Warranty Deed SMD4 MASTER'S DEED "vnm n. IV. IV fo... I ,I I ... '! -I ., . ...... --.. -~--_..---_._-. << . ~~.C__::_.:' -':::"11t!ttt..- '. IHRANGE PRINtiNG CO. MIAMI. I'U. " , E TURE M 1- ~ 'I......' .ho'Y' '0'1- THIS IND N , ade the_____________n ________________day of__.u.>.<..QQ.ll!.l.><..__________________m 19 nod_V_____: be t ween ____Dli.lllEIL__SJ.::l:L.lli1.___________________________________---------------__________________________________________________, as SPECIAL MASTER IN CHANCERY, of the first part, andn____C.ll'-ynQ)LJllil..1iI-DE1\G111-__J.~.:L..9_:r~i_~1~_, ~~__~~1J~n11&1 1) Q.:L_Q..QJ~1?mZ_g,~\!_LQ1L_9.f__E~l.QJ;~;L(J'_g,,_______________________________________________________________ :1 ______________________________________________________--- _______________________n______________________ol the second part: WHEREAS, the Circuit Court of the___J.lth___Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and fot the County of _____J2ml.Q______________________________n_____' in Chancery, on the ___..2_6th____n_________________________________ day ofm_0.ctD_bcl"-___________n____________n' 19 ;J.[S___, among other things ordered, adjudged and decreed, in a certain cause then pending in the said Court, between______.._TlnL~JIllEj ITHG___COl '1' ATrr ..._a-E.l.Qr_j.~1~L..c_Q;r..L:.9_"1;:a _____________n________n____t~t..91.1__f.--tla.illt.ii.f-,..-h-------_________________________________________________________n__n___________ ___________ __..n___. ____________n_____________________________________ ____ eontpllfi ntln t _____, and _________________________n______________________ n__QJ~!JEIE_~~_!___.1f~~1~h1.&..___2:__~th2..lEJ.....~__y:LQ~~1..~_!_ __9 t .~_J:.___n____________________________.._______________~_____ defendantf}_____ that the l'if.()nlfllgsd premises mentioned in said decree, and hereinafter particularly described, be sold by said Master, at public auction, the said Master first giving_n f'Q1.l.r..___c.Qns.o_c.u..t.iY..c._Yl.c_cl~.s_!___ notice of the time and place of sale, in a newspaper published aL----lii.fll.i1i..~--nade.--.c.o.unt.;;r------------------ in the said State, to-wit, thL__J[~~:.QJTI1___~~.Q_Y.:1s')_IL_mEt12~;i.,.l:L_ H Q..Q.9l-~_~L_______________n__________________~_______ AND WHEREAS, the said Special Master, _______D_~n1.QJ=__.s..Q.ll;)-'-Q_:r.._____________m_______n_n___..______n_____ and party of the first part to these presents, in pursuance of the said order and decree of the said Court in Chancery, did, on the _____________2nd.____________________ day of -_____.._..D_QC_c_c1iJ_Ql~__________________________19 _____;;25) sell at public auction the said 1h'l)lllfdgYd premises, hereinafter particularly described, having first given previous notice of the time and place of sale, with a descriptIon of the said premises, agreeable to the order afore- . said; at which sale the said m6flYdg-ed premises, hereinafter particularly described, were sold to the said v f h d t f th f C'-'i ."J.",,,,_,-, l,nY1r'T"n'l -P-j f'-I-\~ part .-.J____ 0 t e secon par or e sum 0 _____..u-"-'dJ..v_~_L...........:.u.J.:......... -...l._.!...LL,;I-_______________________________n____ ( . .: 1 G~) O. ) - - - - - - - - - ~ ll' 'h b' h h' h b'dd f h ____________________________________' _________________________uo a!s. t at emg t e Ig est sum I en or t e same. I fj NOW, THEREFORE, THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That the said Special Master, in order to carry into effect the said sale so made as aforesaid, in pursuance of the said decree of the said Court of Chancery, in consideration of the' premises, and of the said sum of__nm_______________________________________m___________n_ S.j ",teen ]1lJ11(LPN] fj fi--r (::1 c[n 1 d 11 'd h' f h . h f b h 'd __~__":'_~~____~_::_""___:_:=__..__c_.. C.__"__n_.:____~..J_.__ _~_=~_____':ot_ 0 ars pal at t e tIme 0 t e executIon ereo, y t e sal . part_Y__ of the second part to the said Special Master, the receipt whereof he does hereby acknowledge, has granted, bargained and sold, aliened. released, conveyed and confirmed, and by these presents does grant, . . bargain and sell, alien. release, convey and confirm unto the said parL_;L__ of the second part, and to tj;:JLnG]],_Q._Q_Q.3E~~~s and assigns, forever, the certain parceLn__ of land in the County of_mJJ.aclc___________n_ State of Florida, described as follows: ___Lo_t.__l5___of-_lUo.c k _jl,..-nQC'O.1.l.lL..D.c.u.ch~--a---s.uh:=___----..-...-m r1i.vision 01' ])::vle Count~T F'lol'hl.a accordinrr to u Flat thereof 1'0- __. .._. _..n__..___n________..__..._. .__....__..... _..___nn_. ..~ . '.n. ..n"', ...... . ,. ..._____________..___->-_____________________________n______~-___'.__... .. _.n .. ..QQl'~lc(l .. :l.p'n FJ..!:lt .J> QQL__.2_1-_ _X n:..: {L.;,~ [LQX. __tlJ.9mLUblls.LR'l.c_QJ,~lla___Q!.._12J~g ~_nQ.Ql!!lt..:z:..l. _..Rl.Q~~ida ______________________________________________________---- _____________________________________________________n_______________n_ ---------- ---- ------------- -...----_.-- -- -- - .. -------------- -------------------- --------------------- ----------..------------------------------------- ~_. -- -- ---- ----------------------- -------_..._----~ ----------------------------------------...----. ---------- --------. -------- ------------------------ - --- - - ---- --------------------------------------------------.----------------------- ------...--------------------------------------------------- ,:j Ij I I -----------____________________________________.1.______________________ __________ _____________________ _____________________________________ f r r I I, I l: I I i, , ------------- ------ ---- -- - ---- .'---------------.----- --- ..' ,- ------.--- -------------.-- -- ------------------------------------------------------ -----.----------------------------------------...------- ------------,..------ --- --...----------------------------------------------------------------------------..--- ---- ------------------ ---------- -- ------------------ -------------------------- ~-------------------------------...------------------------------ --..-----...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...----- ---------------------------------------------------------------...------------- --.....-----..---------------------------------------------.. 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II , !l";~:~rOO::~A-~~~:==:~:-=:::==::===:=::=== -: :::=::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::===::::::::::::::===== !; -------- ------- --------------------------------------------- --------- -- --- - -- --------------- .---.--------------------------------,----------------------- I: I: I' '1 Iii '.I i; ..-------- ---..._-----------------~ - .- --------- ~-----------.._-----------------,~- --------------------------------_.-~.~ ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- - --------------------------------------- _..----- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- , Ii Ii I' 1,1 I:! i' i. I' I I together with all and singular the rights, belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said hereby granted and conveyed, or intended so to be, with the appurtenances, unto the said part~___ of the its S11 C('fi')A snY'g . . second part, ________._::___O<f1eW~ "ana assIgns, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the saId parL_Y- f h d J. t8 snccessoY!'ds. f o t e secon part, ________________lffHH an" assIgns orever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Special Master In Chancery, as aforesaid, has hereunto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. members, privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same premIses, above mentioned and described, and ~i~~f:n~'~~--I--~~:--- -__________(SEAL) -----T------ --- -- ~-------------- \ A. Special Mastec in C aneecy, as aforesaid. !l q .... .. .- '!"II " " ! ~ '. .... " ':1 ( _____________-1.2Al2E._ClQUllT.L________________COU NTY, \ STATE OF FLORIDA I, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments, hereby certify that______________________________ ________________-12ill~n~L._.sEELE.H____________n_______________________is well known to me, and known to me to be the :j j i'l :1 i:1 :.1 :/ individual described in and who executed the foregoing deed of conveyance, and that he acknowledged ~ : j before me that he executed the foregoing deed, as Special Master in Chancery, aforesaid, for the purposes 11:1 commission ., expires: ! ;:i ",..f.befe~p:.j:~pressed. ~ ~~ .... :\. J V ,,' '. ~ .l..,..::......Wit~e8~ my hand and official seal, the___________ _n ___ _ ____________day of____.D.aconhAl" I... ,. III. .", -, ,", '. '3"5 1:~ A~,A: D. 19f,:---:-" in the State and County aforesaid. ill:. . \...' ; !' i- f \ t ~ ~ \,. ;' . -; _ ~!." ;.~l .. <: ::... 'R :"""'~"J ' ....... /.. ~,. Ii'.."....... ". ~' ..<. FL ~ n \ \)' 1',,1 "",.." ',' ;1 i'l :1 i I :"; ~ i i " I , I ~t<lt..- of F1od4a County o(Dad\', ' ? fIj T, I~ ~Ji~en' ,W.2!:" filed fur n...:(Hd ,'h/P'd~V, of - ~ l?ir:r2:2.~, .)/vl ~l,l<JA" !,~, ,1t'U\'dt~J.!n ~'()'i.ll!_t':of "g-~__on Fngc..7.d--.. 'hi<' NOfl7--d.:li-:i: E. u. LEl\THE~R\-1AN. l~ ~~. (' J , I .V'/#... c BYh!1.____________ -------- - . . II II II II I' I: ~ Q ~ \I) ) I ...... ~ . , f) .--- \ --9 c\. o IioI 0: ~ .0: o lL. (.:'I 0:. C) (.) ll, ..~ L.. c<. ~-~, t. ,...- ~"""..-. ,10., ", 1:: := Q e) ...... t'J .... '-f:.( :=f.=l ....0 ~l'- .... . '~-l e),'r: '.,.1 1"1 o = ~ ~ ~- .... , - .... tit' .,~. (f) ,.~ (~~'l 'C", _~ 4 .~( D~; .~~ ~:; c', t.lJ ',1.1 C.' ::C. ~':~ ,-- ,:). ,",'f \..- tJj <-". ..J. '.::; C) -; ~::; u.. Cl (---, I..'" P .g 'C ~ 't. .... o ;)> ... c:: ::J o U : ! , i I I ! , , : , : I I I , ~ (::l , ! , , , I , i ! .... 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