Letter from Ocean Beach Realty ... . ~i'~"if!!~':'j';:W" "," -'" -., "-WI""'"- ,,_. " * ~, . ., ' ~ '" TO THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA. Gentlemen:... Whereas it has been brought to our attention that numerous petitions have been signed and f iled/~t) tpur Honorable Body requesting you to purohase from our Company & traot ot land desoribed as follows, to-wit: Lying, being and situated in the Town of Miami Beaoh in Dade County Florida"bounded on the East by the Atlantio ooean, on the North by the Riohard Ca.rney traot, on the'West by Ooean Drive, and on the South by the EdmiadWilson tract. , said tract of land oontaining appr~ximately ,twenty acres; and Whereas ~he Ooean Beach Realty Company is desirous of assisting the petitioners in so far as possible in having said property purchased and set aside as a permanent park for the Town of Miami Beach, the said Ocean Beach Realty , . Company hereby make the following proposition to the Town of . . Miami Beach as follows, to-wit: The ooean Beach Realty Company will sell to ,,- the Town of Miami Beach upon land oontract the tract of land desoribed above, whioh said tract has a fronta.ge upon the Atlantic Ocean of 41aO feet, tor tte'sum of Forty Thousand Dolla~s ($40,000.00), which said ~ shall be payable on or before 'twenty years from the date hereof with interest thereon at the rate of 5%p8E annum from January 1st, 1917. In oase this proposition is aocepted, ~he Ooean Beaoh Realty COlPany !and above obligate and bind themselves to plant \h~ et!ip of described in bermuda grass and oare for same until January . .. 1st, 1917. free of oharge to the Town of Miami Be_ohi After t said date, the T6wn of Miami Beach to assume all responsi- bility for the up-keel of said park. 'Il' t ...'(.... .j' ~ ..,~;.;. ., . .,. ~~ r"'~---- ,;>- " ,'" In case the Town of Miami Beaoh see proper to acoept this proposition, we request that an ordinanoe be passed aocepting said proposition, and authorizing the Mayor abd the Town Clerk to enter into a formal contraot with our Oompany purohasing said property, and authorizing 8aid Mayor and Clerk in the Town of Miami Beach to execute and deliver with said land contraot a note due on or before twenty years after 4ate of said contraot, whioh said note shall bear interest from January 1st, 1917, at 5% per annum. In making this proposition, it is distinctly understood and agreed that !h. Ooean Beach Realty Company are selling this land to the Town of Miami Beach for muoh less than its real value; it being understood that a part of the consideration upon which said sale is based.is that said land shall be perpetually used and dedioated '- park purposesJ and should the Town of .1am~ Beach at any time divert or attempt to divert said property for other purposes or offer same for sale for residential or commercial purposes, then in suoh . event all rights that may be ~ested in the Town of Miami Beach under this proposition, o~ under any contract or deed that may be entered into hereafter, .hall~mmedlately become null and void and the title shall immediately re-vest in f~ Ooean Beach Realty Company. Respeotfully submitted. OCEAN BEACH REALTY COMjANY. By a ~ J2Jn.nd..l . ~dent.