Warranty Deed 127 TO: FROM: RE: , ~.-::.:.-.'" .~~_. h t , '. .... -" w D"'~1 The above transaction has been consummated and I am handing you herewith the following: 1. Abstract of Title. This abstract covers not only the above mentioned property but also covers the north one-half of the street end which was recently acquired from Pancoast Properties. No abstract went to you in connection with the last named deal. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY May 25, 1954 C. W. Tomlinson, City Clerk Ben Shepard, City Attorney Purchase of south one-half of street end at 29th Street and the Ocean 2. My Opinion on the Abstract of Title. 3. Original Agreement between the parties. 4. Copy of Closing Statement which shows items entering into the transaction. The Warranty Deed is being recorded and will come to y~u in due course. BJS: ap ~ ~~ l \~ 0 ....: '" .. ,-. .~ BOlm3927 PAG~558 € ~ WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, Made this / f'/ day of A.D. 1954 between RAYE M. WINDT (formerly RAYE M. joined by her husband, BERNARD E. WINDT; ESTHER MILLER, Join- , ed by her husband, H. D. MILLER, all of Dade County, Florida, and BEATRICE M. LABOVITZ, joined by her husband, WILLIAM LABOVITZ; HILDA M. ABRAMSON, joined by her husband, ARCHIE , ABRAMSON of Baltim.ore, Maryland, and J. N. MORRIS, as Ancil- lary Administrator of the Estate of Selig Miller, Deceased; parties of the first part, and CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Muni- cipal corporation of the State of Florida, party of the se- cond part. WIT N E SSE T H: That the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations, to them in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is here- by acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold to the said party of the second part, its successors and assigns, 1~54 forever, the following described land situate, lying and being in the County of Dade and State of Florida, to-wit: That certain parcel of land lyi~ easterly of the northerly thirty-five (35) feet of Lot Five (5), Block Eight'(8), of the OCEAN FRONT PROPERTY OF THE MIAMI BEACH IMPROVE- MENT COMPANY, as shown on the amended plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book Five (5), Pages Seven (7) and Eight (8) of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, bounded as follows: Bounded on the westerly side by the easterly line of Miami Beach Drive. on the easterly side by the Atlantic - ~ounded on the northerly side by a line drawn .. easterly from the most northerly point of said ,Lot Five (5), parallel to the southerly line -of said Lot Five (5). ' '''''~---.........._-.~ '- -. -.- - __~..""._ .-_r._'-'.r-,_.-/,~:-../'...____-",",_-,..._ :"0l"FICB 01' CITY Jl.WOBIIft - CftT B&LL - IGJlIII BEACH 39. I'LOBlDA ...1' BOOl3927 PAGE559 ." l' Bounded on the southerly side bf a line parallel to and thirty-five (35) feet southerly of the above described north- erly boundary. As said Lot and Block are shown on the above mentioned Plat. Together with all common law and statutory riparian and water rights appurtenant and adjacent thereto. This conveyance is made subject to res- trictions, limitations and conditions of record; zoning ordinances of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; and taxes for the year 1954. And the said parties of the first part do hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parties of the first year above written. part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and Signed, sealed and delivered in pre e of us: V'~- X. ct~~ ~~ ~ s er~er f!D~ w~J'~ William Labovitz J<\1Iw-<~<v)o .tp/- 1- .. .Iii a . rams on /y~ ./ ~~ and Archie Abramson ~ ~ fL1.~ary ministrator of the Estate of Selig Miller, Deceased. OFFICE OF CITY AftOBRE'I' - CI'l'T BALL - MULMI BUes a9, n.oBJDA --2-- ."" ~' . B~OK3~27 fAGE560 ,. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF DADE ) ~ ss I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to admin- ister oaths and take acknowledgments, RAYE M. WINDT, (for- merly RAYE M. EDELSON), and BERNARD E. WINDT, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they exe- cuted the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. County of ~ WITNESS my hand and official seal at M~ami Be achJ.,'", Dade and State of Florida, this ;2..0 orL day o~"'~)." "0;&'" , A. D. 1954. :---~~ .......... 0;/'1, :- ~",O I. ". .... vi .~, ~'~ .~, J . .. . q ~ 0'- ~ . -. .",.'~ " . ..."}...... ~,a. UJ..r . " "" ' __ 1$" \.;, '" ~~ i-; ~bl1e, aeo\_,~.. ~'ori;::i FIOTida at Large;" "" .'. ... "~.: ~~ ~ 'f /) :.....li.tI..~,_= t. ..".1 ~U..... ....- II, ,...0 ~ h""",,'-'" ~ ,,, 1'15 f mm ssion ~xpires: STATE OF FLORIDA l ss COUNTY OF DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to admin- ister oaths and take acknowledgments, ESTHER MILLER and H. D. MILLER, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and volun- tarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at M~i Beach, County of Dade and State of Florida, this ~ ~ day of ~ ' A.D. 1954.. ""~'a'i;"."'l _.~ <:10...', .' "')< ....... '..;/ I, J .: ~ ... .." or', - . "0 -- "1'(<:,-. 0' - . ," '~::;,- . 'I .,18 h.... u) ~ " · ":-':'~' 0' ~ ~-~ e 1:>. : (./ -~ f C... : .:!.; -', ~ .1f' · -J-. - ",: ~ .'. l; ~ 1 C \\..... en : ,'i' _'" .ofl; .- ~"'-~ .: ~;t"'':> p. ..._).., - ~,~ -- V. .........,\._~ -- ; I. ",' ., \. '\> ...- L t f'.- \.~\ \II"" ",.............. Ib 195 P commission expires: STATE OF FLORIDA l ss COUNTY OF DADE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer dUly authorized to admin- ister oaths and take acknowledgments, J. N. MORRIS, as Ancillary Administrator of the Estate of Selig Miller, Deceased, to me well known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. /" WITNESS my hand and official seal at~ County of Dade and State of Florida, this~ v-L day or ~ '. A.D. 1954. ""'"'' _--'~ i Q Hlo"'.. , .: ^'), ......... ".i i", · .... ""0 'I, ... 'fJl').~~.~ Large. ~ ' "~.C''' <I ~ ~; "' t J . 1-.- ...~.'.I. .." -(Q"" $d.. q V'O'~,,-'; ~ ~ t. .z. .;:";:: ... 't ";;I"'.. ... .'~\.'i; :: 1,<, vi:#...it....-...\.~.:- ,', ': 1 /,- , . ~~...--- -3- .'l\\''''......... OFFICB OF ern' AftOlIIfBY - crrY HALL - IILUII BUeB 89, FLORIDA ," BOOK 3927 PAGE 561 " .. STATE OF MARYLAND COUNTY OF l ss I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledgments, BEATRICE M. LABOVITZ and WILLIAM LABOVITZ, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and acknowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at ~~ J c~q Ilti day of ~, ?JJ ~ ~ /f.:f.) My co is ion expires: , A.D. 1954. this 1111'Htll/llfl ,\\\ 11'1 ,/' . -; .. 9 IV J 1,,/, .......' ~ ......."J.." > ...,,! ~ (). .... , ..... -~--::. j. ... \10n'" ~~ :::0 'rj"-: :- -'-- : . ~fv ': .: ;,:--r : :.... .: '- .'\~' ~ c~'" " (", \'''''''' . ~ ~ '-, ~, ........ "-I ~' 'r:. ., -:;,v/.. .........?.;.' ..~~;~.".~ffS .'\ '2-'~:,'<~. 'I:. If \\\\ '" Iffllllll\\\ and State of Maryland, STATE OF MARYLAND COUNTY OF 1 as .-W/ J- J- ..FJ MY commission expires: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day personally appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledgments, HILDA M. ABRAMSON, and ARCHIE ABRAMSON, to me well known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing deed, and ack- nowledged before me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the purposes therein expressed. WITNESS my hand and official seal at 2fg~~~ , and State of .IVraryland, this<~ ~~. ]1 v , " .~ , A.D. 1954. .,' ') /.. ". 1 ~ / ~V~-;~. ,I ~ tC'/~~;;c_ County of /1 t( day of /i ['.4 -, State of Florida, County of Dade. This instrument was filed for record the ~ day ~~-~ 1954 aV~.%'dA1.::_M. and duly recorded in_~~""':;;;.L;' 8001< J'9,J Z..on Pa~~.d1ile No. DD 7/,,:S"?, ~ .JI E. e. LEATHERMAN Clerk Circuit Court By ~~---' ne. -4- OFFICE OF CITI' A'I"rODEY - C1'I'T BALL - IIUlIII BEACH :t9, n.oBIDA