Plat Dedication Memo ~0~ FOR PLAT D~DICATXON
Bet~ a ~bal~st~ of p~ of See. ~ - D3 - 42
e~_ ~ o~ See, 8 - 5Z - 42.
To be slgno~ b~ 9he Ctt= of item1 Beteh,YloTlea,Ln~ b~ The
Ooeen ~etOh ~otlt~ COrnpRay, a OozeOweS/on of YlorleS,
Lots No, Iena 2 a~ve Shown on this plat fo: the pml}ose of
show2mg the ~ee sim}le tltle ~o the ~a Lots yesLea In the
City o~ Mt~n~ Boaoh,Florida, or its assl~ns.
I~S No. S is shown for ~he pm~ese of showia~ the fee s~le
title Is n~e~ in the C~ber of*C[~ree, a bo&F co~o~a~,
or its assays,
Lots 4, 5, 6, V, 8 ar~ 9 a~e shown for the purpose of ah~wtn6
the fee s!mplo title is veste~ in The O~ean Beach Realty
Compea~ o~ its assigns,
No butl~lu6 of any ktnE ts to be e~eote~ on Lots 1, 2, S, 4,
5, 6, 7, 8 at2 9 at a oost of less rhea $50,000,00
The 10 f~. eonex-e%e walks sho~n on this plat on the Nox-~h an~
South st~e of ~ts 1, "2, ~, 4, ~, 8 ~ 9 m to ~ ~S ~
mtn~atne~ by the ~e~ or ~erS of the loss ~t ~e hereby
~e~i~ate4 to the pe~et~l ~e of the ~1to,
The 10 ft. walk sh~n on ~he ~th st~e of I~t 9 and ~a the
South Si~e of Lot No. 8 is to be b~dlt an~ raintanned by the
Lot ewnex' oF owners bu~ sa.e hereby ~e~t.oate~ tO the perpetual
use of the lmblto, it bein~ the ~uton~iOla to keep Lots 8 axa~ 9
together on a~ount of Lot 9 bs~ in front of a restdense bele~6-
lu6 to the presl&ent of one of the ~onato~s Of all L~nms paTluS,
All t=eos ~emovee foF bu~141n~s on any Lots on this plat nmS~
~e replante~ on ~he pa~ks a~oinin6 the sai~ Lots.