Partial Release of Mortgage 1.60 Check to Miami Beach First ' National Bank for purchase of Cashier's Check payable to Connecticut Mutual Life Insur- ance Company for Partial Re- lease of Mortgage 47,398.65 $47-,500.00 $47,500.00 ~_.""'..~_..,..''''~~ OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY - CITY HALL - MIAMI BEACH 39. FLORIDA ""--"'-\""T'~,__.__. I " THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this J.. f~ day of January, 1954 by and between PANCOAST PROPERTIES, INC., a Florida corporation, party of the first part, hereinafter referred to as the "0wnerll and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as the "City": WIT N E SSE T H That for and in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth the parties agree as follows: 1. The Owner will sell and convey and the City will purchase that certain parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Miami Beach, Florida, described as follows, to-wit: A portion of that certain parcel of land lying southerly of and adjoining Lot One (1), Block Eleven (11), of the Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach Improvement Company, as shown on the amended map there- of, recorded in Plat Book Five (5), Pages Seven (7) and Eight (8) of the Public Re- cords of Dade County, Florida, said portion being boundea as follows: Bounded on the southerly side by a line drawn easterly from the most northerly point of Lot Five (5), Block Eight (8), of the above mentioned Ocean Front Property of the Miami Beach Improvement Company, and parallel to the southerly line of said Lot Five (5). Bounded on the northerl~ side by a line parallel to and Thirty-five (35) feet north- ~rly of the above described southerly bound- ary. Bounded on the easterly side by the At- lantic Ocean. Bounded on the westerly side by the west- erly line of the said parcel of land lyi~ southerly of, and adjoining said Lot One {l), Block Eleven (11). Together with all common law and statutory riparian and water rights appurtenant and adjacent thereto. OFFICE OF Cl'I'Y' ATI'OIIKET - C1'I'T BALL - MIJLMI BEACH 99. FLORIDA \. 2. The Owner will, within twenty (20) days from the date hereof, deliver to the City an abstract of title showing the Owner's title to be good and marketable. 3. The Owner will convey the said land to the City by good and sufficient warranty deed, free and clear of all encumbrances, except taxes for the year 1954, re- strictions, conditions and limitations of record, zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida and such municipal improvement liens as may be pending bu~ not cer- tified at the time of the closing of the transaction con- templated hereby. 4. The City agrees to pay to the OWner, as the full purchase price of said land, the sum of Forty Seven Thousand Five Hundred ($47,500.00) Dollars cash at the time of the closing of the transaction contemplated hereby. 5. The transaction contemplated hereby shall be closed not earlier than the 15th day of March, 1954 nor later than the 25th day of March, 1954. 6. This agreement shall be binding upon each of the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed in their names, by their duly authorized officers and their corporate seals to be affixed, all as of the day and year first above written. PANCOAST PROPERTIESj- INC-~-- r . Q . BY~~/~~ent. -2- OFFICE OF C1'I'T A'ft'OBKEY - C1'I'T 1IJLLL - MIAMI BEJLCJl39. nORmA CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ATTEST: ss COUNTY OF DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this"'~ day of & A.D. 1 54, befor me personally appeare and P. es en ecr ary respec ve 0 ancoas roper es, c., a corporation under the laws of the State of Florida, to me known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers and sever- ally acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free act and deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein mentioned and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation, and that the said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my signature and official seal at~ (3-c~ in the County of Dade and State of Florida the day and year last aforesaid. , My commission expires: ~""I;/' /157 I, ~~ :J*~ Notary u . c, so'.. OFida at Large Notary Public, State of Florid,:) at lar~f'! My commission expires No\': 23, 1957 Bonded by American Surety Co. of N. Y: OFFICE OF ern' A'I"I'OIII(ft - CITY BALL - MIAMI BEACH S9. n.OBJDA